Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2314 private talk

Bertin stood behind Georgiana, combing her short gray hair.

"The queen used to have brown hair." Bertin said while smoothing, "but when she failed to escape, her hair turned white overnight."

"Like me?" Georgiana asked.

"No, you don't look like it." Bertin hesitated and said, "Is the style of the hat also my decision?"

"Never mind that." Georgiana picked up a necklace "give it to me."

Bertin took the necklace and put it on for her.

"Go on," Georgiana urged.

"What do you want to hear?" Bertin asked.

"You saw her gray hair overnight."

Bertin arranged the ruby ​​necklace for Georgiana, and continued.

"At that time, she was imprisoned in the dungeon of the Palace of Versailles. You can't imagine how damp and dark this prison is made of steel and stone. The queen's shoes and socks have fallen off her feet due to long-term soaking in water. Can they The escape was successful because of the help of the prison guards and his wife." Bertin sighed, "I still remember the first time I saw their daughter, she was a very cute little girl, but her mouth was full of foul language .”

"Did grown-ups teach her?" asked Georgiana.

"The queen is a good person, and everyone who has come into contact with her will feel that way." Bertin said, "On the day of execution, it was the jailer's daughter who combed the queen's hair."

Georgiana listened impassively.

"People from the National Assembly are not allowed to visit the prison, but the queen's clothes are so torn, I want to give her clothes to wear."

"Nothing else?" said Georgiana impatiently.

Bertin continued to help her with her hair.

"When the king was recognized, they still had a chance to escape, as long as they left before the people surrounded the carriage, but suddenly five or six people ran out from the dark, they controlled the horse, and three soldiers planned to sacrifice themselves, Let the king rush over the checkpoint, but the king did not allow them to be injured. Soon, someone rushed up to the bell tower of the church and rang the alarm bell. The bell woke up the sleeping citizens. Everyone surrounded the carriage, and there was no way out. But run away. The king begged the people around him, and many people were persuaded by him to shed tears of sympathy. At this moment, the mayor and his wife came, and the queen was sitting in a carriage full of goods, with the children. Together, she shed tears and pleaded with the mayor's wife, because she is also a wife and mother, when the fate of another wife and mother rests in her hands..."

"What did the Mayor's wife say?" asked Georgiana.

"She said, 'If there's no risk, I'm happy to help you, you think of your husband, I want to think of mine too, a wife's first priority is to think of her husband,' and they were arrested, On the way back to Paris, an old man doffed his hat to the King, and was torn to pieces by the angry crowd."

Georgiana looked at Bertin expressionlessly.

"The queen was very scared when she mentioned that scene, aren't you afraid? Princess." Bertin said.

"Don't call me that," she said flatly.

"The queen told me that all pleadings and tears are useless. If one day I encounter her situation, remember not to ask for mercy. I will do as she said, although my former customers will be punished for debt collection. Hate me, but I'm taking a stand, I'm one of them."


"I am also a laborer, a craftsman, or I would be torn to pieces." Bertin said wearily. "The queen asked the jailer's daughter, 'Why do you hate me so much? Did I do something to offend you? ?', the jailer's daughter said 'No, you didn't hurt me, but you brought disaster to the country'. Many people think that I am an unfortunate bird, and it is better to be buried like the queen, how dare you use me?"

"Do you remember the letters between the king and Mirabeau? The sixth Duke of Arenberg and Mirabeau are friends, but he escaped to Austria safely." Georgiana snorted contemptuously.

"Maybe I'm still loyal to the Bourbons," Bertin said.

Georgiana looked back at her.

"I thought you were a selfish woman who had no bottom line in order to survive."

Bertin laughed.

"You are wrong, I still want to protect the legal rights of 20 women." After laughing, Bertin said, "You are different from those mistresses of the king. I have always been curious, why are you willing to be his mistress?"

Georgiana noticed Bertin's address, and it seemed that she didn't have much awe of Napoleon. Maybe in her eyes, he was still the artillery lieutenant who couldn't even enter the Palace of Versailles.

"I have my reasons," Georgiana said, looking at herself in the mirror.

"Can I ask?" Bertin whispered in Georgiana's ear, "I promise I won't tell."

Georgiana smiled.

It's a game that a lot of girls play, "I'll just tell you, don't tell anyone else," and by the next day at least half of them already know.

"Do you believe in magic?" Georgiana asked.

Bertin stiffened.

"I heard that the Tuileries Palace is haunted, so Josephine didn't dare to live there." Georgiana turned to look at Bertin "It's the ghost of Marie Antoinette, she said to Josephine 'How did you sleep in my bed'."

"I don't think the queen said it to Josephine." Bertin said, "on the day the queen returned to the Tuileries Palace, there was a woman who sold cherries. She sprinkled cherries on the queen's bed, and then lay on the bed. It said 'today it's our turn to rest'. She was not good looking and looked savage even in the Queen's hat, which she claimed defiled her by wearing it, and then she stepped on it underfoot."

Georgiana did not answer.

The hatred in Bertin's eyes was fleeting, and as if nothing had happened, she chose the clothes for Georgiana to wear when she met the Archbishop later, and Georgiana had a lot of clothes before she knew it.

Watching Bertin busy, Georgiana thought of another thing. If Mary in the Tuileries Palace just repeated what happened in that bedroom before her death, then would Margaret of Austria also repeat it? Repeat her death process of being stabbed by the broken glass of the cup and the wound was infected.

7 is a magical number. It is said that it cost 7 francs to buy Mary's coffin. Before her death, Joseph II was buried in the simplest coffin of the Habsburg emperors.

His successor, Leopold II, died after only two years as emperor. If the plan of the French king to flee to Austria is a secret known to few people, does Franz II know?

And those few people who rushed out from the dark and controlled the horse, who are they?

If it was Georgiana, she would definitely take this opportunity to whip the horse hard, set the horse into a gallop, and fight the man to the death.

But if she was really that sensible, she had a chance to escape last time at the opera, when Severus led the scavengers away, she could have run as well, when her fetters were broken.

She wanted to prove it, so she chose to stay, and then...

"It seems that we are all easy to look at other people's affairs, but we can't figure it out when it's our turn." Georgiana said to Bertin's back, "This is called 'authority obsession'."

Bertin turned around and put a piece of clothing in front of her.

"How about this one?"

She was not in the mood at first, so she nodded indifferently.

As soon as she put on her clothes, she felt a tingling sensation.

"Look at my back," Georgiana said to Bertin.

Bertin checked and removed one thing, and the tingling was gone.

Georgiana looked at what she was holding in her hand. It was a needle.

"I'll teach you a lesson..."

"This dress was not made by your subordinates." Georgiana said blankly, "I brought it from Paris."

She threw the needle in Bertin's hand onto the dressing table.

Can such a naive method of cursing people work?

The moment she looked up, she saw a boy in the mirror, and when she turned her head to look, he had already disappeared.

"Shit." She couldn't help but curse vulgarly.

Should she tell Josephine what she just discovered, and tell her not to be afraid of Marie Antoinette's ghost, and go back to the Tuileries Palace with peace of mind?

Then she remembered that Josephine's room had been opened for a dance, and many people had gone in. Could it be that someone put something in it?

That would require a big search, but Georgiana didn't have the authority to search the "mistress"'s room.

"Shit." She cursed again, because only this word can express her mood at the moment.

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