Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2316 limited

In the French Civil Code, the "partnership" system replaces the shareholding system. A partnership bears joint and several unlimited liability, while a joint stock system bears limited liability. For example, if a company owes foreign debts, each partner must bear it, while the shareholding system is limited to the amount of capital contributed by the shareholders. When the company is insolvent, it will not use the personal property of the shareholders that have not invested in the debt to pay off the debt.

Similarly, the method of profit distribution is also different. Partners can share equally according to the contract, or according to the agreed method. The partnership bears the funds according to the agreement, and Bonaparte paid part of the money when he signed the Industrial Credit Bank contract. In the contract signed by Georgiana the day before yesterday, as the agent of Bonaparte's Belgian property, she can settle this Dominion of Pen Wealth Signed.

In addition to movable and immovable properties, the partnership also has intellectual property rights. William Cockerill can provide all spare parts for spinning machines that manufacture high-count yarns. In addition, he has worked in several manufacturing companies in Birmingham and is familiar with smelting, processing, Assemble all processes. Many of the talents who have left the UK are ordinary people who are not well-known. Most of them are lured by high salaries or coaxed by old workers. After going abroad, they find that there is a wider space for development.

Cockerill had only one daughter. She was attracted by a young man who worked in the metallurgical industry in Liege. The two married in Europe. Under the persuasion of his son-in-law and daughter, William Cockerill came to Europe from England mainland.

Cockerill was different from the Victor Dupont she had met. He was a more down-to-earth mechanic. It was unusual for someone who specialized in technology to settle the loan, but Cockerill also had his grand plans. In the future, he will also be engaged in the production of various heavy industries, and he will still be bound by the contract before the contract expires.

The contract he signed was formulated in accordance with the laws of the Holy Roman Empire. The French Civil Code has not yet been printed, and there is no Dutch language. It is still difficult to implement it in Belgium.

It's like the French won the Spanish throne war, but the British benefited the most. The Strait of Gibraltar and Dunkirk belonged to the British. During the Second Anti-French Coalition, William Pitt Jr. agreed to help Prussia capture the Austrian Netherlands and Westphalia between Belgium and Prussia, in addition to agreeing to pay Prussian soldiers £12 each. soil of.

The current king of Sweden is pro-British. Although Denmark was bombarded by Copenhagen, it still has to go to the West Indies to do business. In addition to the "neutral" Prussia, apart from Russia, Baltic trade is almost a foregone conclusion.

In fact, in the earliest "Luneville Peace Treaty", the Austrian representative did not intend to cede Prussia's territory. Of course, this was not to safeguard the interests of the Hohenzollern family, but did not want to give Prussia the opportunity to make any claims.

There are only six "free cities" left in the "Subordination Act", and the spinning mills will be exploited by these German princes when they purchase goods from cities other than these six free cities.

Georgiana didn't agree immediately, he just dictated his future plans, unsecured credit is like a liar, intending to deceive the girl's heart with sweet words. But she agreed to take him to Brussels to visit the castle with the other bankers of the Credit Bank, if not to give bread to everyone like Jacob, at least to get something that can be used to convince people.

Maybe he failed too many times, but Cockerill didn't seem too frustrated. Before he left, Georgiana called Leila and asked her to record his name in the invitation book. Remember to send him an email next time there is a banquet. an invitation.

Even if it is not for spinning mills and metallurgical factories, such talents are worth introducing to Shaputal.

After seeing off the guests, Richard accompanied her to meet the Archbishop of Mechelen. This time they still rode in a carriage and arrived at the door of the church under the escort of Mamluks. Her carriage of six purebred horses was very impressive. They are ostentatious, especially with fluffy feathers on their heads.

Tsk tsk, look at this pie scene.

Georgiana would be so sarcasm if passers-by, but who has ever seen herself sarcasm herself?

The bell tower of the Church of St. Lumodi was damaged in yesterday's attack, and it cannot be repaired by magic. After all, the flame of the Garuda is also a magical flame.

According to the memory tampered with by the Ministry of Magic, the tower was struck by lightning. Even though she knew it was a natural phenomenon, it still gave people a very unlucky feeling. She had to come here no matter what.

This time the archbishop was not in full tuxedo and was waiting for Georgiana in his office, which meant that no members of the clergy could be present except Father Grégoire.

The choir came today and they are singing now. They are not from the orphanage as Father Roy said, but are children from local wealthy families, similar to Beethoven's grandfather Ludwig.

It sounded better than the twins singing the Hogwarts school song to the funeral march, but it wasn't as funny.

Teenagers in the rebellious period are the "nightmare" of all parents, especially when their parents are still middle-aged and tortured by both career and family. It would be even worse if they failed to invest and ran away with debts like Beethoven's great-grandfather up.

The bankers in Nantes invested in the shipbuilding industry. When peace came, shipping should have prospered. However, if it weren’t for Spain’s two million hectares of grain orders, many companies would have closed down, and the reality was often different from the predictions.

She didn't know why the Archbishop didn't "bless" at the ceremony, Bonaparte hated it, he was upset that the Archbishop of Cambacéres hadn't let him kiss the communion tray last time.

Georgiana compensated the cost of building the bell tower in the name of donation, and hoped that the archbishop would hold a mass for her.

It was an astonishing request, but she hoped that after Communion no one would suspect that she was a witch.

"I don't think I can grant your request," said Father Roquerol.

"May I ask why?" Georgiana asked.

"I think you know what I'm talking about." The old priest said blankly, without uttering the word.

That's not a good word for a Muggle, and it was offensive enough for Severus to call Lily a witch the first time he greeted her.

At one point the conversation reached a point where it couldn't continue.

"Just now, I met a guest from Liege, and he reminded me of someone. There was a bishop of Liege, who once said to the king during the power struggle, 'There is a difference between obedience and allegiance. Yes, we must obey the Pope, but we must be loyal to you', I know that according to the hierarchy of the church, you must obey a higher authority, even if it is something that does not conform to the secular rules, but the premise of this obedience is that the authority cannot Make a mistake..."

"May I ask, why did you choose St. Catherine as the saint of the Order?" asked the archbishop, "just because we happened to go to St. Catherine's Church that day?"

Georgiana didn't know what to say.

"I want to see the choir performance." Edgeworth said to Gregoire suddenly, "do you want to see it, Father?"

"Of course." Gregoire said with a smile, "Today we listen to the voice of an angel, and another day we might hear the voice of being kissed by an angel."



After the two closed the door, their voices could not be heard.

"Can we speak now?" asked Father Roquerol, looking her in the eyes.

Georgiana thought, what would she say? Say, like Catherine from Siena, that she has seen heaven, hell, and purgatory?

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