Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2300 infinity (in)

Georgiana came to the Church of St. Lumodi almost by the same route yesterday. This is almost always the case in medieval cities. The city hall, church, and market are all located in the center of the city, and even next to the city hall is a cloth merchant. the location of the meeting.

After getting off the car, she first saw a tall clock tower, which is also the commanding height of Mechelen. There are at least 20 bells in it, and it is they that make melodious music.

Every city has a landmark building. Florence's landmark building, the Mercenary Loggia, is located next to the Lord's Square. It was originally used to watch performances for members of the Medici family. It was used for stationing in Germany from 1376 to 1382. Mercenaries, hence the name Mercenary Loggia.

That is to say, when the guild craftsmen from various regions were braving the scorching sun and waiting for the results of the discussions in the courtyard of the government affairs hall, those German mercenaries were enjoying the shade under the loggia while watching a play. When Florence reached its heyday in the 16th century, the Mercenary Loggia became more and more beautiful. Not only were many sculptures added, but it also became the place where the Chief Executive of Florence was sworn in.

The bell tower in Mechelen was not repaired due to a shortage of funds halfway through the repair, and the top was hastily capped.

Her eyes quickly shifted from the bell tower to the church door, and the person who greeted her was a tall and thin old man, wearing a full bishop's dress, standing upright, looking very tough, not at all like an 80-year-old man, Behind him was the whole priesthood, but... she didn't see Bonaparte.

"I knew it." She murmured in a low voice, then pulled the hem of her skirt and got out of the car with Figel's support.

Archduke Ferdinand and his wife were in the same carriage, and then they were assassinated together. She was still thinking that it would be good to separate like this.

When she came to Archbishop Roquerol, she didn't know what to say for a moment.

"Welcome," said the archbishop in French, smiling.

"Nice to meet you," Georgiana smirked.

If there is an Inquisition here, then these people will all be present on the bench.

Her eyes quickly swept over the clergy, they were all expressionless, or in other words, kept solemn.

"It's been a hard journey." The archbishop said politely.

"It will get better in the future." Georgiana said, "After the road is repaired, travel will be much more convenient than now."

"Like the Romans."

A barely audible voice said in the crowd, and Georgiana didn't bother to discern who said it, nor did she give any explanation. Even when Ron Weasley hit her on the head twice with a pod, she acted like nothing happened.

The archbishop took Georgiana into the church for a visit, and it could be seen that it was a Gothic building, which also showed how abrupt the tower without a spire looked.

The era in which St. Lumoudi lived happened to be the Carolingian Dynasty, and the hagiography was very rich in the Merovingian period. The saints in this period were not like the Roman rule period in which St. Donatin of Bruges lived. Both abbots and bishops can write biographies, and the church tries hard to include them in the ranks of saints. In comparison, "apostles" are relatively rare.

The Frankish Kingdom during the Merovingian period was in the initial stage of national development. As a former "barbarian", only a few senior monks were needed to meet the simple writing needs of the king and courtiers. By the time of Charlemagne, the increase of the empire's provinces and the increase in the exchange of documents led to the need for more well-trained talents, which forced Charlemagne to take a series of measures to improve the court and church schools, and the organizers of these schools and education They are the members of the Imperial Academy gathered around the king.

The 8th century coincided with the heyday of the Tang Dynasty. Along with the Silk Road, it was not just silk and spices that came to Western Europe. During this period, seminaries focused on grammar, rhetoric and debate. At that time, the Byzantine Empire was still there. And the Academy of Athens.

After experiencing a series of natural and man-made disasters such as the "Whip of God" Attila, the Justinian plague, and civil war, the Eastern Roman Empire was severely damaged. In the middle of the 7th century, Syria and Egypt became part of the Arab Empire. At this time, Byzantium The main enemy of the empire has changed from the Persians to the Arabs. They have a powerful army and a large navy.

But at this time, the Byzantines invented a secret weapon called "Greek Fire" and used it to burn almost all the naval ships of Arabia. With this secret weapon, the Byzantine Empire, which was on the verge of collapse, regained its sea power and brought it back to life. The ruler of the Roman Empire, Leo III, launched a movement to destroy icons within the empire.

This movement not only destroys the statues of those saints, but also confiscates the property and land of the church, and forces the priests to become secular. There was a similar movement in the Netherlands, but it did not affect the Church of St. Lumudi. The remains of St. Lumudi are still in the church, and the sculptures on the coffin are also in good condition.

Fortunately, the Crown of Thorns was hidden during the Revolution, if someone had the brains to throw it into the fire and burn it with Geneviève's bones...

The French Revolution did have excesses, which Father Grégoire has exposed and announced, and he is here today.

Fortunately, he didn't mention returning the documents taken from Leuven or translating them into French. The alliance between the church and the royal power is not only in the divine right of the king, the church also participated in the control of the newly conquered territory with the emperor and the king, and changed the culture and customs of the people in the newly conquered land.

In addition, they are also policy promoters. She has a deep understanding of the promotion of building a sugar factory in Belgium this time. Farmers go to church in addition to going to the market. The United States also conducted a census in 1790, but it took several years for the population to be less than 4 million. The population of France is 20 million, but it took less than a year to count them. All that is needed is for the priests to count the number of believers in their parishes. Adding and subtracting a few deaths and illnesses, it is basically the same.

Even the cadastres of the Middle Ages were compiled by the church. When the secular world has no information to record the events at that time due to war or other reasons, the church will generally have it. However, in the history of the destruction of icons, even the church does not have it. This period of time is shrouded in darkness, and only folklore and myth can trace some clues.

At the same time, these materials kept in the church can also be tampered with or hidden. Regarding the original copy stored in the church library by the Udine Inquisition, Georgiana does not know how the Archbishop of Combaceres obtained it, but since it is in Cambaceres If it is in the hands of the Archbishop of Paris, then it will be gone in the library of Paris, and people will not know that Michele's trial shocked the Pope as much as the trial of Galileo.

Also in the riots of 1378, there was also a man named Michele di Lando, who succeeded Salvesterlo of the Medici as the new standard-bearer of justice and overwhelmed the people of the uprising.

However, when the turmoil ended, Michele was exiled. He was so devoted to his duties at the beginning, and did not make his compatriots feel grateful. When Florence was busy fighting internally, Louis of France sent his troops to Puglia. Attempt to occupy Tuscany.

Fortunately for the Florentines, Louis died, so the Florentines suddenly changed from worrying about their own city-state to buying back the city from the Arezzo people where Louis was stationed.

After getting Arezzo, Florence held a grand celebration, as if it had won a big victory. Many families tried their best to compare with the country's magnificence and show off their wealth. No one remembered the riots not long ago.

This time, there was no large-scale riot, but the hatred and jealousy against a family. Both the Florentine government and the low-level citizens wanted this family to be destroyed, but this family was not Medici.

Then the patriarch of this family was exiled. He made a long trip to visit the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem. On the way back home, he died of illness in Rhodes Island. His body was transported back to Florence. Those who had persecuted him were buried as grandly as possible. Although they had vilified him in every possible way while he was alive.

In the purgatory written by Dante, as long as the living are still praying for the dead, then he still has hope and will not go to hell.

She knew that Napoleon was finally buried in the Invalides, according to his will, on the banks of the Seine, among the French people. His coffin also went through a long journey back to Paris.

She knew clearly that he was dead, and the occupations that had contact with ghosts were somewhat different from the world of "normal people", such as wizards, psychics, fortune tellers, etc., but he didn't believe in these gods and gods.

Calculating the time, she entered the Louvre to explore on the night of the full moon after the summer solstice. It seems that this is her "A Midsummer Night's Dream". She also entered a magical world, but she does not know when she will leave.

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