Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2301 infinity (Part 2)

There was such an open class at the University of Padua, which was about the definition, characterization and redefinition of gods and heroes in ancient Greek and Roman religions.

Many little boys have the dream of being a hero, but what does a hero look like?

In Machiavelli's account, Michele de Lando is a carder, barefoot and barely clad, when the common people started rioting all over the city and everything was set ablaze by arson Clothes, he had sweated profusely on that hot summer night, as if smeared with olive oil.

He climbed up the stairs step by step and entered the audience room of the ruling group. At this time, the ruling group had already gone home. The people who were following him suddenly stopped and stood at the bottom of the steps. Michele looked back the masses.

"Look!" Michele said to the crowd, "This city-state is already yours, and this city-state is already in your hands. What do you think should be done?"

"We would like to make you our standard bearer of justice and our sovereign," said the crowd.

So Michele accepted the appointment. He became the standard bearer of justice just like Salvestero de Medici. Gloria was elected when everyone felt that saving the city-state was hopeless, and even the last steadfast members of the ruling group withdrew.

At this time, Florence still belonged to the era of the Ricci family. Just like the Borgia family, the deadly rival of the Medici family, the Ricci family also had a feud with the Albici family. The Medici family was not the protagonist at this time. One can threaten Salvestero to sit back in his seat.

At this time, the Medici family had not yet become the Pope's banker. Machiavelli believed that the Pope's commissioner cut off the food supply to Florence and launched an attack on Florence during the spring plowing. Pope Gregory XI insisted on moving the Holy See back to Rome in spite of the objections of some French cardinals in order to protect the papal territory from being invaded by the Visconti family.

The Visconti family rose up in Milan in the 11th century, and reached its peak in the 15th century as the Duke of Milan and Count of Pavia, controlling most of northern Italy. The rule of the Visconti family was declared to be over until Francesco Sforza seized the duke title in 1450.

During the expansion of the Visconti family, the territory of the Papal State was continuously reduced. The Black Death in the 14th century killed nearly half of the population in many cities, except for Milan. The doors and windows of that house were sealed, and later Venice also used a similar method to isolate, allowing sailors arriving in Hong Kong to stay on an island for a period of time before entering the city.

The Visconti family had controlled Milan for many years, but Milan was not yet a duchy until 1395 when Giovanni Gallizzo Visconti bought the title of Duke of Milan from Wenceslav of Bohemia. The principality is considered to be established.

At that time, Bohemia belonged to the Holy Roman Empire, a country ruled by emperors. In 1378, not only Gregory XI died, but Galliazzo II, the ruler of Milan, also died. His son Giovanni Gallizzo Visconti inherited the rule of Milan, but he With Pavia as its capital, it is further south than Milan and closer to Florence, and there were indeed many wars between Milan and Florence.

It was said that Giovanni Gallizzo's uncle, Bernabo, was a scoundrel who ruled over the other half of the Visconti lands. Not only did he pay heavy taxes, but he also liked hunting, forcing farmers to raise 3,000 hunting dogs for him, and letting the dogs bite people. The Holy See has repeatedly condemned him.

The emblem of the Visconti family is a snake, which is derived from their original fief anghiera. The Latin anguis stands for snake. This family is good at conspiring to subvert, mostly maintaining power through negotiation, conspiracy and assassination. Ni Gallizzo killed his uncle by assassination, and then inherited the other half of the family's territory. But people in this family are not good at leading troops to fight, so they need a lot of mercenaries.

There was a schism between the Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church in 1054, and Gregory XI hoped to reunite the two.

However, after Gregory's death at eleven o'clock in 1378, differences occurred in the College of Cardinals. The citizens of Rome were determined to keep the Holy See in Rome. After succeeding to the throne, he tried to eliminate the influence of France on the Holy See, which aroused the dissatisfaction of the French cardinals. They planned to re-elect a French bishop, and returned to Avignon, announcing that Urban VI was elected under coercion, and his position was invalid. In addition, Cardinal Clement VII of Geneva was elected as the new Pope.

At this time, during the Hundred Years War between Britain and France, the kings of various countries recognized the Pope of Rome and the Pope of Avignon respectively according to their political attitudes and relationships. It was not until 1409, at the initiative of King Charles VI of France and the University of Paris, that the two cardinal colleges held a meeting in Pisa to depose Gregory XII of Rome and Benedict XIII of Avignon at the same time. , and Alexander V was elected as the new pope.

However, Benedict XIII and Gregory XII had the support of some kings respectively, and both refused to abdicate, thus forming a situation where three popes stand together.

Unlike secular writers like Machiavelli, the history written by the church often includes these astronomical visions, or other omens, such as meteors appearing in the sky, or blood spurting out of a pool. A great comet appeared in November 1378, but the turmoil in Florence had ended at that time, and Michele, the carder, did not become the monarch of Florence as he thought.

And those common people who originally supported Michele learned that in the city-state he reorganized, the upper class of the common people was treated too much, and their own share was too small, so they took up arms again, shouting and resolutely The ruling group was asked to go downstairs immediately to consider a new approach. Michele did not dare to provoke them and persuaded them to lay down their arms before promising to make some concessions to them. The crowd, enraged by this answer, immediately withdrew to the eight commissioners of Santa Maria Novella, and there were two governments in the city-state. They listed their requirements, snatched the positions and remuneration of the standard bearers of justice from Salvesterlo and Michele, and sent two people to the ruling group, insisting on approval. Ratification will be achieved with the threat of force.

Michele couldn't tolerate it anymore, he drew his sword and seriously wounded the messenger, and threw him into prison. After the incident was reported, there was an uproar, and then Michele led the citizens, who had calmed down, and ran to Santa Maria Nove Pull the "enemy".

In the end, the citizens led by Michele won, the riots subsided, and a new ruling group was elected. The election method was determined by lottery. Two people in the new ruling group were from common people, but Salvestro Medici The position of the standard bearer of justice was not given up to Michele. The honorary position of the new government was divided into two parts, with the high-level and low-level guilds each occupying half, and the two sides took turns as the standard-bearer of justice.

In this way, calm was temporarily restored inside the city-state, but threats outside the city-state came again.

Conspiracies are often like this, too few people are not enough to accomplish things, and too many people are not easy to keep secrets. Salvestero de' Medici would have noticed something was wrong because he had received a warning in advance. Medici was a civilian at the time The aristocrat, who couldn't tolerate the oppression of the common people by the powerful, won the sympathy and support of most of the middle class and the upper class of the common people.

If you look at it from different angles, you can see different vases, but a vase is a vase, and it will not become something else. You can't point at a deer and insist that others say it is a horse.

Georgiana didn't know what tricks Bonaparte was playing. Although she was an 80-year-old man, Roquerolle was still able to move, and he didn't seem to need special treatment from others. Moreover, he would lead her up the bell tower.

She intends to wait a little longer, is it possible that Bonaparte will come later? No matter how energetic the old priest was, it was impossible for him to climb the bell tower twice in a full suit. It was very tiring to climb up and down like this.

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