Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2299 infinity (Part 1)

The Woolcarders' Revolt of 1378 is generally considered to be the first armed struggle of wage-earners, waged by woolworkers over demands such as the right to stand in municipal elections, increased wages and extended debt repayments.

"It can be seen that under the domination of the law of rise and fall, various regions often go from governance to chaos, and then from chaos to governance. Because the nature of human affairs does not allow regions to go on a smooth road; when they reach When things are perfectly perfect, they will soon decline; in the same way, when they have become chaotic and depressed, and it is impossible to go any lower, they must start to rise. That's how the good goes from bad to bad , and then from bad to good."

This sentence is written in Machiavelli's History of Florence, which also records the rebellion of 1378, but from a different angle. From 1305 to 1377, due to the "Prisoner of Avignon", the Holy See was divided into two parts, Rome and Avignon. In 1370, Gregory XI was elected Pope of Avignon. Always trying to move the papacy back to Rome, he, like his predecessors, sent representatives to rule Italy. Machiavelli wrote in the book, "These representatives were greedy and oppressed many cities. At that time, a representative was stationed in Bologna. He took advantage of the famine in Florence to cut off all food supplies, and also to destroy their future harvest. When he arrives, send a large number of armed forces to launch an attack on Florence, and try to rule the whole of Tuscany."

This representative sent mercenaries. After the Florentines paid them 130,000 florins, they gave up their plan to attack Florence.

"People can fight when they want to fight, but it is often not so easy when they want to withdraw from war. The war against the Pope was instigated, and the Florentines allied themselves with Milan and some city-states that were hostile to the church. Eight citizens are in charge of commanding the war, and they are given full authority to act without asking, and to spend as much as they think they need, without being billed for reimbursement."

The war lasted until the end of Pope Gregory XI, that is, March 27, 1378. The people were so satisfied with the command of the 8 citizens that they were able to continue for another term, but the problems were just beginning.

After the death of the pope, the city-state can get rid of foreign wars, but the interior is still very chaotic. The old nobles and civilian leaders formed the Guelph faction, among them were Rapo, Piero and Carlo. On the opposite side was all the lower classes, whose leaders were the eight commissioners who directed the war, Alberti and the Medici, and the rest, according to Machiavelli, joined the disaffected side.

Although the old nobles and civilian leaders also opposed the church, they did not intend to rob the church. These eight commanders not only allowed the mercenaries to rob the church, but also forced the priests to worship and wished them victory.

Then they discovered that a rival faction was stripping them of their honorary positions and trying to take over power, and the only way to do that was to banish the opponent from the city, occupy the Palace of the Triumvirate, and bring the city-state under their control.

The Pope died in March, and in April Rabo felt that it was inappropriate to continue to delay. Delay is the greatest danger to them, because Salvestro de' Medici is likely to become the standard-bearer of justice. After discussion, they think it is necessary Concentrate a certain amount of strength, but the mobilization of these troops is easy to be discovered, so they think it is best to do it on John the Baptist's Day, which is the most important festival in the city-state, and a large number of people will inevitably come to participate.

In the Inferno of the Divine Comedy, a person in the Forest of Suicides claims to have changed the guardian of Florence to John the Baptist. Every year from June 22nd to 24th, the whole of Florence is immersed in a festive atmosphere during these three days to celebrate the Feast of John the Baptist. In the Gospel of Mark, St. John is described as eating only locusts and honey. Therefore, during festivals, there are many honey-related delicacies in the road market in Florence.

In addition, because St. John is also the patron saint of Genoa, Genoa celebrates by burning bonfires on the beach along the Ligurian Sea and holding float parades in the city.

Britain also celebrates this festival, but it has a pagan color. The summer solstice is around June 21, while June 22 is Midsummer Night, and June 23 is Midsummer Day. According to legend, on Midsummer Night, people will have strange experiences and may enter the magical world. Druids will gather at Stonehenge before the dawn of the summer solstice to hold celebrations.

This seems somewhat irrational, so William Shakespeare used the term "midsummer madness" in "A Midsummer Night's Dream".

Salome once performed the dance of the seven veils for King Herod. After pleasing King Herod, she made a request to cut off the head of John the Baptist. The reason why she did that was because this young girl who was only sixteen years old refused to woo John. After getting John's head, she kissed John in tears. Like Xifa, tears mixed with bloody saliva turned into a frozen lake.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of St. John's Day, the Guelph faction organized enough people. After being selected as the standard bearer of justice, Salvestero noticed the abnormality, so he left the government affairs conference hall under the pretext of having a private matter.

Members of the ruling group and their colleagues came together after hearing the news, and when they saw the bannerman of justice abandoning his position, they pleaded and ordered him to stay in his position. At this time, the hall was in chaos, and the standard bearers from the artisan guilds from all walks of life had already occupied the courtyard surrounded by people with weapons.

The Council of State gave the artisans' guilds and commoners the hope of correcting bad things, and at the same time, in order to avoid being accused of being the perpetrators, it gave the power to the executive, the colleagues, the eight commissioners, the high officials of the districts, and the officials of the artisans' guilds, please They reorganized the city-state government for the benefit of the entire city-state. That is to say, the craftsmen did not come here to solve the problem by force at the beginning. The people in the courtyard expected the people in the government affairs meeting room to give them a solution, just like the people in St. Paul's Square waiting to announce the result of the Pope's election.

But as time went by, the government affairs meeting did not discuss the results. It was summer and there was no shade in the courtyard. People who had stood under the sun for a long time lost their patience. A grumpy craftsman caught Karl Lo's neck, and the mere act of dissuading them caused a great commotion, Alberti yelled at a window for people to take up arms, and the prefects of the districts decided to rebel against the orders of the ruling corps in order to save themselves, but when they came When they got outside, there was already a commotion, so they all fled to their homes to hide.

No one should imagine that once the masses are stirred up, they can be controlled as they please, or they can be stopped from engaging in violent actions. In order to retaliate, the artisans led by Rabo ransacked and burned Rabo's house, but Rabo had fled to the church of Santa Croce at this time, and then fled to Casentino disguised as a monk, where he To hear people complain that they should not have agreed to do it on St. John's Day, but when they were more sure of having the government and the standard-bearer of justice in their hands.

Things got out of hand after Rapo's house burned down, more houses were destroyed, and prisons were opened, mobs were released and the convents and convents were ransacked, where many citizens put their belongings for safety In the monastery, even the government chamber was not spared. There is only one exception, a governor on horseback, followed by many armed citizens, not all of them want to take advantage of the fire, they have not forgotten that they are here for the welfare of the city-state, and that governor is worthy of respect People, the anger of the masses was suppressed.

Even when the people of Paris rushed into Versailles and planned to attack the queen, Lafayette's timely presence stopped them from attacking.

Many people in this country plan to take the opportunity to make trouble, and they will take advantage of the wave of protests to expand the storm infinitely. If Napoleon bombards civilians with cannons when he is with Portugal, then he will not be the same as he was during the Bruma coup. Bad memory" was greeted as heroes by the citizens of Paris.

The young Napoleon often did things on a whim, such as dragging Josephine to the marriage registration, but he almost broke the appointment because he participated in the military meeting, and made Josephine wait in the city hall for a day wearing a wedding dress.

Once, on a whim, he asked Caprara to officiate a religious wedding for them, but was rejected by the Pope's special envoy, who was naughty and tough. After all, Caprara had no debts.

She hoped that this was not another whim of his, they were not kids anymore, performing the sword-giving ceremony on the school stage, and the parents would still be in the audience, holding the camera equipment and yelling "so cute".

Taking chances, she only brought the jewels she wore on this tour, and she didn't bring out the other ceremonial sword inlaid with roses that was cut by the Regent's diamond and inlaid in two halves. But if he is determined, he can borrow a sword at will, and then perform the ceremony in the Cathedral of St. Lumaidi, in the witness of the archbishop who "has a bad memory".

There were many Irish monks preaching in the Netherlands in the Middle Ages. The patron saint of St. Lumoudi Cathedral was from Irish monks. At that time, St. Patrick had discovered the entrance to hell.

After being ordained bishop in Rome, Lumodi joined the order of St Willibrord, was assassinated in 775 by two locals whom he condemned, and was finally buried in the church of San Lumodi.

Saint Willibrod was an Anglo-Saxon missionary and patron saint of the Netherlands. Born in Northumberland, England around 658 AD. He was sent to Ripon Abbey near York as a disciple of St. Wilfried when he was young. Came to Ireland in 678 to learn teachings from St. Egbert at Rathmere Higgy Abbey. In 688 he became a priest. In 690, he was sent with 11 other missionaries to Friesland in the north of the Netherlands, met with the Christian Frankish King Pepin II in Utrecht, and began to preach to the Frisians after obtaining consent .

In 692, Willibrod went to Rome to meet with Pope Sergius I and obtained the apostolic authorization of the Holy See. On November 21, 695, he went to Rome for the second time. On the recommendation of Sergei III, bishop of St. Cecilia, he was appointed by the archbishop who governed the Frisians and conferred the holy name of Clement. Afterwards he settled in Utrecht and built a cathedral of the Holy Lord.

After the death of Pepin II in December 714, the non-religious Frisian King Ladd immediately ordered the church to be demolished, persecuted and massacred Christians, and expelled Willibrod from the country. During this period he wandered among Maas, De Waal, Brabant, Thuringia, Denmark and Heligoland, and did not return to his post until the death of Laddon in 719. In the next 20 years, he rebuilt many churches and monasteries, and trained a large number of indigenous priests, so that the Frankish kingdoms were under the influence of English culture for a long time.

The opinion of most people is not the same as being objective, most people are made up of individuals, and individual opinions are always subjective, just like a vase placed on a round table, the people sitting around the table have different perspectives , the vases seen are also different. Should we take what we see as the standard and force others to be exactly the same as what we see?

In a world that already lacks forgiveness, think twice.

What's more, apart from the lack of forgiveness in this world, there is also a lack of forgetting.

Even if your brain forgets, there is still paper to help you remember. When I was in Rouen, Georgiana communicated with the Archbishop of Cambaceres, and Ferrer took notes. Archbishop Paul was a friend.

But she said so much, what moved Archbishop Cambacéres most was the "increase of pastoral areas" in Brittany. Even though they promoted cider instead of wine, Irish missionaries did not force it to promote it in the Netherlands. Wine, but the beer that the locals love to drink.

St. Willibrod met with the Christian Frankish king Pepin II in Utrecht and "after obtaining his consent" began to preach to the Frisians.

Some people may object again, but are you willing to leave the world of flowers and go to such a desolate place to be with seabirds?

Archbishop Roquerol and the Mechelen Priesthood wrote a letter of protest, mainly to protest against the confiscation of the materials of the seminary, and did not incite judges and public officials like some theologians did. She felt that she was taking the Mamluks to church today, and that the priests might not hide as much as they did the last time she went to St. Pierre Church in Geneva.

She wasn't just in the office in Geneva... In short, she had a good night's sleep last night. Although she wasted a lot of planning time, she felt refreshed when she woke up early in the morning. A clear mind was extremely important to her.

When she was ready, she put on her cloak and left the palace.

At this time, the sky outside the window was gray, as if there was no dawn, but the church bell had already rang, and the sound did not sound melodious, but rather like a musical instrument called a chime, playing a hymn she had never heard before .

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