Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2290 scarlet woman (4)

Many cities in Germany are named after "fort", such as Hamburg, Wittenberg, Wartburg, Neuschwanstein, etc. This vast area has long been in a chaotic state of melee among princes, and there are Vikings in the north, French in the west, and Tsarist Russia and the Ottoman Empire in the east. In this situation of loose sand, there is a high wall It is a wise choice for each castle to protect itself.

The situation in Hamburg is a bit special. It is located on the banks of the Alster River and belongs to one of the members of the Hanseatic League. Although the Hanseatic League has disappeared, the model of autonomous cities it left behind remains. It differed from the feudal system, but was established according to the charter and Lübeck law.

Feudalism needs enfeoffment followed by construction. When the king needs a foreign war, he must send troops even if the war has nothing to do with the feudal lord. And there must be boundaries when enfeoffing. Some commercial cities such as Hamburg are considered "fat" "The feudal lords hoped that they could be divided within their own boundaries when enfeoffing, and Hamburg was unwilling to be squeezed by the feudal lords, so they joined the Hanseatic League.

The Teutonic Knights may not be able to fight at sea, but at that time there were few troops in Germany that could compete with the Teutonic Knights. When the Teutonic Knights were called the Teutonic Knights, the North German cities that joined the Hanseatic League gained certain The source of the Teutonic Knights mainly came from the Saxony and Hesse regions within the Holy Roman Empire.

The Teutonic Knights were not entrusted by the Holy Roman Emperor. At the beginning, they obeyed the Pope's order and came to the ancient Prussian area from Israel to eliminate the heretics of natural beliefs. They preached by force in the Baltic Sea area. Later, the Kingdom of Poland tried to conquer Prussia. Duke Condela of Poland invited the Teutonic Knights to enter the Prussian region because he was a member of the Teutonic Knights, and then the Teutonic Knights had their own series of strongholds.

In 1236, the Knights of the Sword were defeated by Lithuania. The Pope ordered its remnants to be merged into the Teutonic Knights. Moved from Venice to Marburg and established the Teutonic Knights after conquering all of Prussia.

In 1512, Albrecht, a close relative of the Elector of Brandenburg, was elected as the head of the Teutonic Knights. Under the influence of Martin Luther, he converted to Lutheranism and cut off the Knights from the nominal suzerain , the connection between the Holy See, announced the secularization of the Teutonic Knights, changed the territory to the Duchy of Prussia, and Albrecht appointed himself the Duke of Prussia. Frederick I of Prussia was the Elector of Brandenburg. The early Teutonic knights were not allowed to marry because of the Roman Catholic canon, but the Protestants did not have this rule. In fact, the Teutonic Knights were separated from the Holy See when they were allowed to marry. One of the reasons is that such Teutonic knights became secularized, but at this time the Hohenzollern family of Brandenburg was loyal to the Habsburg family, and the Habsburgs insisted on Catholicism. The head of the Knights of Dayton found the Duke of Poland, and the Principality of Prussia existed in the form of a principality on the Polish royal fief.

Albrecht was an excellent ruler. He managed the new Duchy of Prussia very prosperously, which is also related to the Hanseatic League. However, in the later period, various problems began to appear. In 1568, the plague broke out in Prussia, and both Albrecht and his wife died. They left a son, Albrecht Friedrich. Unfortunately, he was insane. Brandon He left behind a son, Johann Sigismund. Anyway, the Principality of Prussia consists of two territories, Brandenburg and Prussia. Therefore, Frederick II wanted to occupy the port of Danzig, so that the two Blocks of territory can be connected into one piece.

"illegitimate child" used to be a curse word, even though he had the same father as the legitimate child, but because the mother was not married, everything from the father could not be inherited. Later, Louis XIV announced that illegitimate children also had the right to inherit, as long as the father claimed him.

The vast majority of his illegitimate children also obtained public aristocratic status. Louis XIV's luck counted better. These illegitimate children did not have any ambitions. They just wanted to be stable dukes and didn't want to fight for the crown. The succession to the throne came smoothly. In the hands of great-grandson Louis XV.

In the Titanic movie, Carl gave Rose a blue diamond "Heart of the Ocean", which was based on the Hope Blue Diamond that once belonged to the French royal family.

A woman's heart is as deep as the sea. Rose, a nobleman, died in the cold Atlantic Ocean, and was replaced by Rose Dawson, the wife of a painter named Jack Dawson.

There are many ways to protect marriage, secular and religious, but as Rousseau said in "The Social Contract", the most important law of all laws is neither engraved on marble nor engraved on a copper watch, but It is engraved in the hearts of citizens.

"The Last Witch in Europe" Gorledi was framed to death by a married man whose wife was pregnant, in collusion with the church. The purpose was to cover up the scandal. Gorledi was pregnant with his illegitimate child . This is not as good as Louis XIV, who simply admitted the existence of illegitimate children.

Carl was angry, but why he lost to Dawson, a poor painter with nothing.

Severus had the same problem, he kept misunderstood that Lily chose James Potter because he was richer than him. James can correct a lot of bad habits for Lily. He obviously likes freedom, but he didn’t abandon Lily and Harry when his family was threatened, and fight Death Eaters with Sirius, but stayed at home bored, Play with the only "dude" Harry.

Pomona didn't understand Lily before, and she thought it was a big deal for Lily to part ways with Severus because of the word "Mudblood", but now Pomona understood her.

Severus couldn't accept a Muggle-born Lily any more than Bonaparte could accept a frivolous Georgiana, he didn't say that word last night, but she knew what he meant.

Georgiana sympathized with those women who had to do it because life forced them, even Josephine, a woman who had left her home in such troubled times and married Paris from the West Indies, without parents and brothers to rely on, Her husband not only used domestic violence against her, but also implicated her in prison, and she has two children to support, what else can she do without her social charm?

Josephine probably wants to goug Georgiana's eyes now, which is a normal reaction of a normal woman. But Georgiana is not so special that he will be desperate. He is a man and a leader. In the eyes of men, a king who does not have many mistresses will be regarded as a homosexual like William III. The court said that Louis XIV hadn't really left, and now she could feel his presence, such as his policy towards Austria, among other things.

Napoleon is just an ordinary man. He also likes slim and plump women, and young people. Miss Georgina is not yet an adult, but she is already very mature. Grassini does have a good voice that is hard to find in the world.

Since everyone is taking advantage of Napoleon's mistress status, Georgiana will not be polite. If one day Napoleon falls, she hopes to have a castle and enough knights to guard it. If Josephine doesn’t dislike it, she can also come to Georgiana’s castle, and Georgiana will protect her, excluding her Two wolf-hearted children.

She wouldn't be naive enough not to take advantage of the opportunity. Just now Edgeworth also said that he took her in under conditions, so why didn't she create the conditions herself?

She remembered a phantom that Hathor showed her. At that time, Napoleon had just been defeated in Russia. He lodged in a small hotel. The Poles found him. He gave the Poles several million francs, and the Poles stopped. Investigate the matter of defeat.

It is difficult for some people to understand, but in poor countries, when there is nothing else, there will be men working as mercenaries to earn money. Principalities like Hesse will also collect money to fight for them. Prussia also received money from the British. Otherwise, it would be difficult for them to support a protracted war with their national strength.

The Hanseatic League has disintegrated, and the once-prosperous Baltic handicraft industry has declined and has become a grain exporter, but their own people want to eat potatoes. Therefore, Prussia does not have to worry about famine. Potatoes will not reduce production due to cooling. Wheat has high heat requirements, and cooling will inevitably reduce production.

As a Brit who ate fish and chips she thought she could live like that, there was a Junker lady who changed her surname and she thought she could do the same, there was another officer lady who used Fair way to rule everything in the estate.

This is an opportunity, she must seize it.

If you want neutrality, you need force, and if you want freedom, you need force.

She tried her best to remember the names of the princes who came to curry favor, and she didn't care about those gorgeous women at all.

A "passer-by" is a passer-by after all, who still remembers where the "little Cleopatra" in Cairo is.

However, Georgiana remembered Chiara's name. Chiara was making reproduction paintings, and the newly built Louvre was indeed employing people, so there was no need to take her chance just because of a little jealousy.

She just wanted Chiara to keep her sanity, she was the one with the fiancé.

There will be many reproductions of Chiara's paintings in her castle, which can be used to decorate the spooky castle.

If you want to break it, you have to break it clean. This is Lily's approach. She gave Severus a chance to find happiness again.

But you can't do that with Bonaparte. You have to save face for him and let him abandon her. Having a new love is the best excuse, and it's best if this new love is an Austrian princess.

Losers have no voice, losers and bastards like her are not with the winners.

She will be the master of her castle, not just the usufruct, or "the butler wife".

Farewell, hero.

As she thought, she shook hands with a German nobleman about to be displaced.

"What's your name?" Georgiana asked with a smile on her face.

"Alter von Lestwitz, my father once followed Frederick the Great and participated in the Silesian War." The stocky Prussian said proudly.

Georgiana froze for a moment as Edgeworth led her to the next person.

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