Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2289 scarlet woman (3)

After getting dressed up, Pomona met Figel who was also dressed up at the door, but Figer was wearing a dragoon uniform, followed by Mamluk cavalry Shabi.

The so-called "big scene" still needs a large number of people to set it off. As soon as Georgiana approached the carriage, her guardian Richard Edgeworth got out of the carriage, and his wife Francis, who was leading her. Bertin, who was in a hem skirt, closed the door skillfully after sending her into the carriage, then turned and left.

Georgiana knew something was wrong when she saw the look on Edgeworth's face.

With a slight tremor, the carriage moved, and then there was a crisp sound of horseshoes, which seemed to be enough to cover up their conversation.

"I've had a hectic day, Georgiana," said Edgeworth wearily. "Do you know how many people have seen you?"

"I know."

"No, you don't know. The last time Talleyrand went to Berlin was not just to talk about Ceylon. Do you know the plan that Siyes proposed when he was ambassador in Berlin?"


"They plan to carve up Germany among the three, and Prussia is in an alliance with Russia." Edgeworth said, "Prussia was the first to withdraw from the anti-French alliance. They signed the "Basel Peace Treaty." form the North German Confederation."

"Should I be worried about that?" she asked rhetorically.

"London's opinion is to keep the current territory. If the alliance between Prussia and Russia succeeds, they will not sit back and watch Austria be partitioned without taking any action. In addition, the "Lüneville Peace Treaty" caused Austria to lose all the land on the left bank of the Rhine. But those princes who lost their land can use other land as compensation, guess who is the victim?"

"Say what you want, I'm not in the mood to guess," Georgiana said.

"According to the hereditary law of the Holy Roman Empire, secular princes must be compensated for their losses on the left bank of the Rhine, while church candidates can make up for the loss of use rights by obtaining pensions, and Austria is still brewing a new plan. To abolish part of the church state, their land and its population will be divided among the secular princes, and Prussia will get five times the territory lost on the left bank of the Rhine as compensation."

She was stunned for a moment, and then sighed involuntarily. She had just read the content of the French "Civil Code" about the right to use. The right to use includes rental, and the proceeds belong to the user, which is especially unfavorable to unmarried cohabitants.

The right to use in Germany also includes the right to benefit. How much is the pension for those church candidates?

"France is now the patron of the church. The balance of the Holy Roman Empire is controlled by Napoleon. Those princes want to learn from the Duchy of Baden, so they are looking for people who can talk to Napoleon. There are many people who want to meet You. Other women who had a past with Bonaparte were receiving them, including Madame Grassini, who fled to Russia, and started singing again."

Georgiana sneered.

So don't marry French men, they ask women's opinion when they propose, but they don't when they divorce, the point is that they are not faithful to the marriage.

Who spread the rumor that Napoleon was devoted?

"Are you listening?" Edgeworth asked.

"Why do you bring so little jewelry?" Georgiana looked at Francis and said, she just brought a string of diamond necklaces and a pair of earrings.

Francis froze, she didn't expect the conversation to turn to her.

"Here you are." Georgiana took off the diamond bracelet on her right hand and put it on Francis' hand.

"It's too expensive," Francis said.

"Wear it as a Christmas present." Pomona said with a smile. She only left two bracelets on her left hand. Not sure about it.

In fact, she wanted to open the door of the carriage right now, get on a broomstick, and go anywhere. She remembered that Severus had a bunker, and as long as there was no nuclear war, no one would find it there, so she could concentrate on research. But the bunker probably hasn't been built yet, it would be great if she could find a cave and cast the Muggle Repelling Charm so no one would bother her.

Draco bullied the lower grade students, and there were always people who couldn't stand it. First he was punched by Hermione, and then he was turned into a slug by Hannah and the others on the train home from the fifth grade. There was a sea change, old Malfoy was arrested, his home was raided by Aurors, he was later tried, and the papers covered it.

Then he joined the Death Eaters under the influence of his escaped aunt, leaving a mark on his arm that could never be washed away for a lifetime.

At this time, she glanced out of the car window again. The American purger was riding a horse and following outside. If she had gone crazy just now and left on a broomstick, he would have caught her soon.

Fortunately she held back.

The two century wars have been experienced, and the nuclear bomb was detonated, which did not cause the end of the world, so what about the demise of the Holy Roman Empire?

With the demise of a regime, the rights attached to it also disappeared, the trees fell and the monkeys scattered, and the princes who ran around just saved themselves before the ship sank.

"Besides, there's one more thing," Edgeworth said after whispering to his wife.

"What's up?"

"Josephine has sent for this ball, and Madame de Vaudy has arranged it."

"Is she beautiful?" asked Georgiana.

"Not as good as you, but she is good friends with the first couple, and she is good at poetry, and she is very close to literati." Edgeworth said.

"Another talented woman, isn't she?" said Georgiana indifferently, eager to turn the coachman around.

For some Hogwarts students, the Christmas Ball of the Triwizard Tournament is very novel, so it will take a lot of time to prepare, but for the young masters and ladies of the upper class, this kind of party is similar, just like Rose saw the Titanic I didn't think it was so great, and compared it with another ship, and felt that the ship was a cage in my heart.

"You don't have that attitude later," said Edgeworth. "It doesn't matter how well you dress up, it's not going to be attractive."

She slapped the armrest hard, but she held back before roaring loudly.

"You said your town would accept me, does that still count?"

"You said you want to keep Susannah safe, does that count?" Edgeworth asked.

Georgiana stared at him.

"Don't let jealousy go to your head, calm down," Edgeworth said.

She wanted to tell him you were mistaken, but she said nothing.

This silence lasted until the carriage came to the town hall, and her maids were standing at the door.

After she got out of the car, they all looked aggrieved, but they still bowed their knees neatly to her.

Georgiana glanced at the whip on Figgl's saddle, and wanted to take it off and walk into the venue with it, but she still took Edgeworth's arm and walked into the brightly lit city hall.

Before entering the venue, there is often a dramatic scene. As the door opens, a peerless beauty walks in, which makes everyone present open their mouths in surprise, discussing who she is.

In fact, you can open the door and let the guests go in by themselves, saving a doorman.

But before entering the door, she often stops for a while, and the maids help her arrange the details of her clothes. When she is ready, the doorman will open the door, which will have the effect of stunning everyone.

It's just that there is one more part of today's party. There is an official of ceremony who has signed up at the door. After making sure that Georgiana is ready, he shouts "Mrs. Sevres is here." At the venue, I saw a group of people saluting her.

Although the ostentation can only be put on by a large number of people, are there too many people in the city hall?

She glanced back at Leila, who was so wronged that her mouth turned up.

Reminiscent of what Edgeworth said in the car just now, there are not only bankers in this hall, but there may also be nobles from the Rhine region. At this time, she remembered that Napoleon seemed to have established a Rhine Confederation regime. Perishes with his downfall.

Where will these people go then?

Bonaparte came in even later than she did, and ten minutes would have been nice, not to mention he was mourning for Leclerc.

I hope he is really mourning.

With an elegant smile, a smirk she'd practiced for decades, she greeted each of them, accompanied by the hostess and Edgeworth.

The strong will not always be the strong. Some people will lose their vitality because they are too old, and some people will often wield the sword in their hands because they are too aggressive. In the slack down.

Even if one of these two words was said by Rousseau and the other was said by the Pope, no one would listen to what a little person like her said.

Georgiana would not punish Draco who bullied the lower grades, nor would she punish Hannah who taught Draco a lesson instead of the lower grades, but after many years, when Draco was isolated, Hannah let Hannah for the past deeds Apologize.

They were all adults at that time, who cares so much about what happened when they were young.

When Grindelwald was in Paris, the British Ministry of Magic sent Aurors, and as a result, Leta Lestrange died. She could have been a happy bride, but she died because of her meddling.

She doesn't care what happens to this world, anyway, the witch hunt in that world is over, and after she returns, she will revise the International Statute of Secrecy instead of abolishing it.

Then she remembered that day by the canal, when she was shackled and unable to use magic power, but he still looked at her with fearful eyes for a moment.

She didn't remember what she said herself, he only asked a question "what am I not like him?"

She wouldn't say that to Mary Louise, he's the scum of hell.

He just couldn't accept her like that.

It wasn't even a breakup, it was someone who had been dead for two hundred years, she was just sober and didn't want to be entangled with another ghost.

What else can a ghost do to a person? Besides, Severus was still a powerful wizard, and now she had to worry about the Scavengers, who used her as bait, assuming Severus would come to rescue her.

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