Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2291 scarlet woman (five)

On the international train to Venice, they passed Nurmengard.

Does Austria have a Ministry of Magic?

After all, there were still a small number of German nobles who came to this party. After all, this is the territory of Belgium. Next, Georgiana kept greeting the ladies of Belgium, which reminded her of Audrey in "Roman Holiday". Hepburn, a runaway princess who had a one-day affair with an American journalist.

Pomona bought a bottle of perfume at the British Museum called Lover for a Day, in honor of Antony and Cleopatra, not Caesar and Cleopatra.

Which of the two Roman men who appeared in her life was more important?

Occasionally, when her eyes flicked among the crowd, she hoped that a man wearing a golden mask would appear. Unfortunately, this was not a masquerade ball. The people attending the ball were all wearing full dresses, and some even put on ribbons.

These people are passers-by in her eyes, so why isn't she a passer-by in the eyes of others?

If it wasn't for Louis XIV, it would be impossible for her to represent the "hostess" on such a grand occasion with her identity. This should be Josephine's "stage".

Josephine knew how to use her charm to make herself popular. As a commoner, she felt that it was a basic courtesy to welcome guests. However, Joseph II received a cold reception in Belgium, and the Belgian people did not welcome him.

This has nothing to do with politeness, but an attitude and position. The Belgians do not want to participate in the "cabinet war" between Austria and Prussia, but they must provide enough soldiers.

Belgium is not a fiefdom, and even the territories of those dukes were granted to the princes as occupied territories.

What they want is a happy life, and Mechelen likes Margaret of Austria because she brings prosperity to Mechelen.

Before, she thought like a feudal noblewoman, there is more than war in human life, and the reason why children are willing to protect Hogwarts is because they love that place.

It is also a castle, unlike Nurmengard, Hogwarts is used to imprison people who disagree with the "master".

Imagine Hogwarts under Snape's "rule", it's like a prison, barracks or something, and the Carrows.

The Hogwarts managed by Albus is sweet, just like his favorite sweets, and he also allows Pomona to hold grand Halloween and school start banquets, how happy the children are after seeing the table full of delicious food.

You are a sympathetic witch, be cheerful and upbeat, don't be like Bellatrix, she made everyone's life hard, and even murdered Sirius Black, the last male heir to the Black family.

No matter how much she hated Sirius, or how much she loved her Dark Lord, the Blacks were dead, and it was probably because Sirius was a member of the Order of the Phoenix that he was not far behind Auror Moody in hunting Death Eaters.

Anyway, Bella has lost her mind.

We are not alone.

She looked at a phantom in the corner who looked a lot like Bella and said to herself, "Bella" was sneering sinisterly at her.

After she greeted these nobles one by one, Bonaparte appeared on the stage. He was wearing a green marshal uniform. After the protocol officer shouted his name, everyone began to applaud. This "winner" stood at the end. The eye-catching position accepted the applause of the crowd, and then he passed through the crowd, and the crowd took the initiative to make way for him, allowing him to approach Georgiana, but he did not rush to dance the opening dance, but took a deep breath, as if to Give a speech.

So everyone stopped applauding and listened quietly to his speech.

"War is perhaps the most mentally consuming art, and it obviously demands the whole body of the man. In this respect only the art of statecraft can be compared with the art of war, because both governing and fighting require total energy. A commissioned A person who commands others on the battlefield must first have scientific knowledge, a deep understanding of the figures and lines drawn on the map, understand their relationship and value, and then he must understand the characteristics and customs of each nation, how to use a pair of powerful and dexterous It is also one of the necessary skills of a great commander to dispatch them with his hands. In addition to this great skill, he also needs the management ability of an administrator. We used to think that the sun revolved around the earth, but the world order is dominated by Different institutions revolve around the sun like planets, and never deviate from it. This is the law set by the Creator when he created the world. To disobey it is to disobey science. Just imagine, if the planets are like billiard balls bumping on the table What will happen?"

There was a slight laugh on the field.

"I talked to soldiers, many of them were farmers before joining the army. In the past, their lives and vision were limited to limited pastures, and their knowledge of the world was limited to the boundaries of the farms, but they After joining the army, they saw a wider world. Now that the war is over, they can travel safely with their families instead of being in an isolated world. Grandparents, fathers, children, each generation is like Carved from the same mould. This is a new world, a new century of happiness begins for us, we will overcome and destroy all difficulties that stand in our way, and we will bring a new world to this most beautiful place in Europe. face."

"There is glory!" someone shouted in the crowd.

"Yes, and glory." Bonaparte said immediately, "and our children and grandchildren will say, this is our father's generation."

The crowd cheered loudly, and the applause was more excited than before.

He waved to the crowd, and then walked to Georgiana's side, and it seemed that he was about to dance the opening dance.

She gritted her teeth, showed a very standard smirk, put her hand on his arm, and the two walked to the center of the dance floor to stand still, and then began to dance minuet.

These days waltzes are very immoral. When Minerva taught the children how to dance, Ron put his hands on her waist and caused booing. Of course, they couldn't dance on such a formal occasion.

Her dancing posture has gone through so many balls, and she is no longer as stiff as before. There is always a smile on his face. It is difficult to connect this person with the down-and-out middle-aged man in a small hotel.

The world map is about to change, with Muggle borders closely tied to those of the Ministry of Magic, and, let's say Austria doesn't have a Ministry of Magic, since Austria is ruled by the Habsburgs.

Whether it is the Spanish Netherlands or the Lorraine region, the witch hunt movement is the most rampant, and the rulers at that time happened to be the Habsburg family.

It is precisely because there is no Ministry of Magic in Austria that Grindelwald established his base in Austria, right?

The dance steps of minuet are figure 8, just like the ring of Mobius, or a symbol representing infinity, it will not be forbidden, just like a story with no end, it has been written forever.

Frederick the Great, who made great military exploits, had only one queen. He often had contact with men in the Sanssouci Palace, so he was also regarded as a homosexual.

She does not discriminate against homosexuals, and even she is a little envious of Albus, who has a lover Grindelwald who fully understands him and accepts him.

But in order not to be misinformed, she forgave him for having many mistresses in the future.

I forgive you, you know?

She looked into his eyes and said, but didn't know if he could receive the message she conveyed at this time.

So, be it, what else?

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