Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2275 Poseidon's Winter Banquet (17)

She hadn't thought of that "dream" for a while.

When she was still in England, thinking about werewolves and Remus Lupine's son Teddy, she thought he had grown up in an environment of discrimination and prejudice, similar to Severus' childhood, but in fact he Living well in his godfather Harry's house, he inherited the talent of Tonks' disguise Animagus, and often used the color of his hair to express his mood.

She sighed. She almost forgot that Justin's grandfather had participated in the Second World War, when he also participated in the Dunkirk retreat.

The battle happened to coincide with the full moon, and Justin's grandfather saw the werewolf on the battlefield in the Ardennes Forest. Although werewolves were not scavengers, corpses were easy to find at the time.

It may be because she choked on a few mouthfuls of bath water just now, and she felt a little nauseous, but this feeling was suppressed.

After she calmed down, she wrote a formal document, requesting the French Ministry of Magic to send someone to protect the "political dignitaries". This was different from the previous verbal expression, and she didn't want to be regarded as a neurotic woman.

At that time, she called "Margaret" in the bathtub, but it was not Margaret, the maid who called, but the former owner of the house, the Duchess of Savoy, Margaret of Austria. The Duchess died of a wound infection. Georgiana just asked the administrator that Margaret of Austria got tetanus because she accidentally stepped on the glass that was broken by the maid. Although the mischievous elves can only play pranks in most cases, it does not rule out the possibility that they may be fatal. Peeves once took out a cannon, threatening the lives of Hogwarts students.

The duchess was a well-known emperor of her time, and her residence was also the first Renaissance building in northern Europe, but compared with Ekaterina, her sense of presence was relatively low. What's more, she is not completely Austrian, but has half Spanish blood. The prosperity of Mechelen is closely related to her, and the people of Mechelen still have festivals related to her.

After finishing the paperwork, Georgiana put down her pen and leaned back in her chair.

The current Austria is no longer the Holy Roman Empire during the time of Charles V, because the country is too vast, Charles V divided the empire into the Austro-Hungarian Empire and Spain like Diocletian, and Spain entered the Habsburg Dynasty.

The problem of the child is like the elephant in the room. Mary Louise risked her life to have a child. Legend has it that Napoleon chose the guarantor or the child in the choice of the guarantor, but if Mary Louise and Mary II What should I do if I lose my fertility?

After giving birth to the child and raising him, Charles V's biological parents "completed the task" and handed him over to Margaret of Austria. She was Charles V's aunt and also raised him. Man, that is to say, Charles V grew up in this place.

When we were in the Garden of Eden, we felt that it was a cage. After leaving the Garden of Eden, it was not so easy to go back after experiencing the storm outside.

Human beings are not tools for producing and consuming resources, and women are not "family members" who act as productive forces during production, consume power during consumption, and only need her participation when giving birth.

Caroline once contributed an idea, Napoleon went to a woman to give birth to his son, and then brought the baby, Josephine pretended to be pregnant, so the problem was solved.

This is the theory, but it is difficult to accept emotionally and emotionally. This matter has not been mentioned for a long time, and with Josephine's current mood, it is estimated that it will be difficult for her to reach a consensus with Georgiana again.

She also has her own way to get Hortans and Louis married, and there is no need to pretend. It is not uncommon in history for a nephew to inherit the throne.

How could Georgiana ask another girl to do it when she didn't want to be a "long-legged womb" herself?

Caroline's approach is suitable for ancient courts, but not for modern society. Human rights apply to all members of society, including but not limited to resistance to oppression.

Joseph II tore down the city wall of Mechelen. She didn't know whether it was because the people in the city had a sense of resistance and it was demolished for the convenience of attack, or because it was so convenient for the city's development, anyway, it had already been demolished.

In the modern war she was familiar with, everyone flew planes to drop bombs and blow up the other party's bridges, roads and other lines of communication. The potato war already had this model.

The repaired railway can also be blown up. The guerrillas often do this, but in this way, it is different from Xiao Lian's method of urinating to extinguish the sparks on the fuse and protecting the city.

Pomona "before" had a female nurse named Fiona, she was from Romania, her hometown was very poor, there were no specialties, only mercenaries, and the men relied on fighting to supplement their income, resulting in more women than men in that area few cases. The same is true for Prussia. After the Thirty Years' War and the Seven Years' War, the population dropped by 40% to 60%. The population was restored only by potatoes, but it was exhausted because of the king's war.

After going through great wars and catastrophes, he needs to recuperate, otherwise the king will inevitably be judged militaristically in the history books. After digging the seawall and blocking the French, William III wanted to rebuild the Netherlands after being reduced to a country, and his strength was already seriously injured. After the defeat, Britain needed funds, and an heir to the throne was not as good as a banker's loan.

Faced with such a powerful monarch, the parliament agreed to return some of the king's privileges to William III, but William III did not ask for these rights back in order to form an anti-French alliance.

In 1692, William III traveled back and forth between England and Europe because of the war. He usually left in spring, returned to England in autumn, and spent the whole winter in England. When he was away, Mary II ruled.

Even if they agree to the wizards' request to protect and recognize wizards, this law can be suspended. William Pitt Jr. suspended the right of habeas corpus, not to mention how effective the law is to people in anger? Just for being in favor of the French Revolution, John Priestley's home and laboratory were destroyed, and he had to move his family to the United States.

Compared with Europe, which was destroyed by two world wars, the United States not only suffered no damage at all, but also made a fortune. In 1944, Churchill and Roosevelt signed an "Atlantic Charter". The content of this charter is not as valuable as the content negotiated by the two parties. Napoleon did not let Britain lose its colonies, but Roosevelt did. He said: The practice of plundering raw materials from the colonies and refusing to provide locals in return will not work. The 20th century is to help those countries industrialize.

In India, the sapphire in the queen's crown became the focus of this negotiation.

Roosevelt's words were very clear. He did not believe that the anti-Japanese war could be carried out without liberating the colonial peoples all over the world who were enslaved by backward colonial policies.

Churchill's neck was flushed, but the purpose of this negotiation was to let the United States enter the war.

Jefferson didn't want to form a navy, because the military expenses for forming a navy were not as cost-effective as "paying tribute" to pirates according to the contract.

John Adams supported the formation of a navy, and the envoy he sent reached an agreement with Napoleon, allowing American warships to participate in the encirclement and suppression of pirates in the Mediterranean.

However, the British blocked the mouth of the Mississippi River and captured Scottish, Irish, and English sailors from merchant ships to serve as navy. However, Britain's combat power in inland rivers such as the Mississippi River is not good. Anyway, the Spaniards can intercept British merchant ships, and they cannot pass without a charter from the King of Spain. Spain's colonies in South America were also because the British Navy did not allow them to pass through, so there were so many Mexican silver dollars in the warehouse, which could not be transported back to Europe, filling the Spanish treasury.

Jefferson also wrote a letter of protest to Napoleon protesting France's sanctions against the United States. In order to make their machines work, the British did not give the United States the right to process iron. They could only ship wrought iron bars to England, which processed them into farm tools. , hardware equipment and sell them to the United States at a higher price.

The U.S. Constitution has the right to hold guns, and France has provided new technology and equipment for making gunpowder. The problem of steel needs to be solved by Mr. President. After all, the largest saltpeter mine is in India, and the United Kingdom controls the trade of saltpeter, which is restricted to a certain extent. production of gunpowder in other countries.

Nitrogen is found in the metabolites of the human body and animals. Shaputal's patented technology is enough for him to become the Minister of the Interior. Even if he does not make gunpowder himself and does not disclose the technology to others, gunpowder technology is just like Britain's mastery of textile and steam engine technology. means.

In addition to extracting gunpowder, the dung heaps accumulated for centuries outside Paris can also be used to make fertilizers. While managing the city’s sanitation, it has also created wealth. It’s a disgusting job, and few people except prisoners are willing to do it.

How can the human rights of prisoners be guaranteed? Prisoners sit comfortably in jail, so what about the people who are harmed by their transgressions?

She remembered the man who said help in Dutch, or a ghost, who seemed unaware that he was dead.

She didn't know what to do, because the scene was too shocking for her to think rationally, and she might, like the author of the fable of the bees, leave the problem to wiser people.

There are many things that are not as "historians" think. Once the concept is formed, it is difficult to change. People who support the old pretender James III believe that the monarchy should be granted by God, not by the parliament. Louis XIV also recognized it James III is the legal heir to the British throne.

His followers took control of Ireland, and in 1702 he was accused of treason and expelled from Ireland. He died in Rome and was buried in St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican.

Georgiana is not "Jean of Arc", helping the "King of France" regain lost land and ascend to the throne.

In his later published memoirs, Roosevelt taught his son "We must show the British from the beginning that we will not be that 'helpful Charlie' who is used up and left behind".

She knew a lot, and she paid the price for it, even though she was no longer as pure as a young girl, and she was still annoying to a certain extent.

A persona is worn in social life, it can bring a lot of convenience and benefits, sometimes it is a necessity for survival, but after wearing it for a long time, it is easy to confuse the false self with the real self. She just doesn't want to do things she really doesn't want to do in order to be liked, like smiling when she doesn't want to.

Compared with the smirking Mona Lisa in the Louvre, she prefers the "Mona Lisa of the North" - "Girl with a Pearl Earring". You can feel that kind of emotion by looking into her eyes. Of course, eyes can speak. If anyone can't understand, just look at her eyes.

"Ma'am." Margaret appeared at the door. "Mr. Martin is here."

She looked at Margaret, who couldn't hide her panic.

She stood up, gently holding Margaret's hand as she passed.

"What we saw today is our secret, don't tell others."

Margaret looked up in alarm.

"But next time you see something scary, you have to remember to tell me, okay?"

Margaret did not answer immediately.

"Don't yell, get everyone's attention."

"I don't see anything," said Margaret at once.

"If you see it, you see it. Don't pretend you didn't see it." Georgiana grabbed her hand tightly. "I don't want you to lie."

Margaret's breathing was heavy.

"Need I tell you the story of the Emperor's New Clothes?"

"No, I know." Margaret shook her head. "I know how to do it, ma'am."

Georgiana kissed Margaret on the forehead and gave her a hug.

"My friend gives people chocolate, he thinks it will make them feel better." She said softly, "Or do you think you want to eat chocolate?"

"That will do," said Margaret.

Georgiana patted her on the back, then let go of Margaret and left the room.

When she came to the corridor, she folded the piece of paper into a bird and let it fly to Coraline by itself.

Sometimes she couldn't figure out why the British Ministry of Magic used real owls to send messages in the internal mail. Didn't the elevator have enough feathers and bird droppings, and didn't even have a place to step down?

She shook her head, didn't want to think about it anymore, and walked towards the restaurant, her stomach was not strong enough to discuss this as a topic during meals.

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