Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2274 Poseidon's Winter Feast (16)

Georgiana sat in her carriage and looked at the crowd outside the window. Mechelen is pronounced Marin in French. It used to be the capital of Flanders before the 16th century. Many government departments moved to it in the 16th century. Brussels, the city's political influence has dropped a lot.

The high-profit wool trade gained huge wealth in the late Middle Ages, and Flanders became wealthy as a result, as well as areas seized by countries such as Britain and France. Today, because the center of the cotton textile industry is located in England, its influence as an industrial center has also declined. up.

The only thing left in Mechelen is the authority of religion, which seems to explain the small number of pedestrians on the streets of the city and their indifference. A welcome bazaar, allowing the patrolling people to see the specialties of Ghent.

She withdrew her gaze and looked at the fire opal ring on her hand. She had actually noticed that many people paid special attention to it, whether it was a banquet or a ball, and comparing it with the ring on Bonaparte's hand, it was obvious See that they are not paired rings.

The more he banned, the more he wanted to try. In order to marry Anne Boleyn, Henry VIII changed the state religion of England, so that he would not have to wait for the pope to agree to divorce his original wife, and then marry Anne Boleyn.

But when Anne really became his legal wife, his enthusiasm for her quickly faded until she gave birth to Elizabeth I for him, but in the end Anne Boleyn still did not escape the fate of being imprisoned and beheaded. Because Henry VIII wanted a male heir.

She was accused by the king of adultery, and she was accused of being a witch, but she was not convicted of this crime.

A nasty woman, even if she is a queen, will be burned in the rage, or thrown out as in the case of Prague thrown out of the window, unless she escapes by the secret passage before the angry mob rushes in, but this way She is different from Theodora who said "the purple robe is the most beautiful shroud".

From being so isolated in June 1672 that he had to dig seawalls for defense, to launching a counterattack in November, William III did not sit still in Amsterdam, at least he won over Spain and Brandenburg. The "rules of the game" in Europe are different from those of the Eastern Roman Empire. After all, Theodora was from the empire era.

Just when she thought about it a little deeper, her mind was full of messy thoughts, and she wished she could use Occlumency to drive those distracting thoughts out of her mind.

"I think I understand why the beauties in Italy want to conquer the first ruler so much." Mrs. Rushfurco looked at Georgiana and said with a smile.

She felt as if she had been struck by lightning, and then she looked at the unmarried young girls, who all looked away.

"Is it that obvious?" she said awkwardly.

"I think you'll need it." Madame Rachefurco handed her a lace veil.

She put it on her head and covered her face with it.

"How about it?"

Madame Rachefurco stared at her dumbfounded.

"Is it bad?"

"No." Matilda said sourly, "It's very beautiful."

At this time the carriage stopped, and they came to a house full of Renaissance styles, and then the door was opened.

She looked at the young man who opened the door for her, and he stared at her as if surprised, and stood there with his mouth open.

"Ahem." Figel coughed behind him, and then he came back to his senses. Originally, he wanted to reach out to help her get out of the car, but Figel did it for him.

She was wearing an ancient Greek-style long dress with a gold belt around her waist and a colored fur-trimmed cloak. Rain, even if the courtyard is paved with stone slabs, there is still water on it, and the snow-white skirt will become dirty if it falls on it.

Leila was clever enough to help her hold the hem of the skirt, but Georgiana wanted to talk more about why she was wearing this terrible skirt.

After getting out of the car, she realized that the guards were not the guards, but Mamluks from Egypt, and Shabi was standing not far away.

"Why are they here?" Georgiana asked Figel.

"I don't know." Figel looked at Georgiana and said, "This is the arrangement of the first ruling."

She looked again. There was no Frenchman around.

"This is the Governor's Palace, which used to belong to Margaret of Austria." The neglected young man said, "I am the administrator of this palace."

Without saying anything, she wrapped her cloak tightly and walked into the palace.

Beauxbaton's students used to look weak when they got out of the car, and she never imagined that she would have such a day.

The cold wind in Scotland is not inferior to that of the North Sea. Of course, who told her to wear summer clothes in winter.

The middle of the palace is Gothic, and the two wings are Renaissance, which looks like they are spliced ​​together. She did not live in Margaret's master bedroom, although Austria is not like the Dutch, who think it would be very uncomfortable to lie down and sleep. Easy to die, the bed was a normal size, but Mechelen is the city of furniture, and they had a nice French bedroom for her, on one side of the renaissance wing.

The bath water was ready, it wasn't her habit, but now she really needed to take a bath, and while she was in the bath, other people were busy outside.

If they set off from Mechelen to the Ardennes Forest, the distance will be much farther away. If they throw away their "burdens" and move forward at a fast marching speed, the time it takes her to go from Brussels to Compiègne is actually about the same, but As a result, separate actions are required.

He also got the Mamluks ready, and Georgiana finally understood what his itinerary meant.

The title of female governor sounds very tempting, but she is very clear that this is just a dream. The final winner is England. Picked off.

"She stopped bleeding." On the slightly shaking carriage, he said calmly, "Do you know what that means?"

Georgiana didn't answer at the time, but what she didn't understand was why Josephine went through menopause in her forties.

Will you forgive someone who once betrayed you?

Georgiana suddenly understood why Josephine did not go to St. Hena with Bonaparte, because he insisted on getting a divorce and marrying the Austrian princess back then.

A lot of people took his side because Josephine was with a cavalryman when Napoleon was going to Egypt, but if what Josephine said was true, she was there to make sure someone in parliament set him up , Let him die on the battlefield, just be with that cavalryman?

In this way Josephine was doing her duty, and Georgiana should not have been involved, not even "imagined," in the first place.

She slowly opened her eyes, and the clear water in the bath turned blood red somehow, as if she was soaked in blood.

Then she heard a child crying, the scene was so familiar, it reminded her of... Tobias.

Severus was like his dad in many ways, except that he wore black, while Tobias wore leopard-print silk shirts.

"Miss me?" He said with a smile, then suddenly reached out and pushed her into the water.

Before suffocating, she wondered who she was, Irene or the unfaithful half-breed Veela, or the pudgy Pomona Sprout who was popular with children.

It may be hard to believe, but not all stepmothers hate children who were not born to them. For example, Pomona has taken care of the little wizards at Hogwarts for many years, and she is used to babysitting.

Many of these kids won't go back to school after graduation, and she doesn't expect them to reciprocate.

There was a little hand holding her, and she got up from the "bloody water". She looked at the child in front of her, and before she had time to ask him, he ran away without looking back.

"Margaret!" cried Georgiana.

Immediately afterwards, from another door, her maid Margaret appeared.

"Ma'am!" Margaret exclaimed as she watched the scene in front of her.

Georgiana didn't let her go after the little boy. She almost forgot that this was an Austrian house, and of course there would be "mischievous spirits" appearing.

She just wanted to climb out of the bathtub, but found that there was a lot of glass shards on the side of the bathtub. If she stepped on it with bare feet, she would be injured.

"Bring me my bracelet," she said calmly, standing in the water, and Margaret did so immediately.

Only when the wand was in her hand again did she feel a sense of security.

"Fuck you," she cursed, wrapping herself in a bath towel,

She would never try to conceive like Josephine did.

"Fuck you!" she cursed again, before climbing out of the tub.

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