Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2276 Poseidon's Winter Banquet (18)

Mechelen originated from the wetlands. The palace of Margaret of Austria is not far from the Delle River, and the processing workshops related to the railway are located outside the city, near the edge of the Seine River. According to Mr. Martin, the place’s The conditions are still relatively harsh, with construction sites and mud everywhere.

Almost all members of the inspection team went there without even entering the city. In the future, a large warehouse will be built there to store construction materials and coal, and a bakery will also be built. This is also one of Bonaparte’s experiments. A large bread factory replaces the bakery, and it does not need to be located in the city center to transport the finished bread to various places in the city by truck.

In addition, a veterinary hospital will be built. Last time, many of the bad horses they bought from Hungary died of illness on the way.

Georgiana glanced at Richard's muddy boots, which looked dirty even though he had rinsed them with water before entering.

The delivery yard does not have to be located in a larger consumption place, it can be built in the suburbs that are conducive to production and lower transportation costs. One characteristic of Belgium is that there is not much difference between the city and the countryside, unlike France, where "except for Paris, they are all countryside".

This is due to the history of Belgium, it is not just a central city. Although the walls of Mechelen were torn down, a ring remained, like the three circular walls of Paris.

Circles are often regarded as standard distances. French post roads are distinguished according to how many days it takes to get from Paris to the local area. One day is a circle, two days is a circle, and three days is a circle. The situation in Belgium is different. The time from Mechelen to Brussels and Antwerp is the same. Both Antwerp and Brussels are big cities, which leads to an even distribution of villages and population along the route, and the difference between urban and rural areas is not big.

Decentralization does not mean that there is no need for a center, but that each node is free to choose the center. In other words, centralization is the center that determines the node. Nodes must rely on the center, and nodes cannot survive without the center. Mechelen has lost most of its functions as the capital. It is still an important transportation hub. Any city can become a center, and any center is not permanent. The administrative agencies of Brussels may also be moved to Mechelen at any time, or May Heron assumes the functions of the new capital, such as the third capital of France.

This is not new in history either, Lyon already has the potential to become a second capital, as it is closer to the Republic of the South of the Alps than Paris.

Relocation is a big deal, and some people have other worries, so Parisians are not very friendly to Lyonnais, especially when the Ulm Canal, which is related to the safety of drinking water in Paris, is in the hands of Lyonnais businessmen. Originally, the river could be nationalized with the red wine tax, but now the Paris businessmen want to buy the operating rights of the Urk Canal.

This is where the magic of the French railway is built. A company builds a section of railway, but it is "reasonable" because there is currently no joint-stock company in France.

The Sharon company in Mechelen's industrial area also wants to intervene. This is a "French characteristic". Both civil and military officials like to support local factions according to their own preferences. Reliable people, who were elected under the watchful eye of Mulla when the ceremony of the founding of the Shannan Republic was held in Lyon, and the delegates were telling the unbearable situation in the country.

Fortunately, Mr. Martin stopped the topic before it became unappetizing. Today's dinner was cooked by his family's cook. The starter looked like a plate of pearls in shells. One of the pearls was particularly large, but it It's not real pearls, but French foie gras wrapped in a layer of milky cheese.

The other pearls were not real pearls either, but candies of silver light, and the dish was reminiscent of Cleopatra's bet with Antony that she could consume 10 million sestares for a meal.

It was a very unlucky dish, but Georgiana ate it anyway, and then Edgeworth brought up Chiara.

She had been working at the Louvre until Antwerp, and when the new museum was hired, she set out to make prints and reproductions of all the objects in the museum's collection to share with the public who couldn't see the treasures with their own eyes. She knew many French cultural celebrities and had close contacts with consuls and senior officials. Napoleon's uncle, Cardinal Fish, saw her paintings in Lyon and got acquainted with her.

Napoleon rarely went to the Louvre. Now that something like this happened, should she continue to work at the Louvre?

So after dinner, Georgiana went for a walk in the garden. She changed the ancient Greek dress into men's clothing, and then she mentioned that she wanted to promote her new pet, Rambouillet's merino sheep, in Belgium. thing.

There is a ready-made wool textile industry here, and Merino wool produces high-grade wool. Mr. Martin thinks that he can consult with the mayor.

They went back at about 8 o'clock, and then Georgiana called Sabie and Figel, and they rode together to the construction site by the Seine.

From a long distance, she saw the brightly lit area, where there were no houses, all tents, and the "road" was mud.

The wind blew the songs from the construction site. She couldn't understand what they were singing, but she remembered another poem:

"Come forward, raise your black flags, and fill every quill with ink. On our side there is universal suffrage. It is a precious right. On their side there is only corruption and stench."

Seeing a black flag on the high seas is definitely unlucky. In fact, the earliest island flags did not have a skull pattern. Later, the pirates added a skull and two crossed bones to it, and called him "Happy Roger" (joli ronge)".

Why are pirates associated with universal suffrage?

It sounded like it was written by a drunk, but in fact there were bursts of laughter on the construction site, and when she walked in, she realized that no one was working, but a beer festival.

She searched for him among the many tents. The situation on the construction site was even worse than she thought. Maybe the pigsty was cleaner than here.

She is very worried that the disease will spread here, it seems that it is not only a veterinary hospital, but also a hospital to treat people.

Later, Figel met a guard, and under his leadership Georgiana found Bonaparte. He did not live in the tent area, but parked his carriage by the river, looking a little lonely.

After she dismounted, she opened the car door without saying hello.

"Shut the door!" he roared, sounding horrific.

Georgiana ignored him. She glanced into the carriage and told him that there was indeed no Tibetan inside.

"This camp must be planned, beware of the plague."

He froze for a moment, then turned to look at her.

"How did you come?"

"Make sure if there are any chicks in your car while I'm away." She stepped into his carriage, pretending to check, and after walking around, she found that there was no one there, and then faced him, "You have a bad record."

He laughed. "You sound like a cop."

She was about to say it was a gendarme, but she said nothing.

He waited quietly.

"Do you know why there is a furniture industry in Mechelen?" she asked.

"I don't know, can you tell me?" He pretended to say.

"Because it was burned and looted by the Spaniards during the Eighty Years' War, and in the process of rebuilding, the furniture business started, do you remember the town of St. They've been there."

"But then there won't be any change in their town."

She didn't know what to say.

He made her rise, and he rose with him, and they got out of the carriage for a walk along the Seine.

Although it is the same river, the scenery here is completely different from that of Paris, because there are no street lights in the wilderness, and the surroundings are dark and shrouded in mist.

Suddenly she thought of the Louvre, and that June night with a full moon, and the Tuileries disappeared, and the barracks on the other side of the river shrouded in mist.

For a moment, she couldn't tell which one was the dream world, maybe she was also drunk.

She walked unsteadily, just like she stepped on the stones of the canal that day...

He held her hand like a big brother, if only he could keep doing that.

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