Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2241 Fierce Frenzy (1)

Because of the appointment system, only visitors who receive an invitation letter, or after an appointment, can go to the Tuileries Palace at the appointed time, so there is a registration office, and then there is Mrs. Duchatel who works in the registration office .

Now that she is gone, a new person needs to be replaced. Georgiana puts Leila and one of Bertin's seamstresses in charge temporarily, and will find someone to officially take over later.

Immediately after dawn, Georgiana and Bertin worked together to transform her unfashionable clothes, just like Marie Antoinette and Bertin had done before, the difference is that Georgiana does not like Rococo, It’s understandable for girls to wear rococo styles, but it’s a nightmare for a aunt in her 50s to wear such a dress, even though she looks only in her 20s.

Richard Edgeworth's words the night before had reminded her that she and Edgeworth were of the same age.

She likes a well-tailored coat and doesn't want lace and ribbons. Bertin modified it according to her request. This time she has plenty of time, because Napoleon is currently recovering from illness and will stay in Ostende for at least a week. time.

Bertin also lived in the Hall of the Lady of Victory. When they tried on clothes in the small living room, other French officials admired them.

Soon the whole morning passed like this. After visiting Napoleon at noon, who was still unable to eat because of stomach pain, she went to Gregoire for French lessons in the afternoon. In fact, it was similar to Fleur and Bill Weasley's English class, just chatting, and occasionally Gregoire would correct her accent.

There have been long-term language disputes in Belgium. There are mainly two major ethnic groups in the territory, the Flemish and the Walloons. Around the 5th century, the area where the Walloons were located was subject to the Frankish Kingdom. At the end of the 14th century, most of the area was unified by the Principality of Burgundy, and then it was under the rule of Spain, Austria and France for a long time.

The Walloons live in northeastern France and southern Belgium, and most of them speak French, while the Flemish people are named after "Flanders", which used to be ruled by the Netherlands. Flemish is actually a Dutch language.

In addition, there are a small number of descendants of Germanic Germans who speak German. Belgium can be divided into two parts by the language area, the northern part of the language border, where people speak Germanic or Flemish, and the south of the language border, where French is spoken.

Grégoire hoped to promote the French language, which was another reason for his trip.

When Napoleon was still in love with Josephine, he would take everyone he knew to the restaurants she frequented and introduce her to everyone.

He said they were definitely going to get married, and it was okay to be bitten by a dog on the wedding night, and he was willing to share their bed with that dog, and then he went to Egypt, and they slept in separate rooms until one night Josephine said that Marie Antoinette's ghost appeared, she was afraid, and then Bonaparte carried her back to his bedroom.

Henceforth, they still share a bed, unless he goes abroad or spends the night in the Tuileries.

Sprinkling holy water is probably ineffective against the mischievous elf, not to mention that there are many Swiss mercenaries who died in the Tuileries Palace, maybe only the fire can send her away.

As for whether Marie Antoinette will follow Napoleon to Malmaison, this can only be known by asking. Unfortunately, even if the French magician has a remote chat tool, Josephine is unwilling to communicate, so there is no way.

Some women are just "passers-by", whether it is Giuseppina with a natural voice, or "little Cleopatra" in Cairo. Apart from the advantage of being able to have children, the Austrian princess who allowed Napoleon and Josephine to divorce is also Austria. Even if Austria withdraws, they still have residual forces in Belgium. The Belgian people welcome the French. They think that France People will bring them freedom, and some places, such as Leuven and Ghent, do not welcome it.

After her lessons with Grégoire, Georgiana went to see her guardian, Edgeworth, who was now friends with the French bridge committee.

Among the carriages he designed, one was driven by tracks, which were almost the same as those of tanks except that they were made of wood.

The tracked carriages were able to travel on rough or loose ground, well suited to the Belgian terrain. Richard was a laughing, singing, jovial Irishman, and he wondered what he would think of Georgiana if he knew his invention was being used in this way.

Undoubtedly, doing so would please Napoleon, but it defeats her original intention.

This kind of crawler can be used as a conveyor belt to load and unload goods, which can reduce a lot of manpower, and also reduce the number of dock workers. No one is determined to go to the wharf to fight against goods since childhood, but this is a subsistence job, just like Rousseau copying music scores, Venice already has music printing presses.

Grégoire and Edgeworth may be friends because they both love mechanics, but they may not be friends because one is a priest and the other is a "heretic".

In the year when Marie Antoinette and Louis XVI fled, riots occurred in Birmingham, England. At that time, people's clothing changed. The previous boots needed buckles and later became ropes, which affected Many factory bosses are in business. In this case, William Pitt Jr. asks them to pay to form a cavalry team to maintain law and order, and they are not so happy.

Richard bought a piece of land in Ireland and built a small town called Edgeworth. Everything in the town was built according to his ideas.

In May of 1798 he married Francis, one year younger than his daughter. On their way back to town from church, they saw a man hanged from a car.

Also in the same year, there was a riot in Ireland, and people could easily get daggers and spears. In order to maintain the safety of the town, Richard hired some cavalry to protect the town, and many of those cavalry were Protestants.

Richard was supposed to be treasonous, and then he received this fatal warning, which forced him to leave Ireland and join his friends in the Moonlight Society.

Chaos can hinder development, the Birmingham riots ended quickly, and it wasn't completely chaotic like the French Revolution, but fragile optics tend to break when dropped, and there are many things that have already broken. The phrase "There are no philosophers, only eternal churches and kings" was left by the mob in the Birmingham library, and it was not erased when it was rebuilt. It's a pity that Muggles don't know the Restoration Charm, otherwise those torn manuscripts can be restored, but those that were burned by fire can't be helped at all.

In the Middle Ages, knights were once condemned by the church as brutal elements. Whether it was a national war or a war between lords and nobles, they would never be without them. After the Crusades began, they transformed into brave men who protected pilgrims. A sacred profession, they don't need to kneel down and beg God's forgiveness, and repent painfully for the sins they committed.

Some people need redemption, some people don't need it so much, they think it's good to live like this, and you tell him that it's not right to live like this, and they feel offended instead.

God knows whether the promotion of beet planting in Belgium will continue, and sometimes her ideas are too naive.

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