Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2242 Fierce Frenzy (2)

On the west side of Tor Garden, the side facing the Atlantic Ocean is the Freya Courtyard, which Georgiana intends to turn into a hotel and rent out. Even if the summer palace is small and relatively new, it still needs a lot of money to maintain it. The income of the hotel can be subsidized, and the key is to attract guests.

She plans to build a billiards room, an indoor tennis court, and a racetrack on the site. In addition to Las Vegas and Atlantic City in the United States, gambling is legal there. Many European countries, such as Austria and France, consider gambling illegal, but it is legal in Belgium. There are many casinos in Ostend, but they are very simple.

Of course, she doesn't plan to build a casino in the palace, but build a new one next to the racetrack. Edgeworth designed the track concept, similar to snowshoes, to increase the area and reduce the pressure, so as not to sink into the soft snow. The contact area of ​​the wagon wheel after adding the wooden tracks has also become larger, but his design still has many flaws. There is a lot of water in the swamp, and the wooden bars will be soaked soon, which will lose its purpose of off-roading .

The canal from Bruges to Ostende has not yet frozen and is still passable. Once it freezes, it can only be passed by land. The thickness of the ice layer is not yet enough to drive a sled. The road from Heron to Brussels has been repaired, and the repair of other roads depends on the planning.

The telegraph line has been repaired in Lille, and it can be repaired further down, and roads can also be built along the telegraph line. Before the popularity of radio, gamblers listened to the game by telegraph.

Freya's husband Odd is the god of travel in Norse mythology. In Old Norse, his name means passion.

Although she doesn't know how to drive, she knows that the car needs to be turned on, and the car can only be driven when the fire is lit.

She remembered that many people in Venice had to wear masks to appear in public because of their gambling debts. Masks were not only worn on the day of the carnival, but also in the daily life of Venetians.

Napoleon forbade them to wear them on a daily basis, and even restricted the number of masquerade balls. It would be a disappointment to meet such a person in a carnival, and life would be less fun.

"Forgive me for writing such indecent words on a night of drunkenness, with my hands and brain held captive by alcohol, that I imagine you landed on my chest like a tired bird, soft in my ear panting, and..."

"An unmarried girl shouldn't be reading poetry like that," Georgiana warned Philier. "Burn it."

Ferri put away the love poem, but didn't burn it like Georgiana said.

"I don't want the First Consul to see it," Georgiana told her again.

"Maybe you should let him see it." Phillier said with a smile. "You don't want to know how he will react?"

"I don't want to cause trouble," said Georgiana sternly.

"It's easy to cause trouble if you don't show him. Do you like the person who wrote poems to you? That's why you keep his poems."

"I let you burn it."

"Oh~ you want to destroy the evidence." Fei Lier nodded suddenly, "Then I have to give it to him."

Georgiana crossed the table to collect the poem that someone had stuffed in the door, but Ferriel predicted her reaction and ran away with the letter first.

"Give it to me!" Georgiana warned.

"No." Fei Lier said indifferently.

"Margaret, grab her." Georgiana said to Margaret who was watching.

Margaret didn't dare to go forward, but backed away to one side, indirectly making way for Ferrier to come out.

Georgiana really wanted to put on the majesty of the dean, but before her expression could be adjusted, someone appeared at the door, and Ferri almost bumped into him.

"Princess, the master is calling you." Anbar said blankly.

"Understood, I'll go right away." She said softly, and then Anbar bowed and left. The brisk atmosphere since he appeared disappeared, and the air became extremely solemn.

"Ma'am, do you want me to accompany you?" Ferri asked.

"To give you an excuse to give him that letter?" Georgiana said angrily, put on her coat, and left the suite.

Anbar led the way, he didn't say a word, unlike the servant last time, he would find something to say.

He led Georgiana to the Medusa Room, where Bonaparte sat on a chair and looked out at the sea, looking very much like a retired old man.

She walked over, and Anbar retreated by himself, leaving only the two of them and several plaster statues in the hall.

He shifted his eyes from looking at the sea to her.

"How do I look?" asked Bonaparte.

"Sick and thin." She said calmly, "How do you feel today?"

"It's much better." He waved at her, she walked over, and he took her to sit on his lap. "How are you talking with Gregoire these two days?"

"He's a very interesting fellow," said Georgiana.

"Nothing else?" He stroked her back as gently as a cat.

"The matter of you men..."

"How's Christmas going?" he asked again.

"Aren't we going back to Paris for Christmas?" she asked rhetorically.

"If you want to go to Amsterdam, we'll just have to go outside."

"Then go back." She said without hesitation, "Christmas is a time for family reunions."

"And you?"

She looked into his eyes.

"How about a Christmas party?" he said softly.

"I know it's going to be a lot of fun, but I don't need strangers to accompany me," she said quietly.

"Pauline is back, with Leclerc's body," said Bonaparte. "I don't want Delmid to have a sad Christmas."

She said nothing.

"I'm going to mourn for him for a while, and I'll go to Rembrandt's cemetery for another chance."

"No problem." She said without hesitation.

"Fordland has quite a few Rembrandts, you..."

"You told me you wouldn't take any more art," Georgiana cut him off.

"You can get someone to buy it for you," he continued. "I'll pay for it."

She understood that it was a "compensation", like those gems.

"No need, I want to use that money to pay the 'Plant Hunter' commission."

He looks at her.

"Is it a real plant, or is it from that book?"

"It doesn't matter if the painting is not authentic, you can find an art student to copy it." Georgiana said.

"Don't trouble yourself," said Bonaparte.

"It's the same with you. Why did you let an Irish MP be my guardian?" Georgiana asked back.

"He is very interested in us, and he is fond of inventing, and I have just enough use of him," said Bonaparte.

Georgiana shook her head and imitated the tone of the old general and said, "Napolione, you have become as cunning as a fox."

He smiled and kissed her, and could feel his body recovering, and it wouldn't take long for him to heal.

It is estimated that the blueprint of the fortress he designed was almost completed at that time. It is pentagonal, just like the pentagram of Venus. By then, they will set off for the next stop.

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