Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2240 Flower Controversy (one hundred and forty-nine)

"Ha ha ha ha"

Georgiana turned her head, and she seemed to hear Bella's laughter just now.

But there was nothing behind her, as if it was just an illusion.

Even if she can't see those people in red clothes at the moment, she can still feel them. A girl's intuition will be more sensitive in this regard, because no matter in reality or in movies, it is always inevitable to be caught by strange people when walking at night. track.

The stalker thinks it's funny, the girl being stalked doesn't, no one likes the feeling of being hunted like prey.

Inadvertently she saw a mirror on the wall, and then she thought of Malmaison. It is said that all mirrors are covered with black veils.

When Josephine lived in the Tuileries Palace, she once met the ghost of Marie Antoinette. She asked Josephine why she slept in her bed.

Immediately afterwards, Georgiana regained her composure. She was a witch, and she couldn't behave worse than a Muggle.

She took out her wand, first used a sand trap on the ground, and after using the magic, her mind cleared up a bit. Mischief elves originated from Germany, and it seems "reasonable" for such things to appear in German palaces. If those "Cardinals" will sink if they really have a physical body, just like gargoyles. If they don't fall, it will be a kind of mental confusion, and heavy objects will fall to the ground.

The mischievous sprites were always with the building, as hard to eradicate as mold, in fact not even Albus could get Peeves out.

Marie Antoinette is also German, no wonder she appeared in the Tuileries Palace, so where did she go after the Tuileries Palace was burned down?

The Tuileries Palace was burned down during the Paris Commune in 1870, and it was with the victory of the Franco-Prussian War that the German Empire was established in 1871, and King William I of Prussia was crowned emperor at the Palace of Versailles.

Before she could think about it, those in red clothes appeared, and they gradually walked towards the trap.

Mischievous ghosts are not meant to drive out newcomers, their main purpose is to create chaos and to annoy and embarrass the living.

"There's nothing to be afraid of." She encouraged herself, and she tried to communicate with the other party, if the other party was once human like Peeves.

Just when they were about to step into the trap, they stopped suddenly.


Before she finished speaking, a man in red disappeared, and he appeared in the mirror.

Then he disappeared from the mirror, and then appeared on the other side of the trap, with an extra ax in his hand.

"Disarm you!" She cast a spell on the man in red, and the ax in his hand fell into her hand in response.

She looked at the axe, and then at the wall, and sure enough, a decorative ax was missing, and then one by one, his companions came to the side of the trap through the mirror, none of them had weapons in their hands.

Mischievous ghosts can unscrew a chandelier and let it fall on the auditorium as dramatically as the Paris Opera Chandelier, and it is obvious that they are not being reasonable.

Georgiana caught a little inspiration, and there was something, related to Marie Antoinette.

She was thinking so hard that she almost forgot to run away, when she heard the sound of the flapping wings of a bird again.

It was the same last time at Corneille's, when she heard it behind a closet where birds could never nest.

Then she remembered Luminosity, and the quill, and it was the search for the quill that led to Luminosity.

When the wand gave off that faint light, those people in red clothes disappeared, including in the mirror, only Georgiana's own shadow.

She remembered that Marie Antoinette had once admired the beautiful egret feathers on the Duke of Lauzun's hat.

In fact, she didn't want the feather, but the lady who sent the message for her made a mistake, and then the feather appeared in the queen's hand. Because of this, the queen and the Duke of Lauzan had an affair, Marianne Toinette only took the feather once and never wore it again, and the Duke of Lauzan later became the queen's enemy.

As for the offending feather, no one knows where it went. It was just a feather. So many royal jewels disappeared during the French Revolution.

Usually the material for making quills is domestic goose, but there are also pens made of feathers from the wings of swans, crows or other birds. Napoleon never wore a hat to decorate a beautiful feather like others, except for the wedding day. the clothes she was wearing.

She quickened her pace and walked towards the bedroom where he lived, and at this moment she couldn't disapparate.

Halfway down the road she heard another person's footsteps, looked over and saw it was her new guardian, Richard Edgeworth.

"Why are you here?" Georgiana asked.

"I should ask you this, young lady, why are you still wandering around so late?" Edgeworth said, her tone and expression reminded her of the school supervisor.

"I'm on patrol," she replied.

"I believe there are enough guards here. Be careful not to freeze in such a cold day."

"No, you don't understand, Richard." Georgiana stopped in her tracks. "It's you who should go back. I don't need your protection."

Edgeworth laughed like she was a wayward little girl.

Georgiana didn't want to explain to him, and after a while, they came to Napoleon's residence, which was indeed heavily guarded. Stam fell asleep at the door, but Dilloch was nowhere to be seen.

"You can't go in." The guard guarding the door stopped her.

Georgiana knocked them all away with a wave of her wand, and then opened the door with an Arahor spell, looking and looking like a rapist.

However, there was no one else in there except Bonaparte lying quietly on the bed.

She walked into the room, checked all the mirrors, and found nothing unusual, then she walked to the bedside, stroked Bonaparte's forehead, the tentacles were all sweaty.

"You may not like to hear it." Stam said lying at the door. "When the mistress lived in the Tuileries Palace, she would patrol every night herself, or send her servants, just like you did tonight. .”

"Why don't I like to hear it?" Georgiana retorted.

"Because she was trying to catch those women who sneaked into the master's room in the middle of the night." Stam said after hesitating for a while.

Georgiana smiled. "Bonaparte thinks so too?"

All the men looked at her in amazement.

Georgiana kissed him on the forehead and left his bedroom.

She remembered that there was a prophetess next to Josephine. This woman was indeed a witch, and she still used an iron wand.

Now she needs to talk about it, hoping that the French Ministry of Magic also has magic props for long-distance communication.

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