Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2239 Flower Controversy (one hundred and forty-eight)

Harry Potter has an invisibility cloak, which was left to him by his father James Potter. With its help, he can travel at night in the castle.

Albus shouldn't have given it to him. Children can't hold back their curiosity, especially Harry, a child who just came from the Muggle world to the wizarding world. He will definitely use it. But the Invisibility Cloak belonged to the Potter family, and Albus couldn't keep borrowing it, and in Harry's first year, Albus set up a "game" in the castle for him to break through.

It was originally a "children's play" level, but I didn't expect it to become complicated because of Voldemort, especially the level of the three-headed dog, which should have been very sad.

Georgiana wore a cloak and walked quickly in the corridors of the summer palace. Even though the glass and walls blocked the cold wind from the North Sea, the corridors were still very cold, and she could even see her hot breath.

The black cloak was like an invisibility cloak in the dark, something she'd done before, to meet the old bat.

The invisibility cloak was not as expensive as Harry Potter's, but it was not as common as the one made of invisible animal hair. She felt it was very exciting at the time, as if going to a feast, although the appetizer, main course and Dessert was only a rich chocolate pie, and she still felt the blood boil.

Now she didn't feel that feeling at that time at all. The biting cold made her feel as if there was a force preventing her from moving forward.

Every step she took, she seemed to hear the dragging sound of heavy objects moving.

She stopped and looked behind her. There was darkness there, as if there was nothing.

So she kept walking, and within a few steps she heard the dragging sound again.

She stopped again, and looked back again, and after a while she heard that dragging sound again, and after a while, it was like someone was pulling something heavy and moving forward.

Most people fear death and think death is terrible.

Humans, like animals, have the instinct to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, and are willing to do things that make them feel satisfied and happy, and many of those things represent "sin", even if they will be punished, people are still willing to do things Dry, some even pursue eternal life.

But if there is nothing to love about life, and death represents the end of "living crimes", then death is nothing to be afraid of.

William Pitt Jr. once said that a little girl almost jumped into the river because she couldn't bear the heavy work. Compared with heavy industries such as mining and steel, textiles are light industries, and more child labor and female labor are used, while heavy industries employ more men.

Some people don't feel this heavy burden at all, while others are overwhelmed by it.

In Dante's Divine Comedy, such a group of people are described, all wearing gorgeous robes, moving slowly and endlessly.

Jesus didn't dress like them when he walked on the Way of the Cross with his cross on his back.

When things bear the name of "sacred", they are no longer "cheap" and "ordinary".

Napoleon bought ritual objects for the priests at the cheapest price. Many of these ceremonial objects were taken away during the French Revolution, or they were confiscated and needed to be replenished.

The reason Georgiana gave was that a widow donated the only two silver coins. Although she didn't donate as much as the rich, the resurrected Jesus said that she donated more than them all. In the case of tight finances, it is a bit stretched. Just like the Venetians built the Church of Our Lady of Ankang, their finances were also tight at that time, and they wanted to use the cheapest price to make a good impression.

The Venetians don't need to build a church, but when they were ravaged by the plague and desperately asked the Virgin for help, they promised to build a church for her.

It is written in the Ten Commandments of Moses that you must not kill. The first murder case was that Cain killed Abel because he was jealous that Abel was more favored by God.

Albus had asked her what emotions this new "non-existence" fed on, and her answer at the time was "evil thoughts".

Harry could understand Basilisk, and the basilisk kept saying "kill" and "hunger" as it crawled through the pipes.

Although it was cultivated by alchemy, the basilisk is still an animal with the instinct to eat, and meat eaters must kill if they want to eat meat.

But that's not the case for the Quanzhou native who found his shadow's head enlarged. He wanted to kill out of hatred. He wanted to kill the whole family of the enemy's family, and then went to join the pirates, completely ignoring his wife.

What he planned was murder. Unlike Cain's murderous intent when he killed Abel because of passion, the shadow of change even acted as a warning that he himself would die, and then the murderous intent disappeared.

Georgiana, too, went mad and tried to kidnap the children of the voting bourgeoisie and send them to factories so that when their parents voted on passing the Factory Act, they wouldn't treat it as a A kind of charity, and this "inspiration" comes from the kidnapping case in Paris in 1750.

Maybe she was wrong. Its food is inspiration, not evil thoughts. Dreams can bring a lot of inspiration to people, and many ideas are generated in sleep, such as the apple that hit Newton's head when he was taking a nap.

All in all, she saw a group of people coming out of the darkness, they were wearing red robes, the red color was still dazzling even in the darkness, they looked like a group of cardinals.

They approached slowly, both as if they were dragging a heavy object, and as if they had to walk with such a solemn pace because of the requirements of etiquette.

Even if you are not running fast, the shadow is still chasing you. Some people would think that killing Voldemort with a time-turner while he was still young is like the proverb says, destroy this cockatrice whilst young, strangle this strange snake while it is young.

Then wouldn’t it be the same as Voldemort, who killed Harry when he was still a baby, and Pharaoh and King Herod, who wanted to destroy the prophet while he was still young, and Odi Oedipus was abandoned by Oedipus' father, Laios, who believed in the curse that Pelops had cast on him that he would be killed by his own son.

Oedipus didn't know his own life experience, he became the prince of a neighboring country, and he didn't want to be a sinner who killed his father and married his mother, so he left Corinth and stayed away from the adoptive father who he thought was his biological father.

But in the end he became the prophesied sinner, and plague and famine befell the city-state.

That book wrote about how to deal with mandrills, but not how to deal with "shadows", and the way mandrills are also very simple, is to catch and eat them, just like natural enemies, part of the food chain.

Georgiana could try eating them too, souls are delicious food, though she fears they are poisonous.

When you gaze into the abyss, the abyss also gazes into you. Those who fight monsters should be careful not to become monsters.

She was terrified and wanted to scream, but she knew her screams would attract more people who couldn't really help.

You are left with only yourself.

This cognition made her mind go blank, and only now did she feel that she might really be inferior to a teenager.

Thanks to her being a girl, no one would say she was a coward, a coward, and a coward herself, even if she ran away.

But she hopes that she is not a coward, and she can still think of how to deal with those who are following her when she is running away. Of course, she does not dare to run too fast, because she may catch up with them. The courtyard formed by the Erwa Palace is square, although it is not round, it is also continuous.

You can't run too fast, or you will catch up with your own shadow.

So she can only walk at a brisk pace, hoping that her physical strength can hold on, because if she stops, she will be overtaken by those seemingly slow-moving "figures".

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