Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2228 Flower Controversy (one hundred and thirty-seven)

The Russians also play Quidditch, but they can stop playing it at any time, because it is an outdoor sport, considering their cold and windy weather all year round, and various rules of the International Statute of Secrecy, for Keeping Muggles away from seeing remote places like Siberia makes them less interested in playing Quidditch for themselves.

Muggle politics affect the wizarding world to a certain extent. The Quidditch World Cup in 1809 was a game between New Spain and Romania. New Spain is the future Mexico. It is not yet independent, but they have established a national Quidditch team. Participated in international competitions.

Similarly, there was no Ministry of Magic in Egypt. This was another topic discussed at the summit. Wizards in Egypt would use evil spells in their tombs. Doing so is considered a violation of the International Statute of Secrecy.

In addition, Egyptian wizards prefer to use flying carpets instead of flying broomsticks. Of course, their Quidditch has not been promoted. Whether to include flying carpets in the register of prohibited magic items has become the focus of "battle".

Flying carpets are used throughout the Persian cultural circle, including India, Bangladesh, and Mongolia. In ancient Greek mythology, there is a kind of golden fleece. The wool of this sheep is pure gold, and it can fly.

There is a kind of sheep in the mountains of the Mughal Empire. Although its wool is not pure gold, it has the ability to fly. People cut the wool and send it to Lahore to weave flying carpets. The breeding of this kind of sheep has always been a secret, so the flying carpet trade has always been monopolized by the wizards of the Mughal Empire.

To put it another way, if Egyptian wizards switched to flying broomsticks instead of flying carpets, and France also had broomstick manufacturers, Lestrange and Malfoy would be arguing about how to divide the trade share. The degree is still married, and Lestrange also ran to England to seek refuge during the French Revolution.

Malfoy is good at using money, and they also need to have income. In this case, a few scavengers are not the focus of Septimus.

This is just like the pure blood who used to be staunch opponents of the International Law of Secrecy, but later they discovered that the general trend was irreversible, and they could still obtain benefits from other places, so they became supporters of the International Law of Secrecy.

In 1692, the Spanish Empire was the center of the entire Christian world, and even King Louis XIV of France had to learn the etiquette of the Spanish court. The discovery of the new sea route was related to Zheng He’s massive purchase of pepper and other goods, which caused the price of spices to skyrocket, and the gold and silver coins in the pockets of European nobles were emptied. Of course, the Spaniards who could get gold and silver were surrounded to sell their goods.

Spain also had the Inquisition, and many Spanish wizards and witches attended the French Beauxbaton School of Magic in the Pyrenees.

France has its special historical reasons. After all, no king dared to kidnap the Pope to Avignon like the French king.

With the completion of Versailles, many Spanish nobles also went to the Palace of Versailles, bringing French architecture, food and clothing to Spain. This kind of ethos undoubtedly violates the teachings of Christianity, but the king no longer wants to suppress the rebellious nobles like the "Frontiers".

Many people think that Napoleon was extravagant, and his generals followed suit. But after careful observation, you will find that he will not treat those who serve him badly. After the wealth is absorbed, it will be distributed to those generals in the form of high annual salary. As long as they compare their annual salary with that of other people working in the capital, they will not feel that their annual salary is less. Coupled with the income from war looting, these generals are also rich enough to buy those luxurious palaces that only the royal family could live in in the past.

They were inevitably surrounded by beautiful, spendthrift women like Madame Duchâtel, the mistress of the Duke of York who earned money by buying and selling naval offices.

But men would not take the initiative to push away beautiful women who wanted to approach them. Georgiana was able to approach Bonaparte smoothly thanks to the people around him, who took the initiative to make way for her. Only Josephine would organize a "human wall" to isolate those women. Georgiana's solution was to do it herself, after all, she didn't have so many female companions.

That is a bottomless pit. Is a horse worth hundreds of thousands of francs? If it was a stallion, Georgiana would pay for it, but if it was a gelding to pull the cart, forget it.

Georgiana took Bonaparte to see Pegasus. After feeding them two barrels of whiskey, he told her that William Pitt Jr. transported 20 million Spanish silver coins to the West Indies to prepare for the next South American development plan. It's not all about buying off neutral countries.

In the first phase of the development of the New World, New York once made a fortune as a base for resupplying flour for the British Navy, which was targeting the Caribbean.

The United States is now independent, and it is not so suitable to continue to obtain supplies from the United States. Barbados and Cuba can be used as alternative supply places. Relatively speaking, France has suffered a big loss in Santo Domingo.

Losing this colony not only lost the local sugar and coffee, but also lost the springboard for taking back Louisiana and establishing a country in North America. If it had been in the past, he would have sold that piece of land long ago, which would not only fill the national treasury , and can also cultivate a strong enemy of the United Kingdom, and the way for the Americans to advance westward will also be opened.

Because he didn't sell the land, the British still wanted to maintain peace. French merchant ships still have freedom of navigation, and no foreign warship will catch them like "fish".

But it is still very difficult for French ships to go to India, because India is the sapphire in the queen's crown. The wood that Britain can use to build warships is also getting less and less. South America is currently a colony of Portugal and Spain. Britain has won practical benefits, but suffered diplomatically.

There is another way—Russia. Catherine said that if she could live to be two hundred years old, she would make the whole of Europe crawl under her feet. Not all Russian wizards live in the primeval forests of Siberia, and some of them hang out in the upper class like the French wizards. The venue of the Quidditch World Cup has no direct relationship with the countries where the finalists are located. In 1994, the Quidditch World Cup was held in the UK. One of the finalists, Ireland, belonged to the Irish-British Quidditch Union. It was a coincidence that the UK happened to be the venue.

If the final is held in Siberia, it is hard to say whether the level of disaster caused will be worse than in 1994, because the Dark Mark was released in 1994, and Muggles saw it, causing the risk of exposure to the wizarding world, and Siberia is vast no man's land.

After feeding the Pegasus, Bonaparte took her back to the castle, and Bertin prepared a lounge for her with a fireplace.

He habitually took out the flint, but Georgiana took out the wand, and a fire spell ignited it.

He froze for a moment, then kissed her forehead, and then went out.

"Where are you going?" she asked.

"Go and find that 'French Crow'." He said before closing the door, and closed it behind him.

It would be great if he could persuade Labastan to give up the ownership of the castle, even if he didn't give up, at least after solving the problem of the purger.

Georgiana lay on the recliner. The lounge was furnished in an exotic style, reminding her of Bertin's "Great Khan's Residence" and India, as well as the Taj Mahal built by the Mughal king for his concubine.

The last time he gave her a big diamond, it was said that it was the Mughal diamond. Just like Rose said, such a big diamond was very heavy to hang around the neck. At that time, their appearance was reflected in the mirror, as if they were plots in a movie, or they were dreaming.

Passion comes and goes quickly, and once the novelty wears off, what the mistress says will have little influence. So if you want to give gifts and ask for help, you have to take advantage of this time. The anti-smuggling captain who was a miner gave her so many Egyptian gifts.

Pauline actually believed his promise, and he divorced Josephine after she gave birth to a child.

Georgiana didn't fall for the same trap, but for a split second she fancied she was the man's love in the mirror, and then she didn't care if he gave her the real Mughal diamond.

This relationship will not last long. Is it worthwhile to give up a long-term marriage for the sake of short-term passion?

What's more, this is a dream, the real Napoleon died long ago.

"I have a question." Albus Dumbledore asked suddenly, "How do you understand 'mortality'?"

Georgiana, with the Mughal diamond, turned to look at Albus sitting in the rocking chair, with the book and the Deluminator in his hand.

"how do you……"

"Answer my question." Albus interrupted her.

"Amortality refers to never dying, and can't die. It's different from 'immortality' because they haven't really lived." Georgiana replied, "Like Boggarts and dementors."

"I wish I could say Hufflepuff added three points, but your answer is too 'boring', I want to hear your own understanding." Albus said with a smile.

Georgiana thought for a while, "You mean, the so-called shadow of Yan Yin is also a kind of existence 'beyond life and death'?"

"And how do you understand non-existence?" Albus asked.

"By non-human spiritus apparition, I mean Muggles can only perceive their non-existence through indirect means."

"Non-existence lives and feeds on human emotions, and they're ever present. If dementors are out of desperation, and boggarts are out of fear, then yin..."

"Evil thoughts." She continued.

"We know that we can counteract the negative emotions of the victim with positive emotions, so what can stop the 'evil thoughts'?"

Georgiana didn't answer kindness, that's not the right answer.

Albus played with the Deluminator. It looked like a lighter used in World War I, but he just opened and closed its lid, and didn't suck the light away like Ron did. Its shell was green and looked Not like a Gryffindor property.

"What did you think of?" Albus asked.

"I know how to do it," Georgiana said excitedly, and sat up on the sofa to start drawing.

"What are you doing?"

"Put-outer, why didn't I think of that?" She said excitedly, "It's a ready-made 'container'."

"Can you explain?"

"We can't let energy flow by itself, but 'suck' them in. Remember the water supply system in Paris, some use natural gravity, and some use steam engines to pump water." She paused here.

"Go on, I'm listening," said the man standing behind her.

"Who are you?" Georgiana asked.

"Ma'am, wake up." She heard Caroline's voice.

When she opened her eyes, she found that she was still in the lounge.

"It's meeting time," Caroline said.

"Wait." She quickly got up, walked to the table, and wrote down the ideas in her dream just now, so as not to forget them later.

That is to say, she wants to make a large-scale extinguisher in the underground of Paris. It is similar to the kerosene lighter and can be used as the shell of the "core".

With this foundation, the next step is to "enhance" its strength. This can be done in cooperation with the French alchemist, and then the maze can be designed.

She thought of the Möbius ring, which has only one face and one side. If it is cut along the middle of the Möbius ring, it will form a ring twice the space of the original Möbius ring. If Cut along the middle of the ring to form two identical rings with front and back sides, and these two rings are nested together.

This means that there is no end and no starting point, forever going back and forth, infinitely standing still, no matter how you go, you will return to the starting place.

Her purpose is to trap "non-existence". Human beings are not her goal. If someone tries to use violence to destroy it, finding shortcuts will become more and more complicated, and finally become a tangled ball of thread, and the end of the thread cannot be found.

"What's this for?" asked Coroline after Georgiana stopped writing.

"Have you been to the Department of Mysteries at the British Ministry of Magic?" Georgiana asked Coroline.

"No, I heard that only silent people are eligible to enter." Caroline replied.

"Now, you have it too." Georgiana smiled and handed the paper to Caroline, and then left the lounge.

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