Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2229 Flower Controversy (one hundred and thirty-eight)

During Harry Potter's journey to destroy the Horcruxes, Ron quit halfway, wanting to stay with his family. Like a prodigal son who returned to the family, but it didn't take long for him to set off to find Hermione again. She heard Hermione's voice from the Deluminator, and then Apparated to her side.

Georgiana played with a Deluminator conjured by the Transfiguration Charm and listened absentmindedly to the extraneous noises.

The Hufflepuff gold cup is hidden in the vault of the Lestrange family at Gringotts in London. It is not conspicuous among the many treasures. If you think about it this way, the copy spell can play a role in preventing theft. A powerful curse like a ring with a resurrection stone.

She had always thought that the civet, the guardian of the French Ministry of Magic, used replication magic, and that it was too weak compared to the fire dragon in the underground of Gringotts in London. But looking back now, it doesn't seem like a good idea to let a dragon stay underground in the downtown area. If Harry and Hermione let the dragon out, its first reaction is not to run away, but to breathe dragon fire and burn the nearby blocks to ashes If not, London may experience another fire.

If the civet is like a Möbius ring, it was originally one, and then it was cut and became two. While magically attacking it would split apart, otherwise it behaved like a normal cat, making them less of a threat to Muggles a block away.

It needs to absorb magic power to split, or it will no longer have the ability to split infinitely if it leaves the Ministry of Magic, otherwise the whole world will soon be filled with them.

Heraclitus said that this world is the same for all things, it was not created by God, nor man-made, but it was, is and always will be an eternal living fire, burning according to certain standards , and go out according to a certain standard.

She hadn't tried artificial life, which was always what Slytherin was good at, not to mention there were so many alchemists in Paris.

And she believes that most people prefer cute animals, such as Bowtruckles and fluffy kittens, to basilisks.

Although Minerva McGonagall will turn into a cat, but she is not as soft as a real cat, or lazy, she is too stiff, who has ever seen a cat that has been squatting in place, motionless.

Unknowingly, the story goes back to the very beginning. One night in late autumn, a little baby was placed in front of a Muggle community, as if it were an abandoned baby.

If Petunia hadn't found him in time, Harry might have froze to death in the late autumn wind.

In fact, Harry almost died at the age of 17. He fell into the frozen lake to get the sword of Gryffindor. If Ron hadn't saved him, the reason why Ron would have found him was because he heard He Min's voice, Apparated to the Forest of Dean.

Maybe not so magical, because Severus was there at the time, and he could use the Patronus to lure Harry to where the sword of Gryffindor was, and he could use the Patronus to send a message to Ron, and he stay home, don't you?

But Severus didn't want to talk about that, because he did induce Harry to his death, destroying the last Horcrux - Harry himself, as Albus' will told him.

Men are often rational. When rationalism is pushed to the extreme, it happens to lead to a kind of irrationality, that is, to regard reason as omnipotent, just like God is omnipotent.

She thinks that Harry is not the seventh Horcrux. Think about it differently. If Voldemort knew that Harry was his seventh Horcrux, he would still use the Avada Kedavra to kill Harry and reach Albus' destruction. Horcrux purpose? Or he didn't know that Harry was his seventh Horcrux, so he made another one in order to make up the number "7" which has mysterious power.

There is indeed enough evidence to prove that Harry is a Horcrux, his Parseltongue, the strange connection between him and other Horcruxes, and the scar on his forehead, but the logic does not make sense.

She remembered that she had just arrived in this world. She met Lyle Meyer in St. Luke's Palace. At that time, he killed Mary, the maid who temporarily arranged to take care of her with a flying knife, and then Lyle Meyer told her that this world People are not really alive, nor will they really die.

She was thinking in the direction of philosophy and poetry, completely forgetting the existence of "non-existence" beyond life and death. Muggles can't see dementors, but they can feel them. However, dementors do not change after the death of a living person. After the Muggle sailors who were lured to Azkaban by a false lighthouse were tortured by black magic, the negative emotions they generated became a breeding ground for dementors. It represents a kind of "indestructible mental chaos", just like the Yin Yin people will cause other people's mental chaos when they gather.

It is said in the imam's story that evil thoughts will cause shadow backlash, and the Yin people gather together to express that they are not understood by others.

She didn't answer the question correctly, so Albus gave her no points.

In the Kabbalah tree of life, understanding chakras house the queen and the god of death. And the "core" of the traditional tree of life is beauty, namely the Garden of Eden and the Tower of Babel. Understand that the color of the chakras is black, just like the darkness that the Yin people think contains a plot.

This is difficult and incomprehensible, "black honey syrup" corresponds to "blue blood", this problematic "blue blood" is used as ink, written on the bill, can be used to curse people, it can Through the reproduction of human emotions, what emotion lured the shadow to pass by at that time? Matilda is sleeping...

She looked up at the group of people again, mainly Malfoy, who proposed Britain's separation from the International Federation of Wizards, and now it seems that he has no sincerity to return. After all, it is foreseeable that peace in Europe will not last long, unless the European wizarding world Like America, completely separated from the Muggle world.

Credence arrived in France in 1927, just before the Great Depression. The Great Depression not only caused the U.S. economy to decline, but also swept across Europe. It can be said to be the last good time.

The crux of the problem now is whether to continue the past policy, strictly implement the International Law of Secrecy, and even prohibit wizards from marrying Muggles, or to relax the restrictions.

This has nothing to do with the Quidditch World Cup, the Trade Standards, and the Prohibited Trade List. Muggle issues belong to Muggles, and wizard issues belong to wizards. No one is in the way.

It was an old road, and it would deepen mutual misunderstanding, but Georgiana was going to go down it, her brain was not so bright, and she couldn't think of a better idea.

At least the primary purpose of this summit—the problem of cooperating with the scavengers who summon Garuda to enforce the law has been resolved. Whether the UK wants to hold the Quidditch World Cup or whether it wants to return to the International Federation of Wizards or maintain the status quo is irrelevant. Think long term. Wizards do not have ambassadors, consuls, etc. The official national boundaries have been determined, and the official procedures can also be finalized. We will talk about other issues next time.

After finalizing her idea, Georgiana temporarily stopped the two parties who were "discussing" and announced the adjournment. As for where the next meeting will be held, she will not see the same situation happening in Belgium anyway.

The world is so big, she still can't believe that there is no place for them to sit down and talk, if it is impossible, it can also be on the train or ship.

In the past, she thought that Bonaparte had a lot of power. After signing the agreement, he had to change several places. Wouldn't it be okay to leave after talking about one place?

This is the advantage of monarchy and centralization. Otherwise, when they make a noise and finalize the plan, time will be wasted.

Before she left, she glanced at Malfoy who was holding a silver snake-headed staff. Except for the platinum hair, his appearance was tougher than Lucius's, and he looked less handsome, with a kind of sophisticated cunning.

He found Georgiana looking at him, bowing to her hypocritically, which reminded her of the Slytherin viper who also appeared abruptly at the conference table during the Order of the Phoenix meeting, he always smiled sarcastically, so he often provoked anger Sirius Black.

At least no one actually fights, which is good news.

So she turned and left the conference room.

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