Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2227 Flower Controversy (one hundred and thirty-six)

In St. Petersburg, Russia, there is an oil painting of Rembrandt's Prodigal Son, which was his posthumous work. He died a year after the painting was completed.

Georgiana looked out through the window of the castle, looking at the sea not far away.

After Newton, the authority of reason replaced the authority of religion, as Bonaparte said to Laplace, people are driving God out of this world.

What kind of story would it be if the prodigal son who was out eating, drinking and having fun and squandered all his wealth came home, and his father didn't welcome him with open arms, but drove him away?

Religious tolerance is a breeding ground for rationality. The earliest religious tolerance appeared in Germany, first between Catholics and Lutherans, and soon between Catholic and Protestant denominations, and then expanded to between theists and atheists.

It is precisely because of this that Georgiana's purpose in designing the maze has also changed from the initial imprisonment.

At Hogwarts, when you need help, you just need to ask, but after leaving Hogwarts, you have to distinguish who is worthy of help, and help those who are worthy of help.

This is quite difficult. Before the misunderstanding was cleared up, Harry Potter saw Severus Snape who was lying in a pool of blood and didn't think about saving him. If he really had the heart, then he would think of Luo Eun's father was also bitten by Nagini.

He didn't try his best, and he didn't even think about trying. He watched Snape die little by little, like the son of an enemy witnessing the death of his enemy, and it seemed like he didn't want Snape to feel lonely before he died.

According to the Yin people, people's plight is largely caused by the inability to trace their lives back.

Credence came to Europe from the United States to pursue his "history", so that he was manipulated by Grindelwald.

He needs help, and there are people like him too. From the information she has so far, Yinyin is not that kind of disorderly and chaotic dark race, but after it "blossoms", it can't control itself and will attack the surrounding creatures. Like a Venus flytrap attacking insects, in order to obtain nutrients.

Maybe she got it wrong, but at least she wants to give it a try. She needs to design several "channels". When dangerous magic like Grindelwald's flame appears, she can transport it to the world like Nick Flamel. Underground, transported to the center of the labyrinth through "pipes", it not only relieves the crisis but also provides energy for it.

But then she would have to design a "core" strong enough to hold that much energy, and when she thought about it she remembered that Elvis song, and that wonderful Christmas Eve, and her rush wedding.

She stroked the lace curtains, and could tell that they were made in Calais. Such a long lace is very suitable for the veil of a bridal gown, which is another thing that can drive a girl crazy besides the Cinderella story.

Most women would try on dozens of wedding dresses, but her happy shopping experience was only with Narcissa Malfoy when they were about to empty Lucius Malfoy's bank account.

The hexagram of Xianheheng is followed by the hexagram of escape. It seems that according to Zhouyi's understanding, if the husband cheats, the woman should divorce, or give in or something.

Divorce is possible, but you can't want nothing, heartbroken and say "I misunderstood you", and then turn around gracefully. The French Civil Code promulgated by Napoleon is good. Anyone who is not loyal will leave the house. However, this is prone to murder. In order to avoid their own losses, the party who wants to divorce may poison, cause accidents, buy murder, etc. Wait, causing the death of the spouse, so that there is no need to lose a large amount of wealth due to divorce.

There will be no women who take the initiative to create opportunities for their husbands to get to know each other, especially a "high consumption" woman like Mrs. Duchâtel. Perhaps only the French treasury can withstand her profligacy.

But there was no doubt that well-groomed women were beautiful, and Josephine did everything she could to deal with Georgiana.

Napoleon was indeed wealthy, and his property in Italy alone was not a small sum, but the source of the money...

Just then she heard hurried footsteps.

She looked in that direction and saw an angry Septimus Malfoy.

"What are you thinking?" he asked fiercely.

"It depends on what you're asking," Georgiana returned.

"When I asked if the castle belonged to you, how did you say it was going to the French Ministry of Magic?"

"What does that say?" asked Georgiana.

"This is a neutral place." Septimus pointed to his feet and said, "But now it's not. The French crow is going to change this place into a border administration to deal with smugglers."

"What?" she raised her voice.

"You didn't expect it, did you?" Septimus smiled sinisterly and contemptuously, "If this castle is in your name, and we capture those purgers, we can hold trials here. There are dungeons here, and it's okay. Create a court."

Georgiana was speechless.

"Do you think this castle is not yours, so you shouldn't take it?"

"Oh, isn't it?" Georgiana asked angrily.

"You bloody saints." Septimus said disdainfully, turned and left.

Georgiana was so angry that her chest hurt.

That's why, that's why Slytherins are hated!

"Are you okay?" Louvre asked Georgiana by his arm.

Georgiana ignored her, and she touched her heart to give herself comfort.

She also told Lou Fu last night, what is regret, and now she regrets it.

Now is it too late for her to find the "old French crow" to spit out the meat she ate?

She turned to look at Caroline.

Caroline Lestrange seemed to know what Georgiana was going to ask, and shrugged helplessly at her.

"How about finding another castle?" Louvre asked.

"No," said Caroline and Georgiana together, and then fell silent at the same time.

"What's the difference? They're all abandoned castles anyway."

"I can find a new castle for your uncle, and you let him give up this castle." Georgiana said to Caroline.

"I don't think he'll agree, he's already chosen where his future office will be," Caroline said.

Georgiana stamped her foot in chagrin.

If it had been a "normal" woman, she would have embraced it, so that Malfoy could see her at lunchtime to set things up, and then everything would fall into place.

The forty-two hexagrams of Zhouyi are benefit hexagrams, which means to gain benefits, but the front of this hexagram is loss hexagram. For a person, the most difficult thing to defeat is himself, especially when he is in adversity, it is inevitable that the mind will be damaged, which will lead to mental illness. Out of balance, acting blindly and falling into trouble, conquered by one's own selfish desires.

People who have been in the lower position for a long time, or who have suppressed themselves, once they get benefits but do not know how to restrain themselves, and are greedy, they will eventually collapse like a dike due to fullness, so the next hexagram of the Yi hexagram is the Wei hexagram.

But if you don't want the benefits you want, you will encounter Georgiana's current situation. When practicing, "nerds" may not be as good as people who don't read much.

"Before" I heard that Hogwarts was going to have guests to hold the Triwizard Tournament. She took the house elves to clean up and wiped the rusty armor until it looked like a mirror, but she was not from the castle. hostess.

In some families, the hostess cleans the house and greets distinguished guests herself, but as the British wizards often say, it is difficult to give the house-elf something.

But is it her fault to develop such a habit? It wasn't that Albus taught her to be frugal, he even made her drink Polyjuice Potion to keep her short and fat.

Albus repressed his desires too much, a "saint" and pure blood like him couldn't socialize.

What did Draco call Harry? Saint Potter, there is no saliva coming out after making two explosive sounds in a row. This is the result of Draco's noble education.

No wonder the house-elves didn't like her as much as they liked Severus, even though she was nice to them.

But what was she to them? Malfoy just told the house-elves to clean and cook, and she worked with them and somehow took their jobs.

You live like a house elf.

Here's Georgiana's latest conclusion, will Queen Catherine be like her?

A German woman who became the Empress of Russia didn't even need to sit behind a curtain, but she herself wore the king's crown, holding the scepter and the royal ball.

Well, she doesn't need to wear the same crown as Catherine, and she has no interest in that crown of thorns. It was the same when she went to coordinate and deal with conflicts between the villagers of Sevres and the British who lived in the military camp last time. She actually wanted to settle down at the bridgehead. Fortunately, Sevres has a sufficiently luxurious and spacious conference room.

Ditto for dinner at Victor Hugo's with Severus, like a thief, normal men wouldn't put up with a bad "date" like that.

But he saves the bad date by accommodating her and asking her out for a dance.


Georgiana was taken aback. She turned her head and found that it was Bonaparte with a smile on her face. He suddenly picked her up and circled her.

This one also dances a silent dance with her.

After turning around three or four times, he put her down "Have you had lunch?"


"It just so happens that I don't have either, let's go." He led her through this dilapidated and magnificent fortress, and it didn't take long before he came to a room, or it used to be a room, and it had collapsed more than half. Leaving ruins, but from here you can see the excellent sea view.

On the table covered with a tablecloth was a lot of fresh fruit, including tropical ones, and there were two silver-covered dinner plates, one of which he opened...

"What's this?" Georgiana said, looking at the "food".

"Taste and you'll know." He said awkwardly.

Georgiana looked at him suspiciously.

If any cook did this, he would have been fired long ago.

"You did this?" she said in disbelief.

He didn't answer.

"You know I have a meeting this afternoon, right? If I have diarrhea in the meeting..."

He looked disappointed.

She looked up at the sky and asked silently.

God, what else do you want from me?

She sat down in silence, and then took a sip of what was on the plate...

"I tasted beef." She savored the dish like wine. "And potatoes."

"It's Hungarian beef soup." He sat down impatiently, picked up the spoon and tasted the dish he made, and immediately exclaimed, "Why is it so bland."

"You forgot to put the salt." She summoned the salt shaker placed in the middle of the table with the Flying Curse, and said while sprinkling salt, "Fortunately, I didn't put it in, and it can be saved."

He slapped the cutlery on the table, shaking the table, then stood up, walked to her side, and stretched out his hand.

She felt very proud of handing over the salt shaker to him.

Then he returned to his seat with the salt shaker and sprinkled salt on his dishes.

She didn't ask him why he thought of cooking by himself, although compared to other talents, he is not outstanding in this field, but he should be in a good mood before coming, and hope that what she just said didn't ruin this "date".

Maybe she can still save it.

"What are you thinking?" He asked casually.

"Rembrandt," she said casually, "I like his work."

He raised his head slowly.

"I heard that he was buried in Amsterdam. Can we pay homage to his grave this time?"

"You want to go to Holland?" He blinked his blue eyes and smiled politely.

"I don't want to be assassinated on the road like Archduke Ferdinand and return "Girl with a Pearl Earring" to others," she said.

"Who is Archduke Ferdinand?"

She found herself saying unnecessary words.

"You like blue? That's why you decorated the conference room in blue?" he asked again.

"That's right." She replied immediately.

Then he stopped talking and began to concentrate on eating.

"At least don't take away other people's good paintings." She said in vain. "I don't need the original ones. I like the reproductions too."

"I can agree to your request." He said with a smile.

"What about returning the girl with the pearl earring?"

He stopped talking again, and kept a mysterious smile on the corner of his mouth.

She rolled her eyes and continued to eat lunch that looked a bit like Hungarian beef. After adding salt, the taste improved a bit, but it was still far from delicious, but at least it was not poisonous. Her afternoon meeting should be held normally.

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