Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2219 Flower Controversy (one hundred and twenty-eight)

On the sixth day of June, hide the water and expose the clothes; on the seventh day of the seventh month, float the needle skillfully. According to the festival tradition, every family with a girl should put a bowl of water in the sun, and the girl should gently float the needle on the surface of the water, and then look at the bottom of the water. In order to predict whether the girl has a pair of skillful hands, it is also predicting her future in a sense.

With the introduction of Buddhism and the rise of Taoism, the Hungry Ghost Festival on July 15, also known as the Obon Festival, has become another important festival in July. Buddha jackfruit, put river lanterns in Xiyuan.

Because the admiral and Cao Xi are not allowed to leave the mansion at present, it is Nick who accompanied Wanning to offer incense. It is said that the autumn red leaves on the mountain where this temple is located are very beautiful. In the Tang Dynasty, it was once called Gongde Temple because of those The beautiful red leaves were changed to Qixia Temple.

At the end of the Yuan Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang, who had nowhere to go, had been a monk for eight years. It was not until the Huangjue Temple where he lived was destroyed by war, and he had nowhere to go again. Only then did he get the auspicious hexagram of "becoming a male and then prospering" from Jialan Bodhisattva. He was greatly inspired, and then he went to Haozhou to join Guo Zixing's peasant uprising army. Within a year of joining the army, he was highly valued by Guo Zixing, and he was promoted from an ordinary soldier to a nine- and centurion commander in just three years.

When he first entered Nanjing, Zhu Yuanzhang, one of the heroes at the end of the Yuan Dynasty, probably would not have thought about his future. The people in Nanjing at that time were probably the same as Zhu Yuanzhang, "changing the king's banner at the top of the city". How long to stay.

Unexpectedly, this man surnamed Zhu became the emperor, and because of this man, Nanjing became the capital of China. In history, Nanjing has served as the capital more than once, the prosperity of the Six Dynasties, and the scenery of the Southern Tang Dynasty.

However, it didn’t take long for Nanjing to become the capital of a unified country. After the Jingnan War, Zhu Di moved the capital to BJ. Since then, Nanjing has been serving as BJ’s companion capital.

Compared with the Forbidden City with its red walls and gold tiles, the most striking thing about Nanjing is its city walls. This is a feature of the Ming Dynasty, and the city walls were always being built, the most famous of which is the Great Wall.

BJ is located in the Yanshan Mountains, just on the edge of the farming civilization circle, but the canals dredged by the Yuan Dynasty were too shallow to allow large ships to pass through. Therefore, in the early years of Yongle, both water and sea transportation were used in the process of transporting military supplies to the north. Not very safe.

Nanjing does not have the same political functions as BJ, but its economic, cultural, and foreign exchange functions are very prominent. Zheng He’s voyages to the West were made and set out here, and tribute missions gathered here in an endless stream. Even after the capital was moved, there were still many tributes by sea. Stop here before heading north along the canal.

Francis Xavier, a Catholic Jesuit missionary in the 16th century, preached near Guangzhou, but never entered the mainland. His successor, Matteo Ricci from Italy, worked hard to stay in Nanjing, making friends with celebrities and ministers, and building churches. , which kicked off the prelude to missionary work.

Zhu Yuanzhang had a grand blueprint in his heart. He might want to use city walls to enclose a huge city that surpassed Sui Daxing and Tang Chang'an, but Nanjing is a mountainous place, not as flat as the Central Plains. The shape of the mountain is built with twists and turns, not as square as the northern cities, but a gourd-like shape.

From the perspective of actual combat, Nanjing's tigers and dragons are completely unreliable, and it is difficult for it to complete a decent defense battle, but Nanjing's famous city wall cannot be said to be useless, at least it is a symbol of national strength. The Osaka Castle built by Toyotomi Hideyoshi is far inferior to Nanjing in scale. It can be judged from the length of the city wall at a glance, but its main city, the castle tower, is relatively intact. After Zhu Di proclaimed himself emperor, the palace in Nanjing was no longer restored and used, and only the royal family and ministers were assigned to manage it.

By the time of Nanming, most of the temples in the Forbidden City had collapsed, and the Taimiao was also burned. Due to the limitation of national power, only a part of the buildings including Fengtianmen were restored. Tonger Yamen is in the Ming Palace.

After the Qing army peacefully entered Nanjing, it first occupied the northeast part of the city and divided it into the Eight Banners Barracks. The NJ citizens who originally lived there had to withdraw to the south and west of the city. A city wall was built, which divided the city into two like cutting a cake. This city wall starts from the Taiping Gate, along the base of the old imperial city wall, and ends at Tongji Gate. During the construction process, the east wall and south wall of the old palace were demolished. During the Kangxi period, stone carvings from the Ming Palace were used to build the Mount Putuo temple. At this time, the palace and palace walls of the Ming Palace were basically gone.

One wall is enough to create two different cultures in a city. The entire city of Nanjing is like a huge military camp, which is not under the administration of local governments and counties. General Jiang Ning is the highest officer of the Nanjing Eight Banners garrison. His duties are military affairs. But the daily life of the garrison bannermen, such as weddings and funerals, support and relief must also be involved. Except for military service, the Manchus in the city did not accept all corvee service, including water transportation, and were not allowed to engage in agriculture, commerce and other industries.

Han people not only had to raise these Eight Banners soldiers, but also suffered harassment from bandits, commonly known as "banner robbers". Most people are not willing to be slaves, but later the atmosphere changed, and the Han people took the initiative to join the flag as slaves, and not only could they be exempted from government taxes and servitude after being named. There is a department called the "Council Office", which has council members in charge of all aspects of the affairs of the bannermen. If the bannerman commits a crime, the state and county officials have no right to judge, and it must be handed over to a specific judicial institution, that is, the Council Office. .

The legend of Cao Xueqin, the author of Dream of Red Mansions, is related to Jiangning Weaving. Jiangning Weaving is composed of three parts: Jiangning Weaving Department, Jiangning Weaving Office and Jiangning Weaving Bureau. It turned out to be the admiral's gate, and to the east was the Jiangning Weaving Bureau.

The officials in the council hall are all Manchurians. If you look at it this way, it is impossible for the Cao family, who are royal servants, to live in the Jiangning Weaving Department, and it is impossible for Cao Xueqin to be born in the Jiangning Weaving Department.

In the 33rd year of Qianlong, the Jiangning Weaving Department bought a private house in Huaiqing Bridge to rebuild a new Weaving Department, but the Director Tong Zhi Department is next to the Salt Road Department. When Prince Dorozhi Yongrong was alive, he had dealt with the delayed reimbursement of the Zhengyangmen project. At that time, it involved a department called the Investigation and Handling Office of the Imperial Order, which was handled by a close minister appointed by the emperor.

Being an official in the capital is actually very difficult. Except for a few officials like He Shen, most people have to rent houses, and these official houses are under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Qianlong gave him a subsidy.

It is a kind of "favor" to be appointed by the emperor as an imperial envoy to study politics. You can make a fortune while traveling around the mountains and rivers. The Yao imperial envoy who was sent away by Yangzhou rich man and Cao Xi is relatively clean.

The other kind of imperial envoys went to Shandong to investigate cases like Liu Yong and He Shen, and they would be treated warmly, but they couldn't find out how many taels they were short of, so it's another matter.

Generally speaking, very few people would find a piece of wasteland to build a house. Most of them bought other people's houses and then remodeled them on the basis of their houses. Local officials, especially imperial merchants like Jiang Ning weaving doctor, can afford to build something like the Grand View Garden. house.

Kangxi and Qianlong also lived in the Jiangning Weaving Mansion when they went to the south of the Yangtze River. If it was expanded for the sake of driving, the Jiangning Weaving Office was finally squeezed out, and they went to Huaiqing Bridge to find a piece of land to build another yamen, and took this opportunity to talk to the director. The same department that manages the contradictions between the Bannermen and the Han people was separated. In this way, Cao Xueqin may have been born in the Jiangning Weaving Bureau.

Nanjing can be said to be Southern Zhili, while the governor of Jiangsu is not stationed in Nanjing. Jiangsu does not need to be "in the same city as the governor" like Guangdong. He can go to Suzhou, and even the governor can be regarded as a higher-ranking official.

The governor of Jiangsu, Yue Qi, who wrote a memorial to Emperor Jiaqing, hoping to investigate the malpractices of water transportation, was surnamed Eji, and he was a Manchurian from Xiangbai Banner. Currently, he is acting as the governor of Liangjiang, and with the help of Cao Xi, impeached officials of the Nanhe Project Zhuang Gang and Liu Pu Others embezzled public funds, engaged in private fraud, and even set up private shops, transporting goods to the dam construction site to hoard them for a profit.

Then there is Chang Yingcang. The Qing Dynasty’s method of suppressing the White Lotus Sect was not like the Great and Small Jinchuan Wars. They did not send a large number of soldiers deep into the mountains, but cut off their supplies, causing a large number of bandits to starve to death. The reason why the Bailian believers who broke out from Fengjie and went down the river wanted to attack Huai'an was for the granary. Even if they couldn't attack Changyingcang, they could go to Taicang. If believers of the White Lotus Sect were mixed into the government, and he was allowed to participate in the rectification of officials, causing chaos in Huai'an, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Cao Xi's biggest problem is that he is a Han Chinese, especially at this juncture where "anti-Qing and Ming Dynasty" are everywhere.

It's not that only one person can write a secret book. As for who will sue, I'm afraid I'll have to go to BJ to find out.

Funihan wronged so many people in the ghost case, what punishment did he get in the end? What is the punishment for a Sichuan businessman who wrote a letter of seal for the British?

Even if it turns out to be a false accusation against the other party, there is still a way to escape, and half of Cao Xi's life is involved.

In fact, Zijin Mountain is a better place to overlook Nanjing than Qixia Mountain. However, at the southern foot of Zijin Mountain is Ming Xiaoling Mausoleum, where Zhu Yuanzhang and his queen are buried. It is not easy to go there, because the distance between Nanjing and Zijin Mountain There is a full city apart, it will soon be desolate, and there are wild beasts infesting, Nick will not take a girl to such a place, and without Wanning, he can't go to Zijin Mountain.

In the eighty chapters of A Dream of Red Mansions, Mingyan holds a dream sweet incense in her hand, and Wanning also holds a stick of incense in her hand to worship Buddha. It is precisely because Wanning is a girl that she can still leave the mansion at this time and go to Qixia Mountain to burn incense and worship Buddha, praying for safety.

Gods didn't exist, and neither did Buddhas, but Nick didn't tell her at this point that hope was a good medicine when plasters didn't work.

People not only need to live, but also have hope to live, otherwise those middle officials who hanged themselves have no worries about food and clothing in the palace, why would they want to die?

However, the Qing Dynasty would not make the same mistakes as the Ming Dynasty. With them as a "lesson from the past", it is still a miserable way to enter the palace as a court lady.

In contrast, Qingdeng Gufo was lucky, or maybe Nick took her out of the country, and after ransacking her house, she would have nothing left, except her elderly father.

Nick thought of his own father, a father he dared to defy.

He stopped looking at Wanning who was burning incense, and turned his head to look at the outside world. At this time, the sun is shining brightly, and there are still cicadas singing in the forest. Compared with Yangzhou and Nanjing, it is hotter. If only he could live in this cool mountain to escape the summer heat. Cozy.

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