Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2220 Flower Controversy (one hundred and twenty-nine)

Nanjing during the time of Emperor Yongle did have a scene of prosperity, and to a certain extent it was the center of the Eastern world.

The city wall designed by Zhu Yuanzhang was not completed until his death, and Zhu Di didn't care much about whether it could be completed in the end. He had another big project to do, which was to erect an unprecedented monument for Zhu Yuanzhang. He engraved his father's great achievements on this huge stone tablet, and hoped to use this method to establish the legitimacy of his succession to the throne.

Fang Xiaoru was the person who wrote the best articles in Nanjing at that time. After Zhu Di entered the city, he ordered Fang Xiaoru to write an imperial edict for himself, but Fang Xiaoru refused. It is said that he also wrote the word "usurpation" on the paper, so Zhu Di was furious. Not only the other party's filial piety and Confucianism were copied and beheaded, but also his ten clans were exiled.

It is rare to see scandals about Zhu Di in the official history. After all, there are all kinds of scandals in the unofficial history. Nanjing people especially like to discuss. There is also a trick called "Gua Manchao", which is even more tragic than that of the ten Yi tribes. Anyone who is a little bit involved will be arrested and questioned.

Later, the stele of Emperor Yongle was not completed. It was too big and could only lie quietly in the suburbs of Nanjing. Zhu Di revised the "Yongle Dadian", which preserved various documents before the fifteenth century. The "Siku Quanshu" of the period can be compared with it.

In addition, there is another legend that after Zhu Di moved the capital, he still sent people to Chu to search for Zhu Yunwen's whereabouts. Zheng He's voyages to the West were for this purpose.

At the beginning, Zhu Yuanzhang built a new capital city and moved the rich people from Jiangxi and Zhejiang to Nanjing. Zhu Di moved the capital and moved these rich people to BJ.

Although it is said that auspicious snow is a sign of a good year, the snow scene of West Lake is about once every three years, and the lake does not freeze. The place in BJ is so cold that if you do not store coal, you will freeze to death. Besides, the Mongols in the Yuan Dynasty have not completely given up. The rich are not out of "" Those who "voluntarily" went to Shibian, even if Zhu Di offered a five-year tax exemption.

Fortunately, there is also the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, and it is more convenient for the rich to move with their clothes. The establishment of the two-Beijing system has mixed reviews. People like Huang Zongxi believe that the people in the south of the Yangtze River are exhausted in transporting water and grain. Even though many wealthy southerners who moved north later began to open up wasteland in the suburbs of BJ, BJ still cannot be self-sufficient. .

But the two-capital system has also built economic development and cultural exchanges in the North China Plain, the Huanghuai River Basin, and the Yangtze River Basin. If it is only for transporting grain, although sea transportation is risky, it is economical in the long run, and there is no need to invest huge sums of money in the river itself.

In fact, the smooth flow of the Grand Canal not only guaranteed the capital’s material circulation needs, but also contributed to the densely populated towns and villages along the canal, and the prosperity of commerce, such as shipbuilding, porcelain, brewing, textiles, weaving, printing, papermaking, etc. The innumerable industries flourished. The busy Grand Canal condensed the dynasty and supported the unification of the court.

Water transportation is not only the lifeline of the imperial court's finances and economy, but also a bottomless pit for spending money. Cases of theft on the canal often occur. If it is an urgent official document, it must be delivered by horse. There are six hundred miles for express delivery and eight hundred miles for express delivery. Ordinary official documents are delivered by water. The letters addressed to BJ were gone.

In Kangxi's daily life notes, it is recorded that he visited Nanjing for the first time. He personally led the ministers, guards, and officials of the ministry to the Xiaoling Mausoleum of the Ming Dynasty. He had a libation, and later he wrote an article called "On Passing Jinling", just like Jia Yi wrote "On Passing Qin", he commented on the decline of Ming Xiaoling Mausoleum, thinking that "the peace is long, and the public security ", "The six dynasties were peaceful, and Fuke was self-reliant", "After Wanli, the political history gradually weakened, and the eunuchs, temples, and party friends framed each other." Then he wrote a great book about the great achievements of Ming Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang, and wrote the imperial stele of "Zhilong Tang and Song Dynasties", which was left in Ming Xiaoling Mausoleum.

Kunqu opera originated in Kunshan, but flourished in Nanjing, and then spread all the way along the Grand Canal, such as "The Peony Pavilion" written by Tang Xianzu and "Peach Blossom Fan" written by Kong Shangren.

"Dou E's Injustice" is a Yuan opera, which was popular earlier than Kunqu Opera. It is sung in "Northern Tune", and it is also spread in the Grand Canal.

Actors who play the emperor on the stage need to appear on stage, but the emperor off the stage can also act without wearing makeup.

Nick didn't want to be arrested suddenly like Cao Xi, or worse, the admiral received the news yesterday that he was leaving for BJ, and it seemed that the defense in Nanjing went well.

Does this mean that Nick is going with him too? Or take this opportunity to find a ship to leave? So as not to "fall into the trap of oneself".

In the end Nick decided to take a risky gamble, and Juren also had the same idea, so they set foot on the official ship to BJ together.

Wan Ning has been looking depressed, maybe she is still worried about Cao Xi, he has already gone to the capital ahead of them.

Juren's expression also looked a little melancholy. He explained that during the dynasty, there was no official palace in Beijing, so outside the palace, the most eye-catching thing was the Princess Mansion. After Yongle moved the capital, there was a boom in building houses in the capital. Juzhai Mingyuan is located near Shichahai.

The Princess Mansion is built by the imperial court, while the Duke's Mansion is usually built by itself, and the imperial court subsidizes it. The important officials of the imperial court have the opportunity to obtain rewards. However, this is a public property, and the important officials will be taken back.

Nick didn't know whether he was thinking of the "attacker" who worked as a maid at the wife's house of Minister Cullen, or whether he was thinking of the person who participated in the imperial examination with him, married the daughter of a bachelor, and his son married a princess, and was later ordered to commit suicide He Shen, but this unpleasant trip is coming to an end soon, and Nick's excitement is beyond words.

As the boat approached BJ gradually, the scenery on both sides of the bank also changed, and the terrain had ups and downs, not as flat as Jianghuai.

The entire ancient city is wrapped in lush greenery, the lush and lush effect is like the dense forest around the mausoleum, and the temples and luxurious residences are hidden in it.

The scenery seen from the south of the city is like this. If a tourist enters from the north of the city, the tall city walls will block his sight. Every section of the city wall is not far away from an archery tower. The shape of the archery tower is novel and magnificent.

There is no big river passing through the city of BJ, and the original canal leading to Jishuitan has also tended to dry up, so their boats cannot sail directly to the end of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, which is also the starting point of BJ - Shichahai.

They got off the boat and boarded the sedan chairs, just like the emperor abandoned the boat and landed in Qingjiangpu. The ups and downs of the road made the bearers suffer a lot.

After passing through the city wall and entering the city, the feeling of seeing the tall city wall from a distance will be swept away. The roads in the city are quite spacious and straight. The exterior walls of most houses are mottled with time, which looks a bit It was dilapidated, the well was in the middle of the road, the sewers were open everywhere, emitting a stench, and there were holes dug randomly at the corners of every small street, from which an unpleasant smell wafted out. It suggests that the refined lifestyle sought by wealthy Chinese has yet to reach the general public.

Although "Yongle Dadian" has a rich collection of materials, it is not easy to print because there are too many volumes. Therefore, only one copy was left during the Jiajing period of the Ming Dynasty. It was destroyed at some time, so this copy is particularly precious up.

At the end of Ming Dynasty and the beginning of Qing Dynasty, the copy was stored in "Huangshicheng", and during the Yongzheng period, it was moved to the Imperial Academy Classics Library in Dongjiaomin Lane.

When it came time to compile the "Siku Quanshu", Emperor Qianlong accepted the suggestion of AH Xuezheng Zhu Yun, and compiled books and materials that are rarely circulated and hard to see from the "Yongle Dadian", and compiled them into the "Siku Quanshu". Therefore, the "Yongle Dadian" in stock can be used.

However, when the Minister of Military Aircraft Yinglian sent someone to check the library, it was found that there were only 9,000 copies of the book left, and more than 1,000 copies were missing. After a meeting of relevant personnel, the book was lost when it was put into the library. It may be that the library was opened for repairs during the Kangxi period. At that time, the editors borrowed from the library and did not return it, so Qianlong ordered Gao Jin, governor of Liangjiang, and Sanbao, governor of Zhejiang, to send people to the homes of Xu Qianxue, Wang Hongxu, and Gao Shigan, who were editing books for the palace. After buying books that have been lost to the people, after a lot of trouble, the "Yongle Dadian" was collected.

In order to compile ancient books from the "Yongle Canon", Liu Tongxun Yinglian, Minister of Military Affairs and President of Sikuquanshu, and others asked for instructions, requesting that the house in the west of the guard gate of the Imperial Academy be used as the office for proofreading the "Yongle Canon". At the same time, because the "Yongle Dadian" is huge and has many clues, Qianlong decided to select 30 staff members from the officials of the Imperial Academy to serve as the branch school, and sent several military aircraft drivers to be responsible for extracting books, and officials from the Classics Department were responsible for the collection of books. Take back the books.

While this work was going on smoothly and intensely, an unexpected theft of "Yongle Dadian" happened. At that time, Huang Shouling, an official and auspicious scholar, was assigned to compile two volumes of "Archaeological Questions" and "Tanzhai Tongbian" in the Dadian. The review could not be completed during the day, and when he got off work at night, he wrapped the original 6 volumes of the Canon in a wrapping cloth and carried it with him, planning to go home and review it overnight. When he arrived at Mishi Alley, he suddenly had a stomachache, which must have been caused by diarrhea. He hurriedly asked to stop the sedan chair and went into the toilet. When he came out and got on the sedan chair again, he suddenly found that the book he had brought home was no longer in the sedan chair. . Someone took it away while passing by the sedan chair. He looked around again, but nothing happened, so he had to report it overnight.

Emperor Qianlong was very angry when he heard about this. He said in the edict: "Yongle Dadian" is a rare book in the world, and editors were not allowed to take it home without permission. Besides, Chaoyan has a table meal every day, everyone eats and drinks enough, and concentrates on working. In one day, the school materials are enough to complete the tasks, and there is no need to go home and continue studying. The two in the Military Aircraft Department took responsibility. If the editor took the book out without knowing it, he should be guilty of negligence. If the editor had greeted them, both should be punished with the same crime. Ask Ying Lian to step up the search for the lost books, and no one will be missing. For this reason, after discussion by the Ministry of Punishment, Huang Shouling was punished by being demoted to stay in office and deducting a one-year salary.

Ying Lian and others dispatched people from all walks of life to search and investigate in the capital and even Zhili. That's when things suddenly turned around. On the evening of July 15th, Huang Shouling's lost six volumes of the Canon were sent to the duty station of the imperial army on the bank of the Yuhe River, and the original books were lost and recovered. According to speculation, this book has been lost for more than a month. After taking the book, the person who stole the book must have gone to a bookstore or a paper shop to sell it, because this person knew that the book belonged to the government. . But the merchants could also see that it was an official document, so they didn't dare to ask for it. The thief was afraid that the book would catch fire, so he had to throw it by the river at night and return it to the official.

Because of this incident, Qianlong ordered a strict registration and management system for books. In addition to writing book lists and making archives, they were checked every day, and no one was allowed to take them out without permission.

Fortunately, it was summer and the weather was hot, otherwise the "Yongle Dadian" might have been burned by thieves as fuel instead of being thrown into the Yu River.

Judging from the architectural layout of the Chinese capital, the whole city is divided into the Forbidden City, the Imperial City, the Inner City and the Outer City. The outer walls of the Imperial City are painted red, and the walls are covered with yellow tiles. Still seen as a battleground, even though it has become a veritable market.

The outer city, that is, the southern suburb of BJ, is also surrounded by city walls, because there are two altars for worshiping heaven and praying for the valley. Many merchants from south to north will stay here. Some people regard this land as a distribution center for various goods, and a wide range of goods are sold to all parts of BJ City. Without strict military control, this territory soon became a playground for the idle rich. Qianmen, Xianyukou and Dashilan are good places for rich people in the city to spend their time.

After passing through two city walls, they came to the admiral's residence in the capital. This is a barracks, outside the east gate of the imperial city, only one step away from the Russian Museum, and not far from there are three lamasery, There is also the famous Jingshan Mountain, with five pavilions arranged symmetrically on the top of the mountain, overlooking the entire Forbidden City.

One of the three Lama Temples is the Lama Temple. If the Lama Temple is really the office of the legendary sticky pole, then living in the admiral's house is also easy to be monitored.

The admiral's house is not big, at least not as big as the Princess Mansion or He Shen's house. Considering that he couldn't arrange Nick and Wanning at home at the same time, Nick asked the admiral where he wanted to live.

"I have considered your difficulties." The admiral said, "I found a job for my daughter in the court, and the emperor did not refuse my request. Tomorrow my daughter will enter the palace to learn court etiquette, and you will stay by my side." Bar."

European courts also sent young men and women to the palace to learn etiquette, but Nick looked at Wanning whose expression was always calm. Could this be the reason for her real sadness?

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