Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2218 Flower Controversy (one hundred and twenty-seven)

"Will that shadow follow us?"

asked Bonaparte after a while.

Georgiana suppressed a smile, she finally knew the reason for his sudden "favor".

The papers in question had been taken away by members of the French Ministry of Magic, though they were most likely to bring them back to populous Paris.

"I haven't read there yet," she said.

"Where did you read it?"

"Where Cao Xi was arrested." She replied.

He was visibly impatient.

"Do you know where the devil is hiding? In the details." She said as she turned the pages of the book. "Be patient, Leon."

He stopped talking again.

Georgiana watched him surreptitiously for a while, seeing that he was not really angry, and continued reading.

After seeing off the imperial envoy, they returned to Huai'an, and returned to Nanhe Governor's Mansion in a sedan chair. When the sedan chair passed an alley, a group of policemen ambushing Cao Xi's sedan chair suddenly rushed towards him and captured him. He didn't even have time to resist, and he didn't know what kind of crime he had committed.

His captors were expressionless and unwilling to reveal a word, and Cao Xi was taken to a prison in the city.

Nick and Juren were "invited" into the sedan chair, and returned to the Guandi Temple next to the Governor's Mansion. At present, this place is taken over by the River Defense Battalion. It can be said that they are also under house arrest.

It was not until evening that Juren got the news that Cao Xi was said to be a member of the White Lotus Sect.

Nick thought this was unbelievable, and then Juren told new news that the emperor issued an order to temporarily deprive the admiral of his command and asked him to go to Nanjing to defend himself.

The admiral is obviously innocent, but the unfortunate old man is still extremely worried. The Qing criminal law is reasonable in some respects, but it is extremely harsh when it comes to treason cases, and it can even be said to be too harsh. He has no idea how to judge cases impartially.

A week later, the admiral set off for Nanjing. Nick and Juren went with the officials who escorted Cao Xi. The poor guy was locked in a cage like a trapped animal. Can't get close to him, say a word to him.

Wan Ning tried to get close to him, but was blocked by the officials who maintained order, and then the loyal servant took her away and let her sit in the carriage.

At this time, Juren told Nick that according to the Qing law, the daughter of a prisoner would no longer be taken into the church, but sent to a remote place for exile, and the Hesheli where the admiral was located would not be treated like that, and most of them would be treated like that. Enter Ye Ting and become a court lady or female official.

Nick looked at Cao Xi. He was still in high spirits a few days ago, but now his shiny braids were gone, his eyes were dazed, and the bloodstains on his underwear showing his cuffs seemed like he had been tortured.

It is a difficult problem for Nick to know whether these educated servants really love the emperor or just want to use the imperial power to suppress another noble force. They are all loyal subjects, but they don't know that their servants are passed down from generation to generation Yes, and did not know that some people are born with authority. They can endure humiliation and bear the burden, and this happens to be not the quality that a White Lotus believer who "reverses the Qing Dynasty and restores the Ming Dynasty" should have.

When they arrived in Nanjing, they were interned in an elaborate compound that once belonged to a corrupt official. A few days later, the admiral handed over several documents to Juren, asking him to draft an outline based on the admiral's official career, while Nick was invited to see Wanning.

She was very ill, but she was very happy to see Nick, which showed that she did not trust the local doctors.

Nick's proposal was to let her have bloodletting, but her family doctor firmly opposed it. His explanation was that Wanning had a fever now, like a boiling kettle, and it was necessary to reduce the external fire instead of lowering the temperature of the solution in the kettle. The less, the stronger the external fire action.

Nick thought that Wanning's condition was the same as when the admiral was in Guangzhou last time, and now her fiancé and father were involved in the changes related to her fate, but this incident did not make her feel sad, it was completely out of his expected.

Wanning was betrothed to Cao Xi only in accordance with her father's wishes. In the face of filial piety, there is no influence that can go against her father's wishes, especially girls, who cannot easily be freed, let alone Cao Xi who has become a door-to-door son-in-law , she doesn't need to be the shadow and echo in other people's homes like other married girls.

She told Nick that now she only has the way of "one obedience". Even though Cao Xi and her are not married, the "name" already exists. The girl who left the sign committed suicide after Emperor Kangxi's visit, so Qianlong stopped drafting when he reached a certain age.

Maybe Cao Xi is not the emperor, but women in this social system have only one way to go, she will live peacefully, and no one will blame her, it is much better to be a widow at home than to serve others in the palace , because she is still the master at home.

There is such a story in the biography of women. When King Chucheng was in power, he married the daughter of Lord Zheng. Once, King Chucheng came to the high platform in the garden of the harem, held his head high and looked around, looking majestic and dominating the world. All the palace people around watched and praised her appearance, but there was only one woman who walked forward without stopping to look.

Seeing this woman's performance, King Chucheng asked the woman to take a look at him, but the woman didn't look at him. The king said again, "Look at me, and I will give you a thousand pieces of gold, and I will make you father, brother and son." The woman still didn't look, so Wang stepped down from the stage to stop her and said, "Look at me, I will make you my wife and give your father, brother and children a rich salary. Just take a look, why don't you look at it?"

At this time, the woman said, "The concubine has heard that a woman regards being upright and beautiful. Now the king is on the stage, and it is disrespectful for the concubine to go to see it. The concubine does not look at it. , If you look at it at this time, you will be a concubine who is greedy for wealth and profit and forgets righteousness, how can a person who forgets righteousness serve the king?"

When King Cheng of Chu heard this, he made her his wife. Her name was Zheng Jing, and she was originally the dowry of the daughter of the king of Zheng Guoguo.

During the Spring and Autumn Period, other countries followed the eldest son inheritance system, but the Chu State established the young ones. King Chu Cheng planned to appoint merchants as princes, because at that time King Chu Cheng loved the merchants' mothers.

After Zheng Zhen heard about this, he said to his maid, "I heard that women's duties are only food and women's work." Even so, I can't hide the thoughts in my heart. Thinking back to when the prince said that he could not make a merchant the prince, the prince resented him because of this and found an excuse to kill him. Your Majesty is also unable to discern the details, causing innocent people to suffer crimes that should not be borne.

The king has so many beloved sons who all want to inherit the throne. The prince is greedy and cruel, and he will definitely worry about losing his current position. And the king himself is still in the dark, no one can make him wake up. If this continues, disputes between the descendants and concubines will be staged, and disasters will befall.

Sure enough, within a few years, King Chucheng changed his mind and wanted to make his son Xiongzhi the prince.

After Zheng Zhen heard about this incident, he said to his maid, I heard the ancients say, "If you are suspicious, don't be suspicious, but if you employ someone, you should not be suspicious." Now the king insists on changing the position of son Xiong to the crown prince, I am afraid this is the beginning of the disaster.

I had already analyzed the stakes of this matter to the king, but unfortunately he didn't listen. He thought that I opposed him because I wanted to make my son the crown prince. Since the king has such an idea, others must have the same idea if they don't know it.

Rather than end up with a name of injustice, I might as well declare my ambition by death to show that I have no selfish intentions. Besides, if I die, Your Majesty will understand my intentions, and he will definitely repent and stop changing the crown prince at will.

After saying this, Zheng Jing committed suicide and died.

Her maid didn't react at all. Seeing this scene, she was frightened out of her wits and hurried to report to King Chu Cheng, and told him exactly what Zheng Liang said.

At this time, the prince Shangchen had already received the news that his father was going to abolish his position as prince, so he decided to act first and entangled a group of his own people to surround the palace.

King Chu Cheng did not expect such a thing to happen. At that time, he was having dinner in the bedroom, and when he saw his son rushing towards him angrily with a sword in his hand, his heart suddenly turned cold.

He knew it was too late to say anything now, so he said to his son, please let me finish eating this bear paw before leaving. The merchant was afraid that he was delaying the attack, so in order to avoid long nights and dreams, he flatly rejected his small request.

King Cheng of Chu couldn't help but heaved a long sigh, regretting that he didn't listen to Zishang and Zheng Liang's words, but it's too late to regret now, it's too late.

So he had no choice but to silently put down the bear's paw in his hand, took out a piece of white silk, threw it on the beam, tied a knot, and committed suicide.

In this way, after the merchant forced his father to death, he ascended the throne of the king of Chu himself, and was called the king of Chu Mu.

In this story, there is a sentence "it is better to die to make it clear than to live without righteousness", which is exactly what Zheng Rong said, and Wan Ning quoted it. The author who wrote these words did not intend to blame, but praised it. .

In the Ming Dynasty, there was a poet named Yu Qian. He wrote such a poem, "Famous festivals value Mount Tai, and desires for profit are less important than feathers."

Sima Qian, the author of historical records, wrote that "people are inherently mortal, and they are either heavier than Mount Tai or lighter than a feather".

The importance of fame and festivals can be equated with Taishan, life and death. It can be seen that the moral concept of Chinese women is a complex emotion mixed with tenderness and obedience.

As for Wanning's claim to be a blind date portrait, it's a lie. What woman doesn't want to keep her youthful image?

In Chapter 41 of "Dream of Red Mansions", Grandma Liu finished untying her hands, walked over a white stone with a bad smell, and arrived at Jia Baoyu's fragrant bedroom, where she saw a girl walking towards her with a smile, When you take a closer look, it is not a person, but a very three-dimensional painting.

Then she walked for a while, and found her mother-in-law coming. When she took a closer look, it was none other than Grandma Liu's reflection in the mirror.

She has never seen a full-length mirror, which is owned by rich people, but when Grandma Liu was young, she should have done her makeup in front of the mirror, or she should have adjusted her appearance in front of the reflection in the water.

The Illusory Realm is an existence that cannot be ignored in the Dream of Red Mansions. It is created by "Fengyue Baojian", and "Baojian" means mirror.

The first chapter of Dream of Red Mansions wrote that Zhen Shiyin "dreams" in the illusory realm. Is this the same as the understanding of "words in the mirror" that the people of Yinyin said?

Nick was sorry that his book was left with the imam, and he might never get it back, but unexpectedly it appeared on his window sill, along with the manuscript translated by the imam.

Nick tore out those few pages with dangerous content, but instead of burning it, he hid it.

As for how it appeared, it may be the same as the note that appeared on the floor of his bedroom, it was brought in by incredible magic.

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