Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2217 Flower Controversy (one hundred and twenty-six)

Chinese people like to explore as much as Europeans. This is not an exaggeration. There is a traveler named Xu Xiake. Borrowing local chronicles, he will be very unhappy when he finds that the content is similar to "Da Ming Yi Tong Zhi" or the local chronicles are not completed. Some travelers will buy local chronicles during the journey to assist in local sightseeing.

Many travel journals show that travelers consulted local chronicles during their journeys and recorded details of how they used them. Zhan Ruoshui, a famous scholar in the 16th century, once stayed in Yangzhou Fuxue when he traveled to the lower reaches of the Yangtze River Delta. He gave a speech entitled "A Gentleman Doesn't Care" to the teachers and students there. When talking about his own point of view, he quoted an excerpt from the local chronicles of Yangzhou Prefecture, "The local customs are light, so it is named Yangzhou." To cure frivolity.

In fact, it’s not just that Yanghua’s petals will drift with the tide when they fall on the water, but Yanghua’s frivolous side has been implanted in people’s hearts. It is also for this purpose that Yangzhou local chronicles have been revised many times. A lot of pen and ink are used to record Yangzhou’s scenic spots and historical sites. Interviews Collected a lot of files and classics.

There is a section of inner city river in the inner city of Yangzhou, formerly known as Xincheng River, which has been called "Little Qinhuai River" since the Kangxi period. Not only the buildings on both sides of the river are similar to the Qinhuai River in Nanjing, but there is also a "Caiyi Street" on the street. Cloth shops and clothing shops, servants hurried past the streets paved with horses and stones with piles of ready-made clothes and silks and satins.

In addition, there are many painting shops here. After the "Eight Eccentrics of Yangzhou" began to disappear, the Yangzhou painting circle did not fall silent. Especially good at maid painting. These paintings of maids, unlike Renaissance paintings, are well-clothed, but they still came under fire.

Some of these maids were drawn by the artist's imagination, and there were also real people as models, but just placed side by side, you can't tell who is real and who is drawn out of thin air.

Just like Da Vinci's Mona Lisa, some people say she is the wife of a certain nobleman, but Da Vinci took this painting with him after he came to France from Italy. There are no models.

Nick really wants to have an in-depth communication with the painters here. Maybe there will be someone as "interesting" as Lin Gua among them, but the imperial envoy has a task. I will not stay in Yangzhou for a long time.

Later they went to Daming Temple, which is not only the place where Jianzhen preached the Dharma, but also the relics of the Buddha. There, there is no trace on the ground.

That day Nick fell asleep leaning against a pillar outside the pavilion, and it was Cao Xi who woke him up. He never left the pavilion, and the imam never left Huai'an either.

It all seemed like a dream, but Nick still recorded everything in the dream.

It is said by Europeans that Wuyi people trained monkeys to pick tea. Nick went to see this in person.

However, he didn't see the "real thing" of mandrill and yin. They are like mirages piled up with historical materials. They seem to exist, but chasing them will lead to nothing.

In fact, crossing Siberia and returning to France by boat from Russia is a good choice to end the journey of traveling around the world, but Nick felt that it was necessary to go to the Istanbul Library, which meant that he had to go through the entire "Western Region" and "Middle East". ".

There are not only merchants on the ancient Silk Road, but also officials, monks, pilgrims, and soldiers. There is a force different from interests that supports them to trek in the harsh desert.

Some people may say that it is faith, but Nick thinks it is destiny. Maybe he will not have such great achievements as Tang Xuanzang, and now it is time for him to choose his destiny.

The Yin people think that the shadow is not one, but is composed of countless "possibility". The possibility of Nick choosing to go to Siberia and the possibility of choosing to go to the "Western Region" overlapped. When he noticed, there was only one shadow.

He chose to go to Siberia at this age, so he would not go to the "Western Regions" at the same age, but it is different in the eyes of God. He has seen all the trajectories of Nick's life. Time passing in one direction is not the case in his eyes.

It saw his "future" and told him one of them. You can understand it like this. The shadow is like a projection separated by a layer of paper. When he is farther away, the shadow becomes lighter, and the closer he is , it will look even darker, and by this time it will already be catching up to you.

Through the thin paper, you can feel what is behind, but that feeling is ambiguous and hazy, just like being in love, you and that girl are left with only a layer of window paper waiting to be pierced, Many people think that is the most enjoyable and intoxicating part of a relationship.

Nick didn't tell Cao Xi that Wanning had a portrait with Lin Gua for a blind date in the future, which would be cruel to him.

Cao Xi's way of expressing love is not like that of Europeans. He does many things he doesn't like to do, and all of these are to please the admiral, so that the admiral will marry his daughter to him.

Juren did not tell Cao Xi that Wanning may still be unable to avoid the "draft". Sometimes people need to have dreams to have the motivation to fight, even if it is a mirage in the desert.

There is a French proverb that silence is golden and eloquence is silver. This is not to say that being a quiet person means that he is a billionaire, but that the right amount of silence is also an art of language.

When people have mixed feelings, what people need is not thousands of words and heartfelt conversations. It seems that only silence can express their feelings at the moment, just like Jia Baoyu did to Lin Daiyu.

When Georgiana saw this, the black-haired and black-eyed wizard appeared in front of her eyes. In fact, except when he was sarcasm, especially when Harry Potter, he seemed to have a good eloquence. In fact, most of his Time is silent.

He was too busy researching and doing experiments to do the lecture tour that Rohart did.

He lets her see his shattered soul, pours out his feelings to her, and takes care of her when she's sick.

If these are not love, what is love?

But he didn't forget Lily, his patron saint was still the same as her, and he told so many lies to make her believe that the patron saint didn't mean anything to a wizard with such powerful magic power as him.

"Do you really think Severus still loves Lily, or is it because you can't resist his temptation?"

She looked up and found Albus, who motioned her to look at Napoleon, who was reading on the other side of the desk.

She couldn't answer for a while.

"A change of heart changes everything." Albus said with a smile. "You said it yourself."

"I'm not as obsessed with power as you are." She fought back.

"I know." Albus pushed his half-moon glasses. "You know now what kind of temptation Grindelwald is to me?"

"What are you doing?" asked Bonaparte suddenly.

Georgiana glanced back at him, and by the time she looked back at Albus he was gone.

"I'm wondering when it's appropriate to keep silent." Georgiana looked at the book and turned another page, "especially in this era when everyone loves to speak."

She suddenly understood why Severus didn't like Hermione who always raised her hand.

Fortunately, she didn't really adopt Hermione, and Hermione didn't intend to give up her biological parents and recognize them as adoptive parents.

Otherwise, what kind of "nightmare" would it be?

Bonaparte made no answer, nor pressed her to ask whether what she had just said was true.

She was probably the worst kind of mistress, for there was no laughter or musical opera here, just the silent turning of books, and what a bore she must have seemed to the curious.

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