Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2216 Flower Controversy (one hundred and twenty-five)

Rose Bertin's real name was Marie-Jane Bertin, and "Rose" was her nickname, which is said to be related to Marie Antoinette's so-called "Rococo Rose".

She was born in 1741 in the first low-class family in Picard, and was trained in Albuville before entering Paris. Soon her talents were recognized by the court ladies. The Duchess of Illinois and Princess Condé, under the introduction of the two, she met Marie Antoinette.

Because of the Duke of Orleans, it is not surprising that the English would approach her and introduce her to Georgiana.

When the people attacked the Tuileries Palace, in addition to the Swiss mercenaries, there were nobles who were loyal to the king.

Georgiana can't tell whether "Rose" is still loyal to Marie Antoinette, or is forced by life to serve the new court again, but in short, what she is useful now is to use the fairy godmother With the "magic power" of the "magic power", in one night, a gloomy and scary bunker standing by the sea can be decorated into a palace.

The castle chosen as the new venue was built during the Hundred Years' War between England and France, between Calais and Fort Philippe, facing the sea and backed by a small town, it can be seen what kind of military purpose it once had.

But it was abandoned now, and Georgiana used some "magic" to clean it up, saving "Fairy Godmother" Bertin a lot of trouble.

Anyway, except for the furniture and curtains, the rest of the castle is made of stone, which is very strong and fire-resistant. After all, it is designed to resist catapults and fire attacks, and there is a large empty beach outside the castle. It is also convenient for everyone to do it.

They have already stopped in Calais for two days, and they will go to Belgium next time. It is not a good idea to go north by boat at this time. British warships will not go to the Baltic Sea at this time.

Obviously, the "great man" couldn't be allowed to wait for her, delaying his trip with the large army. What's more, they have to return to Paris early to avoid troubles when someone is "empty in the rear".

Her purpose was to get the British Ministry of Magic to return to the International Federation of Magic by setting trade standards, but it seemed to backfire.

Especially after Malfoy invited the goblins from Gringotts, the atmosphere at the scene became even more "hot".

At that time, how much Georgiana wanted to shout "Quiet" with a megaphone like Albus did in the Triwizard Tournament.

Georgiana took away Bertin's bill, which meant that she had to help her pay part of it, but she didn't owe the money.

She handed over the bills signed in blue ink to Coraline to be examined by French wizards and alchemists, but she forbade them to use fire.

If it is confirmed to exist, then it should be classified as a werewolf in the m o m rank, or even higher, and it is a prohibited commodity. As far as Georgiana knows so far, the mandrill should be able to destroy it, and destroying a mandrill is relatively simple. It is probably as afraid of fire as the XZ snowman. There are also steles with their names engraved on them, which are nowhere to be found.

Louis XIV and Emperor Qianlong also lived in the Little Ice Age. During this period of time, the temperature was very low. Not only BJ’s ink would freeze, but also Paris at a higher latitude. Warm inkstone was used as stationery in the East, while the French By designing a special ink tank, the difference is that it is made of silver, and there is a servant who is dedicated to lighting candles. He is also responsible for melting the wax to ensure that the ink does not freeze. If the ink freezes, it is heated with a candle. . That's actually what Philier's job is, but Georgiana treats her as a secretary.

Bonaparte started lighting the fire very early, and the place where he stayed was so hot that the ink didn't have to worry about freezing.

Salt water is not easy to freeze because it contains salt. Although there were special ink manufacturers in the 18th century, some people still use the medieval style and use their own ink.

The ingredients contained in these inks may prevent the ink from freezing, and may also have other "magical uses". It is common to extract colors from plants as pigments, but is the color on "that" blue stamen so easy to extract?

How incredible it is that Muggles can use magic too. But she thinks a wizard made the bottle of ink and sold it to Madou in France.

He Shen was executed after Qianlong's death, and Nick would not have written a book earlier than that, unless he was a prophet.

Most of the bills were produced before the French Revolution, but the signing time was early and late. Although there was a revolution in France, there was no foreign country. Rococo style had spread throughout Europe. For a while, Bertin and her seamstresses still had income abroad.

It was a chaotic time, not only Bertin’s accounts and life, but also civilians took a lot of things from the nobles’ homes, burned a lot of books, and even brought their IOUs and bills. Who knows if there is such a dangerous thing? Lost to the people.

Drilling vines into ears, mashing bones and flesh, rebuilding new ones, making paper and mashing plants... how did he come up here?

It's a horrific metaphor, one that sounds like some kind of lunatic with weird logic.

"Don't you think it's a little far-fetched?" She asked the person who walked in when the door was opened again.

Bonaparte was expressionless and looked like he was wearing an ancient Roman mask.

"What far-fetched?"


"I, the first character, came out of my pupils, and walked barefoot on the criss-crossed paper. The moment I stepped out of the paper, everything you saw had nothing to do with me." Bonaparte said, "I once Let you explain what this spell means, and you let me think for myself, and this is what I came up with."

"Well, it did come out of the paper," Georgiana said. "But the moment it comes out of the paper, what does it mean that what you see has nothing to do with me?"

"That shadow has nothing to do with him?" asked Bonaparte.

"Is this a question or an answer?" Georgiana asked.

He didn't answer, Georgiana didn't continue to ask, and they fell into an eerie silence.

"I'm playing cards with someone this afternoon." He said suddenly, "Mrs. DeChapel is involved."

She wasn't surprised.

"Can you explain?" he asked.

"Explain what?"

"Do you care about me or don't you care about me?"

"Do you want to ask me, why don't you form a 'human wall' like Josephine to isolate all women who might approach you?" She laughed.

"You find it interesting?"

"I thought you understood me, Leon, with a change of heart, everything has changed." She sighed. "Severus never betrayed me, but I know he never forgot Lily."

"Didn't you always want to find a dedicated person?" He sneered.

"Are you?"

"Is it important? I'm just your revenge on him."

"At least I'm not using you to seek your wealth, reputation and status." She smiled wearily. "The most indispensable thing in this world is talented losers."

He tapped the table.

"Women are different from men. You men hope to use your talents to change your destiny, so you will lament that your talents are not appreciated, or your talents are killed. Most women will use their appearance, just like Mrs. Di Chapoel, but beauty will fade with time. When you get old, there will always be someone younger and more beautiful. If you are the kind of man who loves the new and dislikes the old, even if she wins me, she will be abandoned sooner or later. I asked you why you forgave Josephine. Do you remember that you are How did you tell me?"

He looked at her without answering.

"You remember, she is a very good woman to you, but love doesn't mean you treat him well, he will definitely respond. When Nelson was injured, his wife took good care of him, but he still chose Emma, ​​I I chose to stop losses in time and not invest too much, I just stopped loving someone who doesn’t love me, but that’s not so easy, unless I fall in love with someone else.”

"You're an idiot," he whispered.

"That's right." She smiled. "I'm a loser, and I'm also a fool. How else do you think fate can play with me?"

He didn't speak.

"I won't stop you from being with the opposite sex like Josephine. You are a man with self-control, and most of the time you have a clear head. If one day you become confused and have no self-control, then this is fate. Punishment for me." She sighed, "I believed in the wrong person, just like thousands of people in this world, who took your disguise as your essence."

"Speaking of such a heavy word, aren't you afraid of me leaving?"

She smiled, "You can send me to a convent at any time if you like. I told you that I wanted to leave Paris, but you wouldn't let me go."

He was silent.

"The quarrel last year, I ran to Shaputal's house, the quarrel was inexplicable, but you want to 'quit' me, right?" She said calmly, "My heart has changed, anything can be used as an excuse, you If you want to go, go, I won't keep you."

"Will you go back to him?"

"No, I think it's good to be single." She suddenly wanted to smoke, but couldn't find it. "I'm tired."

He shook his head and smiled wryly.

"Do you want to rest?" she asked.

"I want to read for a while." He put the "Nick Polo" travel book on the table "as an equivalent exchange."

"You don't worry about me..."

"Aren't you worried about me?" He was the first to interrupt what she was about to say.

She glared at him.

He spread his hands rascally, pointed to the empty chair opposite, and signaled her to sit there.

She walked over, but sat across from him, cast a copy spell on him with her wand, and copied the book.

Then she looked up as if no one else was there.

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