Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2215 Flower Controversy (124)

In the past, the kings used the things in Georgiana's hands to control the nobles, and also repaired the gorgeous Versailles, so that they could wear gorgeous costumes and dance in the magnificent palace, just like Cinderella dreamed.

Now, those unpaid bills are a group of women's hope of survival, even if the debt collection process is sure to turn them into a nuisance.

"Find a clue?" Bonaparte picked up the list she had compiled.

She shook her head.

If it was placed in the "before", this list would have been a big political scandal, but now no one cares at all.

People who have experienced the French Revolution, who cares about this "dirty laundry".

She classified the bills, which involved hundreds of people and more than 30 families, half of whom did not return to China. But it is certain that the people on the bill are alive, and those seamstresses will not collect debts from the dead.

The Lestrange family has a family treasury with a "rich collection" in Gringotts. When a family is prominent, even if someone goes bankrupt due to profligacy or improper financial management, the family treasury will repay its debts. After all, debt collection His visit will bring shame to the whole family.

"How about these?" He selected a few from a pile of bills.

"Why?" she asked inexplicably.

"Blue blood," said Bonaparte. "Do you know what that means?"

Georgiana's first thought was to roll up her sleeves, revealing the "blue blood" with blue veins clearly visible on her forearm.

"The imam believes that 'blue blood' and 'black honey syrup' are a pair of related images."

Georgiana couldn't help but exclaimed.

"He deduced it from the similarity in word formation. Black and blue are metaphors for sleep and dreams. They both refer to the state of sleep from light to deep, while the word 'mirror' is relatively isolated from other nouns."

"What does that mean?" Georgiana asked.

He didn't speak, as if thinking.

Georgiana is also thinking, if there is a reflection in the mirror, first of all there must be a person or something placed outside the mirror, it cannot exist independently, even the Mirror of Erised is the desire in the heart of the reflection person.

On the contrary, it is the mirror of Zhu Quanzhong's concubine. She is inside and has nothing to do with people outside. People outside just appreciate her dance.

Then there is the Pensieve. It is reasonable to say that the "water surface" should reflect a person's face, but if a person sinks his face into the basin, he will see a memory like a silver thread in the basin...

"What did you think of?" asked Bonaparte.

She didn't know how to explain it to him, because he couldn't possibly know about the Horcrux created by Tom Riddle, the diary that had caused a lot of trouble in Harry's second year, when Harry and Ginny wrote in the diary, but They all disappeared, and then the words written by Tom Riddle appeared in the diary.

"There was an adventure, we went to the Alps, and we deciphered that it was related to ink." Georgiana said, "There is iron in human blood."

"And then?" he asked urgently.

"When a star dies, it eventually forms iron and a 'black hole'." She didn't know how to explain 20th-century knowledge to an 18th-century man, so she added, "Star dust shapes us, I mean, except carbon In addition to plain ink, there is also 'iron gall ink', which uses a kind of oak gall or gall of other trees as a thickener."

"I know what you're talking about." Bonaparte said silently, "Vegetable dyes are commonly used in ancient inks."

"How is this possible?" Georgiana said in disbelief.

"Don't forget, 'that' flower has blue stamens."

"But I thought..."

"What do you think?" He teased, "They love to advertise these 'ancestral' things."

"You mean some of these noble families are related to Yin Yin?" Georgiana asked.

"Or, they know how to curse people." He lined up the bills signed in blue ink, "As long as there are evil thoughts, it will cause 'shadow backlash'."

"I think that's something only people from the Yin Yin tribe will encounter."

"When the 'that' flower is in full bloom, vines covered with thorns will emerge from the tongue, reaching into the ears of all enemy soldiers, hollowing out the opponent's head, smashing the enemy's bones, and piercing the enemy's heart..."

"Enough." She stopped him from continuing.

"Death is like a sieve, which separates you and reconstructs you. You become a complete life, you become a complete corpse. Have you ever thought about how paper is made?"

Georgiana froze for a moment.

"Not papyrus and parchment, but paper made by Chinese papermaking. Plants are completely mashed and boiled to form pulp. After such processing, we usually think that plants have lost their life, but insects will still eat them. , just like they eat leaves."

"Are you saying that someone made 'that' flower into paper and wrote it in blue blood, so it can act as a curse?"

"Incredible?" asked Bonaparte.

Georgiana said nothing.

Muggles had surpassed wizards when it came to transmutation, so she couldn't rule out that they had found a way to use magic, if not magic.

They might want to curse Ross Bertin, who demanded their debts, but deep down they wanted money more, and then that shadow appeared beside Matilda, trying to steal Georgiana's money. Chop, a reenactment of "The Necklace Incident."

Marie Antoinette cannot be regarded as a completely innocent victim. In short, the prestige of the royal family has been discredited.

"What are you thinking?" asked Bonaparte, smiling.

"Malicious." She said silently, and then told Napoleon her guess.

"Sounds like something a madman said," he said after listening.

"I didn't ask you to believe it," said Georgiana, looking him in the eyes. "Leave this to me,"

"What is the Ministry of Magic for?" asked Bonaparte.

She opened her mouth.

"I heard they took the money you gave them to throw a party in the new office building, and then you came forward and released a phoenix, so they started 'working'."

"Their job is to keep you safe," Georgiana explained in vain.

He ignored her and walked to the window, looking out at the spire of Notre-Dame.

"If you want to change this country, you must change the people in this country." He turned his back to Georgiana and said, "Why didn't you release the phoenix today like last time?"

"There are a lot of paintings in the museum, and I'm afraid I might burn them," she replied.

"Then change the location next time." He said firmly.

"I like that place," she muttered.

He looked back, and this time she saw that he was not pretending to be angry, and immediately agreed to his proposal.

"Think about where the meeting will be held tomorrow." Immediately afterwards, he went out with the list she made up.

She stuck out her tongue towards the closed door, and then sorted out the information she had just received.

"Blue blood" and "black honey syrup" may not refer to the same degree of sleep, just like the sea and sky have a clear dividing line, although they are both blue, but the sea is the sea, and the sky is the sky.

If the "shadow" has no "entity", then "blue blood" should have an entity, but this "entity" is like ink, which will change from three-dimensional to two-dimensional, just like the shadow, which should also have three dimensions state, but it becomes two-dimensional when projected on a plane.

She felt a kind of "relaxation", although it was a Muggle who discussed this "metaphysics" issue with her.

Then she remembered the other man she'd been discussing these weird issues with, and while he was brilliant, Severus wasn't as good as Napoleon in terms of self-control.

Except at the beginning, he seemed to be hungry for a long time, a little out of control, and then he became "normal".

Severus was like "weaned", he would not leave her side until she pushed him away. Just like that, he also gave her a summoning ring, as long as she wanted to see him, she could summon him at any time.

She missed the time when it was like "honey syrup", but the honey at that time was as clear and transparent as the venom of a poisonous snake. Who would drink black honey?

It looked like it was polluted.

She couldn't help but smiled wryly, and then felt her eyes were sore, but the tears couldn't flow out, as if there was a kind of metal friction pain in the lacrimal gland, so that she couldn't cry even if she wanted to.

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