Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2212 Flower Controversy (one hundred and twenty-one)

Tea is generally regarded as a sober and pleasant drink, and the tea table is also considered as a social place to show politeness and elegant conversation, especially for women, if guests come, they will not give It would be considered impolite for them to pour a cup of fragrant tea or coffee as a drink.

Almost every British woman has the habit of collecting saucers, teapots, and milk jugs, and these things have promoted industrial development to a certain extent. In addition to sapphires, Sri Lanka also produces tin teapots, which are considered to be second only to silver teapots, and are the best choice for middle-class people who cannot afford silver teapots and do not want to use copper teapots.

But just as the orators of ancient Rome debated the immorality of silk over silk, Britain is divided into pro-tea and anti-tea factions. The anti-tea faction believes that the tea society is a place to spread rumors and create depraved consumption. In the eyes of the anti-tea faction, those teapots and boxes containing tea are like Pandora's box, and bad things will happen when they are opened.

Their worries are not unreasonable. The start of the American War is related to the Boston Tea Party. In addition, some opponents believe that lower-class women such as laundry women and maids should not drink too much tea. The tea leaves” are something more refreshing, and that is the aromatic ale.

Tea is a luxury item, it used to sell for as much as £6 a pound, there are some who find this miraculous oriental leaf calming, but taxes on it used to be as high as 120%, which led to smuggling and counterfeiting It happens frequently.

Chinese tea merchants mixed Japanese tea powder to make inferior ones. Other smugglers directly used sloe, ash, and hawthorn trees as tea after drying. Therefore, "poisonous tea" also broke out. There are many similar but poisonous plants. These low-income families usually buy cheap tea, and their needs condoned smuggling and counterfeiting. After William Pitt came to power, "making the people drink tea with peace of mind" became his policy goal.

Later, tea was also called "scandal soup". From a certain point of view, although the British government lowered the tariff rate, it increased the tax revenue a lot, reduced smuggling, and eased the huge fiscal deficit caused by the War of Independence. No revolution broke out like in France.

The UK has always wanted to get rid of its dependence on the "Guangzhou system" and Chinese tea. Botanists such as Linnaeus tried to transplant the tea tree into the greenhouse, but for some reason, it did not bloom. It seems that both tea and grapes are difficult to grow. grown on British soil.

Next, they tried to plant them at the same latitude as Wuyi Mountain, but they were still unsuccessful. Instead, they found many tea trees in Assam, India.

These are all local tea trees, not the Dahongpao mother tree in Wuyi Mountain that Nick mentioned in his travel notes. In other words, they are not a kind of plant at all. The black tea made from the local tea trees in Assam basically has no tea flavor. There is even soil at the end, which is certainly not at the same level as the tea leaves on the Duchess's tea table.

But tea is a placebo of "domestic comforts" and evening teatime is enjoyed by both the hard-pressed worker and the seamstress, where the husband may read a newspaper or book, and the wife chats about the trifles of the day, even if he has none at all. Listening, the scene at least looks high class.

Many middle-class women would invite their friends to drink tea at their home after the Sunday service. Ladies did not need a man to accompany them here, so tea gradually became associated with women's elegant manners. In this scene, pleasant etiquette is the rule, and how to set a tea table has become a skill that young ladies must master. Even if France is not as keen on tea as England, French noble girls’ schools are also This course needs to be taken.

This is like being able to play the piano may not be useful one day, but if, like Marie Antoinette, she is asked to perform in public by Madame Du Barry, she will not, then she will be tantamount to "social death" and become someone else jokes.

Another topic is the public's anxiety about the purity of retail tea, which has prompted scientific research on the characteristics of tea. Many people have written pamphlets to teach everyone how to identify whether there are impurities in the experiment. In addition, there are scholars like Lin Nai who classify and make specimens of tea trees. People once believed that black tea and green tea are different types of tea trees. Later, after comparison by botanists, it was confirmed that a kind of tea can be processed into black tea and green tea. The difference in appearance and smell is due to the processing technology.

After the tea is transported to London, it will be sent to the auction house of the East India Company in London. It is a building imitating the Pantheon in Rome. There is a hole in the ceiling to allow sunlight to shine in, but it cannot fully illuminate the interior of the auction house. There are Romanesque sculptures on the walls, and the auctioneers sit on steps that look like senate seats, and this part of the area is in the dark. In fact, being able to enter the auction house is a kind of franchise, and those who cannot enter are not even eligible to bid. The tea leaves are graded before being auctioned, with black teas being benchmarked against Wuyi Mountain tea, which has led to all teas that are not green teas being called Wuyi Mountain tea.

In the British tradition, tea boxes are often decorated very gorgeously, and are equipped with locks to prevent servants from stealing some valuables from the tea box, because tea must be kept dry, which is very suitable for documents such as wills, So the tea box and its contents can only be accessed by specific owners, and Georgiana's seal is also placed in the box Matilda is carrying.

She woke up the next morning after taking the medicine, her spirits were much better than the day before, but she didn't remember anyone standing by her bed the night before, and then she opened the suitcase to check, and there was nothing missing. thing.

"It's true, I swear it," said Margaret again.

Caroline Lestrange sat on the sofa, watching her suspiciously.

Georgiana drank blue butterfly pea oolong tea, and after reading enough Inquisition files, she understood that humans lie for various reasons. She doesn't want witch hunts or poisoning incidents to happen again in Napoleon's court, but Yinyin needs to be guarded against.

Part of the content recorded by Nick is very fantastic, and the credibility would be much improved without those fantastic content.

Napoleon took it away, so she could just get rid of it temporarily and focus on the "now" things.

This is very strange, the Qing Empire is dead, and Napoleon is also dead, what is she busy with?

"Could it be Voldebat," said Louvre Truman at this moment. "Someone was attacked by it in Papua New Guinea."

Caroline snorted, "It doesn't exist at all."

"Why do you say that?" asked Georgiana.

"No one has ever seen it except the discoverer," said Caroline.

Georgiana recalled that the living shroud was indeed discovered in 1782, and it has only been more than 20 years since now. As a new species, it has not been recognized.

"Do you know how to call on the gods to protect you?" Georgiana asked Caroline.

Caroline didn't answer.

"I will," Louvre said, summoning a springer spaniel with his wand.

It was lively, running around the room, and Georgiana watched Louvre, who had survived that day thanks to the compound antidote she had handed her.

"Do you think it has any effect on Mo Ran?" Georgiana asked.

Louvre froze.

"The shadow you mentioned is on the same level as Moran?" Carolan asked.

"I don't know, it's an unknown creature."

"How are you sure it exists?" Caroline asked.

"I can feel it." Georgiana looked at the sky outside, the sun had already come out, in order to facilitate her attendance, the venue for this summit was in the art gallery next to Place Richelieu, "Let's go, and the two of you Go buy some lace, I heard it is a specialty of Calais, remember to give it to..."

"Okay, let's go." Coraline urged, as if she was afraid of her repentance, and Louvre each held Georgiana's arm, and "escorted" her out of the hotel.

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