Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2211 Flower Controversy (120)

Matilda was all right, although she was a little weak from seasickness and fell asleep after drinking the medicine prescribed by the accompanying doctor, while Marguerite, on the other hand, cried profusely, and it took a long time to calm down.

This "British style" hotel is too simple for the aristocratic ladies who are used to living in the palace. Fortunately, each room has a bathroom. After making sure that Matilda was asleep, Margaret went to take a bath, and when she came out of the bath, she found someone standing beside Matilda, so she screamed in fright.

The adjutant and the attendants checked their residence, but found no one hiding anywhere, and their room was in the same corridor as Georgiana. The corridor was guarded by Napoleon's adjutant, and he did not find anyone passing by. The guards were also guarding downstairs, and they didn't find anyone coming in or out through the window.

So this "thief" either had the ability to be invisible, or Margaret had misread it, but Margaret insisted that she saw it right, and she saw a figure standing there.

If it wasn't for the fact that she had just read the travel notes introducing You Yin, Georgiana would not have thought about it in that direction. Children often play hand shadow games. They put their hands in front of the candles, and by changing the shape of their fingers, " If you change into rabbits, dogs and other animals, she may tell Margaret that you are taking the hanging coat and hat as a human figure.

She subconsciously looked at the candle on the bedside table, it was still burning with an orange light, and it hadn't turned green.

At any rate, after half an hour of commotion, everything returned to calm, and Georgiana returned to the room.

She felt a kind of weariness, and was just about to go to sleep when Bonaparte returned.

"Guess why the Chinese want to clarify this matter." He said nonchalantly as he closed the door.


"They used coloring agents to color the tea leaves, and the quality of the tea leaves has deteriorated considerably."

She didn't realize what he said.

"Your fellow countryman, the largest importer of tea, the British, although India also has tea, but if they are willing to buy better quality."

"It's bullshit, and Nick has cleared it up," Georgiana said.

"What Nick sees is the bright side, and that's what they're eager to show. There's nothing wrong with their tea." Bonaparte poured a glass of water. There is a change, it used to be silk and raw silk, but now it is tea, that is to say, increasing tea income will increase their tax revenue, and besides the United Kingdom, Americans also import a lot of tea, they prefer green tea, and Japanese tea is also imported into China , it’s cheaper, mixes Japanese tea with Chinese tea, and sells it as the more expensive Chinese tea.”

Georgiana was speechless.

"What Nick saw was probably the best way to roast tea." He added.

"You went out just to ask that?" asked Georgiana.

His complacent expression suddenly became serious.

Georgiana couldn't help but think of Severus, what would he do if he was there?

Of course, it is possible for him to run to the basement to check the Philosopher's Stone like the night the mountain monster attacked the school, and then he was bitten by the hell three-headed dog Lu Wei...

"You should rest." He said suddenly.

"Why?" she asked back.

"It's getting late."

"Do I have to go to bed so late?" She said angrily, "You can't let me have a night life."

"Depends on what kind of nightlife you've been living," he muttered, taking a sip of water, as if he thought she couldn't hear.

Yes, that's right, other people's night life is parties, dances, operas, or going to nightclubs, Paris night life is so colorful, but look what kind of "night life" she has.

She lowered her head and glanced at the "culprit"...

"Are you still going to read?" He said dissatisfied.

"You know why Nick says 'lion's milk' is for 'brave men'?" Georgiana asked.

"He's going to tell another scary story?" said Bonaparte contemptuously.

Georgiana put the book on her knees, and said with the rhythm and tone of a mantra:

I, the first word, came out of the pupils, and walked barefoot on the criss-crossed paper. The moment I stepped out of the paper, everything you saw had nothing to do with me.

After a moment of silence, he asked, "What do you mean?"

"Why don't you think about it with your smart big head?" She smirked, then raised her wand and cast a "safety guard", and the transparent protective magic covered them like a glass cover.

"Or do you know the advisor?" she asked after casting her spell.

He put down the cup in his hand fiercely, then walked towards her with a charge, bent down to take the book on her lap.

"Matilda hasn't read the book," Georgiana said before he tossed the book into the fire. "I'm going to inform the Ministry of Magic and ask them to step up their guard."

After she finished speaking, she stood up and walked out of the room again.

Miss Caroline Lestrange was downstairs from them, and in fact, if something happened, it would be faster to rush up directly from the downstairs than to open the door from the next room. She was surprised that Georgiana came to find her at this time she.

"Beware of shadows," Georgiana said to Lestrange. "It could be a dark creature."

"How is that possible?" Carlo Lanjiao said with a smile.

"I don't know much about it, but let me tell you, anyone who comes across it is insane."

After she finished speaking, she didn't care how Carolan reacted, and went back upstairs.

Bonaparte was still standing by the fireplace, as motionless as a statue, and the book had not been thrown into the fire.

"What's interesting?" She asked sitting on the sofa.

He didn't answer.

Georgiana waited patiently, the only sound in the room was the crackling of firewood.

"Tongue," said Bonaparte after a while.

"What?" she asked confusedly.

"You're so smart, why don't you think about it with your smart head?"

Georgiana curled her lips, which seemed to amuse him, and then he put down the book, and said with his hands behind his back, "In an ancient country, there was a king who was very ill. His doctor told him that drinking the milk of a lioness was the only hope of survival, so the king A young lad was sent to fetch the lion's milk, and the lad took a herd of goats on his way. He found a lion's den in which only a lioness was nursing a cub, and on the first day he stood at a distance, A slaughtered goat was thrown to the lion, and it was eaten quickly. The next day he stood closer and threw another goat to him. Finally they became friends. On the tenth day, he got Some lioness' milk, he fell asleep halfway, and then he dreamed that all parts of his body were arguing, and his eyes said, it was my credit, if I hadn't shown the way, he couldn't do anything, legs Said, if we hadn't approached the lioness, the man wouldn't have been able to get the milk, and the hand replied, if I hadn't been milking the milk, he wouldn't have been able to get the milk either. As the various parts competed for credit, the tongue said, I am the last Okay, what would you do if it weren't for me? The rest of the body quarreled, 'how dare you compare to us?', 'what did you do?', the tongue said 'sooner or later you will know, by then you Will admit, I am the ruler'. Then the man woke up and continued on his way, and when he came before the king, he announced, 'Your Majesty, this is the dog milk I brought back for you'."

"Dog milk?" Georgiana exclaimed.

"That's what the king said." He looked at her with those blue eyes. "I want lion's milk. Take this man and hang him."

She couldn't help but feel cold all over.

In fact, if you look closely, those blue eyes are reflecting the firelight in the fireplace, and they look golden.

"On the way to the execution ground, every part of the body trembled, and the tongue said to them, 'If I save you, will you admit that I rule you?', they all agreed, and the tongue pointed at the executioner Said 'Send me to the king', and the man was brought before the king again. 'Why did you order me to be hanged? Don't you know that a lioness is sometimes called a bitch?', the king doubted, and his tongue Tell him 'Even if it's dog's milk, you won't die if you drink it, but lion's milk will cure you.' Then the king drank the lion's milk, and the disease was cured quickly, and the young man also got rich And the tongue was honored by every part of the body as their ruler, the story the imam told Nick that only the sick drank the lion's milk."

Georgiana was about to open her mouth.

"He told Nick that there were many dangerous contents in that book. Before he felt that Nick was ready, the book was placed with him, and it was up to him to decide what to tell Nick." Bonaparte raised the book in his hand. Jan "You too."

She wouldn't say it was unfair, Hogwarts students would yell like that when their things were confiscated.

"There is another story. After a heavy rain, a wall was washed down. A poor man found a bucket of gold from the collapsed wall. After he became rich overnight, he wanted to become smarter, so he asked a The wise man asked for advice, so the wise man told him, "Don't rush to deal with difficulties, take three steps forward and three steps back, and go back and forth three times, and you will get wisdom." The wise man cheated him of money, and the wise man said to him, "Okay, you go back first. If you think my wisdom is not worth so much money, then don't come. If you think it is worth it, send me money." In the story, the poor man finds out that his wife is actually sleeping on the same bed with another man, and he gets angry immediately, picks up a kitchen knife and prepares to kill that man. Suddenly, he remembers the wisdom he bought during the day, so he takes three steps forward and three steps back, After doing it three times, the co-sleeper who slept next to his wife woke up and asked, "Son, what are you doing?" The poor man recognized that it was his mother, and was shocked, "If it weren't for the wisdom I bought during the day, I would be so happy tonight." Just killed my mother by mistake, and he sent money to that wise man early the next day."

When he said this, he suddenly paused.

Georgiana rose thoughtfully.

He smiled charmingly, walked over very gently, and kissed her forehead, "Good night."

"Good night." She said strangely, then walked to the bed, lifted the quilt and lay down, and then she heard the sound of flipping a book.

"I don't think it's a good idea to go to sleep now," she said, dying. "It could be dangerous."

"Do you know why that young man succeeded in obtaining milk from a lioness?" Bonaparte said without raising his head while reading the book, "because it is a single parent lioness, and lionesses usually have a pride. They will cooperate with each other when hunting, and no one will supplement nutrition for her hunting, so she will have no milk to feed the lion cubs."

Georgiana came to her senses "Swarm animals do watch out for each other..."

"The lions are kings on the steppe. Who dares to mess with them?" Bonaparte interrupted her.

"Not necessarily." She was about to sit up and argue.

"Lie back!" he snarled the order.

So she lay back in bed again.

In fact, the lionesses also keep watch when they are napping, but what they are guarding against are not other animals, but the young male lions who are wandering. They are either in groups of three or four, or walking alone, looking at the old lion king who owns the lion group. Once they feel that the old lion is not their opponent, they will launch a challenge. If they lose, they will be driven away. If they win, they will kill the old lion's cubs and become the new lion king.

Even a lioness has motherhood. Maybe the lioness who raised her cub alone was one of them. She left the lion group with the child of the previous lion king, but when she was in a hurry because she couldn't prey, a human drove a group of lions. Here comes the goat.

She got food, he got lion's milk and went back to his life.

Lions in zoos don't have to go through this. However, it is impossible to just release lions in zoos into nature. They need a process of rewilding, hunting and other survival skills on their own.

Thinking of this, she slowly fell asleep, as if she had returned to the Hufflepuff girls' lounge that was arranged like a tropical rainforest, surrounded by the sounds of birds and occasionally pets running past.

When her hand fell outside the hammock, her fingertips touched a patch of animal hair, harder to the touch than cat hair, like some kind of big cat.

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