Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2210 Flower Controversy (one hundred and nineteen)

Yangzhou in the Tang Dynasty was once the most prosperous commercial city in China, and it was still prosperous even in the Qing Dynasty.

However, unlike the Tang Dynasty, the center of the Grand Canal at this time was already the northernmost BJ. The existing Grand Canal has actually undergone great changes from the Sui and Tang Dynasties. It then passes through cities such as Luoyang in Henan, and the Grand Canal of the Sui and Tang Dynasties does not pass through Shandong. This huge change is all due to the seizure of the Huaihe River by the Yellow River.

During the Sui and Tang Dynasties, there was a small town called Yangzi about 20 miles south of Yangzhou City. Because it was close to the north bank of the Yangtze River, it was called Yangzijin. When Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty opened the canal, he built Linjiang Palace in Yangzijin. In the Song Dynasty, "Yangtze" was already used to refer to the Yangtze River.

However, the Yangtze River actually refers to the lower reaches of the Yangtze River. The first name the missionaries heard after they landed in Yangzhou was "Yangzi River", so they mistakenly believed that "Yangzi River" referred to the entire Yangtze River.

The lacquerware that Nick saw in Guangzhou last time was already very exquisite, and Yangzhou lacquerware is undoubtedly more exquisite, but this is not the focus of Nick's visit to Yangzhou this time.

Sometimes the imperial court would send imperial envoys. This time, the Hanlin sent from the capital was to inspect the restoration of the Yangzhou government records, and then he would go to Guangzhou and Fujian to serve as the official examiners of the rural examinations.

This imperial envoy has the same surname as Captain Yao, but they stand together, so it cannot be said that they have nothing to do with each other, only that there is a huge difference, and no one will think that they are "relatives".

Imperial Commissioner Yao was the No. 1 scholar in the middle school last year, and Huzhou is his hometown. This time he went back to his hometown with honor. Like Ju Ren, his family is poor, and he also has a very good house in its heyday. Houses that can be called "houses" are often not ordinary mud houses, but living in such a good house, the mother and son sometimes can't even light a fire. , can't uncover the pot.

In the fifty-ninth year of Qianlong's reign, he became the secretary of the cabinet as a Juren and Zhang Jing of the Military Aircraft Department, which is the so-called "assistant writer". It counts as "fame".

The route taken by the imperial envoy almost overlapped with the one taken by the admiral. Maybe Emperor Jiaqing had already suspected it, so he sent someone to review it. Perhaps based on this consideration, in order to accompany the imperial envoy, Cao Xi, who was very busy, had to put down his work and came to Yangzhou together.

The British were still fighting for the right to ride horses outside Canton, but Nick could already ride a sedan chair, a privilege that ordinary Europeans could not obtain.

Looking out through the sedan chair, Yangzhou is far more prosperous than Guangzhou, and even more prosperous than Ningbo. Printing can be roughly divided into two different paths, one is religion, such as Buddhism and Christianity, which need to print Buddhist scriptures and bibles, and the other is folk products, such as calendars, New Year pictures, etc. If someone writes a book and publishes it himself I am always worried that I won't be able to sell it, and I won't be able to get back the capital.

"Dream of Red Mansions" was banned from the beginning, and it could only be popularized by hand-copying. Now it has been reprinted and printed.

In the thirty-six chapters of "A Dream of Red Mansions", the white silk mandarin duck apron that Xiren made was not for himself, but for Jia Baoyu. In many years of paintings, there is a figure wearing an apron and holding a big carp in his arms. "Fat boy".

Of course Jia Baoyu wouldn't wear it. Which adult man still wears a bellyband? But Xiren would coax him to wear it. It was summer, and it was cool to sleep in a bellyband.

It is said that Ji Xiaolan has a fat body, so he is particularly afraid of heat. When he is on duty in the South Study Room in summer, as long as the emperor is not around, he will take off his coat and chat with people naked. One day Emperor Qianlong deliberately punished him, and he colluded with Heshen. If Ji Xiaolan was found and not wearing clothes, Heshen would open a window. At this time, Qianlong would go in again. Shouting "The emperor is here", Ji Xiaolan heard the voice and immediately looked for a place to hide, and finally he hid under the emperor's dragon chair.

Qianlong pretended not to know, and sat on the dragon chair nonchalantly to talk with other people. Fortunately, it was summer, and the floor tiles paid tribute to Linqing were warm in winter and cool in summer, and it was quite cool to lie on the ground.

The summer is scorching hot and the temperature is overwhelming. Of course, no one wants to work under the scorching sun in such a hot day. They all want to eat watermelon like the people in Jia's house in Dream of the Red Chamber, and lie on the bed like a maid.

The dam will rest in summer, but the water transportation cannot stop. Both the porters and the bearers on the wharf are sweating all over.

At that time, Sister Feng "legged" on the threshold, enjoying the coolness of the wind passing through the door. It is indeed a cool and pleasant thing to open the windows wide in such weather, or to blow the river breeze on the painting boat. In addition, mosquitoes and flies are frequent in summer. Even if there is a mosquito net, there will still be some small insects flying in through the mesh, and the flying car curtain will let in larger insects. Nick looked around in the sedan chair. , What exactly is the bug that makes the "buzzing" sound.

It wasn't until the sedan chair vibrated, as if it had landed on the ground, that he came back to his senses, and when he got off the sedan chair, he realized that he had come to the "Humble Administrator's Garden".

The Humble Administrator's Garden is a garden in Suzhou. In Nick's view, this type of house is similar. There is a wisteria planted at the gate of this garden. Like jasmine, if it is properly maintained, the wisteria will bloom twice a year. The wisteria in this courtyard is in full bloom, like a purple archway, which provides shade for visiting guests.

Nick looked up at the plaque, on which was written the word "Huaxi" in a font he had never seen before. When he walked in, he found that the pond inside was actually running water, and he could see the ripples of the water flow. There were a few scholars sitting in the pavilion of "Xixi". They were drinking tea and chatting, but when they saw the imperial envoy, they immediately stood up to greet them.

With the shade of trees, running water, and gentle breeze, you really can't feel the heat. Juren is wearing a decent summer suit at the moment. Standing with these people is as natural as wearing commoner clothes when he went to see Guo Dachang.

There are limited places in the pavilion, and everyone else is sitting. Nick is standing at the door, and he has been hearing the people inside saying "it's the same thing".

In fact, they can speak swear words, that is, words that ordinary people can understand. Nick listened standing up and was hypnotized by them. Fortunately, he did not fall asleep because he was standing up.

Cao Xi seemed to be listening carefully, but Nick found that he was turning around with two walnuts in his hand under the table.

Nick stared at it for a while, and then found that the hypnotic effect seemed to be better, so he leaned against the pillar and closed his eyes, thinking that he would be woken up after a while by squinting like this.

He looked back and found that it was the young imam holding a jug in his hand.

"Want to drink lion's milk?" the little imam said with a smile.

Lion's milk is not really the milk of a lioness, but a kind of strong wine in Turkey. It is said that because it is too strong, it must be mixed with water, which is stronger than the vodka that the Russians drink.


The little imam held up a bucket with ice cubes in it.

Nick glanced back at the people who were still in "Zhihu Zheye", and slipped away while they were not paying attention.

When they arrived at an empty house, the imam and Nick sat at a round table made of marble. The imam put a glass on the table and poured a water-like liquid from the jug.

Except for the strong smell of wine, it is really no different from water, but when the little imam puts a small piece of ice in, the "water" turns into milky white "milk".

"Why did you buy me a drink?" Nick asked.

"Do you know what kind of people drink lion's milk?" the imam asked.

"Brave man," Nick replied.

"I have another saying here, people who are sick will drink lion's milk."


A scream brought Georgiana, who was immersed in the book, back to her senses, and she immediately picked up her wand and left the bedroom.

Napoleon's adjutant was standing at the door, and she realized that she looked back at him, and he was following her.

She didn't say anything, and quickly came to the screaming room. After opening the door with the Arahor hole spell, she found that it was the place where her maids lived. Matilda and Margaret lived here, screaming It was Marguerite, and Matilda lay motionless on the bed, looking dead.

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