Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2209 Flower Controversy (one hundred and eighteen)

There is an old proverb that "the embankment of a thousand miles collapsed in the ant's nest". In order to eliminate the eggs and ants in the soil, the soil used to build the dam must be specially treated, such as frying it with fire, or adding lime, spreading it After warming the soil, compact it repeatedly. The Qin people used this technology to lay the straight road, and the seeds could not take root in it. This has caused the Qin Zhidao to be barren for thousands of years, even though no one has maintained it for many years.

However, this kind of soil is not necessarily effective for the embankment that needs waterproofing. Nick has always thought that the winding Hongze Lake embankment was built along the lake. After asking for advice, he realized that the embankment was built like this because of the principle of breaking waves. Follow the direction the waves naturally flow. The dams in other places are built very straight, and because of this, many civilians regard the dam as a road.

The West Lake in Hangzhou used to be a place with constant floods. When Su Dongpo was an official in Hangzhou, he saw that the West Lake was in disrepair for a long time, with serious siltation and grass covering the lake. Turn the cleaned up silt into treasure, and build Su Causeway, one of the ten scenic spots of West Lake. The original name of Baidi was Baishadi, which was named in memory of Bai Juyi. He himself did not participate in the construction of this section of the embankment, because Bai Juyi had made outstanding achievements when he served as the governor of Hangzhou and was recognized by the people, so this section of the embankment was named after him. .

Nick also walked on these two embankments during his stay in Hangzhou. It was spring, so he could not see the "remnant snow on the broken bridge", but he could see the "spring dawn on Sudi". The fertile river bottom silt made the trees and flowers on the embankment looks good. Here is the story of Xu Xian and the white lady meeting here, as well as Marco Polo's travel notes. The scenery may not be as dreamy and beautiful as "Paradise", but it has a unique style.

There are many requirements for the soil used to build the embankment. The size of the soil block should not exceed two-thirds of the floor height, and a certain proportion of pebbles should be added. Wu Haishan has the function of supervisor to a certain extent.

In the thirty-ninth year of Qianlong, the Yellow River broke its embankment in Qingjiangpu, the whole Yellow River entered the canal, and Wang Lun was about to go south to attack. Shandong is adjacent to Jiangsu. Wu Sijue panicked for a while, so he went to Wusheng Temple late at night to visit Guo ll.

Guo Dachang is a native of Huai'an. He used to work as a "help writer" on the Jiangnan River reservoir, but he didn't like accounting. Instead, he studied river affairs for a long time and was familiar with river engineering technology. Later, he was hired as an aide, but he has always been upright.

Wu Sijue originally planned to block the gate with 500,000 taels of silver, which would be completed in 50 days. Because Guo Dachang was familiar with the situation of the gate, the estimated construction period was 20 days, and the payment could be reduced to about 100,000 taels. Only civil and military flood officials were required for the construction time. One person each, to maintain the order of the construction site, and Guo Dachang was responsible for the materials, money and food. As a result, the project was completed as scheduled, and only 102,000 taels of silver were used.

In the first year of Jiaqing, the Yellow River burst again in Fengxian County. The officials in charge of blocking the mouth used 1.2 million taels of silver. The governor of the Jiangnan River Channel felt that the money was too much and wanted to reduce it by half. He discussed with Guo Dachang, and Guo Dachang told him that it only needed 300,000 taels, of which 150,000 is the cost of materials, and the remaining 150,000 can be distributed to river workers.

As a result, everyone yelled, although Guo Dachang's proposal in the thirty-ninth year of Qianlong's reign had no objection to it. He resigned soon after and is now living in his father-in-law's house.

There is a South River from Qingjiangpu to Yangzhou. From the Yuan Dynasty to the early Ming Dynasty, this section of the canal was connected to the Hehuai River in the north of Huai'an City. Usually, the water level of the canal is high and the water level of the Yellow River is low, so the water in the canal is easy to lose. During the flood season of the Yellow River, the water level of the Yellow River is high and the water level of the canal is low. The flood and sediment of the Yellow River are easy to alluvate the canal channel. In the early Ming Dynasty, Chen Xuan connected the five dams of Ren, Yi, Li, Zhi and Xin here. Boats and boats were moored separately to reduce waiting time. Later, under the guidance of local elders, the old road of Shahe River in Song Dynasty was reopened, and a gate was built on the road. The river transport is changed to this way, the boats come to open the gates, and the boats go to close them.

Originally, Chen Xuan had solved this problem, but because of the silt accumulation, either the lake water was used to flush it, or the lake was cleaned manually. Since the 42nd year of Qianlong, several major projects have been carried out for Anlan. In addition to the rise in prices, the funds for river construction have increased sharply. The original annual repair funds should not exceed 400,000 taels, but now they have increased to 500,000 taels, which is not even enough. , So he used the name of another new worker to fudge reimbursement.

Because the current priority is to suppress the White Lotus Sect, changing the river to sea transportation has become a cost-saving measure, but the canal is also related to the survival of the cities and residents along the coast.

At present, the imperial court stipulates that tea is not allowed to be transported by sea. It is precisely because of this that the tea shops operated by Huizhou merchants can spread widely in BJ shops. Once this discount is stopped, they will face the competition of Fujian tea merchants.

Huizhou tea is processed with jasmine and other flowers, which has a faint floral fragrance and is very popular with concubines and princes. It is rare among the people, because it is still a tribute. This is the prescription of the Bureau of Traditional Chinese Medicine in the Song Dynasty. The Fang School at that time believed that the aroma and tea had health care effects.

If the jasmine is properly maintained, it can be bloomed twice a year. Juren collected some jasmine flowers from Qingyan Garden, bought some AH tea, made a pot of jasmine tea according to the ancient recipe, and visited Guo Dachang as a gift.

Lu Jian once established the shogunate and visited the local academy, and he made friends with the "Eight Eccentrics of Yangzhou". Juren and Guo Dachang were "the same raccoon dog" in terms of strange temper.

After arriving at Guo Dachang’s residence, he found someone visiting. This person’s name was Bao Shichen, who was the twenty-ninth grandson of Bao Zheng, a famous official in the Northern Song Dynasty. Because Guo Dachang studied seal cutting in addition to river engineering in his home, so he had a close relationship with Bao Shichen. The minister got acquainted and became a friend of Wangnian.

Nick didn't know how Guo Dachang's handwriting was, but Juren wanted to ask him to be a "scribe on behalf of him", but Guo Dachang politely refused.

Bao Shichen was very curious about Nick, and Juren told Bao Shichen that he planned to train Nick to be a scholar.

Nick performed his quill "calligraphy", which was praised by Bao Shichen and Guo Dachang, and then Nick had one more place to go besides the mosque.

Through Bao Shichen, Juren got to know Deng Rushi. Deng Rushi once went to BJ with Cao Wenzhi, Minister of the Household Department, on the occasion of the emperor's 80th birthday in June of the fifty-fifth year of Qianlong. At that time, Juren was mourning for Yongrong, so he missed it. Generally, after the first seven days of the family, it is necessary to prepare for burial. It is not easy to preserve the coffin in summer, but the dignitaries often take antiseptic measures such as luminous pearls and spices in their mouths, and wait until the underground palace is arranged before burying. .

Deng Rushi's family has two old cranes. It is said that they are at least one hundred and thirty years old. They are really too old to count on them to dance.

One of the female cranes died first, and soon Deng Rushi's wife also died of illness, leaving only the male crane and Deng Rushi.

After entering Beijing, Deng Rushi became well-known in the calligraphy world for his calligraphy. Later, he worked as an aide for Bi Yuan, the governor of the two lakes, for three years. Bao Shichen once learned calligraphy from him.

Bi Yuan also had a shogunate, and Emperor Jiaqing confiscated his home after his death. When Heshen was powerful, few people did not make friends with him.

It happened that one of the people who participated in the house raid was Bi Yuan's retainer. Because he had an affair with Bi Yuan's concubine, the two met to elope. His wife dissuaded him.

The matter has come to this point, even if you kill the disciples, you will not have a concubine, and killing both of them will not help, why bother to commit crimes.

Bi Yuan calmed down, Madam asked the soldiers to put down their knives, handed him some silver, and told him that if he caught up with the doorman, he would hand over the silver to him, and told the doorman, why didn't you say so earlier if you want to get a concubine? Why did you leave without saying goodbye? Now that the governor knows about this, he doesn't blame you. Considering that you left in a hurry and didn't have much money on you, I hope you can take care of yourself and maybe meet again in the future.

The soldiers caught up with the doorman, handed him the silver, and repeated his wife's words, and the doorman was moved to tears.

Years later, the retainer became an official of the imperial court. Seeing the mess in Bi Yuan's house, the family members were in a state of panic. At this time, a man dressed as a butler came to visit the minister in charge with the business card of the local rich man Cha Mou.

He said that Bi Yuan had an emerald plate with a diameter of about one foot in his home, which belonged to rich man Cha. When the owner heard that Bi Yuan's house had been ransacked, he ordered him to come and take it away.

When the minister in charge hesitated, the doorman back then immediately said that it was Zha who lent it, and he had seen it when he was a doorman.

The minister didn't hesitate anymore, and let the servant take away the emerald plate.

In fact, the emerald plate belonged to Bi Yuan. In order to repay his kindness, the disciples arranged a plan with the rich man Cha, and asked the servant to take the emerald plate. Then Cha sent someone to send 10,000 taels of silver to Bi Yuan's family as a gift. payment.

With this ten thousand taels of silver, Bi Yuan's family members were able to maintain their lives after his death. This may be the difference between the Eastern diners and the Western diners.

Leonardo Da Vinci was a painter and a disciple. He first got this position because he designed weapons for military use for the Grand Duke.

After Nick returned to his residence, he used soil to imitate the terrain and river defense of Qingjiangpu to make a sand table.

He didn't know what he was going to do, but he knew that the current lock was too laborious to push by manpower, why not use other force instead?

It's going to be an interesting project, if all goes well.

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