Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2175 Flower Controversy (eighty-three)

In Japanese legend, "mermaid" is the food of human beings, who can live forever if they eat it.

In addition, if old things are discarded at will, such as umbrellas, wooden fish, pots and other daily utensils, they will turn into various monsters because of their resentment, and they will come out to play in the middle of the night.

But there is a kind of utensil that is different from these monsters. A geisha threw her beloved pipa into the sea because she hated her lover. This lute also became a monster, but it was not as harmless as the umbrella demon. Ups and downs, and make a mysterious music sound, attracting other monsters in the sea. So it is called ghost pipa, and it does not exist in "Hundred Ghosts at Night".

The fleet sailed to Shanwei and docked. The admiral made a decision. A loyal servant and Wanning's aunt would escort her back to JDZ's hometown by land. leave together.

No one accused him of getting cold feet, and in fact Nick was eager to go with Juren. Compared with the Guangdong Navy, the Fujian Navy has a much heavier task. Chaozhou and Taiwan have frequent exchanges, because Taiwan is the main rice supplier for Chaozhou, and Chaozhou people also immigrated to Siam because of the famine, where they sought development, and even monopolized Siam's tribute ships, which was also explicitly prohibited by the Qing court.

Not only Qianlong, but Emperor Jiaqing also worried that the Siamese ships operated by these Chinese would collude with pirates, and the Siamese ships would also trade in small coastal ports from Guangzhou to Chaozhou.

This was not considered smuggling, as it was a tribute ship, and it was not carrying any prohibited goods, so the local authorities had no choice but to tighten their supervision on Siamese ships.

Amoy was supposed to be the largest port open to Europe, and it was such a port in the past, the Dutch maintained frequent trade exchanges with Amoy during their occupation of Taiwan, and the British also came here. However, compared with Xiamen, Fuzhou has a large population and less land, and is more in urgent need of imported rice. Therefore, Emperor Qianlong specially approved the local people to operate rice from Southeast Asia.

Originally, the rice trade that only Chaozhou merchants could operate was divided not only by Fuzhou people, but also by Guangdong merchants. In fact, Guangzhou merchants were more active in the rice trade and participated in a higher level, perhaps because Guangzhou was more capable of deploying large quantities of rice. The total amount of rice imported by Guangzhou is not as much as that of Fujian, but only the ships transporting rice can be exempted from duty, and these rice transport ships will contain other goods from Southeast Asia.

In the trade with Japan, Fujian merchants lost to Jiangnan merchants because of the "Zhengde New Deal" and the credit card system. In the trade with Siam, Fujian merchants lost to Guangdong merchants, and the status of Fujian merchants began to decline. As long as foreign ships enter the port, they need to pay a "gift money". When they find that their profits have dropped sharply and it is difficult to meet the requirements of donating to local officials every year, they will seldom go to Fujian. The Spaniards controlled Manila, and when merchant ships from Xiamen or Shanghai passed by, they would blackmail Chinese merchant ships in the same way as their merchant ships encountered in Xiamen.

There is a saying in the City of London that "I am only worried about the difference between the labor force mobilized by one ounce of silver and the labor force mobilized by two and a half ounces of silver." The Spaniards will not engage in tea business with "small profits but quick turnover". First, they do not have the habit of drinking tea like the British. The risk at sea is too high, and if the price is too high, there will be no market for the price, and the outbreak of the American War of Independence is also related to the tax increase. Second, since the outbreak of the French Revolution and Britain and Spain turned against each other because of the Battle of Toulon, the relationship between the two countries has been very delicate. Both the Armada and the Royal Navy feel that they are number one in the world.

What they need is "huge profits", not to mention that in 1758 Xiamen stopped foreign trade and was a paradise for smugglers.

This sea area is very dangerous. At first, everyone thought that pirates would not dare to attack official ships. What Nick said just now in a daze actually shook the morale of the army, but the admiral did not blame him. After arranging the old, weak, women and children ashore, only men were left on board. It will be more convenient to act like this.

After the ship re-started, Nick sat in his cabin looking at his Spanish jackknife. It's from Birmingham and reflects like a mirror. At the same time, he also thought of the pirate in the red cloak. He drew out his sword at "noon", and the sword was shining coldly, and he chopped off the chicken's head. Then he put the chicken blood in a bowl, and it was very fast. Calmly and calmly, he drank the bowl of blood, as he said, it was "medicine".

Nick also drank the "hangover tea" just now. It tasted like medicine, not like tea. In addition to the pillow mixed with Yuhua's sobering fragrance, the feeling of hangover was gone.

The characteristics of this kind of custom often arouse people's thinking. The British are so keen on drinking tea that they even invented divination by observing tea leaves. Unfortunately, Nick doesn't understand this.

The other is the reform of Prime Minister William Pitt, who lowered the tea tax of the East India Company, turning tea from a luxury enjoyed by nobles into a drink that ordinary people can drink, and this is why the British are targeting the Chinese market , they expected that a large number of cheap textiles produced in Britain would be favored by the common people, provided that there were not such high tariffs and layers of exploitation by corrupt officials.

A muffled voice of discussion could be heard outside the cabin. They suspected that there were moles on board and revealed their actions to the pirates.

Nick thought of the Venetian pirate on da Gama's ship, and no one knew what happened to him.

Since sailing along the undulating coastline, every time the sailboat stops, Nick also goes ashore to take a look, so he can see stretches of salt pans, large tracts of sugarcane forests and vast tidal flats. When the weather is fine, looking from the sea to the villages and towns on the shore, the appearance of the villages and towns is very attractive at first glance. If you look closely, you will find that many of these row upon row of houses are already vacant.

This is another phenomenon brought about by the whip method. In the past, the rich lived in the countryside, and they needed to raise some thugs to protect their manors, just like Zhao Zhuangtou in the case of calling souls, and Hubei Mei who buried twenty-three villagers alive. Tune Yuan. After the implementation of the One Whip Law, the rich people all moved to the county town. They thought that being close to the county magistrate could exchange information directly, and their safety was also taken care of by the government. In this way, there was no need to raise a group of fighting people at home. The thugs have no source of income.

They form gangs by themselves, engage in various activities, and take on different jobs according to their own specialties. Some are good at planning, some are fast runners, and some are good at writing. They would put corpses that died on the road at the door of rich people in the city, asking for money to settle them, or pretending to be a dental shop, and robbing farmers when they were carrying grain and sugarcane to sell in the city, leaving When they go to "a certain store" to get money, farmers often only get half of the price, or they can only go home empty-handed and crying.

Their purpose is money, as long as the money is paid, people of any class can hire them. For example, when building a tomb, one family thinks it is detrimental to feng shui, while the other insists on building it, so the two parties hire their own, which is similar in nature to hiring soldier.

There are also people who hire them to break into the woman's natal home and rob the bride to get married, and this is a common storyline in operas and novels.

A village that looks beautiful on the shore is not necessarily beautiful. It’s like a forest. It looks magnificent from a distance, but the beauty of being in it disappears. Not only is there no road in it, but you also have to worry about being bitten by various poisonous creatures. One bite, and annoying mosquitoes.

If the mirage attracts people to chase an ethereal scenery, then they are attracted by the scenery seen from a distance, and if they walk into the village and town to have a look, then the initial good feeling will be gone, and the suffocating smell in the street will be gone. It was unbearable, not the smell of stables in Kent or Sussex, but of manure mingled with various rotting substances. It seems that everything can be fattened, including the hair that the barber shaved.

We can understand the behavior of farmers. Without fertilization, relying on their own labor cannot bring about a rich harvest, nor can they feed a population ten times the size of the land. Just like a proverb, a "flower is stuck on cow dung", this is a derogatory term, but a plant that has not been fertilized cannot bloom bright flowers.

Therefore, after Nick got off the boat, he would not go too far away from the boat. There are many temples in the suburbs or on the seashore. Help yourself at critical moments, and there are temples such as the Dragon King Temple, praying that the dragon will not make chaos.

There are many legends about mermaids, and many people claim to have seen them with their own eyes. European sailors also said that they often heard their moving songs when passing through certain waters.

Da Gama's fleet also saw strange animals when they passed through Africa for the first time, such as parrots. When they arrived in South America, people found parrots as big as hens. At first, no one believed them until someone caught them back.

So do such monsters like Medusa with terrifying poisonous long hair really exist?

"Do you believe in a parrot as big as a hen?" asked Bonaparte suddenly.

"Of course I believe it." Georgiana said blankly, "Have you heard of the ball escape bird?"

He didn't answer.

He must have thought the bird was extinct.

Georgiana thought with some complacency, smiled without saying a word.

"Have you ever heard of the bird of paradise?" asked Bonaparte.

"Who hasn't heard of it?"

He smiled wickedly, as if planning a prank.

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