Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2174 Flower Controversy (eighty-two)

The fateful moment has come. The emperor issued an appointment edict and temporarily appointed an admiral to go to the southeast coast to monitor the major ports and report on the extent of smuggling and pirate damage. After this journey is over, he will be transferred to Qingjiangpu to take charge of Jiangnan. Governor of the River.

When receiving the emperor's edict, the admiral first set up a shrine on the altar, lit incense candles, enshrined the imperial edict, kowtowed to the imperial edict nine times, and then read the edict in detail.

The Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal is divided into two sections, the north and the south. Yangzhou is the dividing city. To the south of Yangzhou, the dredging and embankment of the Jiangsu River is the responsibility of the Governor of Nanhe. The Zhili River belongs to the Governor of Zhili.

Compared with the governor of Donghe, the area under the jurisdiction of the governor of Nanhe is less silt, which is a relatively easy task. Every year, the imperial court allocates funds for the construction of embankments on the Nanhe River, and when the breach overflows, there are other branches. Governor of Nanhe Qingjiangpu, which is stationed in the festival, is also very prosperous, but the successive governors of Nanhe wantonly corrupted, lowered engineering standards, and filled their own pockets more often.

River transport and water transport have many overlapping responsibilities, both of which are to ensure the smooth transportation of the Grand Canal.

During the waiting period, Nick came into contact with many European sailors. Even if an accident happened, he could escape at any time. This news meant that he could continue his journey accompanied by a protector.

Cao Xi is congratulating the admiral, no, it's time to call him the governor now. The young man was an elusive character, and sometimes he seemed friendly, but Nick always felt that he was using his position as a prospective son-in-law to gossip in the admiral's house, because the servants often gossip in the garden. Nick thinks that Cao Xi treats people dishonestly, even though he gave Nick Yu Ruyi, it was because he wanted to win Nick's trust so that he could deliberately trip him up behind his back.

Jade Ruyi is really useless to Nick. First, it is shaped like a cloud, so you can’t use it to scratch your back. Second, Nick is not a monk. It is a bit like the wat used by courtiers in ancient times. Some people worry that they can’t remember it, but they must report it. Things must be written on it, but the monk wrote scriptures on Yuruyi.

If you want to use it as a decoration, then he must first have a fixed residence, so Nick intends to donate the jade wishful to Faxing Temple. Tell him everything that happened during your stay in China.

Their first stop was Xiamen. The British were only allowed to move in Guangzhou, while the Spaniards could go to Xiamen to import tea.

If the British also imported a large amount of silver and silver dollars to China like the Spaniards, they could also get this privilege. However, even if the Spaniards could enter Xiamen Port normally, they did not get more favorable facilities, so they had to confine their trade activities to Macau.

The parting this time may be a farewell, unless a few years later, because of other opportunities, Nick came to Asia from Europe again, or he simply stayed in China and reduced contact with his relatives in Europe.

When he returned to his residence and flipped through the picture album, the scenes were still fresh in his memory, whether it was the houses built along the hillside in Macau, the beautiful harbor, Cammes Park, or the Guangzhou Gongyuan, streets and Mazu’s birthday celebration.

The journey is as long as life, isn't the journey just a happy destiny?

Lin Gua gave Nick a seal engraved in stone, and Nick also planned to give him a engraved copper seal, which he gave to Nick the day before he left.

Lin Gua insisted on taking Nick to "practice" and met Hao Guan in the restaurant. He was so generous that he invited Nick to a sumptuous dinner. He drank a lot of wine during the dinner, which caused Nick to return to the restaurant the next day. A little hangover, almost missed the admiral's boat.

Captain Yao set off with their team. He felt that the pirates would not dare to attack the official ship. The hangover and the turbulence of the big waves made Nick vomit, and he felt as if he had a serious illness.

When he was lying in the cabin, he smelled a very fresh smell, which was the smell of tea. He opened his eyes and found that Miss Wanning was standing beside his bed.

"Hangover tea." She said in official words, and then put the tray and teacup on the bedside table.

"Thank you," Nick said in blunt officialdom.

She smiled, and then left. After she left, Juren walked in and looked at him silently.

Nick took a sip of the so-called hangover tea and almost spat it out. It was not the taste of "tea" he understood.

"Swallow it, there is ginseng in it, it's very expensive." Juren said coldly, and then explained the truth to Nick:

If a unicorn talent wants to gain fame by virtue of his literary achievements, he must abandon the "red fragrance" and endure loneliness like a morning star, or at least associate with moral and knowledgeable people and listen to the teachings of excellent teachers. The desire to "make it to the top".

Nick remembered the "lone star of the evil spirit" that Juren said last time. Is Venus the "lone star"?

Then Juren took some spices from the cabin and made "Yuhua Drunk Fragrance" for him.

Take peony flowers and tumi flowers, stir them with sake, wait for the petals to absorb the wine, crush them with a pestle, add borneol, knead them into pancakes, dry them in the shade, and stuff them into pillows.

Nick didn't know about its sobering effect, he only knew that the smell was much better than the smell of wine and vomit, and he slept for a while, feeling much clearer.

Then he rubbed his eyes because he found a monk in his cabin.

"Have you ever been to Wakayama?" the monk asked.

"Yes." Nick replied, "Who are you?"

"So, have you ever heard the music played by the charcoal qin?" the monk asked again.

"I haven't," Nick replied, "but I've heard wind chimes made of charcoal. I didn't believe them when they said they were made of wood."

"Me too." The monk said with a smile, "Why does charcoal make a sound like metal?"

Nick felt something was wrong, he seemed to hear the sound of metal tapping.

It's not as sweet as wind chimes, but more like the sound of weapons colliding.

He stood up unsteadily, leaning on the board wall to reach the deck, but saw an astonishing scene.

A group of pirates in red boarded the ship, and Cao Xi and other Qing troops were fighting with them.

"What happened?" Nick asked the monk back, leaning on the board wall and returned to the door of the cabin, when a big wave hit, it seemed that the whole ship capsized, he got up quickly and returned to the deck.

"There are pirates!" he shouted.

The admiral and Cao Xi, who were searching for the smuggling ship with binoculars, looked at him in surprise.

The other officers and soldiers also looked at Nick in surprise.

Except for the people in the Admiral's Mansion, none of the sailors who escorted them this time knew that Nick was European, because he usually wore a hat to cover his golden hair.

"Are there pirates? Where are they?" Cao Xi asked immediately.

Nick opened his mouth, not knowing what to say, could he say he was in a dream?

The deputy general whispered something in Cao Xi's ear, and the two looked at him suspiciously.

"You're drowsy." The admiral said calmly, "Go back to the cabin and rest."

Nick immediately turned and went back to the cabin.

When he was sitting by the bed, he found that the sober tea Wanning brought him was still smoking white smoke, as if he had only slept for a while.

As for the monk, of course he disappeared, or he was Nick's hallucination.


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