Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2173 Flower Controversy (81)

The medical officials of the Qing court attached great importance to infectious diseases, especially smallpox, and people feared it no less than Europeans feared the Black Death.

In the 17th year of Chongzhen, there was a plague outbreak in BJ City, which made it easy for Li Zicheng's army to enter the city, which was said to be very strong. It was also the plague that destroyed Li Zicheng's army, but the Manchus who entered BJ City Not infected with plague.

Nick tried to convince the army doctors to accept vaccinia, but they would not accept it, even though they practiced in Macau and could go to the hospital where the priest was trained at any time.

People's fear of the plague even created the "God of Plague".

Nick has already said before that "the governor's office is in the same city". During the Ming Dynasty, the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi was not based in Guangzhou, but in Wuzhou, which was closer to Guangxi, and there were more "Yao chaos" in Guangxi, so the governor's office was placed in Wuzhou. .

In the Qing Dynasty, Guangdong was no longer as chaotic as the Ming Dynasty. The people could do business, fish, and live a peaceful life. Moreover, due to the stimulation of foreign trade, Guangzhou developed rapidly, and it was much more prosperous than the Ming Dynasty.

Due to the emergence of a large number of immigrants, a large number of "hezu temples" were also built in Guangzhou. The so-called hezu temples were generally built by joint ventures of the same surname in several counties, or tens of counties. Although it is in the form of an ancestral hall, it is also an office for scientific research, litigation and other activities in the provincial capital. It is not established based on the concept of clan in the sense of blood relationship. When life encounters hardships, the Chinese have a customary practice of relying on a special way to help each other through the difficulties. However, because the sacrificial method does not conform to the etiquette system, it is often banned by the government. This kind of family temple is maintained in the form of an academy.

The main battleships of the Qing Empire did not have preset artillery positions, but those "rice boats" that transported rice. They were equipped with artillery and had a ship building like a Spanish galleon at the stern, although there were only two floors.

These were installed by the rice merchants themselves. They had great confidence in this small naval force. In the fifty-second year of Qianlong's reign, they went to Taiwan to participate in the suppression of the Lin Shuangwen Uprising.

The storm brought good luck to Vasco da Gama, but the ship that Nick was on almost sank because of it. Sea water and rainwater poured into the cabin, and he, the passenger, had to transport the water out of the cabin with the captain.

Not everyone can calmly face changes and turmoil. Unlike most men in society, Jia Baoyu has experienced turbulent and unstable lives. He has been living in the utopian life that others dream of. In that world, the only What can give him pain is reading the Four Books and Five Classics, which is a must for the imperial examination. Jia Zheng was very strict with him in this aspect, and it was precisely because of this that when the Jia family changed suddenly, he could still gain fame and become a scholar in the published "Dream of Red Mansions". the way his parents walked.


Among the people who were chatting, someone exclaimed. Everyone looked in the direction he said, and a wisp of smoke rose from the top of the enclave.

On this day, there was wind but no big waves, which was suitable for fast sailing ships. At the same time, the whole fleet began to prepare for battle. With the sound of drums and trumpets, the soldiers took up their spears and the officers took up their swords. The gunners on the rice boat were busy loading shells, and there was a strong smell of gunpowder all around. The aimless salvo created a great momentum, which really easily scared away the cowards.

The pirate ships passed through the gunpowder smoke created by the gunfire, and the black flags on the bows fluttered in the wind. The bows of these ships had rams, and they quickly approached the huge rice boats. The anti-smuggling boats appeared to intercept them, and the two sides began to shoot each other.

At this time, three Portuguese warships joined the battle. They tried to land in the enclave, but they did not expect that the pirates also had forts.

Several pirates jumped into the sea. Nick had heard that these "water ghosts" would cut through the bottom of the ship. The officer in a high hat asked the sailors to gather around the side of the ship and aimed their guns into the water. As long as the "water ghosts" When it came out of the water, it shot immediately.

In the whole process, the Qing army just copied the old model intact. This is an old-fashioned traditional method of warfare, but anyway, the fleet has achieved brilliant results, and the pirates entrenched in the enclave were "driven away" The pirates' fast anti-smuggling boats and rice boats couldn't catch up at all, while the Portuguese warships checked their bottoms for water seepage.

The pirate ship drove to the water surface beyond the range of the rice boat cannon. They circled the coast in a leisurely manner like a leisurely walker. After a few minutes, they set sail at full power and quickly disappeared on the sea.

When the officers and soldiers leave, the pirates will come back again, unless the navy is stationed here, but that will not only require additional manpower, but also need to increase the gunboats. The former admiral of the navy often used the name of repairing the ship to not eliminate the pirates.

The next step is to take care of the wounded and wounded soldiers, just like the pirates and the officers and soldiers put on a play together, the admiral can leave his post in a better way.

They stayed at the command post on Lantau Island for another two days before returning to Guangzhou. The admiral held a celebration banquet for Cao Xi, and all they had to wait for was the emperor's edict.

Everything returned to calm, just like Nick before he intercepted the note. In fact, he could treat it as if nothing happened if he didn't hand over the note.

As long as you don't pay attention to the tragic things, it's not bad to be able to travel in a country. Cao Xi also became friendly to Nick, and he accompanied Nick to visit the exquisite craftsmanship of handicraftsmen for making foreign trade orders. He saw a variety of work, orderly streets, and exquisite gardens and houses. Sent a present to Nick.

It was a Ruyi, originally a hand-shaped bamboo product that could be used to scratch the back, but now it is made of jade.

In Buddhism, there are eight treasures, such as jade, dharma conch, precious umbrella, white cover, lotus, treasure jar, goldfish, and sausage. There is a lotus flower on this little jade wishful thinking.

In this wonderful country, every little thing has a strange purpose. In "Three Kingdoms", there is no record of Zhuge Liang sending women's clothing to Sima Yi. This plot only exists in "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms".

Sima Yi can wear women's clothes, should Nick scratch his back with this Yu Ruyi?

It is also possible that this represents reconciliation, that Xi Cao is expressing friendship to Nick, which is a sign of respect, so Nick accepts the gift with gratitude.

Not long after, Nick received a letter from the admiral. The hair oil he sent last time was used up, and he hoped that Nick would make more and bring some back to give away.

That's five bottles of hair oil, so they'll be used up so soon?

But thinking of the admiral's long braids, Nick felt relieved.

This time, the servant who delivered the letter still brought money. Nick planned to go to the previous spice shop to buy materials, but the shop already had ready-made hair oil for sale, and the business was very good. The boss thanked Nick very much and sent him directly A whole box, and no money was taken, so Nick had two extra silver ingots in his hand.

Nick took two silver ingots and asked Juren, why didn't he sell that prescription sooner?

Juren didn't answer him, and even when Nick offered to "share" with Juren, he didn't accept the silver ingot.

He put on a haughty look and said, "How did He Zhongtang get his first embezzled money, do you know?"

Then he continued to read, preparing for the next imperial examination.

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