Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2176 Flower Controversy (eighty-four)

There is a little-known temple in Higashiyama, Kyoto, called Fangguang Temple. Its founder is Toyotomi Hideyoshi. There is a big bell in the temple. It became an excuse for Tokugawa Ieyasu to launch the Battle of Osaka, so this bell, together with the bells of Todaiji Temple and Chion-in Temple, is called the three famous bells in Japan.

However, Toyotomi Hideyoshi's original purpose of building Fangguang Temple was not for the bell, but to store a big Buddha. This Buddha statue was to fight against the Nara Great Buddha built by the emperor in the Nara era to protect the country.

The Japanese call Kyoto "Luoyang", but it was actually built in imitation of Chang'an, and they imitated Chang'an not only to build a city in Kyoto, but also Nara. After unifying Japan, Toyotomi Hideyoshi built a new, purely Japanese-style castle in Osaka—the Osaka Tenshukaku. His son Hideyoshi and others committed suicide in Osaka Castle.

The process of building Fangguang Temple was not smooth. It was repaired from 1586 to 1595. The big Buddha inside was not even made of bronze, but wood coated with gold leaf, and it collapsed in the 1596 earthquake. For this reason, Toyotomi Hideyoshi invited the Tathagata of Shinshu Zenko Temple, but it is said that he was retribution for this and became seriously ill, so he returned the property the day before his death.

Legend has it that Toyotomi Hideyoshi died of illness in Fushimi Castle in May because he was enjoying cherry blossoms at Daigo Temple one day in March.

Japanese aesthetics has three cores: monosorrow, mystery, and wabi-sabi.

At least in the era of Oda Nobunaga and Toyotomi Hideyoshi, "wabi tea" had already existed. They often held tea parties with merchants, which was a manifestation of their re-business. In contrast, although Tokugawa Ieyasu also encouraged merchants to go to sea, he did not really want the free development of private trade. This trade was limited to a very small number of "queen merchants" such as daimyo, big merchants, and shogunate officials. When the Satsuma clan grew stronger and threatened the rule of the Tokugawa shogunate, he immediately announced the closure of the country.

Nick has seen a wabi-sabi teacup. It is not so much porcelain as it is a stone tool, which was made by humans in ancient times with simple tools. And this is also the source of the beauty of wabi tea. It embodies a sense of time like a rusty knife. It is to reflect an imperfect, rough-quality, simple and simple appearance. Contrary to luxury and wealth, wabi tea The concept is poverty and simplicity, creating a quiet and quiet world.

Both Oda Nobunaga and Toyotomi Hideyoshi collected a large number of tea sets. They seemed to be addicted to tea soup, but in fact they did not create a unique realm. Japan produces silver and copper, but the noble metal is gold. Toyotomi Hideyoshi set up a gold tea room in the castle tower. The ceiling, walls, and tea sets are all made of gold. This is the Momoyama era in which Toyotomi Hideyoshi lived. style. The main purpose of inviting people to drink wabi tea is to invite businessmen from all walks of life to communicate. After their death, businessmen still lead the tea soup culture and developed a completely different style. But at that time, the new form of samurai power was accepted by merchants as companions. Tennoji Yazong even entered the Toyotomi Hideyoshi regime. Merchants also played a big role when Toyotomi Hideyoshi built the castle tower. They no longer Serving corvee as in the feudal era, serving the government for free.

Osaka is close to the sea, so it is very convenient to transport timber from the mountains to the port, and then transport it by water. However, Toyotomi Hideyoshi chose to send someone overland from the far northeast to Osaka Castle at a very high freight rate. Doing so made the rich people responsible for the logistics a fortune, and at the same time connected them with the transport operators on this route, and established a logistics system covering the whole country. The logistics line started from the Toyotomi Hideyoshi regime.

Before Toyotomi Hideyoshi unified Japan, because of the lack of control of the central government, the Japanese pirates who took the Hachiman ship to sea were completely out of control. After Toyotomi Hideyoshi unified Japan, he immediately ordered the ban on Hachiman ships and piracy, not just pirates His existence is not conducive to commercial development, and will also hinder his "great plans and great careers".

His dream is to live in Ningbo after defeating BJ, attack India with Ningbo as the center, and then realize a new East Asian order.

When Japanese piracy activities decreased, the threat of "Japanese pirates" to the coast of the Ming Dynasty was also reduced. Therefore, the "Japanese pirates" used the Japanese as the main combat force, and Wang Zhi and other armed maritime merchants played a supporting role.

For Oda Nobunaga and Toyotomi Hideyoshi, what is important is a new culture that is independent of the traditional cultural framework influenced by the emperor, the public, and the "Tang Kingdom". There was once a military parade, when he was wearing gold gauze instead of armor, besides that he also wore a jacket of Shu brocade, orangutan wool fabric and shoes made of Tang brocade, etc. The purpose of doing this was to Imitating the "Tang Emperor", he wanted to appear in front of people as the emperor of China, surpassing the emperor of Japan, and becoming the center of the East Asian world, as if he was displaying the concept of Azuchi Castle in front of everyone in the form of a parade. He didn't want to be just a shogun, so he chose to resign when faced with the emperor's appointment.

After accomplishing this goal, Oda Nobunaga will conquer the "Tang Kingdom", while Toyotomi Hideyoshi believes that it is easy for the "Land of Raining Arrows" to conquer the "Long-sleeved Country". , moved to Ningbo, China, the idea of ​​King's Landing throughout East Asia.

Toyotomi Hideyoshi promulgated the "Certificate of Permit of Guanbai Temple", allowing missionaries to live in Japan, and their residences and churches are not obliged to serve as soldiers' lodgings. The reason is that the temple must receive soldiers to stay overnight.

But the condition is that the Jesuits are expected to provide two galleons, and help install cannons on each ship, provide navigation instruments and skilled sailors, because he will form a large fleet of two thousand ships.

This will not only change Japan and East Asia, the Jesuits will not dare to make their own decisions, saying that they need to wait for the Pope's instructions to shirk. So in the following year, Toyotomi Hideyoshi promulgated the "Bantenren Chasing and Release Order", announcing the expulsion of the missionaries, requiring the missionaries to leave Japan within 20 days.

At that time, Toyotomi Hideyoshi was still moderate to the church and believers, but he imposed heavy taxes on the townspeople. He did not prohibit religious beliefs, nor did he prohibit the Portuguese from doing business. manner. Until 1596, the Spanish merchant ship San Philip encountered shipwreck after sailing out of Manila, and the ship drifted to Tosa. According to Japanese law, floating objects are "pulls" when they reach the shore, and Fengxing will confiscate all cargo and seize the crew. However, the Spanish captain put a world map in front of Fengxing at this time, threatening that Spain will conquer Japan and boasting Insisting on the strength of Spain, they also claimed that they had internal support in Japan. After hearing the report from the Tosa clan, Toyotomi Hideyoshi was furious and ordered the arrest of 24 Franciscan missionaries and believers, and executed them as traitors. Since then, Japan has banned all religions.

After the death of Toyotomi Hideyoshi, his son continued to complete his unfinished project. The newly cast Buddhas are all made of Tang copper, and the style is that of Todaiji Temple. Both the Buddha and the temple are larger than Todaiji Temple. However, when the Buddha was about to be completed, the foundry accidentally caused a fire, and both the Buddha and the main hall were burned down, but Hideyori still did not give up. He threw all the tens of thousands of taels of gold left by Toyotomi Hideyoshi into it, and cast it into a 19-meter-high Gao's huge Buddha statue, and later cast a huge bell, and the inscription incident happened not long after.

The Buddha later became the material of Kuanyong Tongbao. When Nick went to see it, the hall was empty, and only a few monks were still guarding the temple with no believers, no Buddha, and only a big bell.

Whether it is water, sea, or land, they are all controlled by Toyotomi Hideyoshi, especially Otsu and Lake Biwa, where there is food, wood for building Osaka Castle, and can be used to repair tools for siege, and it is also the main throat of Kyoto. Unless these people all repent and support Tokugawa Ieyasu instead, Tokugawa Ieyasu must lay down Otsu in order to obtain supplies.

Toyotomi Hideyoshi did guarantee the benefits of Japan going overseas for trade, allowing people to do business and accumulate wealth under his jurisdiction, which was also part of the system he dreamed of. When Tokugawa Ieyasu gained power, what would happen to the situation of these people who had great glory in Toyotomi Hideyoshi's era?

The Battle of Osaka Castle Tokugawa Ieyasu did not win the support of local businessmen, but instead bought everything he wanted from the British and Dutch, whether it was food or ammunition, which led him to eventually wipe out Toyotomi Hideyoshi's descendants.

When the Honnoji Incident happened, Toyotomi Hideyoshi was attacking Takamatsu Castle, and Shibata Katsuie and Maeda Toshiie confronted him in the city. The timing of repairing Osaka Castle was also after Toyotomi Hideyoshi eliminated Shibata Katsuya.

As for why Akechi Mitsuhide betrayed Oda Nobunaga, people have analyzed many reasons, just like some people say that Oda Nobunaga’s wife, Saito Kicho, is Akechi Mitsuhide’s cousin, and she married Oda Nobunaga as a spy.

Guidie means a beautiful butterfly, and her father is the famous "Mino Viper". The original Saito Dozo was just an oil seller, and he was reused by relying on his clever tactics.

She did not leave any heirs to Oda Nobunaga, so this legendary beauty did not leave much experience, and the rest of her life is still a mystery.

But in any case, Toyotomi Hideyoshi ended the Warring States Period in Japan and opened another era at the same time.

This time, the 30 anti-smuggling boats that came to "exterminate" the pirates escorted the "flagship" where the admiral was located. It seemed that the scale was not small, and with the addition of a civilian ship that "hitched a ride" with Captain Yao, it didn't look like it anyway. Like someone who can be easily provoked.

Nick missed the admiral's farewell ceremony because he was drunk, and the people in Guangzhou made him a Wanmin umbrella, which shows that he is a good official in their eyes.

"Retribution" means that good will be rewarded with good, and evil will be rewarded with evil. Nick will not chant "Amitabha" like the soldiers on the boat, hoping that the Bodhisattva will bless them, but he still hopes that they can cross this water safely.

He looked up at the blue sky, why did the monk enlighten him in the dream just now, instead of God?

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