Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2159 Flower Controversy (sixty-seven)

From the map, the Strait of Dover seems to be very narrow, and Calais, France is very close to Dover, England.

However, it was only when she was drifting on the sea that she realized how wide this seemingly narrow trench was. Anyway, she couldn't see any land.

"We're almost at Wissant." Bonaparte walked to the side of the boat and watched the scenery with her. "If all goes well, we can arrive at Calais in the afternoon."

Georgiana didn't answer, because when he said this, he had a premise that "everything goes well", what if it doesn't go well?

This is undoubtedly a frustrating remark, and no one wants to hear it now. It can be seen that everyone on board is very nervous, and only Bonaparte seems to be relaxed.

"Aren't you afraid?"

"Afraid of what?" He looked into the distance and said.

Before she could say anything, the lookout at the top of the mast rang the bell, sounding the warning.

Everyone looked up at him together, and then they all looked in the direction he pointed, and there were several black spots approaching them in the distance.

Bonaparte held out his hand to the side, and the adjutant handed him his telescope.

"It's a British warship." He said with a telescope. "There are five ships."

She looked around. Their fleet looked quite large, but most of them were commercial ships for civilian use. Once a war started, they might not be of much use.

Then she looked at another boat where the magicians and reporters were on. They also noticed something strange and used binoculars to look in the direction of the British warship.

"Guess if they're going to fire," he said with a laugh.

"It's not funny," said Georgiana gravely.

Then together they watched the five ships approach.

Not long after, French and Dutch warships sailed towards the five ships, hoisting colorful flags on their masts.

It was a semaphore, and though she couldn't read it, it wasn't long before British ships hoisted flags too.

"They want to come closer," said an admiral to Bonaparte. "Do you want to expel them?"

"What do you think they want to come near, Georgiana?" Bonaparte asked her.

"I don't know," she whispered.

He turned to look at her, "Aren't you persuading me to retreat?"

"You won't retreat." She said calmly.


"Because you are Napoleon."

He laughed, and the marine looked at her strangely.

'If the British fire, I can't run, we're in the same boat. '

She wanted to say that to the Frenchman, but she didn't.

"Let them come here." Bonaparte said a little recklessly, but the officer followed his order and asked the sailors to issue the semaphore.

Soon a British warship came over, but stopped when it was still one nautical mile away from the Pomona. ’ was delivered to the cruise ship on a plank.

Those were four very young British servicemen, maybe 20 or younger.

Reminiscent of the last time Bonaparte met the Prince of Wales, he said that the prince brought all recruits, if only in terms of age.

Seeing Napoleon, these young British navies couldn't hide their excitement, and they used some blunt French to express their intention to come.

"Please forgive our reckless behavior, but we don't want to miss this opportunity to get acquainted with you."

"who are you?"

"Former 57th Army, active-duty British Royal Navy second lieutenant, Greg Gore." The young and handsome officer said.

"Why not continue in the army?" said Bonaparte.

"If I had stayed in the Army, I would have had no chance of meeting you today, sir," cried Gregor.

Bonaparte smiled, perhaps he thought the English boy was very interesting.

Several other young people also introduced themselves to Napoleon. It is true that Napoleon has many admirers, even in Britain.

She was bored listening to them tell their admiration, and the fleet that stopped sailing because of this little episode soon started moving again, and they passed the Strait of Dover, or the Strait of Calais in French, very smoothly.

After sailing past Nwessang, the fleet moved a little closer to the coast, from which they could see the straight chalk coast, and the people on the other ships cheered.

Seeing such a cliff reminded her of a jigsaw puzzle, and indeed some people put the continents together as a jigsaw puzzle, especially the right-angled protruding part of the eastern part of Brazil was very consistent with the right-angled Gulf of Guinea on the west coast of Africa, and then there was continental drift theory.

Compared with the long history of the earth, the appearance of human beings is actually very short. You must know that the distance between Brazil and Africa is so far, and it is slowly moving by a foot every day.

No one cared what she thought, including the few British soldiers who came mainly to see Napoleon, and she stood by as if in the background.

Later, apart from Gregor, several other young people returned to the British warship. This time they were allowed to join the French navy, escorting the fleet like a frigate to move on.

Gregor is quite eloquent, perhaps because of this, he married the daughter of the general who commanded the 57th Corps at such a young age, and became an ensign through his father-in-law.

The navy is indeed much easier than the army, and it has more prospects. He was in the navy for only one year, and he seemed to have traveled to many places, including the West Indies and the Strait of Panama, where he also discovered an island country.

The climate is mild and the land is fertile. Although there are indigenous people, the population is small, and they are very kind and do not take the initiative to attack strangers. Then he started talking about the advantages of building the Panama Canal, as if trying to get Napoleon to pay for it.

She felt even more bored, and worried that Napoleon would be fooled. After all, the Panama Canal is not as easy to repair as the Suez Canal. There is indeed a gap in the height of the sea on both sides. It would take a lot of manpower and material resources to repair it.

"Get us some tea, Georgiana," said Bonaparte suddenly. "Don't you English like tea?"

She looked at Gregor.

He must be thirsty after all the talking.

It was not necessary for her to go to make tea, but she left the deck as Bonaparte said.

"Ma'am." Margaret hurried over.

"What's wrong?"

"Matilda is seasick."

Seasickness is not a big deal, but she went to see it anyway. Matilda was lying on her bed with a pale face, and the suitcase that Georgiana asked her to carry with the tea making utensils was placed on the table not far away. .

It was impossible for Matilda to make tea in this state, but she didn't want to give the box to Leila, or Margaret. So after persuading Matilda, who wanted to stay in bed "in spite of illness", Georgiana made a pot of tea herself, and let Leila carry them back to the deck.

"Thank you." Gregor said politely, took the black tea from the tray, and then continued to chat with Bonaparte, he still regarded her as a background board.

How she wished she could take out her wand and cast a jinx on him, like make his handsome little face covered with acne or something.

At around 1:00 pm, they arrived in Calais, and the port was already full of cheering crowds to greet them.

While Napoleon was waving, Gregor mingled with other French officials, seemingly also receiving cheers from the crowd.

It may be because Calais is very close to the UK, there are many British-style buildings in the city, and there are many watchtowers in the city. After disembarking, they were arranged to live in the Mercury Hotel. This hotel was opened by the former French postmaster Charles-Augustin Maurice. It was the earliest hotel in continental Europe. , Behind the hotel is the Art Museum, and you can see the Notre-Dame de Calais Church from the top floor.

"How do you feel?" Bonaparte asked after Georgiana finished visiting the "Presidential Suite".

"It's not as luxurious as the palace, but I think it will be very comfortable to live in." She said calmly, "The sheets are all new."

"There must be a castle near here," said Bonaparte.

"There is a bathtub here, do you want to take a bath?" she asked.

"Tell me what's on your mind?"

I was thinking about Elba Island and St. Hena Island where you were imprisoned. The facilities on the island are simpler than this one.

She thought to herself, but what she said was something else, "I'm thinking of the Leaky Cauldron, the rooms on the second floor are much simpler than here."


"Oh, don't you know? All hotels used to be like this."

He looks a little confused.

"How does the hotel where you stayed before compare with this one?" Georgiana asked.

"Not much difference."

Georgiana couldn't help laughing, "You really are a nobleman."

He was a little upset.

"This is a civilian hotel, that's what a civilian hotel is." She spread her hands.

"I know this is a civilian hotel." He said aggressively.

She looked at him calmly.

"What were you thinking?" he asked.

"The difference between a man and a woman." She said softly, "I know a woman who can give up her status as a noble lady for love, and live in a slum with the man she loves, while you men try your best to leave mediocrity."

He didn't speak, but looked at her in surprise.

"You don't believe that fate is unfair, do you? You believe that fate is in your own hands."

"You believe fate is unjust?" he asked rhetorically.

"That's right, the biggest injustice of fate is to arrange for me to become a woman."

He laughed. "You think you'll get justice by being a man?"

"No, but it means I don't have to believe the 'fate is unfair' crap."

"Why do you think that?"

"If I were ugly, Leon, would you love me?" Before he could answer, she added, "I knew a woman who used a potion to make a handsome man fall in love with her and have a child with her. But she is too ugly, he refused to recognize her as his wife after he woke up, and refused to accept the illegitimate child. This is what I said fate is unfair, Leon, even if you men are born ugly, you can make up for it with talent, Women are born designed."

"Remember that contract, if I have nothing and you are no longer young and beautiful, will you still love me?"

"You said, I can wait until next year's Portuguese month."

"Yes." He smiled sarcastically, "You can wait, anyway, you don't care about the passing of youth as time goes by, someone will take over you, right?"

After he finished speaking, he walked into the bathroom and slammed the door shut.

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