Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2160 Flower Controversy (sixty-eight)

Georgiana also has things she wants to do, however, she cannot do whatever she wants.

Many women in the family are like this. They have to allocate their time to many people, husbands, children, and sometimes parents, but the time and energy do not belong to themselves, although she does not belong to Bonaparte’s family.

While he was taking a bath, she didn't pack up immediately because she had to take care of his feelings.

This may not have anything to do with the poor facilities. She shouldn't mention the feeling of desolation he felt when he was a small person. Xiao Guanyin was written in "Nick Polo"'s travel notes. She often suggested to Liao Daozong that he would not listen to these "loyal words" at all, and instead alienated her.

She needs the skill of speaking, or should not be so blunt.

At that moment the bathroom door opened and he came out in his bathrobe, this time he didn't ask the valet or Georgiana to brush his back.

Looking at his wet hair, she stood up naturally and wanted to help him wipe his hair with a bath towel, but he avoided him without a trace, and she stood there helplessly.

"Do you know what mistake you made?" he asked after a moment.

She didn't answer.

"Don't know or dare not say?" He asked sternly.

"I shouldn't bring up the past," she trembled.

He stared at her without speaking.

"You're not what you used to be," she sobbed.

"It's annoying when you talk like that."

Isn't it, how can a successful person want to hear others mention his past when he was a failure.

She thought sarcastically, but didn't say it.

"But that's not the most critical question." He continued, "When I ask you, what are you thinking, you should tell me honestly."

She was a little surprised.

"There are many people who, when they accuse me, are just looking for a justification to betray me. If I don't agree with their will, they think I am unwise. Each of these people thinks of his own interests, thinking that I don't know how to spot them."

"You want to say that I also think of my own interests?"

"I'm asking you, what's on your mind, and now I'm open to advice."

She thought for a while, and translated his words, "Baby is willing to listen to you telling the truth now, and when I am willing to listen, you should tell the truth." She couldn't talk to him like a real baby. , "I told you not to be angry", what should he do if he is angry? What if she was locked up in a mental hospital?

"That book, The Abbe Saint-Pierre's Works on Peace in Europe," she said softly.

He listened in silence, without expression or sound.

"Rousseau commented on his book, that each nation believes that it is in everyone's interest to weaken an arrogant enemy who wants to rule the world, and besides this common interest, each nation has a separate advantage that he wants to achieve, Although each nation fears the weakening of one tyrant and the emergence of another, it does not forfeit its own separate interests.”

"You mean to call me a tyrant?"

"I want to say, don't be the prey of those people, Leon, they don't care about weakening one tyrant and then another tyrant, all they want is profit, and there is a perfect excuse to defeat the tyrant, what could be better than this Just, when they can't find this 'common good' they won't be united."

He looked like he was going to lose his temper.

"I know you need a strong prestige. Most people are naturally calm and unwilling to take risks, but honor, competition for interests, prejudice and hatred will make people willing to take risks, even if the risks are life-threatening. Do you understand what I mean? I hope you are safe." She almost broke down and said that at least she could go to Elba and St. Hena as a prisoner like "before" instead of being considered dead. No, and all of this was caused by her meddling.

"God did not create human beings to kill each other, because people built the Tower of Babel, and the purpose of building this tower was to promote our name, so God made human beings speak different languages, so that the language barriers caused people to scatter. place."

She said painfully that sometimes people cannot communicate with each other not because they speak different languages.

It's that people understand the benefits of lying to themselves, so they choose to lie.

He walked to her side and let her head rest in his arms.

"How did you come up with the idea of ​​building a Saint-Pierre church?" he asked softly.

"I don't really remember much," she recalled, "but I seem to have been through a lot of pain."

"And you got the 'revelation'?" he asked.

"No, I just felt that way," she recalls. "When the light shines on a dark interior and forms a special composition, I think it's beautiful."

He kissed her.

"I also think you are beautiful, sorry for what I said just now, please don't take what I just said to heart."

"I want to be fair to you, but I can't be unfair to him." She said a little helplessly.

"Why do you want to be fair to me?"

Because it is difficult for a person to change.

"You pity me?" he asked again.

She didn't know what to be pitiful about this guy.

But he laughed.

"Then have pity on me." He grabbed her hand and placed it where his heart was. "Can you feel it? You make me swoon, and my heart beats for you."

Appeared, the trick that the Frenchman is good at.

"How much cologne did you add to your bath water?" she asked dazedly.

"Without you, I will never taste love again, look at me."

The color of the sky during the day is blue, just like the blue sky outside the window at this moment, and the color of the sea water near the chalk cliff is closer to emerald color.

The color of the night sky was black, but it wasn't dull like the other person she knew, and there were stars twinkling, and the silvery white moonlight.

"Without you, who would I tell my love to?"

"No, no, no!" She covered his face with her hand, "Stop!"

He really stopped talking.

"Merlin's beard, you smooth-talking Muggle!" she said angrily. "I'm moving into the next room!"

"There is no door between the two rooms here."

"I know, that's why I'm moving!" She pulled out her wand. "I want to work!"

He shook his head helplessly with a smile, and threw her down directly.

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