Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2158 Flower Controversy (sixty-six)

During the Dragon Boat Festival in the 28th year of Qianlong, the Qingyan Palace in Jiuzhou, Yuanmingyuan, caught fire. Qianlong, who was taking a rest in the palace after watching the dragon boat, was almost burned to death. At that time, the fourth elder brother Yongxuan was on duty by Qianlong's side.

Qianlong and Yongxuan were soon trapped in the fire, the smoke was billowing, and the two called for help. At this time, the fifth elder brother Yongqi, who was playing chess with the eighth elder brother Yongxuan, arrived quickly, and then broke the window directly. He entered, rushed into the fire scene and carried Qianlong out.

At that time, Yongxuan had already fled through the window by himself, leaving Qianlong alone in the sea of ​​flames. After the two came out, the queen mother and other brothers rushed over, and the fire was quickly extinguished. It didn't take long for Qianlong to adopt Yongxuan to Prince Lu who had no heir. In the previous four years, he had given Yongrong International to Prince Zhi. The elder brother and the third elder brother who were disrespectful, all of a sudden the fifth elder brother Yongqi became the "eldest son", that is, the most likely heir to the throne.

It's a pity that Yongqi died of illness three years later. The "uncle" of Xiaojun Wang, the sixth elder brother, Yongrong, did not have such a bad record as Yongxuan, and he also presided over the compilation of "Siku Quanshu". Although Ji Xiaolan was an editor, but Yong Rong is responsible for mobilizing human, financial and administrative resources. The Ministry of Internal Affairs is also functioning normally under his management. Generally speaking, Yongrong is a talented and versatile person. Apart from the fact that he has been adopted, he is a good candidate for the heir apparent.

If Qianlong takes back the sixth elder brother, then the fourth elder brother Yongxuan is also possible, so there is a risk of repeating the "nine kings seizing the heir".

In the twenty-sixth year of Qianlong's reign, the Yellow River also broke its embankment, also in Henan, and 15 breaches occurred, affecting 52 counties. At that time, Liu Tongxun was in charge of river engineering.

Yuan Shoutong was trained as a future minister of military affairs or an important minister. Unfortunately, the life span of ordinary people is not like that of arhats, who can extend it by themselves. Originally, the cases in Gansu and Shandong came to an end, and Yuan Shoutong could continue to go home to Ding You. However, in the forty-seventh year of Qianlong, the Yellow River was about to burst its embankment. At that time, Yuan Shoutong was seriously ill and his complexion was bad. However, the emperor had already greeted him in person at Lugou Bridge. The root cause of the disease fell, and he died in the forty-eighth year of Qianlong when he was the governor of Zhili. After his death, he enjoyed mourning and honor, and presented it to the Prince Taibao.

Ji Xiaolan married her two daughters to the two sons of Yuan Shoutong's younger brother, and they became in-laws just like Lu Jianzeng.

After Lu Jianzeng and Huaiyan cited the case, Ji Xiaolan was relegated to XJ because of his intercession. Lu Jianzeng himself went to death row, and his descendants sat together. Ji Xiaolan's daughter, Lu Jianzeng's daughter-in-law, fled with her 9-year-old son. He took refuge in Jiaoqiao, Shandong, and was safe under the protection of Yuan Shoucheng's two daughters-in-law.

Sansedorji's concubine Fujin, Prince Yunxi, also has a daughter who is born of a concubine and also married a Mongolian prince. Maybe one day Tianyun Duandorji will go there to seek refuge like Lu Jianzeng's grandson , Walking around with relatives can deepen the relationship. When he goes to Kulun in the future, it will not be so easy to visit relatives in the capital now.

What's more, it is reasonable for Xiaojun Wang to take his bride around when he is newly married, so what if his aunt is not his biological mother?

The legendary Gu exists in the belly of a person, and there is an idiom "to confuse people's hearts", but people are not worms in other people's stomachs, they really know what other people think.

When dealing with the Lianghuai Salt Citation Case, Gao Jin's nephew Gao Heng did not receive special treatment because of the "Eight Pieces", but executed according to the king's law.

There has been corruption in Lianghuai salt affairs for 20 years. Gao Heng is not the only one involved in the salt affairs. The first salt administration, Jiqing, not only collected tax money from salt merchants, but also asked them to pay "filial piety" money, but asked for salt directly The benefits of merchants are not a long-term solution, so he submitted a memorial. After the Kangxi, Yongzheng, and Qianlong dynasties, the population expanded rapidly. The previous "dictation of food" was not enough to eat. I hope the court can send more to Lianghuai. Qianlong thought it was reasonable for some salt quotations, so he distributed more, but Jiqing still felt that it was not enough, so he sent out the salt quotations for Mingnian in advance, and the salt merchants were immediately overjoyed.

In this way, whenever there are weddings, big birthdays, full moons and other happy events in the auspicious family, the salt merchants will give generous gifts, and they will be more joyful and voluntary when raising money.

When Pufu, the second salt administrator, came, the salt merchants were as filial as they were serving auspicious occasions, but Pufu was cowardly, and despite his greed, he refused to accept bribes on the surface, so the salt merchants bought fields, houses and utensils one after another. given to his family.

Seven years later, Pufu left. Before he left, he borrowed 40,000 taels of silver from the account of the salt affairs company. He also said that he had no travel expenses. Qianlong thought he was a clean and honest official with "clear breeze in his sleeves".

Next is Gao Heng. He has had meetings since he took office, and he likes to treat guests to dinner. Whenever he invites, the salt merchants are never absent. Taking advantage of Qianlong’s trip to the south of the Yangtze River, he does not know how many times he has "meetings", and occasionally arrives. As a guest at a salt merchant, seeing the exquisite antique calligraphy and painting, as long as you stand for a few seconds, the calligraphy and painting will be delivered to Gao Heng.

Some of these paintings will be sent to Qianlong, such as the paintings of Tang Yin, the "Four Great Talents in the South of the Yangtze River" in the Ming Dynasty. Qianlong not only wrote poems on these paintings, but also copied Tang Yin's "Picture of Ladies with Zhemei".

Some people have moved out from places like Huguang, but the population is still increasing. Unless a census is carried out, it is difficult to determine the exact number of people in each place and how much salt is needed, which also gives loopholes to the salt administration.

Since the outbreak of war between the Qing Dynasty and Burma, military rations were provided by Guizhou and Yunnan. ZY originally belonged to Sichuan. When Yongzheng divided the administrative regions in the sixth year, it was under the jurisdiction of Guizhou, and this part of the salt was also owned by Guizhou.

The census was not available during the war, so Zhang Bao from XHQ in Manchuria served as the garrison supervisor of the veterans during the Qing-Burmese War, and supervised the transportation of military rations into Burma.

In fact, Zhang Bao was not a person with "clear breeze in his sleeves". He also fell in love with the "beauty" of the governor of Suzhou. Who knew that the dream turned into a nightmare. The two biggest cases of the Qianlong Dynasty were in his hands together in the 33rd year of Qianlong.

Gao Heng was transferred away because Gao Jin served as the Governor of Liangjiang to avoid suspicion, and secondly because he was transferred to the Minister of Internal Affairs. This emperor's relative and national relative were not given to the later Yanzheng Yubashi.

There was such a big hole in not doing him any favors. In a rage, Yubashi pierced the window paper. However, when he wrote the memorial, he did not list the crimes of Gao Heng and his predecessors. During his tenure, he spent 85,000. One thousand taels of silver, plus the two hundred and seventy-eight thousand taels of silver transported on credit, there are still more than 190,000 taels of silver in the warehouse. It is still necessary for the merchants to pay three taels of silver each time, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs should check it.

The previous Yanzhengs did not take the initiative to report the income and expenditure of Yanyin. They just kept saying that the population increased and needed to increase Yanyin. The Lianghuai Salt Administration only had 190,000 taels? In the past twenty years, if the tax was 3 taels per tax, the total tax revenue should have exceeded 10 million taels, but the Ministry of Household Affairs has not recorded this salt revenue.

Where did the money go? Changbao also came to Jiangsu in April. In addition to Gao Heng's mansion in BJ Baochao Hutong, he also has a mansion in Suzhou. It is said to be a palace for welcoming guests. In fact, Qianlong lived in Suzhou Weaving Mansion when he went to Suzhou.

In order to deal with corruption, Qianlong also knew about the corruption of officials, but he dug out 2 million taels from the cellar of the "clean" Pufu's home, and the nature was different.

There is no basis for words, evidence must be needed. Evidence in the corruption case is easy to find, but in the case of the spirit witchcraft, the only thing to do is to rely on oral confessions.

Zhang Bao was fired because of the soul-calling case, and he went to Yunnan again in thirty-four years.

Although Siam did not deliberately not sell rice to Fujian, because of the war in the country, their people only had bark and grass roots to eat, but Fujian still suffered from famine due to natural disasters and various problems.

The southeast is a province with a large population. Just imagining the consequences of losing the Qing-Myanmar War makes people shudder.

This battle has to be fought and must be won. Er Ning wrote to recruit the Burmese general, Qianlong transferred him to Fujian, Juren still took the letter of recommendation from Xilinjueluo's family, and left BJ to join him.

As for Zhang Bao, he also blackmailed Wang Xi, the county magistrate, after he was transferred in Yunnan.

After Yongzheng, the "reform of the land and return to the local people" was implemented, that is, the chieftain system was abolished, and the government, department, and state were established. Immigrants have to face such a situation. On the one hand, there is a government that does not talk about kingship, but on the other hand, and on the other hand, all members of the Miao people practice martial arts and do not like to argue with each other. The White Lotus Sect.

The Miao people were not good at trading, and the immigrants bought daily necessities to the Miao people on credit at high prices, so that they would return the grain after autumn and use the land as collateral.

There is also usury. Once Miao people borrow money, it is difficult to get rid of the ruthless exploitation of usury.

At this time, no one is worried about the Miao Jiang Gu technique.

On the sixth day of the first lunar month in the fiftieth year of Qianlong's reign, the Qianlong Banquet was held in Qianqing Palace. More than 3,000 people gathered in the palace.

Because the world was peaceful and the world was prosperous at that time, and it was the prosperous age of Kangxi and Qianlong, the banquet scene was unprecedentedly large.

"Don't allow others to be happy for a while?" Bonaparte said suddenly.

Georgiana had nothing to say.

He suddenly pulled her up and waltzed in the cabin.

Like the day she danced with Severus at Hugo's house, without music.

But the sound of music echoed in her mind, and she was still in the magnificent palace.

It was both real and fake, because she did seem to be dancing with him in the palace.

"Where am I?" She asked a little dizzily.

"You won't know until you read it on the deck." He smiled and said, "Or do you want to continue reading?"

She is now very worried that someone will "sneak in" while she is reading.

"I'm not a nerd!" she yelled.

He showed his white teeth with a smile, then stopped, bent his arms, let her hold his hand, and led her out of the cabin.

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