Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2157 Flower Controversy (sixty-five)

It was the governor of Zhili who reported Cathay Pacific, so who was the governor of Zhili at that time?

Yuan Shoutong was born in Shandong. He was born in the first year of Yongzheng. He was the grandson of Yuan Zilan, the richest man in Shandong. In order to make it easier for family members to come to Beijing, and at the same time benefit one side, the Yuan family built everything from Jiaoqiao to the capital to the road.

Yuan Zilan has five sons, and his fourth son is Yuan Chengfu. Yuan Chengfu's eldest son is Yuan Shoutong. Like Chen Yunting, he donated a cabinet secretary to him, and then served as Zhang Jing of the Military Aircraft Department to accumulate experience.

Later, he was promoted to a doctor in the Ministry of Officials, and was selected as the supervisory censor of Jiangxi Road, and then released as a Taoist member of Zhejiang Yanyi Road.

Post roads refer to land routes. When the governors and governors of populous provinces racked their brains on how to ensure food supply during their tenure, places such as Guizhou struggled with the transportation of salt. There is no doubt that it is much easier to transport heavy goods such as grain and salt by water. However, because the sea routes in Guangzhou and other places are used to transport grain, salt has to be transported by land.

Even if Sichuan salt is transported by water, it has to pass through the fast-moving Wujiang River. This river has always been regarded as a natural danger. The Han Dynasty and the Three Kingdoms have performed stories of gold and iron horses here. Therefore, the land trade road in the Sichuan-Yunnan area has been prosperous since ancient times, and it is an important channel for Sichuan salt to enter Yunnan.

The salt administration in Zhejiang has the problem of private salt and official salt. Lu Jian once served as an envoy to transport salt from the Huaihe River to the Huaihe River. The salt quotation is not only a certificate for merchants to pay taxes, but also a certificate for the sale of table salt. If there is no salt quotation, it will be trafficked. Table salt is selling illegal salt, and selling illegal salt is a serious crime.

The salt transported by land is called "Lu Yin", and the salt transported by water is called "Shui Yin". The five qian of salt is calculated to determine the total amount of salt in each region, and then apportion it to salt merchants who can engage in salt transportation.

With the pacification of San Francisco, a large number of immigrants from Jiangxi, Hunan, Guangdong, and Shaanxi flooded into Yunnan and Guizhou. The increase in population also means an increase in Yanyin, but correspondingly, the number of Yanyin in those provinces with lost population will decrease. The key point of the Lianghuai salt introduction case is here. Those provinces with population outflows have not reduced the number of salt introductions. These salt introductions have not paid taxes. They are just a pass. There are staff in the land stations. Not only did they arrange board and lodging for officials, but they also had the duty to check these passes. From the 11th year of Qianlong to the 33rd year, a total of more than 20 years, the total unpaid taxes amounted to 10.9 million taels.

Due to the increase in population in Guizhou and other places, the original land transportation of salt is no longer enough. Originally, Sichuan salt had to be sold to Hunan, Jiangxi and other places along the waterway. With the uprising of the Miao people in Hunan, the salt road for transporting salt became a battlefield. For military operations, "battalion roads" were laid between battalions, and these camp roads borrowed from the ancient salt road. So the Qing court changed the main sales place of Sichuan salt to Guizhou, and refurbished Chishui to facilitate the entry of salt ships into Guizhou. The market originally supplied by Sichuan salt was replaced by Henan, Zhejiang and other places.

The Yanzheng has lucrative resources from many aspects, but after Yuan Shoutong’s governance, the work of the Saltzheng in Zhejiang has improved greatly. Later, he was promoted to the Inspectorate of Guangxi, and later his father died. Beijing, entered the Ministry of Rites after mourning, walked beside the Minister of Military Aircraft, and worked part-time as the governor of Shuntian Prefecture. In the 41st year, he moved to the Ministry of Household Affairs. In the 42nd year, he was transferred to the Ministry of Criminal Affairs. He was promoted to governor of Zhili in fifteen years, but his mother passed away in November forty-six years, and he had to go back to observe his filial piety. During this period, his duties were performed by the Dongge University scholar until the Gansu grain supervision fraud case broke out.

In such a situation, no one can stay at home with peace of mind, especially when the Cathay Pacific case happened, it was the governor of Shandong, and the Yuan family happened to be from Shandong. It may become the Xue family in Dream of Red Mansions.

However, in April of the 47th year of Qianlong, it was Zheng Dajin who served as the governor of Zhili. You can't drive him away by yourself and replace him with the position of governor.

When Qianlong went to the south of the Yangtze River, he once went to the Shengyin Temple in Hangzhou to pay homage. The Arhat Hall in the temple enshrined Guanxiu's "Sixteen Yingzheng". He adjusted the translated names and positions of the Arhats according to the Sanskrit scriptures.

The sixteen arhats first came from the "Fa Zhu Ji" translated by Tang Xuanzang: when the Buddha was approaching Nirvana, he asked the sixteen arhats to prolong their lifespan, live in the world forever, travel the Dharma, and be a field of blessing for all living beings.

Therefore, statues of Arhats are often carved in Buddhist temples, and there are many supporters. Affected by this, painters in the Central Plains, Sichuan and other places became popular in creating the theme of "Sixteen Arhats" in the 10th century. The painting not only has a transcendent posture, but also has a peculiar shape and bone. Emperor Qianlong liked this work very much and ordered Xu Yang, an accompanying inner court painter, to copy it.

Yuan Shoutong made a set of jade albums according to Xu Yang's paintings. Each jade plate was carved with top-grade Khotan white jade, with Arhat pictures engraved on both sides and filled with gold. The four-line official script poems of Emperor Qianlong were engraved on one side of the picture. , made of high-quality sandalwood wood, engraved with patterns of double dragons playing with pearls on sea water, river cliffs, engraved with blue material in the middle and engraved "Praise of the Sixteen Arhats Made by the Emperor", and engraved with cloud and dragon patterns on the back. The jade fu is delicate and gentle, with a pleasant fragrance, which was very popular with Qianlong.

Cathay and the others were able to come up with the idea of ​​using variegated silver instead of official silver to fool the imperial envoys, obviously they had received the news.

When Li Shiyao was handling the Gansu prison donation case, he also encountered household officials who wanted to destroy the evidence. When the officials arrived in Gaolan County, half of the account books that could have been used as key evidence had been burned in the fire. Fortunately, the key places were not destroyed. burn.

It is true that Wang Tingzan did not participate in Wang Danwang's "dividing the fat", but later Wang Danwang was transferred away, and he became the governor of Gansu Province. Instead of stopping donating prisons to pretend to be alms, he intensified his efforts, charging each prisoner an extra three taels of silver.

In fact, Wang Tingzan has quite a lot of political achievements. When he was the county magistrate in Zhangye, he established the Gongyuan, and built the Ganquan Academy on the basis of the abandoned academy, and culture and education became popular for a while.

When Zhungeer was quelled, he was with the army to assist the military supplies, and when there were bandits in Pingliang, he led people to attack at night. The silt carried by the Yellow River has been alluvially formed into the Ningxia Plain. The terrain is flat and suitable for agriculture. At the same time, due to the heavy silt, it must be cleared. Wang Tingzan has done his best since he was ordered.

If he is not confused, then he may have a great future.

If the merits and demerits balance out, he can also keep his official position after paying the "crime silver" and continue to "wear crimes and make meritorious deeds".

But he had to pay the "criminal money" again and again, hoping that doing so would appease Qianlong's anger, but it turned out to be self-defeating. The more he paid, the angrier Qianlong became.

And when it came time for him to confess his crimes, he also quibbled, and secretly transferred assets, one of which was transferred to a hat shop on Qianmen Street in the capital. The owner of this shop had business dealings with the hat shop opened by Wang Tingzan.

One day a guest came and handed a coat to the boss. After taking it, the boss found it was very heavy, but he didn't suspect it at the time, so he kept it for him. It didn't take long to hear about the Gansu prison donation case. Suspiciously, he opened his coat and found that it was full of gold bars.

The boss was afraid of being implicated, so he hurriedly brought the gold bars to report to the officials. Now Wang Tingzan had solid evidence of property transfer, but he did not admit that the money was obtained from the prison donation case, but from his business.

When dealing with the ghost-calling case, Zhang Bao, the governor of Jiangsu at that time, had the Lianghuai Salt Citation Case and the Soul-calling Case in his hands. He thought that using the salt-caused case would divert attention, and he would not have to catch the demon party who didn't know where to hide.

But Qianlong was not interested at all. What he wanted was "results". Zhang Bao simply wrote a note and begged Qianlong to punish him. The Ministry of Officials impeached and dealt with himself.

If Wang Tingzan "admits his mistakes" like Zhang Bao did, with He Shen's kind words, he might escape. But he didn't dare to gamble. Another "outsider", Gansu Inspector Funing, said that he was worried that if he reported the incident truthfully, it would be difficult to get along in Gansu official circles in the future, so even if he knew something, he did not dare to report it. He was charged with negligence of supervision and dereliction of duty, and he confessed that Wang Danwang was the instigator, not what Wang Danwang said was done by his subordinates.

Funing was an envoy, firstly he handled the specific business of donating prisons for disaster relief, and secondly other officials were guarding against him, so his knowledge was limited, and if he wanted to know more, he had to check the original account books during Wang Danwang's tenure.

The "clear accounts" that can be seen by others have been carefully disguised, and Yuan Shoutong, a master investigator, could not see any flaws. After returning to Beijing, he reported to Qianlong that all the accounts were fine.

Later, Li Shiyao went to check and found a coincidence after reading the account books. Where there are many donations of prisons, there must be droughts, and disaster relief costs are high, while places with few donations of prisons have little disaster relief.

The accountant ignored it. Of course, this alone is not enough. Li Shiyao sent people to investigate on the spot. Whether there is a disaster in any place can not rely on the disaster report. sunny day.

After investigation, nine out of ten cases of the disaster were fake, and all the money went into the pockets of officials, but how much did everyone share?

More than 1,000 taels is a decision, which is related to sentencing, but it is extremely difficult to find out this problem, not only because Gansu officials have formed an offensive and defensive alliance, but also because of the severity of disaster relief over the years, the household registration is underreported In many cases, the food intake of a child is different from that of an adult. Adult males are called "big mouths". The more they eat, the more disaster relief will be distributed. Make up many reasons.

For example, the peasants who returned home after the Zhungeer War, those who built dams, cleared the Yellow River, and built roads, otherwise why would they go to Gansu?

The person who broke the deadlock was a clerk in the household house of Gaolan County. Gaolan County is a county with a large population in Gansu Province, and it is also the location of the governor's office.

The clerk has a "secret account" in his hand, which records the actual amount of loose relief. As long as you compare the open and dark accounts, you will know how much counterfeit relief is.

It was supposed to be burned, but halfway through the burning, it was intercepted by the officials investigating the case, and the scribe kept this evidence so that one day, if the boss blamed him for all the crimes, he could hold this ledger to save his life.

In the summer of the 43rd year of Qianlong, the Yellow River breached in Yifeng, Henan. Yuan Shoutong and Gao Jin, governor of the two rivers, were sent to Henan to deal with the re-blocking breach project. He was worried that Qianlong would not understand his intentions, so he drew an overview of the project on a map. According to "Advanced", the emperor was very satisfied when he saw the blueprint.

If nothing else happened, Yuan Shoutong could become a generation of capable ministers, but unfortunately he died in the forty-eighth year of Qianlong, when he was the governor of Zhili.

Later, his position was temporarily replaced by Liu Yong until the Shandong corruption case was closed and no other officials and Cathay Pacific secretly bought the estate.

So Juren invited Xu Yangnei to be enshrined as a teacher to Xiaojun Wang, and asked him to copy Buddhist scriptures, so that he could talk about scriptures and Taoism with him when he saw the Living Buddha in the future.

As for Zhijun Wang Yongrong, he has already been adopted, that is to say, he has lost the right to inherit the throne. He should not be the heir on the posthumous edict behind the "Fair and Bright Plaque".

Although many people in Beijing are guessing that it is him.

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