Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2156 Flower Controversy (sixty-four)

It was Agui who participated in suppressing the rebellion with Heshen, and he was also looking for excuses after losing the battle, so in the memorial to report the military situation, Agui repeatedly mentioned that there was too much rain in the local area, and the situation was very heavy, making it difficult for the troops to march.

Emperor Qianlong received Gansu's annual drought report. Why is there so much rain this year?

So he ordered a careful investigation of the weather in Gansu in the past few years, and the results of the investigation soon came up. Gansu has good weather and good harvests for several years, so the local wealthy households also have a lot of surplus food, which is just enough for the prison donors to use the surplus food to sell food. Donated, these grains flowed into the private market, and reported to the emperor more than 800,000 shi. In fact, there was not a grain of grain. In order to "digest" the grain on paper, Wang Danwang forged the story of opening a warehouse to release grain. Shangping, but there are 19,000 more donated students.

In previous years, there were only about 8,000 prison students in Gansu throughout the year, and this situation lasted from the 39th year of Qianlong to the 46th year of Qianlong. In seven years, Gansu accepted 270,000 prisoners and donated more than 12.27 million taels. There was a drought in Fujian, where Juren is located, but there was no food to relieve. In the past few years, because of the influx of candidates from Gansu Province, there was fierce competition. of.

This is true for middle-class people like him, let alone low-level civilians. During that time, many people went to Taiwan. I heard that there were rich real estate and fertile land, and bureaucrats and rich people also poured in along with the refugees.

From the sixth year of Shunzhi, it was stipulated that local officials recruited refugees, no matter where they were from, and incorporated them into Baojia, reclaimed unowned wasteland, gave them a seal, and allowed them to work forever.

The Qing court did not allow farmers to reclaim wasteland at will, and had to issue a "reclamation license" to allow reclaiming wasteland. However, applying for a license required "reclamation", which required a series of procedures. Since it is not an easy task to obtain a "reclamation permit", the success rate of civilians is not high. On the contrary, wealthy people and bureaucrats with certain strengths can easily obtain the right to reclaim land, while civilians at the bottom can only be employed by the same people as them. Landlords who "report for reclamation" together but have priority in obtaining "reclamation permits" are called tenant farmers. Rich people and bureaucrats became "cultivators" or "cultivators". This land system is called "cultivation and tenancy system". Generally, the first two years are divided according to the proportion, and after the output is stable, it is changed to a fixed income.

Influenced by Guangdong and Fujian, Taiwan has adopted the "permanent tenancy system", that is, the tenant has participated in reclamation, so the owner cannot sublease the land to others, and the tenant has the right to the land he cultivated without owed rent to the owner. Powers of Inheritance, Monopoly, Mortgage, and Buying and Selling. That is to say, when they cannot apply for a "reclamation license", the new immigrants can only be tenant farmers, while the old tenant farmers have permanent tenant rights. They can only rent land temporarily or be hired as handicraftsmen, otherwise they can only continue to live in the city Li was a refugee.

These vagrants have no land, no livelihood, and have been displaced for a long time. They are called "arhat feet". When these vagrants gather together, they often fight with each other. A fringe social group called "Jianghu" also gave Tim Brothers a chance to absorb people.

In the fifty-first year of Qianlong's reign, the Lin Shuangwen Uprising broke out in Taiwan. They mainly killed corrupt officials. After all, their purpose was to "reverse the Qing Dynasty and restore the Ming Dynasty", drive away the bureaucrats of the Qing government, and rule Taiwan on their behalf, just like Guo Xingye.

In the White Lotus Sect, officials and wealthy households were killed together. "Eating big households" is a way of supporting war with war.

It was also in the forty-seventh year of Qianlong's reign that Qian Pei, the censor, heard a rumor that the governor of Shandong and the chief envoy were in collusion, embezzling and extorting bribes in the name of purchasing tribute for the emperor, and when they met officials, they asked for supplements, took cards, and refused to give gifts. Without going through the formalities, the state and county officials can only embezzle public funds and blackmail the people, resulting in the deficit of county treasuries in many places in Shandong.

The county magistrates "pay tribute" will not honestly save money from their own salaries, but will take it from the "fire consumption" of the county government treasury. He bought tributes for the emperor. With this "death-free gold medal", Qianlong received a gift of 100,000 taels, the governor could receive 100,000 taels, and the county magistrates could receive a million taels.

Once you have money, you have to enjoy it. Wang Danwang abruptly turned his mansion in Lanzhou Mansion on the bank of the Yellow River into the West Lake in the south of the Yangtze River, and his next goal is to go to the real West Lake.

The other officials are similar to him, they all use money to clear up, intending to find a "beautiful vacancy".

In order to find out how much deficit there is in Shandong, Liu Yong, the censor of Zuodu, went to Shandong with He Shen to investigate.

Liu Yong is the censor of the left governor, and he can be regarded as the superior of the censor Qian Pei. As for why He Shen is also in the investigation team, it may be because he handled the case of the governor of Yunnan and his identity as the guard at the sticky pole.

At the beginning, they used the official channel, and the imperial envoy passed by as usual, and the local officials would warmly welcome them. Liu Yong and He Shen really gave them a warm welcome when they arrived in Jinan.

But this time He Shen and his party rejected the invitation, went directly to Licheng, and began to check the accounts. The results were surprising. Except that the barn was missing more than 3,000 shi, the amount of silver in the bank was exactly the same as the account book, which is also true. That is to say, there is no deficit in Kuyin.

To be on the safe side, they went to the bank, and the count was still correct.

Then they visited several counties, and the situation was the same, but it seemed that Qian Pei had falsely accused them.

Liu Yong thought of a way. He pretended to be a Taoist priest and asked around. It turns out that silver is divided into official silver and variegated silver. Official silver is put into storage, usually silver ingots or silver nuggets, and its purity is much higher than that of broken silver circulating in the market. time wasted.

The silver ingots in the warehouse in Licheng contained a lot of variegated silver. Based on this clue, the investigation team opened all the boxes in the warehouse in Licheng and found a total of 40,000 taels of silver missing.

A city is 40,000 taels, how many are there in Shandong?

Liu Yong and Qian Pei continued to inspect other cities, and He Shen stayed to try the case. How did this shortfall come about? As a result, 25,000 taels of the 40,000 taels were unreimbursed military expenses, which were used to suppress the Wang Lun Qingshui Sect uprising .

The grain transported from Jiangnan to Liuhe had to be transshipped once in Shandong, which gave a manchurian like Cathay an opportunity to operate. He sold the grain high and bought low to earn the difference.

"Read it," said Bonaparte very calmly.

After Liu Yong found out, there was a total deficit of 2 million taels in Shandong, but Cathay Pacific replied that these deficits were all due to the suppression of the Qingshui sect in the past few years. At this time, the governor of Zhili sent another report to Qianlong. Cathay and his younger brother Guolin bought more than 8,000 acres of land and 5 manors in Yizhou, Hebei, and now they are renting out to make money. Someone did it for him.

Given that Cathay Pacific is a Manchurian, the angry Qianlong's final judgment on him was "Gaen committed suicide" and "executed immediately".

Wang Tingzan's residence is in Hetao, which is known as the fortified south of the Yangtze River. Wang Danwang has colluded with all the bureaucrats in Gansu, but he forgot about Wang Tingzan.

A subject's loyalty to the monarch requires "contribution". On the emperor's birthday, a wave of tributes swept across the country, including souvenirs, gold and silver jewelry, antique calligraphy and paintings, and even Western tributes.

Wang Tingzan did not choose that time to get together, but wrote a memorial to donate 40,000 taels as military pay. In Gansu, a place that has been drought for years, how can a chief envoy be so rich? When he contacted Jiangnan again, Qianlong became suspicious when Wang Dan looked at the generous hospitality.

"Advanced" told Xiaojun Wang, "Holding a banquet for thousands of seniors is a show of filial piety. Enough sincerity is enough. The tribute is still exempted. Cathay Pacific pays tribute so diligently that Long Live Lord feels annoyed. All the things he paid tribute are placed in the Old Summer Palace. In the warehouse, it has been rotten after a few years of use.”

As for Juren's familiarity with the Book of Changes, it is also because the king of Zhijun likes astrology and fortune-telling. In the forty-fourth year of Qianlong's reign, he became the supervisor of the Qin Tianjian. He couldn't let a 16-year-old Mongolian prince learn Yi.

Cao Xi is the descendant of Cao Benrong in name, as long as he does not touch Zhou Yi, he will be healthy and safe.

"Do you believe in curses?" Georgiana asked Bonaparte.

He didn't answer.

"I believe," she said, looking at the book, "and he cursed a position."

"How can this be?"

"No one but himself could have stayed in that position for a year," Georgiana said. "Severus was the last person in that position trying to teach those kids something."


"Because that was his dream."

He didn't speak.

"What you can't get is always better than what you get. Cathay Pacific's position is not bought by donations."

"how do you know?"

"How could the governor of a province buy it?"

Bonaparte smiled disdainfully, as if mocking her for being rare and strange.

Then she thought of the mistress of the Duke of York, who had sold an English naval officer.

"It really comprehends the idiom, it's long to look at Shu, no, it's Long to look at Zhejiang, is Jiangnan so good?"

"Egypt was fine before I went there," said Bonaparte.

She didn't answer.

"Keep reading." He sighed and said, "You are really 'until the Yellow River will never die'."

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