Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2155 Flower Controversy (sixty-three)

"These people are too cunning!"

Juren was so annoyed that he became Nick's "neighbor" after waking up, and Cao Xi arranged an apartment for him next door, so that the two of them would not have to give up on who should sleep in the bed.

Raising someone as a "substitute" requires internal and external support, otherwise it would be difficult for an old man in his fifties to sit in the dormitory of a "children" in his 20s without being noticed.

Now both of them have become "the turtle in the urn". Nick felt that he had used this idiom correctly, but he was still scolded by Juren.

Turtle is not a turtle, although it has a shell like a turtle, so many people think that when they eat a turtle, they think it is a turtle. Hetu Luoshu is engraved on the shell of a turtle. The shell of the turtle is usually used for divination or sitting on some other things. The shell of the turtle is relatively soft and has no obvious lines. to punishment.

In the Shan Hai Jing, there is a monster called the three-legged soft-shelled turtle. If you eat it, you don’t have to worry about Gu disease. It is also recorded in Er Ya that the three-legged soft-shelled turtle was transformed by Dayu’s father, Gun, just like Emperor Wang’s death into a cuckoo.

A three-legged turtle should be easy to find. For example, it lost a leg because of a fight, or it was born with deformities. Nick saw a two-headed snake in India, and it was enshrined by people as a god.

How many of these legends about alien beasts can be proven to be true? How can such "historical facts" be believed?

Unless a living creature is found, the specimen is also likely to be fake, and many of the creatures that exist in our imagination are against the laws of nature. However, our understanding of the laws of nature is not necessarily brilliant, and there will always be creatures beyond our understanding.

The emperor may own the "world", but it is difficult for him to leave the Forbidden City. If he wants to see any rare and exotic animals, he can only wait for someone to pay tribute and send them to him. Maybe they will fly away like a swan, leaving only a feather , It is also possible that when it was transported to him, it was already dying due to the long journey.

In the 53rd year of Kangxi Emperor Kangxi’s visit to Rehe, Yinhu selected two high-quality Costinus and sent them to Kangxi. Unexpectedly, when they were delivered to Emperor Kangxi, they had already turned into two dying ones. This made Kangxi very angry, and immediately summoned all the princes who were with him, counted all the wrong things about Yinhu, and announced that he would sever the relationship between father and son.

Some people may think that it is such a fuss over the two birds, but "Long Live Lord" is also an old man, and seeing dying creatures may touch his heart, especially Hai Dongqing is the totem of the Jurchens. Although Shanhaiguan and other places are not close to the sea, they are rich in a kind of pearl called Beizhu. European kings put gems on their crowns, and Jurchens put pearls on their head crowns.

The picking season for northern pearls is November every year. Only in this season, the pearls in the shells are the largest and the color is the fullest. However, in November, the Liaodong area is already a world of ice and snow. At this time, it is almost impossible for people to dive into the icy deep water to collect pearls. However, swans will eat a lot before migrating to the south for the winter. They will dive into the water to catch mussels for food, and the pearls will be swallowed together with the mussel meat. It is very difficult to catch swans, because they fly very high, and even a good archer can hardly shoot them down in the strong wind, so people began to train Haidongqing, making them the best helpers for hunting .

The nobles of the Liao Kingdom used to ask the Jurchens for Haidongqing and Beizhu constantly. They also asked the Jurchen tribes to pay tribute just like the Central Plains regime. However, Haidongqing was rare and difficult to capture. Many Jurchens died trying to capture Hai Dongqing.

At that time, the Jurchen tribe was not a unified whole, and the Liao people used this method to let the Jurchens kill each other, which was also weakening the strength of the Jurchens. The Jurchens were angry in their hearts, but they dared not speak out. If Kangxi's sons could unite as one instead of killing each other, everything might be very different.

Legend has it that to raise Gu is to put poisonous insects into a jar, and then let them kill each other, and the last one that survives is Gu.

This jar is not an ordinary pottery jar, but iron sand is mixed into it, and the lid is made of a magnet, so that the lid will be firmly attached to the jar, no matter how much Gu tries to overturn the lid and escape, it is impossible.

With no way out, it had no choice but to continue killing until only it was left, and the Gu breeder would open the jar.

Lifting the lid is easy for humans, but impossible for bugs.

And Gu poison cannot be cured by human power.

When we encounter things that cannot be changed by our own power, we will seek help. Some people pray to the gods, some people seek relatives and friends, and even strangers with good intentions.

We need strength and support to combat this feeling of powerlessness and loneliness.

Perhaps, what is easy to obtain in your eyes is difficult to obtain in the eyes of others.

Most of Nick's picture albums are humanities, such as villages, cities and temples, as well as myths of local people, and many strange local animals.

There are "tortoises" living on the islands near the equator. The Spaniards also named the island "Galapagos", which means "turtle island". In Chinese mythology, the land under people's feet is covered by turtles. on the back.

Will there be a turtle as big as an island? It really has an island on its back. It is also possible that the big tortoise has died, leaving a shell. Confucius said that death is not a kind of destruction, but a kind of decomposition, so that the matter returns to the original state of nature, and the spirit also returns to heaven. "Qi" merges with the flowing air in the sky, and other earthly things become earth and water.

One day, he looked somberly at the hexagrams of destruction and rebirth in the "Book of Changes". A disciple asked him why he was distressed. Confucius said, "I see that everything in the world is just a temporary appearance. The idea of ​​gradually going bad, being partially repaired, and eventually going to total destruction and being reborn in a new form, which is replaced by another, and so on and on and on and on and on, makes me a little sentimental."

From the 11th century onwards, a reformer named Zhu Xi revised the teachings of Confucius. Zhu is called "Zhu Wengong" by the world. He knows all kinds of schools of thought, religious forces, and heresies in China like the back of his hand. He began to compare the views of the various theories, commenting on the statements of all the ancient writers, who were either recognized or overthrown, and after completing this huge project, he wrote a commentary on the authors reviewed. , to avoid controversy. Later, Zhu Xi compiled the commentaries he wrote into a book and formed a teaching monograph called "Natural Philosophy", which has been regarded as a classic philosophical work by Confucianism for more than 600 years. In reading these works, students try to understand the mysterious connection between gossip and nature. Gossip is a symbol invented by Fuxi. The symbols are reminiscent of a system that Pythagoras borrowed from the ancient Egyptians. Because these symbols are obscure, people can come up with various interpretations.

Since "Chengmen Lixue", Fujian has become an important southern transmission of Confucianism in the Song Dynasty, inheriting and promoting Zhu Xi's theory, and it is precisely because of Juren's explanation that Nick understands another meaning of "Gu".

It represents the eradication of corruption, the introduction of vitality, and maintaining one's own nobility while cleaning up corruption. In the 33rd year of Qianlong, when there were rumors in the capital that poisonous insects from Shanxi had appeared, Juren did not believe them. He preferred to believe that the poisonous insects were candidates from Shanxi.

In Guangzhou and other places, there are also some people who can get top hats by transporting a certain amount of rice. However, not everyone was rewarded when Li Shiyao was the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi.

Li Shiyao was sent to Gansu to sort out military affairs, and soon found that the food in the warehouse was inconsistent with the account, and a rebellion broke out in Gansu that year, and He Shen was ordered to quell the rebellion in Gansu, but unfortunately he lost the battle.

Donating prisons can easily lead to corruption. Qianlong agreed to Gansu donating prisons on the premise of donating real silver, that is, grain, not colored silver, that is, silver. At that time, the price of grain in Lanzhou was 1.2 taels, which seemed to be cheaper than 1.8 taels in Jiangnan.

Jiangnan is rich and prosperous, Gansu is dry and water-scarce, and the common people can't drink water, so their income is lower than that of Jiangnan. 1.2 taels of grain is already sky-high at the local price level.

If Wang Danwang sells the 800,000 shi of grain donated to the prison, according to the rules of the free market, the price of grain may be lowered, so that ordinary people can also eat grain, but in this way he will not be able to get so much silver .

What would he do with such unsalable rice? He also eats three meals a day.

Therefore, he took the money, and all the state governments understood and falsely reported the disaster situation. This poor and useless province suddenly made a lot of money, and became rich based on a story.

If it is a donation to an official, the money will go to the treasury of the Ministry of Household Affairs, but the money in the treasury is no different from Qianlong's own money. He mostly used it to build Wanfo Temple or build Buddha statues to celebrate his birthday.

In a sense, Wang Danwang is also capable of uniting the entire Gansu bureaucracy, but he is not united to fight against natural disasters, but to unite in corruption. As long as one person betrays, the whole group will be exposed, and everyone All heads off.

When Wang Danwang's case happened, He Shen had already institutionalized the "criminal money". In theory, Gansu officials could pray for a lighter sentence by paying money.

But they are not Li Shiyao, and what they have committed is the crime of deceiving the emperor, which belongs to "heinous" and even the sky will not help them. The disaster situation says that Gansu is suffering from drought, but in fact it has been rainy for years. It seems that there is no other than the new favorite He Shen people can save them.

He Shen was ordered to suppress the rebellion in Gansu. Unfortunately, this Luan Yiwei recently lost a battle. Even according to French rules, someone must bear the responsibility for the defeat.

Georgiana saw this and took out her wand.

Can she still use Shoutout Guard? Patronus or swan?

In fact, the lion is also very beautiful, but it is not like her.

She touched her slender neck subconsciously. Fortunately, her Animagus was a swan, and she didn't inherit anything else. Otherwise, it would be so ugly if she had a goose beak.

Then she thought of the squat, muddy Pomona growing plants in the greenhouse.

"Who am I?" She asked in a daze, and then she looked at the beautiful woman in the mirror, remembering the eyes of people around her the last time she followed Bonaparte to a restaurant.

There will always be someone who is as eye-catching as a star, but she never thought it would be herself.

The thing was, she wished she hadn't changed, like Severus had shown Albus his stag Patronus, and what could be more proof of that? His love for Lily has never changed.

Wanning said that the bride is just the shadow and echo of the family. In fact, it is a good thing to have an echo. After all, in Greek mythology, an echo represents love, and a person like her who does not even have an echo is just a shadow.

"Are you still reading?" asked Bonaparte, returning to the cabin.

"I just want to know the ending." She said helplessly.

"Didn't you say you're going to have a meeting?"

"Yes, I know." She said awkwardly, "Can you slow down the boat?"

He laughed, and instead of ordering the boat to slow down, he read a book with her.

"We can stay in Caledon for two more days." He said softly, "You can tell them to wait."

"Oh, I feel like a big shot when you put it that way," she exclaimed.

"You think you are?" he asked back.

After thinking about it, she still didn't feel that she was anything special, but she felt that she could delay attending the summit.

Anyway, things will go on without her, and she is not a big shot.

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