Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2149 Flower Controversy (57)

There was such a description in Zhang Heng's "Xijing Fu" in the Eastern Han Dynasty: After the thunder and thunder, a giant beast 180 feet long appeared on the scene. Suddenly, a majestic and precipitous mountain appeared on the back, with bears and tigers fighting each other, and apes climbing and chasing each other on the trees. Suddenly, another big bird staggered over, and another white elephant with a drooping nose wandered over, as if it was pregnant and about to give birth to a baby elephant. Suddenly, another big fish appeared, and after seeing it clearly, the big fish turned into a dragon again, winding around. At this time, the magical auspicious relic beast appeared. It opened its mouth to exhale, and when the breath dissipated, it turned into a fairy chariot, driven by four deer, and the ganoderma-like canopy was covered with flowers. In addition, toads and tortoises appeared again, water men played snakes, and some people swallowed knives and spit fire; suddenly floods appeared on the ground, and the water flowed into rivers. For a time, the square was shrouded in clouds and mist, changing into fractal shapes, fantastic and astonishing. endlessly.

Are there really dragons, relic beasts, and water people in this world?

Even if there were, would they suddenly appear and disappear suddenly in the densely populated Xijing?

People think that what Zhang Heng wrote should be a kind of illusion, like a mirage on the sea, although many people think that the "fairy mountain" seen on the mirage really exists.

Illusion should have originated from Tianzhu at the earliest. It is recorded in the "Biography of Eminent Monks" that many eminent monks who came from the east to promote Buddhism would use this kind of tricks. Out of the water, in the "Vedanta" scriptures, the magician throws the rope to the sky, the rope hangs in the sky, and a child climbs along the rope and performs a balance performance on the top, then disappears and appears in the crowd.

This magic is called "Indian Rishiso". Although it is very magical, there are many people performing it. What is more exaggerated is the process of Shariputra's subjugation of demons in the "Sutra of the Worthy and Foolish". The so-called "magic" is not a devil, but a heretic in Buddhism. This illusion battle lasted for six rounds. The pool, the mountain, the dragon, and the giant bull were defeated. Similar plots were moved into the plot of Monkey King's battle with Erlang in "Journey to the West".

Illusions are all fake, but hunger is real. The fact that people took the imperial examination in the 47th year of Qianlong was actually because of the famine in Fujian. Of course, "scholars" would not say that they came to the capital to escape the famine. Because of this, compared with the first failure of the imperial examination, the second failure did not deal a great blow to Juren.

He wanted to stay in the capital, and then he found the family of Xilinjueluo, who had worked before, and this time there was no shortage of tutors in their family, but they introduced him to be a tutor for a Mongolian son-in-law.

This Mongolian forehead is not a real forehead, because he is married to the daughter of an idle clan. Kangxi had 24 princes, 123 daughters, 74 of whom grew up to adulthood, and 50 married to Mongolia. The eldest son of the emperor, Yinti, had 11 married daughters, and 9 of them were married to Mongolia.

In order for the princesses to live better outside the Great Wall, the officials will build brick-and-tiled mansions in the interior for their wives, and the money will be given by the Manchu court.

Outside the Great Wall is very bitter, not the kind of suffering that Wanning thought would be bullied by her in-laws. In the mid-Qianlong period, the princes began to be reluctant to marry their daughters to Mongolia. , I don’t want to go to the desert, the second is because the customs and concepts of Mongolia are inconsistent, and the third is to stay away from my mother’s family.

This situation started to emerge during the reign of Kangxi, and in the early days of Qianlong, it was clearly stipulated that clan women must be married by the emperor, but people will always find a way, Wanning forcibly delayed the age of marriage due to "eye disease" .

In order to maintain the national policy of marrying Mongolia, these concubines can stay in the capital, or travel between the capital and Mongolia as errands. Yunduanduoerji, the "forehead son-in-law" who serves as a juror, is such a prince of Horqin who will often travel between Kulun and the capital in the "future". His son-in-law Fujin is the seventh daughter of Prince Yongbi. The two married last year , have just turned 16 years old, and in the words of the old housekeeper, neither of these two children has "long awake".

The king of Saketuoluo married the Qing royal family many times, and one of them was Princess Gulun. When Kangxi quelled the San Francisco rebellion and left the capital empty, when Galdan wanted to take the opportunity to go south, it was these relatives who helped Kangxi stop him .

Yunduan Dorji's father, Sangzai Dorji, both died when he was young. Qianlong put him in the inner court because he had nothing to rely on. The transaction was very convenient, and he was convicted of a private transaction with Russia, and he was deposed as a prince and reduced to a county king.

This family is called the "Nine-Tailed Fox Family". It is the kind of family whose ancestors and descendants have been convicted of crimes, but have never been cut off from the title of King of Sakdoro County.

Yunduan Dorji was born in the capital, but because he was afraid of smallpox, he was taken to the grassland to grow up "free range". After marrying the Junjun, he will stay in the capital for a few years, and then he will start running between Kulun and the capital. Life.

As for the seventh daughter of Prince Yongbi, it may be that she has read too many dramas and poems about gifted scholars and beauties. Yunduan Dorji can speak Mongolian, Chinese, Manchu, and Russian, but she still feels that she has nothing in common with him. language.

Yunduan Dorji grew up on the grasslands, and he likes falconry, horse racing and hunting. Many banner people in the capital are illiterate. He knows at least a few types, but they are still "a bit" as she expected. distance.

In other words, one day Dolji will be at the same level as Nalan Xingde, and she will be satisfied. This possibility is lower than that of a monkey jumping out of a rock.

Her own cultural level is not low. After the Manchus entered the customs, they also began to like docile, elegant, and ladylike Han women. Since Emperor Shunzhi married the two queens of Borzigit, whether it was Kangxi, Yongzheng, etc. Qianlong and Qianlong did not marry a Mongolian queen, and the palace rarely accepts Mongolian women as ordinary concubines.

People in the Central Plains love jade more than precious stones. In addition to the natural characteristics of jade, jade can also be changed by raising jade. It will become very spiritual, even if it has not been finely crafted by a good carver, or has some natural flaws.

"Don't you always love to look into Miss Admiral's eyes? What do you think of this poem?"

Juren dipped his finger in the wine and wrote a poem on the table:

The cool breeze fills the lotus pond, and the clothes and temples reflect the Xuan window. Newly written Qi Luo Ru, thin make-up on the mirror.

Qingdai sweeps the crescent eyebrows, and the skin is like snow and frost. Falling cherry spots vermilion lips, rouge cheeks are fragrant.

Holding a fan and walking on silk, every step is dark and fragrant. Go up to the hall to worship your parents, and bow down on the front porch.

The eyes are like blue eyes, and the spirit is like bamboo after rain. Everyone else praised it, it is not like a mortal thing.

"Have you ever seen orchids soaked in water?"

Nick also drank some wine. He was very interested in the metaphor of Juren, and he must read it when he has the chance.

"let me see."

Bonaparte lifted Georgiana's chin, and she slapped his hand away angrily.

He was not angry, but still stared at her intently. The candlelight made the atmosphere very ambiguous. No wonder so many couples love to have candlelight dinners.

"Let's continue watching after dinner." She said awkwardly.

He reached out to her, she stood up, pulled him up, and left the cabin together.

How strange, does a person who has been dead for two hundred years still need to eat?

But people cannot live without eating, precisely because they still feel the need to eat. These ghosts are not as "awake" as the ghosts in Hogwarts, knowing that they are dead, and they think they are alive.

Live in this world full of various "fantasies".

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