Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2148 Flower Controversy (56)

According to legend, the elder brother Yinti was quite handsome and upright, so he won the title of "Straight King".

It was also the Zhiwang who pulled the prince off the horse and gave the other brothers a chance to compete for the reserve position, while he himself was deprived of his title and imprisoned for performing the Nightmare Town technique.

Nightmare Town is mainly to "pray" for other people's bad luck, but in essence it is no different from burying wooden figures, and it is also very suitable for framing people.

The Manchu dynasty was passed down to Kangxi's generation, and witchcraft in the Central Plains was already very taboo, especially when Kangxi was old.

The elder brother is not like Kangxi at all, but looks like the scene of the Manchu Qing regime outside the pass - ignorant and rude, he followed his uncle Fuquan to go to Galdan when he was only eighteen years old, maybe Kangxi hoped that he would learn more from Fuquan.

It's a pity that the elder brother can't understand it, or he is not willing to be the general king, so he must fight to the death with the prince.

This is not unrelated to Nalan Mingzhu. Behind the battle between the elder brother and the crown prince is the battle between the Ming Party and the Suo Party.

After the wedding, the princes will move out of the palace and live in the palace outside. Changing to the folks means that the sons have their own families, but the father will live with a son in the end, and this son will inherit everything left by the father, especially the old house. get together.

Other people's homes are lively and harmonious, which is very enviable. When Kangxi was 50 years old, a feast of thousands of old people was held. These old people were all celebrating Kangxi's 60th birthday. The Qiansen Banquet was held for a month, from the first day of March to the twenty-fifth of March. On the last day of the banquet, Kangxi asked the descendants of the clan who were 10 years old and younger than 20 years old to toast on his behalf. If the sons are worry-free and filial, they can do such things as fighting with others and drinking.

When punching, a person as elegant as the fourth elder brother can't compare with the big brother who consumes energy and drinks, and the eldest brother can't compare with the eighth elder brother who is very good at being a man. The prince is the one who will inherit the rule in the future. He punches?

The older ones can only let the younger ones go. Fortunately, according to the customs outside the customs, it is not a big problem for teenagers to drink alcohol. Drinking strong alcohol can also keep out the cold.

When the son grows up, it's beyond his father's control who he wants to make friends with, and how he makes friends, especially when they still have their own house outside.

At least during the Shunzhi and Kangxi years, I never heard of a spy organization similar to Jinyiwei, the "sticky pole place". Those friends that Kangxi met when he was practicing Buku were mainly involved in cleaning up Oboi, and Suo'etu was one of them.

After Wang Danwang was found out of corruption, his family property was confiscated, and some treasures were packaged and sent to the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the capital.

Before putting them into the warehouse, Qianlong wanted to see them in person and ordered someone to open the boxes. However, as the boxes were opened one by one, Qianlong's expression became more and more strange.

Wang Danwang has two treasures, one is a pair of jade vases, and the other is a jade mountain, both carved from a single piece of jade, especially the latter, which is carved into a Penglai fairyland with fairy pine trees on it, but these None of the stolen property was stolen.

Qianlong ordered Ah Gui and Fu Chang'an, who were inspecting Hegong, to investigate, and soon found out that Chen Huizu, the governor of Fujian and Zhejiang, had transferred the treasures collected by Wang Danwang, and the jade vase and Yushanzi were all with him.

Of course Chen Huizu could not escape death, but how did the emperor know that Wang Danwang had a jade mountain? Zhejiang is also quite far from BJ.

People think of the 33rd year of Qianlong's reign, in order to investigate the soul-calling case, the eyeliners belonging to Zhizaofu and the "sticky places" that were catching wind and shadows, Chen Zuhui didn't know about these, thinking that he did it without anyone noticing.

In fact, when a "disaster" broke out in Gansu and food donations were needed for relief, Qianlong sent people to check the granaries in Gansu to see if it was true. But Wang Danwang asked people to put wooden planks underneath, so that on the surface, the grain warehouse was full. Compared with Wang Danwang's fraud in the examination room, Qianlong was more worried about the failure of the entire supervision system. If according to the laws of the Qing Dynasty, officials from the seventh rank and above in the whole province of Gansu would almost lose their heads, and the administration of the whole Gansu would be paralyzed. How could the Yushi not know about such a big thing?

Yu Minzhong was the head of Hanchen for the longest time. He served as a tutor in the study and taught the princes and grandchildren. Wang Danwang had already entered the Xianliang Temple when the incident happened, but his memorial tablet was removed after the incident.

This incident made the imperial examinations in the forty-seventh year of Qianlong's reign extraordinarily strict, and happened to be caught by the examiners.

This time, the test is not stereotyped essays, but posting poems. To write this test, you not only need to be familiar with the Four Books and Five Classics, but also to know the good sentences, famous sentences, stories, historical facts, and poems of predecessors etc. If the stereotyped essay is a small pond, then the test post poem is a vast ocean, boundless. Usually only the emperor can come up with such questions, and candidates must be knowledgeable and professional, otherwise the questions will not know what they are talking about.

The format of the exam has also changed. It has been changed to test posting poems after the first performance test, and "Xing Li" after the test posting poems. In the past, the test posting poems were after the test posting poems.

Previously, Nick was asked at the home of a businessman in Thirteen Lines to express what Empress Xiao meant by reciting "Ten Fragrances". Cheng Juren would answer:

The palace is luxuriously danced to promote peace, and the injustice of the imperial court is endless. Believe in slander and bury your worries, it is better to open your heart than dry your heart.

Bigan is the Tuogu minister left by King Zhou's father, Emperor Yi. He once advised King Zhou not to be so licentious. Later, King Zhou listened to the slander, and in a fit of rage, Bigan took out Bigan's heart to watch.

Whether this is the meaning expressed by Xiao Guanyin is not important anymore. There is also a saying in Shixiang Ci that "open the chest and explore the trembling fragrance". In the 30th year of Qianlong, someone who quoted "The Romance of the West Chamber" in the examination paper failed the ranking.

In the forty-seventh year of Qianlong's test posting poems, the question was "Tian Lin Hai Jing", only 16 people in the whole test room knew the source of the title, and all of them were admitted, but Juren happened to not know.

Many people mistakenly think that it refers to the moonlight, but people think that it refers to the sea view as "Looking at Jieshi in the east, looking at the sea, how calm the water is, and the mountains and islands stand tall".

His home is by the sea, and he is familiar with writing about seascapes. After the exam, he checked the questions and found out that "Tian Lin Hai Jing" was taken from a poem by Yan Yanzhi, a poet of the Southern Dynasties. mirror.

Juren's answers were far from the exam questions, and of course he failed the exam that year.

At this time, he was already in the middle of nowhere, not as well-off as he was when he took the first imperial examination. For many wealthy families, the travel expenses for rushing to the exam are nothing. Gansu Gongyuan is also a place where candidates from several provinces gather together to take the exam. For candidates in Gansu and Shaanxi, it is a heavy burden.

If Ning Caichen wasn't so poor, why bother to live in Lanruo Temple, isn't it comfortable to live in a hotel?

In the first year of Shunzhi, Emperor Shunzhi promulgated the enthronement edict and announced that the Qing court established BJ as its capital, and that "the soldiers and civilians in the capital lived in the separate city", which actually carried out the "Manchu and Han divisions".

The inner city was occupied by the Eight Banners Army of the Qing Dynasty and their families. Except for a few Han officials who served as civilian military generals in the imperial court, the Han people were not allowed to live in the inner city and all moved to the outer city. As a result, the inner city became a large military camp. A good place like Shichahai has naturally become a "land of the Beijing flag".

The two soldiers also had families, and the Gongyuan belonged to the "Manchurian City", and Nick behaved relatively honestly, so they didn't bother to look after him.

Juren just went to buy a bottle of wine, bought some food to go with the wine, shook his legs while drinking, and "spoken" with Nick. He was so happy that he almost hummed a ditty. He didn't look like a "tutor".

He needs a fan, otherwise he would be exactly the same as those storytellers.

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