Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2150 Flower Controversy (58)

After dinner, Georgiana returned to the cabin alone, while Bonaparte continued to work on his "big things".

This is the case with career-oriented men, who don't have so much time to spend with women.

Just as she sat down at the table, she seemed to see another person sitting across from her in a daze. His greasy hair hung down, covering most of her face like a curtain.

He had a lot of time to study with her.

As soon as she turned to the page she just saw, Leila came in with black tea.

"Ma'am, let me read it to you." Leila said softly.

Georgiana handed her the book, and then lay on the recliner with a cup of black tea.

The century of rapid development in Europe in the 17th century was due to the great geographical discovery, the industrial revolution, and the development of science and technology.

In comparison, although Russia has a vast territory, it is still a very closed serfdom country. In the early days of Peter the Great's reign, Russia was basically at the same stage as the Qing Empire in the early days of Kangxi's ascension to the throne. However, as Peter the Great tried to establish contact with Europe, Russia's industry has developed rapidly, and both the tsar and ordinary businessmen need new markets, which is where the overall interests of the tsarist country lie.

Siberia stretches from the Ural Mountains in the west to the Yenisei River in the east. It is no exaggeration to say that it is a vast uninhabited land. The backward lifestyle, sparse population and severe cold climate make it the least developed area in the world. The tea from China eventually became the key to the development of Siberia.

Kyakhtu Mongolian means "a place with tea". Following the signing of the "Treaty of Nerchinsk" in 1689, China and Russia signed the "Treaty of Kyakhta" in 1727. The treaty stipulates that the Kyakhtu River should be In the border, Kyakhta was assigned to Russia, and the Qing government built a new Kyakhta market in the south, which Han merchants used to call "Buying City".

Nick asked a Russian about the "Treaty of Nerchinsk", and the other party thought that the Chinese side regarded it as extremely important to take back Yaksa, and what the Russians wanted was the right to enter China for business. But the Qing court didn't want war or trade. They only wanted to keep the border with Russia peaceful.

The "Treaty of Nerchinsk" is a commercial treaty in the eyes of the Russians, and one Kyakhta is worth three provinces. The "Tea Road" is like a river loaded with civilization, continuously pouring into the vast and primitive Siberia. land, and civilized the people on this land who depended on hunting and fishing for their livelihood.

However, it is not enough for a small village in Kyakhta to serve as a port. The increase in trade volume and scale expansion has made Kulun a new trading point. Kulun means "big temple" in Mongolian. Enthusiasm made Russian businessmen see business opportunities. They entered BJ along the Kulun-Naturalization-Zhangjiakou line, and traded with cities along the way, gradually forming the Kuzhang Avenue.

In order to prevent border disputes from happening again, the Qing court signed the "Treaty of Kyakta" to prohibit Russian businessmen from entering China's borders and prohibiting continued business in Kulun and QQHE. Only the government has the right to send caravans, but only one caravan can be sent every three years to China.

The fur goods that Russia imported to the Qing Empire and the tea that the Qing Empire imported to Russia were the bulk, as well as silks, satins, porcelain, and tobacco. "Xikou" is a common name for the west of Datong, the pass of the Great Wall, and the south of the pass of the Great Wall is the garrison of the Eight Banners. Shanxi has been a province with a large population since the early Ming Dynasty, and it has been the norm for hundreds of years to have more people and less land. Many people in Shaanxi go out of "Xikou" to do business in order to make a living.

Although there are strict laws prohibiting the Han people from going out of the fortress, the Han people negotiated with the Mongols and let them buy and sell goods on behalf of the Han people. At the same time, because of the war with Galdan, some Shanxi merchants prospered by providing logistical support for the Qing army, such as Da Shengkui and Yuan Shengde. Rare animal and plant medicinal materials, such as deer antler, deer fetus, bear paw, musk, etc., also used to have trade competition because they could bring huge profits.

In addition, there are seven kinds of "special offering" materials: Lama temples need gold and silver for religious utensils and sutra panels, brocade robes, hats and boots custom-made by Mongolian nobles and living Buddhas, snuff bottles, jewelry luxury goods, books, hardwood furniture And valuable furnishings, such as clocks and watches, high-end furs, including mink, fox, wolf, bear, bun, lynx and other "fine furs".

The devotion to Buddhism led the lamas to believe that high-quality wood such as sandalwood and rosewood is needed for engraving sutras, and birch is used for printing "Longda". This business model is called "temple economy".

A few companies simply cannot fill such a large market, but free competition may destroy the business philosophy of "harmony and wealth" believed by Shanxi merchants. At the same time, the Qing court also had a political need to use trade to control Mobei, and then there were twelve companies. The "Jia Shou" formed by Shanxi merchants elects one person for rotation every month. As the temporary agent of the Kulun Chamber of Commerce, he cooperates with the Minister of Kulun of the Qing court to deal with internal disputes of the merchants, negotiate with the local Living Buddha of Kulun and the Mongolian king, and play a memorial to the Qing court. Report sensitive information on Mobei.

The Minister of Kulun Affairs was established in the 26th year of Qianlong to manage Mongolian business affairs, as well as Han merchants in Qiaktu and other places. Generally, the Manchus are the chief officials, and the Mongolian princes and Taiji are the assistants. The first Mongolian assistant is Ruiduan Dorje's father Sansedorzi.

The daughters of princesses and princes don’t want to go to Mongolia, so there is a distinction. The salary and salary to Mongolia are twice or even more than those in Beijing, and the dowry in Beijing is halved. The sons of the Qigui family in the interior could not be given titles of titles according to the identity of the biological mothers, but the sons born to single-married Mongolian princes were given titles.

A Gulun princess has an annual salary of 1,000 taels of silver, 30 pieces of satin, her forehead is only 300 taels, and 10 pieces of satin. Given the consumption level in BJ City, this amount of money is not enough at all, let alone a county like the prince’s daughter. Jun's annual salary is only 40 taels, and the forehead is even less—none.

Under such circumstances, the sons-in-law will find ways to earn money. Generally, they will have some official positions, usually palace guards, and some go to the Li Fan Yuan, and doing business in Kulun is undoubtedly the most profitable.

Compared with the deserted Xilin Jueluo's house, the Dolji's house is obviously much more lively. The red silk on the door of the princess mansion has not been removed, and the joy of newlyweds is everywhere.

According to folklore, concubines are all handsome champions, but in fact the real champions are not willing to be consorts. If it weren't for thinking about the famine in his hometown, Juren wanted to turn around and leave.

He is a "student", but compared with doing manual work, he still chose to be a teacher, and it is still a question of whether others will let him be.

The county king's father used to attend classes with the princes in the study room, which means that he may also go to the study room in the future. The main reason for looking for a teacher is because he has just arrived in the capital and is not familiar with the local customs. Besides the county king himself, he also brought over a few "familiars". These are the long-term attendants of the county king, and they will also be the "face" of the county king in the future. The family style of a family mainly depends on their servants.

Yunduan Dorji's father is dead, and it is precisely because of this that he became a noble at the age of 16. He died in the 43rd year of Qianlong. Three years later, in the 46th year of Qianlong, Yunduan Dorji was finally marry.

The Qing court advocated filial piety, and perhaps these Manchu Jurchens have changed the Mongols.

"What's the matter?" Georgiana asked.

"I don't understand?" Leila asked confused.

"Don't understand what?"

Leila can't seem to express it.

She realized that Leyla was only sixteen, the same age as the newlyweds in Nick Polo's travelogue.

"Have you read Rousseau's Essay on the Origin of Inequality among Men?" Georgiana asked.

Leyla shook her head.

"I don't want you to read it now, you are too young, but I can tell you that there are two kinds of people in Rousseau's book. One kind of people uses force to force others to submit to their domination and occupy others for their own use. living caves, stealing their fruit and prey, not knowing what a trade is, and a kind of people, they seem to be in a primitive state, they are not good or bad, good or evil, unless these words are understood in a physiological sense, for these people Those that are beneficial to their survival are called good, and those that are harmful to their survival are called evil.”

"I still don't understand, ma'am," said Leila.

"You know the story about the serpent tempting Eve to swallow the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden?" Georgiana asked.


"Before Adam and Eve swallowed the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, human beings did not distinguish between good and evil, but after eating the fruit, they understood that if possible, I would like to be a girl all my life, like you, forever only 16 Years old, with the protection of parents." Georgiana said enviously, "So before you are ready, don't think too much, a person's childhood is short."

Leila didn't say "I've grown up", she kept her head down and continued reading.

Georgiana took a sip of her steaming tea and let out a long sigh that was like a sigh.

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