Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2134 Flower Controversy (42)

Missionaries in the 18th century described this distant eastern empire very well, how patient, humble and polite their rulers were, and how simple and kind the commoners were.

However, in the eyes of the rulers of the Qing Empire, braids represented submission, and anyone without braids would be suspected of treason. Pirates sometimes force civilians to join them. As we all know, no matter which country punishes pirates, the captured pirates will not only be hanged, but will also be displayed in public. They hang in a conspicuous position in the port. It sounds like a foul-smelling wind chime.

The members of the Timid Society are as careful as the European Freemasons to conceal their rebellious ideas, but the pirates are not. They show no mercy to the soldiers, sailors and civilians who are loyal to the Qing Dynasty. When encountering encirclement and suppression, they either stubbornly resist or flee. Look for opportunities to station in coastal villages and islands. They will even issue passes to tributary villages and towns. With this document, even pirates can pass smoothly. This is the opposite of Europe. If there is no so-called charter, the cargo of the ship that encounters a privateer belongs to those licensed pirates. With a charter, they cannot capture the ship's supplies unless the ship Meet a real pirate.

The imperial court was absolutely merciless in dealing with rebels, and it was precisely because of this that when Qianlong ordered the extermination of the braid-cutting demon party, the government used torture without scruple.

The censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate was extremely angry at the abuse of torture. However, the county magistrates acted recklessly and had no fear. The county magistrates themselves or their masters could even take the opportunity to blackmail them. They tried their best to fan the flames and arrested innocent people on "unnecessary" charges. In order to avoid prison, it is completely helpless for innocent people to bribe in private.

The common people's demand for "good officials" is like that of villagers who have been plagued by evil dragons long for knights, so the people of Guangzhou are very satisfied with a Manchu admiral who does not "fish" them. There is a saying that even goes, "It is better to be a dog of peace than to be a person in troubled times". They are practitioners of this principle. In their eyes, political turmoil is the same disaster as natural disasters such as floods. If someone dares to destroy the peaceful life they enjoy, they will be panicked instead.

A European should not meddle in their affairs, and Nick can be alone in this cave, not in that camp, and has a certain freedom because he is European.

At this point, he began to understand why the admiral's face was so pale after receiving that note, as if he had received a glass of poisoned wine from the emperor.

While he was walking around like a trapped animal in the cave, deep in the cave he found a case of rum, which was actually half empty, as if the last "resident" drank it.

Nick rummaged in that trunk, hoping to find gunpowder or something, but there was nothing in it, except the bottles of undrinked rum.

The wind blowing from the sea will be relatively humid, and it will carry a large amount of water vapor to form cumulonimbus clouds, while the wind blowing from the inland will be relatively dry, and sometimes it will carry a large amount of sand, forming a sandstorm.

Nick remembered the model sailboat his father had made when he was a child. The model was inside the bottle, and it was obviously much larger than the bottle mouth. As a child, he never knew how to do it.

Nick fumbled around for a long time, and finally found a small piece of charcoal. He tore off the rum label, and the white paper on the back was just right for writing. With this wine bottle and this piece of paper, he could make a drifting bottle.

If you are lucky, it will be caught by fishermen along the coast, and then handed over to the government, so that they can catch these pirates and rescue Nick by the way.

The key is not the content of the call for help, but how to express the orientation of the island.

Nick looked at the shadow left by the boulder at the door. He remembered that it was noon when the tall man killed chickens and drank blood, that is, the point where the sun was directly shining, but the bowl left a long shadow. The day before was Mazu's birthday, which is March 23rd in the Chinese calendar. Can he use these conditions to calculate the latitude and longitude of the island?

Nick looked at the cave wall, there was nothing painted on it, so he picked up a stone, using it as chalk, and wrote the formula on it.

He prayed that there were no people on this island with knowledge in this area, otherwise they would know what he was going to do after reading what he wrote.

"Robinson didn't calculate the latitude and longitude." Bonaparte proudly said, "If he knew his location, he would know how to call for help, instead of waiting 28 years on that desert island."

"Is this possible?" Georgiana said a little disconvinced, can the longitude and latitude be calculated just by the shadow of a watch and a wooden stick?

"It won't be very accurate, especially the island should not be far from Guangzhou." Bonaparte said enthusiastically, "But he can estimate the approximate range. The distance traveled by manpower paddles is limited."

"Don't forget that there are ocean currents." Georgiana dryly reminded.

"That's why his captors used hand oars instead of sails, because it's against the wind," said Bonaparte. "On the sea the wind has a greater influence than the current."

Georgiana turned the book to the cave just now, and she found that there were indeed many murals on the walls behind those fairy officials.

"This is his imagination." Bonaparte said as if he knew what she was thinking. "It's better to chat with the sage than to watch the scene in the camp."

She has no confidence in Nick's self-rescue method. An error of 10 meters in the meridian can affect the entire measurement data, and it must be done all over again, not to mention the distance is so far away. If he really got out of trouble in this way, then she planned to read this book as a novel.

Nick had been writing and drawing on the wall for an unknown amount of time, and by the time he felt he couldn't see with his eyes, it was already dark.

I don't know if it was because of fear, or the screams from the camp next door were blowing over with the wind. In this case, it was even more creepy.

At this time, the woman who brought him food at noon came again. She put the basket containing the food far away from the entrance of the cave as in the daytime, and then walked away.

"I need a lamp!" Nick said in English to the woman's back, but she walked away quickly as if she didn't hear it.

"I need a light!" Nick repeated in Mandarin, but the woman had disappeared into the night.

Nick didn't bother to check what he had for dinner at all. He opened the bottle of rum and drank it while sitting on the stone bed. On the wall opposite him were some seemingly meaningless formulas and numbers.

If he has family members in this country and hasn't returned all day and night, I'm afraid some people will worry and report to the authorities.

It's a pity that he is only a person, and no one will know even if he disappears.

Human beings live in groups because they are afraid of being alone, but are we really not alone in groups?

Nick stood up again, picked up the "chalk" and continued to write and draw on the wall, but this time what he wrote was not a formula.

He drew a beautiful Guanyin, but she also looked like the Sistine Madonna, and maybe he subconsciously hoped that he could sleep peacefully under her care.

There is no description of what Guanyin looks like in the book, maybe it is his mother, first love, or sisters, of course, it may also be the daughter of the admiral, the lady who was blinded by cataracts, because of Nick and the priest's surgery And see the light again.

It is said that chicks have memory and will remember the first creature they see, regardless of whether it is their parent or not, they will regard it as their parent bird, even if the other party is the natural enemy of chicks.

This kind of scene is very magical, and it is difficult for human beings to explain it.

Who is better than the feelings of Li Bai's childhood sweetheart and childhood sweetheart?

It may be like the formula on the wall, it is unsolvable.

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