Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2133 Flower Controversy (41)

"This story is not going to be a hit."

The First Consul of France who once wrote a novel that did not sell well.

"Why?" Georgiana put down the book, looking eager to reason with him.

"He should write about how he escaped with wit, not about being caught and interrogated, which is what people want to read," said Bonaparte.

"But that's not true," Georgiana said.

He seemed to find her irrational.

"I know a guy who is a bestselling author who knows how to write stories that other people 'want to see' but guess what? It's all fake except for the Best Smile award."

He didn't want to continue the discussion on this topic, and Georgiana didn't bother to pay attention to him. Rohart should stay in the madhouse now, and this guy in front of him put a person who wrote satirical poems in a mental hospital.

"No one believes that there are monsters in this world." Bonaparte muttered.

"What?" Georgiana put down the book and reasoned with him again.

"Forbidden women, vampires, these only appear in storybooks, if he intends to write a travelogue with reference value, he shouldn't write these contents."

"If that's the case, the book should have a different name." Georgiana flipped to the cover and found that it had no name, and then babbled, "The author will use his own name instead of a pseudonym."

He seemed to have "awareness".

"Do you know Nick Flamel?" Georgiana asked a little triumphantly.

He didn't answer.

"He used the same 'Nick' as the author of Nick Polo, precisely because he created the Sorcerer's Stone, which people copied and inadvertently improved gunpowder, which was originally invented to make' Elixir'."

"Is there really an elixir?" asked Bonaparte.

Georgiana's self-satisfied mood was suddenly awakened.

"Let's see what happened next." Georgiana said, and then turned to the next page. It was a dark cave with a stone table surrounded by a few "fairy-like" old people. , looks like the legendary fairy cave.

Nick was locked in a cave, which was fairly clean, and his hands were not bound, and there was no cell door or anything like that. It seemed that they were not worried that Nick would escape by himself.

After a while a woman came, took a basket, put it outside the hole, and went away.

Nick waited for her to go to check and found that it contained food, not the expensive ingredients that he ate in the banquet hall last night. The dishes were just some seaweed, fish and eggs, and the staple food was rice. I didn't eat anymore, so I ate all the food.

After eating, he felt a little thirsty, and soon he found a mountain spring next to the cave, and there was a bamboo ladle beside it, so he used it to drink water.

The water is fresh water, not so clear and sweet, but not as deadly as sea water. After eating and drinking, Nick returned to the cave. There was also a stone that looked like a bed, but without bedding and pillows.

Nick lay directly on it. When sailing at sea, because he stayed with the sailors all day long, he listened and observed more while they were chatting, so he learned how to distinguish the latitude and longitude from the positions of the stars in the sky. But he doesn't have a sextant or a compass now, so he will get lost in the vast sea if he runs away rashly.

He remembered a storm he had encountered, when the whole ship thought they were doomed, and the rain poured down, rushing into the cabin with the waves, and even Nick, a passenger, joined the ranks of draining with buckets.

However, even if the ship did not sink due to the storm, some of the food they carried was soaked, and the whole ship was shrouded in a deadly silence, and there was no escape from the joy of being born.

Fortunately, they encountered a fishing village where they replenished fresh water and food before they could continue their journey.

Immediately afterwards, he remembered his life in France. He was the son of a lord with a small fortune, and he didn't yearn for Paris. He wanted to see the outside world more. He was in Australia during the French Revolution, and when he got the news back home the family was untouched, thanks to his father.

Their relationship was not good, and his father hoped that he could be a notary or a lawyer and "be a responsible man."

Nick felt that his father's life was boring and boring, which was not the life he wanted to live.

When Nick came home, the worst period was over. His father saved the family, but he was still disappointed in Nick. As soon as Nick came home, the two had an argument. He asked Nick when this "idle life" was going to end. Nick told his father that if he needed help, he could just ask. This angered his father, who accused Nick of , He was not there when the family needed him most.

If it wasn't for his mother, Nick would have left home that day, and his younger brother pestered him about the adventures he had met outside.

This irritability made Nick unable to continue lying down on the stone bed, and he left the cave for a walk around.

There are many egrets in the trees, which makes Nick more convinced that the island is not far from the land, because it is not a sea bird like a seagull.

Otters can be seen from time to time. These little creatures are happy to groom their fur in the water, and they don’t hide when they see people coming. After all, people in this place haven’t coveted their slippery fur yet.

Nick habitually wanted to find his own paintbrush to sketch this place, but found that he had no tools, as if he had become the protagonist in the English writer Defoe who encountered a storm and drifted to an uninhabited island accidentally Robinson, it's just Robinson who lives in isolation from the world. He needs to fight with himself and nature more, and Nick is not the only one on this island.

When people come together for various reasons, it does not always mean helping each other and overcoming difficulties. They may also form different groups because of their different interests, and then fight against other groups, or even set up obstacles for each other.

Since the island was not far from the mainland, there would be nothing wrong with heading west, and Nick would surely reach the mainland.

He would think of other ways when he got to the mainland, but first he had to get a boat, or make a life raft himself.

However, the problem encountered in making the life raft is that Nick still has no tools, and even the orangutan knows to use branches when eating ants.

Nick pulled out his Spanish jackknife, which the pirates hadn't searched him for, and compared with their weapons, it looked harmless.

This is the "wealth" left to him by the civilized world, just like Robinson Robinson would not be able to survive on a real desert island without the supplies left by those shipwrecks.

But it is unrealistic to use this jackknife to cut down trees. Nick plans to continue to search nearby to see if he can find useful supplies.

After all, he didn't have 7654 silver dollars. If the money was still paid by his father, it would be too embarrassing.

After walking for about ten minutes, Nick heard the noise. He followed the sound and found a shocking scene.

Those who wear Ryukyu clothes tie the ends of the two braids together, and tie a red silk in the middle, so that the two "tug of war", while the rest bet on the side.

The two people with braids were obviously in pain, but they had to endure the pain and continue the "tug of war" until one dragged the other down.

Immediately afterwards, the man in Ryukyu costume gathered all the weapons in his hand and cut off the loser's braid. The man let out a tragic wail, but the others laughed out loud when they saw the embarrassment.

Nick was careful not to let them find him by retreating into the bushes.

Compared to that camp, Nick would rather go back to the cave just now.

Because he really couldn't define the scene just now as "interesting".

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