Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2135 Flower Controversy (43)

Juren's hometown is in Fujian. Yun Ji Xiaolan once served as an academic and political officer in Fujian in the 27th year of Qianlong's reign. Apart from the governor and governor, he was the most senior official in charge of education. He was at the same level as the procurator and was usually held by a Beijing official from the Imperial Academy. Juren is considered to be Ji Yun's disciple.

It's just that this "teacher" couldn't take care of himself. In the 33rd year of Qianlong's reign, he was dispatched to XJ because of the Lianghuai Salt Citation Case. In fact, even if he was there, he couldn't help the students in Fujian. The No. 1, No. 2, and No. 1 candidates in the Qianlong period were basically dominated by candidates from Jiangsu and Zhejiang. The last Fujianese Lin Zhichun who won the No. 2 exam was already in the second year of Qianlong. happened before.

Fujian Gongyuan has a special feature, that is, it accepts students from Taiwan. Every Fujian provincial examination will see thousands of sails crossing the sea. Usually, they pack their bags and set off before the summer heat, until the results are released in September. Frustrated to go home.

During the three or four months of preparation for the exam and the waiting time after the exam, making friends and apprentices, visiting mountains and rivers, reciting poems and composing poems has become a characteristic of local candidates, so Juren will come to Beijing to prepare for the exam several months in advance .

In the year of Wuzi, that is, in the 33rd year of Qianlong's reign, there was a man called Lin Yuhua. In the 45th year of Qianlong's reign, there was a severe drought. When Lin Yuhua was teaching Ningde, he discovered that the government and businessmen were colluding, and the common people were spoiled. So I wrote a report letter, but the offender was fine. Instead, someone made a crime and sent him to XJ. He was released after a narrow escape. In Fuzhou, where Emperor Jiaqing ascended the throne and amnesty at the age of 60, he opened a restaurant in Fuzhou. The academy is also one of Juren's good friends, and if Juren still has to go to Beijing to catch the exam, he will help him out.

Lin Yuhua has stayed in XJ for more than 20 years, while Ji Xiaolan has stayed in XJ for more than two years, but Lin Yuhua did not record every bit of his life in XJ in "Yuewei Thatched Cottage Notes" like Ji Xiaolan, after all He was dispatched there. Although he has a reputation, he is not an official. It is lucky that he was not killed in prison.

Ji Xiaolan's father, Ji Rongshu, once tried a case when he was young. In the last years of Kangxi, there was a son of a family. He molested the servant's wife. The woman refused. The master was so angry that he said, "If you dare to refuse, I will beat you to death."

The woman cried and went back to tell her husband. At that time, the husband was drunk and said angrily, "If you dare to lose your morals, I will stab you to death with a knife."

The woman said in grief and indignation, "If you submit or not, you will die. It is better to die first."

Then the woman hanged herself.

Not to mention the "rumor" that even on a sunny summer day, the house where the woman hanged herself is gloomy, like a cool autumn. This incident proves that people can kill people.

WLMQ means good ranch. Ji Xiaolan has a pen post style called WLMQ there. He was born when the Western Regions were pacified more than 20 years ago. It is said that his father gave him this name because his grandfather gave him a dream. Although I didn't know what it meant in the dream, but I remembered the dream clearly after waking up, so I named my son a place.

WLMQ also has a Guandi Temple. There is a psychic horse in front of the Guandi Temple. It usually grazes in the mountains by itself and never returns to the stable. Not bad, and it also knows the size of the month.

Ji Xiaolan didn't believe it at first, guessing that someone brought it here, and then he went to see it himself, and sure enough, he saw that the horse came to the front of Guandi Temple on the first day of February, with only its footprints on the snow. Human footprints.

In fact, there is also a sea in the Gobi, called the vast sea. It is a place where there are flying sand and rocks, and no grass grows. Although there are no deep-sea pearls there, there are cantaloupes, grapes and Tianshan snow lotus.

Although it is called a lotus, its shape is more like a chrysanthemum. It only grows in the snow in the mountains. The locals call it "the favorite of the mountain god".

Some people believe that this kind of peanut is bound to be hot in extremely cold places, and can nourish yang and drive away yin. Many people in the capital bought snow lotus wine as a tonic.

Among the eight treasures, only bear paws and deer tails are common. The hump refers to the hump of a dromedary camel. good luck.

One day, Admiral Yu was driving in the vast sea, and saw something from a distance, which looked like a human but not like a human, if it was a human, it would be too tall, almost like a giant.

It didn't know what it was chasing the admiral for most of the night, so the admiral raised his bow and shot an arrow at it, which drove it away.

There are many weird things in places with vast land and few people. TLF is called the domain of wind disasters and ghosts in Tang Taizong's "San Zang Shengjiao Preface". Instead, a Taoist priest who sold medicine was caught, and someone reported that he could perform demon magic.

WLMQ in writing style went to Gumudi to do business. I had a dream when I was sleeping in the local Xingyuan. There used to be a handyman named Bala here. He was hit on the left cheek, and the arrow came out from behind the right ear. He fought hard, and finally fell with the enemy.

Bala in the dream was neatly dressed, not dead at all. He talked to him like WLMQ’s grandfather, and the voice was still in his ears when he woke up the next day. After returning to WLMQ, WLMQ told Ji Xiaolan about his dream mentioned in.

Before Ji Xiaolan took office, that is, on August 15th in the 33rd year of Qianlong, the officers stationed in the village wanted to reward the villagers who were exiled here, so they placed wine on the hillside, and men and women sat together to symbolize that everyone had passed. A reunion Mid-Autumn Festival.

Good intentions are good intentions, that is, an officer stationed in the village was drunk and forced the female family members of the villagers to sing. In the end, the officers and soldiers stationed in the village stirred up a civil uprising and captured Changji.

From WLMQ to Changji, there are Tianshan Mountains in the south, and there is no road. In the north, there is a lake covered with reeds. Can understand people. Before the civil uprising, Tong San Heerxi had just arrived at WLMQ to inspect the warehouse. After hearing the civil uprising, he was willing to follow the example of Zhao Zilong in Changshan and go to Changji alone to persuade San Min to surrender.

The judges listened to his enlightenment, but said, "You are a good official, this is none of your business, the matter has come to this point, and there is no room for redemption."

He Erxi knew that his efforts were of no avail, so he drew his sword and fought Panmin to the death, and he himself died in the battle.

The Changji civil uprising was not premeditated. It cannot be said that He Erxi was negligent, and he was ordered to leave Changji. It cannot be regarded as that he abandoned the city and escaped. Behind Hershey came the army that came to suppress the civil uprising. At that time, these soldiers were scattered in various military camps, and there were only more than 140 people gathered. The road from WLMQ to Changji is a flat plain, and the only place that can be guarded is a mountain pass. Very narrow road.

The judges occupied Changji, so they would not wait in the city. There was no food or supplies inside, and they would wait to die sooner or later. The only way for them was to rush to the suppressing soldiers. There are more than 1,000 people, the key is that they still have horses, that is, more than 100 infantry against more than 1,000 cavalry.

The leader of the army was Wen Fu, a bachelor, but he handed over the command to the garrison Liu De, and he took command.

This army used muskets, and they also took advantage of the terrain, so that the cavalry of the judges could not charge in formation.

"It's like the Battle of the Pyramids," said Bonaparte suddenly.

"It's much smaller," Georgiana said.

"Is Tianshan a snow mountain?" asked Bonaparte.

"Yes, it is part of Kunlun Mountain." Georgiana replied.

"It was a good war." Bonaparte said with some fascination.

"I don't think it's aesthetically pleasing to have blood and corpses scattered in such a picturesque place," Georgiana said.

He smiled and almost said "what women know".

Georgiana held her mouth in resentment and continued reading.

In addition to those who died in battle, some rebel villagers were also captured. They were all killed in the forest to the west of WLMQ City, where Admiral Yu was attacked.

Ever since those villagers were buried, there has been black energy in the forest, and anyone who encounters them at night will definitely get lost. Ji Xiaolan believes that all evil energy can be dispelled with masculine energy, so she sent a few soldiers to lie in ambush on the night of the full moon , Hit the black air with a musket, and the black air dissipated in response. One of them even grabbed a big brown gecko, which could walk upright like a human.

In fact, the judges could retreat to Changji at that time, but they said they saw Guan Gong appearing on horseback blocking the way.

Originally, the matter can be said to have come to an end here, but isn't there a Taoist priest in the prison who has not been tried?

There are always some people under the BJ overpass yelling that they have taken his "Dali Pill" which cures all diseases, but the medicine sold by the Taoist priest is not that kind of medicine.

What kind of medicine is he selling in the gourd?

Before Ji Xiaolan started to investigate, something happened in Changji. This time it was not a civil uprising, but someone dug up a woman's embroidered shoe.

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