Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2125 Flower Controversy (Thirty-Three)

Bird's nest is the nest of swiftlets living in Sumatra, Kalimantan, Siam, and Malaysia. It is the jelly that swallows put seaweed in their mouths to chew and transform. It was brought by ships from Siam to China during the Qing Dynasty, but more Most are from Southeast Asia and Japan.

The Qing-Myanmar War was one of Qianlong's "Ten Perfect Martial Arts". At the end of the war, the Qing court sent envoys to ennoble the King of Burma, officially establishing the suzerain-vassal relationship.

However, Siam stopped paying tribute. Compared with Burma, which had no choice but to claim vassal status to the Qing Empire after more than ten years of war in the Qing Dynasty, Zheng Xin, a Cantonese, submitted a letter to the Qing court from the very beginning of the establishment of the regime, hoping to succeed the King of Ayutthaya. The Qing emperor canonized him as King of Siam.

However, Emperor Qianlong thought that he had won the country improperly, so he refused to recognize him, and replied with a stern order. Three years later, Zheng Xin took advantage of the Qing-Myanmar War to escort a group of Burmese captives to sacrifice, and again asked for a seal. After some twists and turns, Zheng Xin was finally recognized by the Qing court as the King of Siam, and the Thonburi Dynasty was once again included in the Central Plains in the suzerain-vassal system.

The tributary system is a hierarchical network political order system established by the Central Plains dynasty as the main core. The Central Plains dynasty established suzerain-vassal relations by conferring rulers in areas other than the Central Plains, thereby forming a world co-owner The concept of "world".

On this basis, Southeast Asia also formed a Datura system. Northeast Asia belongs to the Chinese writing circle, while Southeast Asia uses Sanskrit as the common language. From the perspective of civilization, Northeast Asia tends to be more Confucian culture, while Southeast Asia has experienced a long period of Indianization. Even though India began to decline after the 13th century, elements of Indian civilization such as Sanskrit and legal codes were preserved and localized in this region.

From the perspective of the tributary system, in the eyes of the suzerain country China, all countries in the "world" are equal, and they are all equal tributary states. However, there are actually competitions and contradictions within the tributary states. Compared with Northeast Asia, Southeast Asia observes tributary activities. Restricted to profitable criteria. Siam and Myanmar have been in constant conflict. Even during the Qing-Myanmar War, Myanmar sent troops to occupy Siam, which led to the demise of the Ayutthaya Dynasty in Siam.

In this war, both sides dispatched a large number of white elephants, and the scene was spectacular.

"What?" Georgiana asked.

"Nothing," said Bonaparte, as if indifferent.

She looked at him suspiciously.

"Keep reading," he urged.

So Georgiana read on.

It was precisely because of the demise of the Ayutthaya Dynasty that Zheng Xin was given the opportunity to establish the Thonburi Dynasty. He drove out the Burmese who occupied the capital of Siam. Perhaps Zheng Xin had heard the story of the Battle of Julu in China. Like Xiang Yu in the Battle of Julu, he ordered to smash all the pots of the march and told the soldiers that if they did not capture the city, they would go to the city for dinner. , all of you can only starve to death, and then he rode a war elephant to take the lead in charging.

Zheng Xin was a brave military leader and during his reign the Thonburi Dynasty came to glory.

At the same time, he is also a businessman who pays attention to the interests. In the tributary system, the Central Plains Dynasty has always insisted on "those who give more money than those who exchange". Moreover, the tribute envoys will bring a large amount of domestic products to China for sale every time they trade with dedicated tributes. They can enjoy some preferential policies, such as the Macartney envoys can enjoy tax exemption. But in the eyes of the Chinese bureaucracy, this is a loss-making business. Not only can the silk, porcelain, and plain cloth donated by China be sold at very reasonable prices in the tributary countries, but they can also be exported to the West.

During the maritime embargo period of the Ming Dynasty, tribute trade was also the only trade channel between the Central Plains dynasty and the vassal states, but the Siamese came too diligently, similar to North Korea, and North Korea was much closer than Siam in terms of distance.

The main purpose of establishing friendly relations between Siam and the Qing government was the demand for overseas trade. Before normal trade resumed, Siam had to send bird’s nests and other commodities needed by China to Japan, and then Japan sold them to the "Tang Mansion". merchant.

Regardless of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, a large amount of silver was needed. China exported raw silk and imported silver from Japan. In the middle of the 17th century, the Edo shogunate issued the "Chastity Order", which stipulated that the total amount of silver that Chinese ships could only bring back was 6,000. Guan, and the rest are replaced by copper. The ships coming to Japan are divided into different grades according to the place of departure, and the trade volume is allocated to each ship within the range of 6000 Guan.

Restrictions on the export of silver led to a danger that the smuggling trade known as "baha" increased. In order to strengthen the management of Chinese merchants, the Japanese Tang Mansion allowed only 70 ships to enter the port at first, and later increased it to 80 ships.

The policy of mandatory restrictions has achieved remarkable results, and Japan’s copper exports have increased significantly. The reason for this phenomenon is that China made copper coins, but even so, the shogunate still felt that the price of Chinese purchases of Japanese copper was too low, so they also made copper coins themselves. They set up "One Copper" in Osaka, tried to create a silver-copper relationship system, and effectively controlled the copper trade in Nagasaki, but even so, the copper trade came to a standstill, and the number of Chinese ships entering the port from Nagasaki was reduced to 59.

This policy clearly stipulates that while reducing the volume of copper trade, it expands the scope of trade to seafood, such as dried abalone, sea cucumber, shark fin, and Siamese bird's nest. ".

The change of food products is not only a matter of the supply side, but also the strong demand of consumers for dry goods. Products such as kelp, dried squid, dried sea rice, and jelly are called "various colors" because they are cheap , China's demand is very large, and only 80 Chinese ships cannot meet Japan's export demand. However, the Qing court also restricted Japanese ships.

In the Ming Dynasty, that is, during the Warring States Period in Japan, various daimyos once competed to pay tribute to the Ming Dynasty.

By doing so, one can get canonization and "orthodox" status. Since the Onin Rebellion, the Muromachi shogunate has already had a false name, and daimyos from all over the country have formed new powerful families. Second, they can gain the right to legal trade.

In order to win the tribute list, the daimyo and temples competed fiercely. Before the Japanese tribute envoys returned to China in the eighth year of Zhengde, the Ming Dynasty sent them a new survey and cooperation document. However, this document was not sent to Kyoto. The Ouchi family seized it, and the Ouchi family prepared to monopolize the Ming Dynasty tribute after obtaining the Kanhe document, so they sent three ships to Ningbo Port.

This incident aroused the dissatisfaction of other feudal lords and temples in Japan. Among them, the Hosokawa clan who was entrenched in Dangang also proposed to the central shogunate to share the benefits of the tribute. At that time, the Hosokawa clan was powerful and close to Kyoto. The shogunate was afraid that the Hosokawa clan would plot wrongdoing, so they did not refuse. After the Zhengde manuscript was snatched by the Ouchi family, the Kyoto shogunate handed over the obsolete Koji Kanhe manuscript to the Hosokawa clan. After receiving the document, the Hosokawa clan immediately sent a "tribute envoy", which was probably older than the Ouchi clan. Arrived at Ningbo port ten days late.

At that time, after accepting the bribe, the eunuch of the Shipping Division of NB City violated the rule of "first come, first served" and first inspected the Hosokawa clan's goods, and then held a banquet. Not only did the Ouchi clan and the Hosokawa clan sit together, but also Let Hosokawa's position be more honorable than Ouchi's.

This angered Ouchi's envoys, so he killed Hosokawa's envoys at the banquet and burned their tribute boat. The deputy ran away when he saw the situation was not good, but Ouchi chased him From Ningbo to Shaoxing.

In history, this was called the "Battle of Tribute". The envoys of the Ouchi family who paid the tribute suddenly turned into robbers, burned, killed and looted along the way, and the Ming Dynasty sent troops to suppress it. , leaving only one place in the GD City Ship Division, which also led to the severance of the tribute trade channel between the Ming Dynasty and Japan.

After the Honnoji Incident, Toyotomi Hideyoshi replaced Oda Nobunaga and became the first feudal lord to unify Japan under the title of "Tianxiaren".

Toyotomi Hideyoshi is a bit like Zhu Yuanzhang. He was also a monk, but unwilling to be ordinary, he put down his scriptures and went to the tent of Oda Nobunaga.

People in his time were more ornately dressed, which led to Japan's high reliance on Chinese raw silk.

However, the high price of raw silk was also unbearable for the samurai class who had just ended the war. They needed more territories and more farmers to support them.

In the tributary system, North Korea has always been an important and special vassal state, which represents the stability of the East Asian order.

At the same time, Japan and North Korea face each other across the sea. Since the Battle of Baichuanjiang, Japan has not moved North Korea's idea for thousands of years.

At this time, the Ming Dynasty showed signs of decline. Zhang Juzheng was dead, and Qi Jiguang was dead. Japan had just completed its unification, and its combat power and morale were extremely strong. Moreover, Toyotomi Hideyoshi controlled the largest silver mountain in Japan, so he They recruited troops and sent troops to North Korea on the grounds that North Korea refused to form an alliance with Japan to attack the Ming Dynasty.

The first phase of Toyotomi Hideyoshi’s invasion of Korea ended with a peace deal with the Ming Dynasty, but Wanli only recognized his Japanese king’s right to rule, not his right to rule over Korea, and “attached” Ming Dynasty.

Of course, Toyotomi Hideyoshi was unwilling to become a minister, but he needed time to recuperate, so after receiving the imperial edict, he put on the crown of the Ming Dynasty and held a banquet in Osaka for the envoys of the Ming Dynasty. More than a year later, he rebelled again and invaded North Korea again. This time, Toyotomi Hideyoshi was still defeated and died of illness on the way. His 5-year-old son succeeded him.

In order to restrain those ambitious daimyos like him, Toyotomi Hideyoshi selected the "Five Elders" of the veteran faction such as Tokugawa Ieyasu, and the "Five Honors" of the young and strong faction such as Ishida Mitsunari, so as to avoid excessive power and mutual restraint. , but "Young Master" is too small. After the Sekihara War, the "Five Orders" disintegrated, and Tokugawa Ieyasu was named the Great General of Conquering Barbarians. Later, the Battle of Winter and Summer in Osaka broke out. Toyotomi Hideyori and his mother committed suicide. The entire Japanese regime fell into the Edo Shogunate Tokugawa Ieyasu's hands.

After the establishment of the Qing government, Huang Taiji changed his diplomatic strategy towards Japan, trying to establish official relations with Japan through North Korea. In the Shunzhi period, he took the opportunity of returning Japanese drifters to express his goodwill for the establishment of diplomatic relations.

Japan, however, refused to join the Manchu tributary system.

First, the Tokugawa shogunate also established its own "shogunate system" to strengthen the centralization of the shogunate and weaken the strength of the vassals. In the early days of the shogunate, it adopted a policy of opening up to the outside world, but this measure made the western lords stronger. Second, the introduction of Christianity broke out a series of rebellions that affected the rule of the shogunate, such as the "Amakusa Rebellion". Stop building big ships, stop preaching, and implement a state lock-up.

Merchants traveling between China and Japan need to provide a trade license called "Credit Card". Ships without a credit card are not allowed to trade.

This system was first proposed by Japan, and its official name is "New Regulations for Maritime Trading", but because it was promulgated in the fifth year of Zhengde in Japan, it was called "New Regulations of Zhengde", and the ruler of the Central Plains at that time was Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty. , his reign is the fifty-sixth year of Kangxi.

In the 23rd year of Kangxi, the "Order of Zhanhai" was promulgated. In the same year, Japan also promulgated the "Order of Chastity". Faced with this provocative behavior, Kangxi finally decided to continue using the letter cards. However, during the implementation process, the ships in Fuzhou and Quanzhou did not get the letter cards, so these ships were ordered to leave the shore immediately as soon as they entered the port. The very angry ship owners sued the Nanjing and Ningbo ship owners after they docked in Ningbo. They believed that the Jiangnan merchants received the letter plate with the Japanese "Zhengde" year name after they arrived in Japan, which would damage the prestige of the Qing Dynasty.

Under the mediation of the emperor, Jiangnan merchants lent the credit card to Fujian merchants, but because of various obstructions by Jiangnan merchants, Fujian merchants had to withdraw from Sino-Japanese trade.

At the same time, in order to get rid of the dependence on Japanese dry goods, not only the coastal areas of China began to grow kelp by themselves, but also imported from other countries, and immigrants from Southeast Asia also began. King Zheng Xin of Siam is the descendant of immigrants and local indigenous women. He also worked as a Monk, learn Thai, Chinese and Vietnamese in the monastery.

The bird's nest at that time was "extremely expensive". By comparing the 39 chapters of "Dream of Red Mansions" and the 23 crab feasts of "Jin Ping Mei", it can be concluded that the purchasing power of silver in Cao Xueqin's period was only half of that of Lanling Xiaoxiaosheng's Wanli year. That is to say, the bird's nest in the Qing Dynasty The price is at least twice that of the Ming Dynasty. Li Ming, a musician hired by Ximen Qing, costs 5 taels of silver a month. He can buy a catty of bird’s nest for half a year without eating or drinking. If it is Man Qing, he will have to save for a whole year to buy a catty.

The huge market demand and price forced the Qing Dynasty to open up new import channels and admit Siam's tribute. At the same time, smuggling became extremely rampant. As a substitute for the "trust card", the Qing government promulgated the "Quasi-maritime Merchants Receive Japanese Tickets".

This means that the navy of the Qing Dynasty will not take care of those merchant ships going to Japan, and there is no need to worry about the shogunate exercising the "right of capture". There are privateers in Europe, and they can "capture" merchant ships without charter.

With this guarantee, all Chinese sea-going ships can get a Japanese ticket from a quasi-maritime merchant and go to the Japanese port for cruising. Pulling the shogunate prohibited.

In the Northeast, the Qing Dynasty was worried that the remnants of the pirates would pretend to be merchants, so they formulated "local merchants", that is, "local" trustworthy merchants to be bonded banks. This model is somewhat similar to the Guangzhou Thirteen Banks, but it is somewhat different from the Thirteen Banks.

If it is said that Guangzhou Shisanhang mainly focuses on "trading fairness", while Northeast companies focus on "subordination", Xinjingusushi, who promulgated the new regulations of Masanori, was called by Tokugawa Ieyasu as his "one-body clone", based on the Central Plains Dynasty In the order at the core, Japan and other surrounding countries are called "barbarians" and have long been in a humble position. However, the Jurchens are a nomadic people. As a result, the Tokugawa shogunate gave birth to the consciousness of competing for the orthodox title of "China", and even planned to subvert the Chinese-style tributary system and implement the Japanese-style tributary system. the goal of.

Liuhe Port was the largest trade distribution center at that time. After arriving at Liuhe Port, foreign businessmen must first go to the bonded company to explain their origin. After the bonded company confirms that there is no problem with the foreign businessman, they will report to the customs and pay taxes on his behalf. , They will go to the local dental office with the bill issued by the bonded bank.

An Lushan and Shi Siming, the initiators of the Anshi Rebellion, were both born in Yalang. They were like brokers, brokering other people's business. In the Northeast, there are foreign merchants and domestic merchants. The domestic merchants are mainly from the south of the Yangtze River. They transport raw silk, soybeans and other materials. There are many soy sauce shops in the Northeast, but the sale of rice grains is prohibited.

The dental bank should be the guarantor of the identity of the domestic businessman. They must obtain a license from the Chief Secretary to supervise the commodities traded, and at the same time handle the export procedures for foreign businessmen to avoid disputes between domestic and foreign businessmen. The dental bank operates according to different projects. , charge a 1% to 2% handling fee. If the foreign businessman does not have the certificate issued by the bonded bank, the dental bank shall bear full responsibility for the accident. With the certificate issued by the bonded bank, the four bonded banks shall bear the responsibility for the accident.

"Native merchants" do not need to be locals, as long as their identities are clear, they have a close relationship with the locals, and they are familiar with the mainland model. For example, you can be a grocery store owner at the same time, but he only does groceries. tariff.

The most famous local bonded shop in Liuhe, Wu Yuanwai, used to be a refugee. In the late Ming Dynasty, he came to Liuhe to escape the war and became the son-in-law of the local wealthy Ji family. With the inheritance left by his father-in-law, he opened a bonded shop.

Although it is forbidden to directly transport grain from the south of the Yangtze River to the Yellow Sea, there is no regulation on the transportation of soybeans from Shandong to Liaodong, nor on how to transport soy sauce.

And with the development of Liaodong, the Northeast has changed from food imports to food exports.

Since the reign of Qianlong, more and more soybean oil-pressing workshops have been opened in the Northeast. These oils are not only used as lamp oil, but also the bean dregs after oil-pressing are used as fertilizers. The cooking method of cooking has gradually become popular with the increase in soybean oil production.

Sooner or later, bird's nest will enter common people's homes like Wang Xietang's former swallow, but most people in the Qing Dynasty have never eaten a bite of this high-grade food in their lives. The Tao Te Ching says that governing a large country is like cooking a small fish, and Zhuangzi Xu Wugui said that "there is no common right in the world, but each is what it is."

Everyone has their own views of right and wrong, and others' opinions sound reasonable, so should we all accept them? Do you want to accept all of them? What about your own view of right and wrong?

Zhuangzi said that if everyone could act in his own way, then everyone in the world could be Tang Yao.

Compared with cooking, Zhuangzi prefers to play the qin. He asked the person who was arguing with him to set up two qin. Zhuangzi played the Gongxian first, and the Gongyin also made a sound, and the qin next door trembled.

This may be the earliest description of string resonance.

If any one of the strings is changed, any one of the five tones will be different, and all the strings will vibrate when you play it. This is the resonance phenomenon of the fundamental tone and the overtone.

For example, for an Italian singer, the base note is the original voice, and the overtone is the sound produced after the resonance of the oral cavity and nasal cavity, such as coloratura soprano and lyric bass.

Play the tuned string, twenty-five strings move, most of them are the same as before, only the most important sound is made by the tuned string.

A hundred schools of thought contend with people from the state of Qi sending their son to the state of Song to watch the door, but they don’t let the son get the key. It’s also like a parent who has lost his child. When crossing the river, he offended the boatman before the boat docked. Isn't he afraid that the boatman won't let him land alive...

"For forty years, I have served the people, commanded the army, and defeated the enemy. The world is in the palm of my hand..."

Georgiana stared coldly at the "Italian singer" next to him. His "fundamental note" was not accurate, let alone the overtone.

"I hold its destiny in my hands, and I have always known that, of all things, the fate of the country will be settled in a moment."

Napoleon sang the lines from "The Death of Caesar", and she threw the pillow on "Caesar"'s face to prevent him from continuing to sing this ominous song.

He got angry, lifted the pillow on his face and jumped at her, trying to tickle her until she begged for mercy, and then he used the "perseverance" of turning over the Alps twice to continue reading this "Nick Polo" Travel Notes".

Fengtian Chengyun emperor, system said: Holy benevolence and luck, where the sky is overturned, there is no one who does not respect the emperor's order. Pu generals and sea corners rise at sunrise, but they don't take the lead. In the past, my emperor's ancestors were born and raised in many ways. The tortoise and dragon seal is bestowed far away on the Fusang area; the Zhenmin seal character is the mountain of Rongshi Zhenguo. Afterwards, the sea wave rises, and occasionally the wind occupies the gap. When this is a prosperous occasion, I will be with Toyotomi Hirai Hideyoshi, rise up Haibang, and know and respect China. An envoy from Xichi, I am grateful to come to the same place. Knock on the pass of thousands of miles in the north, willing to seek attachment. Love is firm in obedience, and kindness is tender in tenderness. Zitfenger was the king of Japan and gave him an imperial order. In Xilong Benzhi's letter, he wore crowns and clothes on the sea surface, popular in flower clothes, and consolidated the vassal guards in the imperial court, and he thought that he should be a minister. Follow the essentials and thank the emperor for his kindness. There is no substitute for sincerity, only obedience to Lun's words, and Yongzun's voice to teach. Qinzai!

This is the original text of Toyotomi Hideyoshi's edict stored in the Osaka Museum

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