Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2126 Flower Controversy (Thirty-Four)

In addition to the gossip, the Chinese also have an inscrutable chart, the Luoshu, on which the Chinese mathematical system is based.

Luoshu presents a nine-square grid, the number five is located in the center of the nine palaces, and the other eight-square grids are arranged around it. The numbers in the eight palaces correspond to the eight trigrams. It is said that this was drawn by Fuxi based on the pattern on the back of the turtle. As for Luoshu, it was given to Dayu by the dragon horse that haunts Luoshui.

We have noticed that the number "five" plays an extremely important role in various classification subjects, such as the five elements, wood, fire, earth, gold and water. These five numbers can also represent musical notes, such as Gong Shangjiao Zhengyu, the earliest Guqin only Five strings, later Zhou Wenwang added one, and Wu Wang added another one, and it became a lyre.

The sum of the two zithers should have ten strings, but Zhuangzi said it was twenty-five. Did he make a mistake? If it is multiplication, 25 is right, but why is multiplication used in this place?

"Nine Nine Songs" existed at least in the Warring States Period, and children memorized them as verses. This reminded Nick of his life of learning arithmetic while studying, which was not a happy memory for him.

Both "nine" and "five" represent the supreme, among which "five" is regarded as "Tai Chi" and the origin of all things, so "nine five supreme" also represents the emperor.

"Five" in the Book of Changes represents the hexagram of need, and its preface hexagram expresses that things must be raised when they are young, and need is the way of diet.

It can be understood as a young child who needs to eat to grow up. If a young child does not give him food, he will not grow up.

When a child is still young, he is ignorant and needs to be taught, so the first hexagram needed is Meng hexagram.

Teachers are needed to educate children, but before that there will be disputes, which teacher to hire and what to learn? Or it can be said that a lawsuit was caused by solving the problem of eating. All things in the growth period need more nutrition, so there is a dispute, and there must be many people to cause a dispute, so the Shi hexagram is preceded by the Litigation hexagram.

Litigation hexagrams have many similarities with need hexagrams in terms of hexagram images. The so-called six lines, Nick’s understanding is the innate sixty-four hexagrams, and the six bars of each hexagram image, some are "—" which represents Yang, and some are "— —” This represents Yin.

In the ninth year of Ming Zhengde, that is, the second year after the "Battle of Tribute", Wang Yangming arrived in Nanjing and was called the Minister of Honghe Temple. This position was responsible for entertaining foreign guests, a bit like a diplomat, and he was also in charge of various banquets , Sacrificial activities. The Ministry of Rites is a very important department, because Confucius respected etiquette, and it is a kind of etiquette to return gifts when others give them gifts.

It is difficult for the Chinese to understand and accept the tributary system and the tributary trade. "It is a joy to have friends from afar." It is guests and friends who come from afar. How can guests and friends talk about interests?

Sima Qian wrote in the opening chapter of "Historical Records" that "the world's hustle and bustle is for profit". The kind of refined scholars who regard money as dung are certainly admirable, but both Tao Yuanming and Su Dongpo's family have certain wealth. However, reading is still the right of a small number of people.

Buddhism offered a different kind of learning opportunity than Confucianism, and it was not monopolized by the church like in Europe, thanks to the generous donations of believers.

Buddhists are indeed very rich. They can build gorgeous temples and paint murals with precious paints. It is precisely because of this that Japanese temples will hire monks and soldiers to protect themselves in times of chaos, forming a powerful force. Indirectly exacerbated social and political unrest.

Chinese Buddhism has also become different after localization. The monks in South Shaolin would not call on nearby believers to resist the Qing army in order to protect the temple, even if their temples were destroyed. If the Greeks saw the Romans destroying What would it be like to visit their temple?

The ultimate goal of Buddhism in personal practice is to end reincarnation and enter Nirvana. When you are "incapable of thinking", you will naturally get rid of the shackles of karma, that is, beyond cause and effect. As long as you can maintain this state, you will no longer fall into Entering reincarnation, or what Taoism said "jumping out of the three realms, not in the five elements".

The eminent monk Huineng belongs to the Zen sect. In addition to the doctrine of "directly pointing at people's hearts and becoming a Buddha by seeing one's nature", Zen also has a feature of meditation, which must have originated in Indian meditation, because their cross-legged postures and shapes are the same of.

Taoism also has meditation, and this idea of ​​meditation has its roots in Zhuangzi. From the standpoint of Confucianism, Wang Yangming also put forward the state of "mind is like a mirror", which is similar to Shenxiu's "body is a bodhi tree, heart is like a mirror stand, always wipe it diligently, so that there is no dust."

There is a word in English called turkey farm, which means a place where idlers are placed. Not only Wang Yangming is idle, but other officials who are officials in Nanjing are also idle. They study Wang Yangming’s theories and listen to his lectures when they are free. Then they unconsciously compared what Wang Yangming said with Zen Buddhism, and found many similarities.

The Zen of Huineng's lineage teaches people to realize sudden enlightenment, and it is for those with good aptitude. As for those with poor aptitude, it is better to sit in meditation honestly.

Although Wang Yangming's "Giving Outside and Seeking Inside" also has meditation-like penance, his theory is still different from Zen and Taoism, but Nick can't tell exactly where the difference is. He just recorded a meeting between Wang Yangming and Zheng Defu. It's just a conversation.

The grapes made of fireworks slowly dissipated, replaced by butterflies dancing, just like the butterflies in Zhuang Zhou's dream.

Immediately afterwards, countless flame spiral columns rose into the sky, and the spiral fireworks dazzled the eyes, burning forever within a few minutes.

Then appeared hundreds of colorful lanterns, painted with fruits, flowers and various styles of fans, this is a kind of light similar to the principle of a hot air balloon, which was invented by a man named Zhuge Kongming during the Three Kingdoms period, so it is called Kongming Lantern...

"Read it," said Bonaparte.

"Ahem." Georgiana pretended to have a dry mouth, then took a sip of the wine, swallowed it before continuing to read.

After a while, a huge blue firework rose into the sky, which looked like a blue rose. After the blue flame lifted into the sky, there was another loud noise, but there were no new fireworks in the sky. The fireworks show is over.

Nick was a little weird, but like most people, he didn't care.

Guangzhou is very lively today, and the streets are full of beggars. They sing "Lotus Fall" at the door of the shop owner. The impatient boss will give them something to send them away, so that they will not block the door and hinder their business.

Many of these shops also posted a note saying "Monks and nuns are not allowed to enter".

Begging for alms is actually another way of begging, which is another confusing place. Why are some Buddhist monasteries so rich?

Why leave the comfortable temple and Taoist temple for "cloud tour"?

Nick wished someone could explain it to him, but he had the feeling his governess wouldn't know the answer.

At this time Nick walked into a store because he saw a mirror, and it was a bronze mirror.

He bought it almost as a joke, and it has a flat peach pattern on the back, which represents longevity.

Just as he was playing with it, a figure suddenly appeared in the mirror.

That man was the one who punched Nick and attacked him with others. He shouted "Brother" in the maze-like alley.

Nick immediately chased after him, mingled with the crowd, and followed him.

But they didn't go far, when there was a commotion on the street, everyone was running, the young man in front also noticed something was wrong, he turned around and saw Nick, and he also recognized the "yellow-haired spy".

So he got into the alley again. When Nick ran over, he was already at the corner of the alley, and he was about to lose track.

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