Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2124 Flower Controversy (32)

In "Zhuangzi Miscellaneous Articles", a person named Xu Wugui was mentioned. He got the opportunity to meet Wei Wuhou through Wei Wuhou's favorite concubine.

First, he did not lobby Wei Wuhou like the famous scholars at that time to let him accept his own theory, and second, he did not join forces like Su Qin and Zhang Yi to discuss the alliance between countries. He came to condolences to Wei Wuhou.

Why would a dignified prince of a country need a person who lives in seclusion in the mountains to come to condolences?

Xu Wugui just played with Wei Wuhou, the ruler who loves the people has not been happy for a long time, after chatting with Xu Wugui, Wei Wuhou was really happy.

"Nongwan" is a kind of juggling. The performer throws and catches several balls with both hands and repeats them. This kind of juggling is also very common in Europe. The difference is that Yiliao, a native of Chu State mentioned by Xu Wugui, plays "wanling" , will make a sound. There are also similar jugglers on the streets of Guangzhou. They throw "wan bells" and make a whining sound.

Wanning had never seen such a scene before, like a child, she stood there for a while and was unwilling to leave. Later, it was her maid who coaxed her, and there was something else to see ahead, so she reluctantly left.

It’s not that the female relatives of the rich cannot go out. Thanks to the efforts of the priests for many years, they can go out of the house, but they must carry an umbrella when they go out. The shadow of the umbrella covers their faces, as if passers-by cannot see it. Know their faces.

Nick looked at Wanning who was wearing a toga with long sleeves, and recalled those aristocratic women wearing transparent tulle in the Paris salon, and felt that he was living in a strange and crazy world.

At this time, Wanning saw other interesting things, and ran over excitedly. There are many kinds of puppets in folk puppetry. In addition to marionettes, those performed in water tanks are called water puppets, and those that put gunpowder in the puppets to drive the mechanism are called medicine hair puppets. They emit sparks on the stage and look colorful. .

Husband's benevolence and righteousness are only without sincerity, and they are fake husbands, birds and greedy people. It is because one person controls and benefits the world, for example, it is just like one person. Husband Yao knows that the sages benefit the world, but he does not know that they are the thieves of the world. Husband only knows that the sages know it.

Xu Wugui's words mean that benevolence and justice are a good thing that can win people's hearts, but if a gentleman has a "template", then there will be hypocrites and cunning people who pretend to be according to this template. Benevolence and righteousness flaunt themselves and benefit the world.

Just like a mask, wear it, you are the Monkey King? But in the play, the one who pretends to be the Monkey King, no matter what your name is after you take off the makeup.

There is no difference between self-nature and original nature in Buddhism. Don’t you know what your own original nature is?

There is also a voice actor for the puppet show, and he lets out a burst of exasperated laughter. Wanning and her maid were taken aback and left the booth immediately.

In addition to Nick, there are several other family members in the Admiral's Mansion secretly protecting them.

After all, the admiral still loves his daughter. He could have asked the priest to perform surgery on the young lady two years ago, but he had to wait until his daughter passed the draft age and he was about to leave Guangzhou before doing so.

Many men don't want to be someone else's son-in-law. Being a son-in-law means getting angry, and the children they give birth don't take their own surnames.

If a woman marries into someone else's family, she will be angry, and the child will not have her own surname.

Of course, you can do whatever you want in your own territory, but this kind of "family ugliness" will not be publicized. Everyone has to "act" the appearance of a harmonious family, a virtuous wife and a filial son. This practice is actually because they want to be respected by others. And envy, have to flaunt and reveal themselves deliberately.

When the inner simplicity disappears, the outer decoration is needed. Wei Wuhou has always wanted to be a monarch who loves the people. After getting acquainted with him, Xu Wugui told him: Your so-called love for the people is actually the beginning of harming the people. Please stop A war waged for the sake of morality, it is only the bane of creating new disputes. If you start to govern from this aspect, I am afraid that nothing will be achieved. However, to achieve a good reputation, you must use evil means. Although you are promoting benevolence and righteousness, it is closer to hypocrisy and deceit.

Qianlong pardoned the fines paid by the salt merchants in the Lianghuai Salt Citation Case, as if they had gained a reputation for generosity, but in fact they collected 10 million taels of principal with interest by means of usury.

It is also a loan. Louis XIV gave housing loans to nobles, allowing them to buy luxury goods and live a luxurious court life. If salt merchants had a choice, which one would they choose?

When Xu Wugui looked at dogs, he said that low-level dogs only want to fill their stomachs, medium-level dogs always seem to stare upward, and high-level dogs always seem to forget their own existence.

In the Paris salon, if you can't talk about the latest topic, then others will definitely laugh at you, and you won't even chat with that person. But if you ask the well-to-do people how much a pound of bread costs in sous, they don't care at all.

After Marie Antoinette was beheaded, she was said to have said something like "The common people can't afford bread, why don't they eat cake?"

On the surface, the free trade of grain is for the interests of farmers, but in fact it is for their own self-interest. How many people have made a lot of money because of grain trade.

"If he had been a nobleman, I would have pardoned him," said Bonaparte.

"Nick is just a fictional character." Georgiana said.

"Bet?" he asked.

Georgiana hesitated for a moment, decided not to take the risk, and continued to read the book in her hand.


They heard someone calling Miss's name, and everyone followed the voice and found that it was Cao Xi who was wearing official robes and seemed to be leading soldiers on patrol.

He opened his eyes wide and looked at her in disbelief. The smile on the young lady's face disappeared quickly like morning dew on a rose.

"That's the French!" cursed Bonaparte.

Georgiana looked at him speechlessly.

"How can she go out on the street with someone other than her fiancé!"

"They're not married," said Georgiana.

"Haven't you read the troubles of Young Werther? An upright woman..."

"They haven't formally signed a marriage contract." Georgiana stopped him. "It's just a rumor. Cao Xi is the most likely candidate."

He looked at her with terrible eyes.

"I won't condemn Wanning with you, this is my true thought." She stared into his eyes and said, "Or do you want to listen to me to please you?"

He turned his head and looked the other way, looking annoyed.

Georgiana ignored him and continued to read the contents of the book.

Nick didn't think it was a big deal, he made a lady who had just been frightened happy again, which is what a knight should do.

But Cao Xi didn't think so, he walked to Wanning's side and had a quick exchange with her, Wanning's expression was always serious, and finally went back with Cao Xi.

It's a pity, because she obviously wants to go shopping, but the issue of safety really needs to be considered.

Nick watched them leave. These soldiers had a lantern hanging on their long guns, and the braids behind their heads fluttered in the wind like fireflies flying in a row.

When it was dark, the grand fireworks show began. Their use of fireworks was amazing, and they actually used fireworks to outline a huge grape.

In addition, the lanterns on the street were also lit. Some people made the lanterns extremely complicated. For example, a horizontal wheel was installed in the lantern, just like a rotary roasting fork driven by hot air. The wheels are used to drive animals, riders or shadow puppets in the shape of ghosts and gods. These shadows are projected on the lantern yarn, as if they are running and flying.

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