Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2123 Flower Controversy (31)

Someone asked Wang Yangming: Zhu Zi thinks that the "Book of Changes" focuses on divination, and Mr. Cheng Shuo thinks that the "Book of Changes" focuses on clarifying meanings. How do you understand it?

Wang Yangming said: divination is also the law of heaven, and the law of heaven is also divination. Is there any truth in the world greater than divination? It's just that people in later generations specifically understand divination as divination, so they regard divination as a trick. But they don't know that today's questions and answers, erudition, interrogation, careful thinking, discernment, earnest practice, etc. among friends are all divination.

The "Book of Changes" is to ask the sky. People have doubts and lack self-confidence, so if they use the "Book of Changes" to ask the sky, people's hearts may still be biased, and only the sky does not allow any falsehood.

Prediction is not a kind of superpower that belongs to human beings. It is unstable and has no operability. The reason why human beings especially like divination is that they are full of fear and uncertainty about the future, hoping to find effective ways to deal with the unknown future.

Liu Bowen, the master of the Ming Dynasty, had the same divination results every time. He asked Zhu Yuanzhang to be diligent in government and love the people. For Zhu Yuanzhang, why divination is needed?

If it was Georgiana herself, she would no longer dare to suggest that Bonaparte make any decisions. People are often blinded by knowledge and selfish desires, resulting in mistakes. She loved peace and racked her brains to think of a way to start a beer business in Belgium, which she thought would be good for everyone.

14 years later, that is, in 1816, if there is another natural disaster as Cassandra said, there will be an extreme shortage of food, and those grains that should have been stored to ensure food security will be used to make wine and be drunk , and what if someone does something irrational after being drunk?

Prohibition is ineffective, this has been tried "before", not only did not solve the problem, but also increased the crime rate in the United States during the Great Depression.

After going in a big circle, we finally returned to the original point, and maybe the original "history" is the best.

People may make mistakes, because the human heart is also difficult to maintain justice because of benevolence and partiality. Heaven cannot make mistakes, because heaven and earth are not benevolent, and all things are equal before it.

"Go on," Bonaparte reminded her.

She couldn't help feeling sincerely.

To be an ineffective fortune-teller could be taken for a liar, and like Sybil, she was nowhere to be found, until Albus decided to take her in.

Being an effective fortune-teller can lead to tragedy, and if Sybil hadn't spoken that prophecy at the Pig's Head and was heard by Severus telling Voldemort, Harry wouldn't have been orphaned, and Bella wouldn't have been orphaned because of In order to know the whereabouts of Voldemort, the Longbottoms were tortured.

What people really want is a bright future, and they take every step towards that hope. They don't want to hear the depressing words that the future is bleak. If the future is bleak, they will find ways to change their lives. "It's time to collect the money.

Otherwise, like Grindelwald, the future is bleak, but wizards can prevent them from destroying the world by fighting against Muggles, and Muggles will turn their weapons on wizards sooner or later.

Those who kill people will always kill them.

Whoever causes blood to be shed, his blood must be shed.

Those who commit crimes must be killed, but saving lives is futile. This is fate.

Master Padmasambhava said that the enlightenment of unstained awareness is a great liberation. Is this how the name "Awareness" comes from?

Ordinary people miss the opportunity to know their own nature, and they will be reincarnated and suffer all kinds of suffering in the six realms and three realms.

When is the self-nature, which is self-purified, so "Bodhi has no tree, and the mirror is not a stand".

The eminent monk Huineng advocated "becoming a Buddha by seeing one's nature", which was popularized in Lingnan in the Tang Dynasty, which is also Guangdong in later generations.

In Mencius's theory, besides "not being tempted", there is also "not being able to bear people". Mencius once made a metaphor. A child fell into a well and cried out. How would the people by the well feel in that instant? compassion? Or fear?

No matter what kind of heart, it is not as good as a mother's heart when she hears the cry and wants to save him. From this, he has proved that human nature is inherently good.

Nick heard the "Flower Hall" exclaim, then ran over, and when he opened the door, he found a snake in the house.

It was a poisonous snake with a triangular head and silver-white circular patterns. It was a kind of cobra and was extremely poisonous. The women in the room were all hiding in the corner, and the poisonous snake was crawling towards them.

Nick picked up a stool and tried to put the legs of the stool against the snake's head, but the snake, alert, pointed its head at him.

Not long after, other soldiers came, but they did not dare to approach rashly, because too many people would cause chaos.

Just when Nick saw the opportunity and was about to hit the snake with a stool again, a throwing knife was nailed to the snake's head.

Everyone looked at the dart thrower, who turned out to be a juggler. He smiled at everyone, wrapped his braids around his neck, and turned away.

Only then did someone pick up the poisonous snake with a tool. The ladies who didn't dare to show their breath just now patted their chests. Fortunately, no one passed out like the European ladies.

Many people expressed their gratitude to Nick, but the one who should really be thanked was the one who threw the throwing knife just now.

People left the room one after another, and Wanning walked last. This might be the first time she saw a snake after regaining her eyesight. She seemed both surprised and at a loss.

Nick decided to escort her to her relatives, but the admiral was busy, so they could only wait under the porch outside the lobby.

The troupe resumed its performance after a short break.

"A bride is just a shadow and an echo at home." Wanning said in official words, "As long as my father is satisfied with me at home, I will live in peace, and no one will blame me. Once I get married, the shackles will be broken." It became more and more heavy, not only my husband can control me, but also my mother-in-law wants me to be obedient to her. As long as she is alive, I have no right to control any property in the family, that is, I cannot give anything to others. As a gift, I have to give it to my mother-in-law. If my mother-in-law doesn’t want it, I have to express my gratitude to her, as if she gave it to me. Also be submissive to her, so I'm glad I don't have to enter the draft. If I can't have kids, or only have girls, my husband can take a concubine, and I can't say anything, even to show generosity and take the initiative to accept she."

Nick wants to tell her that echo in Europe represents love, but now Wanning may not speak Chinese suddenly like him.

Because she may think that Nick can't understand Chinese, that's why she said such "rebellious" words. Emperor Shunzhi stipulated that all Manchu Eight Banners girls between the ages of 13 and 16 must participate in the draft. Wanning is already 17 years old. At the age of the draft, there is no need to worry about being the emperor's concubine, or being "given" to the royal descendants to be Fujin.

She was raised as a young lady, but after she got married, she became a servant, and even worse, because some servants have been with the old lady for many years, and the old lady trusts the servants more than the bride.

Nick quietly listened to her wailing, the door of the wedding room was decorated with colorful flags and bunches of flowers, joyful drums sounded around, and the brothers and sisters responded with laughter. Others see it as festive, beautiful, and lively, but Wanning sees pain and various restrictions.

The bride looked like a puppet in her pearl-beaded, gold-embroidered gown, her father's last-ditch effort to express his love.

"I wish to have one heart and one mind, and the white head will not be separated. I heard that you Yi people are monogamous. Is it true?"

Nick looked into Missy's eyes, not knowing how to answer.

He had to keep silent.

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