Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2122 Flower Controversy (Thirty)

At the beginning of Nurhaci's establishment of the "Eight Banners" system, there were only four colors of flags: yellow, white, blue, and red. Later, four kinds of bordered flags were added, namely XHQ, bordered white flag, bordered blue flag, and bordered red flag. Before Dorgon, the Zhengbai Banner was not the "Shang San Banner", Huang Taiji personally led the Zhenghuang Banner, XHQ and ZLQ.

Although Zhenghuangqi belonged to the royal family, most of the bannermen were Baoyi, and their status was far inferior to that of XHQ. Guerjia's Oboi was a member of XHQ.

Both Fulin and Hongli ascended the throne at a young age, and the real power is actually in the hands of the auxiliary ministers. The hair-shaving order issued in the first year of Shunzhi was actually ordered by the regent Dorgon. At that time, the Qing court had just entered the customs. Considering that the time had not come, it was suspended after a period of implementation.

In the second year, Dorgon once again ordered that the capital be limited to ten days, and the provinces and provinces of Zhili should also be limited to ten days for issuing documents, and all hair should be shaved.

When the hair-shaving order was promulgated, there was also an order to obey the order. People who really don’t want to abide by this decree escape into Buddhism. For example, when they are Taoist priests, they keep their hair in a bun, or when they become monks, they shave all their hair. It’s better than keeping “money.” Rat Tail" is nice.

In the soul-calling case, what Hongli was worried about was that there were rebels hidden in the monks and Taoists. The note Nick received read, "The Manchus opportunistically occupied our Central Plains. If they don't avenge their revenge, they are ashamed of their ancestors." .

In the process of preaching, Matteo Ricci discovered the Chinese custom of offering sacrifices to Confucius and ancestors. As long as he was alive, as long as he did not violate the teachings, did not mix balloons, worship and other elements, he did not interfere. After his death, the Italian Long Huamin took over. In his position, he has long opposed the "Ricci rule".

The Holy See also had disagreements on this matter, allowing and disallowing changes many times. Later, the imperial court simply restricted the freedom of movement of missionaries, and even took countermeasures during the Kangxi and Yongzheng periods, not only prohibiting Catholic missionary work, but also Some missionaries were driven to Nanjing.

It's all right now, "to avoid trouble", I like it.

There is no need to talk about the importance of ancestors to Chinese people, just remember that "forgetting one's ancestors" is a curse word.

That note has a strong provocative force, and more importantly, it is printed, which means that Nick is not the only one who will see this note, and it is unknown how many people will see it.

The admiral is about to step down, and he has left a good official reputation in Guangzhou. However, once a rebellion occurs, he will go to the front line to fight like other bannermen who "have committed crimes and meritorious service". This is simply bad news for a Taoist believer.

It is Confucianism that God has the virtue of good life, compassion is Buddhism, and Taoism is a balance of adaptation. For example, if there are too many rabbits and destroy the pasture, then killing some rabbits in an appropriate amount is in line with the law of heaven, but killing indiscriminately is forbidden.

Everything in the world has the instinct of "loving life and hating death". The world is not benevolent, and all things are regarded as dogs. This is like Job who was bet by God and the devil. All his children died, and God let him have a few more children. Child, even if it makes up for his loss, in the eyes of God, these newborn children are the same as those who died earlier.

However, people's hearts are not like this, just like the father in Xingletu, he prefers the son of the concubine, and even plans to give him the family property, regardless of the tradition inherited by the eldest son. The way of heaven and the way of humanity are not always the same. People sacrifice to pray for good luck, good weather, or to appease the wrath of heaven.

Hound dogs refer to the livestock used in sacrifices. Scholar-officials and emperors used cattle and sheep for sacrifices. Common people can only use dogs for sacrifices. Together with cattle, sheep, pigs and chickens, they are the five animals. But dogs are different from other animals. They can be used as pets, so fake dogs made of grass are used as sacrifices, which are similar to pig heads made of flour and wooden figurines.

Women in the Central Plains have the custom of begging for cleverness. They not only know how to embroider flowers and other women's reds, but also weave things with straw. Gu is called "Grass Ghost" in Xiangxi area, and Gu Po is also called "Grass Ghost Po".

An amorous monk named Juexing came out of Hengyang, Hunan, and had an affair with the hotel proprietress Mrs. Chen. Compared with Hubei, where Sun Dayou, the "son of the great tomorrow", rebelled, it seemed to be a little more peaceful.

Xiangxi, like Yunnan and Guangxi, is a multi-ethnic area. The local ruler is the chieftain, and the Miao people have not been affected by the hair-shaving order and the easy-to-obey order.

The secluded village dwellings and deserted temples are not only the place where fox spirits and spirits gather, but also where rebels and bandits gather.

If you only look at the scenery, Shichahai is indeed beautiful, and it is precisely because it is a good place that Zhenghuangqi occupies the best part, and it is adjacent to the market area occupied by Zhenghongqi.

After the country was broken, how to deal with the nobles of the previous dynasty became a thorny issue. Chongzhen hanged himself in Jingshan, what about the others? Do you want to die for your country like the Son of Heaven?

In the nearly 300 years from the founding of the Ming Dynasty to the fall of the Ming Dynasty, the number of clan members in the Ming Dynasty reached one million. These people would not be raised by Zhu Yuanzhang in the Qing Dynasty.

Some people must not be able to stand the transition from rich clothes and fine food to no fixed place in an instant, so they can only fight with their backs. The Nanming regime was the last resistance of the clans under the banner of avenging Chongzhen. During the period, Nandu relied on the natural danger of the Yangtze River to guard half of the country.

In the second year after Aixinjueluo Fulin's death, Nanming also ended his short-lived dynasty, when Xuanye was 8 years old.

It is not uncommon for a queen mother to listen to politics behind a curtain. The Queen Mother Liu of the Northern Song Dynasty also did it, but Xiaozhuang did not. One is that according to the ancestral system of the Qing Dynasty, if the emperor was young and the prince of the clan was regent, the other was the reason why she was able to become the queen mother. There is a maid named Su Ma Lagu by her side, who is also a vigilant person. She once served as the first teacher of Emperor Kangxi, and even when she was old, Kangxi adopted a son for her to raise.

Next to the Han Palace, there is a palace man, and there is a wild fox in the Tang Palace. They are all places where the dead palace people are buried. Not everyone can have their own tomb like Gao Lishi. Even Zhao Feiyan, who was once honored and favored for a while, was buried there. The palace people are oblique.

There was no such place in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, and people outside the palace rumored that the dead maids and eunuchs in the palace were thrown into the well, and no one drank the well water in the palace.

To the west of the Jinaoyu Bridge in Xiyuan, there is a Nei'an Music Hall in the Yangfang Jiadao. All the palace people who are old or guilty are released here. This is where the ashes are placed. According to the ancestral precepts left by Zhu Yuanzhang and the laws of the Ming Dynasty, cremation is not allowed. However, although there are severe punishments, they have not prevented the custom of cremation from continuing to exist.

Cremation is very suitable for destroying corpses. However, the practice of cremation outside the palace is related to Buddhism. After the eminent monks have passed away, they must be cremated. Among the ashes they leave behind are some relics called relics.

Shichahai is said to be famous for having ten ancient temples, but none of these temples enshrine relics or Taoist holy relics.

It is generally believed that water belongs to Yin. When Liu Bowen rebuilt Yuan Dadu, he moved the north wall to the south and cut off the northern part of Shichahai outside the city. It became Taiping Lake.

However, Liu Bowen did not expect that the Baifu Spring would stop flowing, and the Shicha sea level would drop, forming a small island. During the Ming Xiaozong period, an eunuch built a residence on the island and built a bridge on the Crescent River. Shen's residence.

Because the Baifu Spring was cut off, the Yuquan water was directly introduced into Shichahai, and the flowing water represented vitality and good luck.

Compared with Rehe, the palace in Yuquan Mountain is the real forbidden area inside the palace. Although it is located outside the palace, even high-level officials cannot enter unless there is a special gift from the emperor.

People believe that Fengshui can bring good luck to themselves, and He Zhongtang believes in Fengshui very much. The layout of the home has a purpose, but it is a pity that the house was chosen in the wrong place.

Whatever he wants to do, even the source of the Jinshui River flowing through the Forbidden City comes from Shichahai. The eunuchs are all riches and honors in exchange for cutting off their sons and grandchildren. Fortunately, his son Fengshen Yinde and He Lin's son were not involved, but the glory is gone, even though He Lin paid his life for suppressing the Miao people's rebellion.

They may not have a chance to restore their titles until the White Lotus Sect is suppressed by the emperor, but they probably won't go to the front line. After all, when the admiral saw the note, he was as nervous as if he had received poisoned wine from the emperor. All things have the instinct of liking life and hating death, who would take the initiative to seek death?

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