Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2121 Flower Controversy (29)

Su Dongpo also wrote a poem:

The flowers fade and the red and green apricots are small. When the swallows, green water around people. There are few willows blowing on the branches, and there are no fragrant grasses anywhere in the world.

The swing inside the wall is outside the wall. There are people outside the wall, and the beautiful people inside the wall laugh. Laughter gradually fades away, sentimental but ruthless annoyed.

The scene described in this poem is a passerby who heard the laughter of a girl swinging on a swing in the fence, and couldn't help but stop and imagine the scene.

The girl has been locked in the boudoir since she was 12 years old. Occasionally, she can hear the singing of the salesman on the street. Some curious girls will hold a mirror and peek at the gate in the dark to see the way in and out. people.

A wall not only cuts off the opportunities for the foreign men and women to communicate, but also creates two different ways of life. When the Peony Pavilion is performed in the Admiral's Mansion, the folks also have their own celebrations. Puppet shows are popular in Fujian, Zhejiang and Chaoshan areas. The biggest difference between this kind of puppets and European puppets is not just the clothes and the costumes of the characters.

Puppets are mentioned in both the Iliad and Odyssey. The origin of European puppets is considered to be in the ancient Greek period. Even performing religious themes is also a mythical story, while Chinese puppets were first used in funeral ceremonies, or they are all in place of living people. Sacrifice.

It is cruel to treat a living person as a funeral object, at least after the death of Ming Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang, concubines were buried for him. In the Shang and Zhou dynasties, if no living person was buried, it meant that this person was not a high-ranking person. However, Shang Yang abolished this inhumane burial system through reforms, although his purpose of doing so was to have more farmers farming. and more soldiers to fight.

The earliest name of puppets was "human figurines". At first, they were fired with ceramics, and later turned into wood. In "Shuowen Jiezi", "Puppets" were made of paulownia wood. It can be seen that the ancient Chinese believed that puppets were soul.

They made the puppets so beautifully that they seemed close to the living, but the intention was not dramatic. In "Zhou Li", Fang Xiangshi wears bear skin, wears a gold mask, wears black clothes on top, and a scarlet skirt on bottom. Holding a shield in his hand, Fang Xiangshi searches for the plague ghosts in the palace and drives them away. What is particularly noticeable is that Fang Xiangshi is also responsible for exorcising ghosts from the tomb to prevent wild ghosts who are not the owner of the tomb from enjoying the sacrifices that the tomb owner should enjoy.

Fang Xiangshi’s ritual of exorcising ghosts in the tomb is called "sangjiale". Around the end of the Han Dynasty, some people would deliberately ask to perform puppet shows and sing dirges at banquets in order to prove their bravery. The main content of the elegy is to express mourning for the dead. It is really jaw-dropping that these two funeral rituals appear at the wedding, so some people think that this is a sign of the imminent demise of the Han Dynasty.

The puppet show originated from religious rituals with a witchcraft nature. Even if it is not performed in funeral ceremonies, its exorcism effect has not degraded. For example, it will be rehearsed in so-called "evil spirit" situations such as the completion of temples and fires, and pregnancy is prohibited. Women Watching. In some places, it is called "Shenxi Opera", and its content is mainly to exorcise evil spirits and invite blessings. Therefore, puppet opera has a mysterious and mysterious color, and it is also the most taboo folk opera. .

There are many things in the Forbidden City that are not accessible to ordinary people, and even the "baiding" and the literati who participated in the imperial examinations have different access to information.

In the Qing Dynasty, it was Emperor Shunzhi who set the capital in BJ. Nurhachi, the leader of Jianzhou Jurchen, changed the name of the country to Daqing. The capital at that time was Xingjing, and later it was changed to "Tokyo" Liaoyang. After Nurhaci's death, Huang Taiji came to the throne, and after expanding Shenyang, he changed it to Shengjing and made Shengjing the capital.

Huang Taiji did this mainly to avoid smallpox, but this kind of plague was still hard to prevent. Smallpox still spread in the palace. Even Emperor Kangxi was selected as the emperor because he had smallpox.

The establishment of Rehe Mountain Resort was not entirely because the emperor liked extravagance and escaped the summer heat. You can understand that it was a quarantine area, so as to prevent the leaders and soldiers of the ethnic groups outside the customs from bringing smallpox into the densely populated BJ, or the Han people. Infect smallpox to those outside the customs.

That is, the relationship between the central government and various ethnic groups has been strengthened, and risks have also been reduced.

Da Yuer is a Mongolian woman, she grew up on the grasslands, and Mongolia is her hometown for her, while Aixinjueluo Fulin grew up in BJ City, his teachers are almost all Han Chinese, and He was still the number one scholar of the Ming Dynasty, and he was even able to discuss the "Book of Changes" with Cao Benrong. This involves a problem. The Manchu Qing "gained the world immediately", so should they continue to "rule the world immediately"?

As a Manchu ruler, Shunzhi reused Han officials after he came to power, and their status was significantly improved. Fan Wencheng even served as the Minister of State Affairs. Before that, no Han official had ever held this position.

Nurhachi, Huang Taiji, etc. all stipulated that Han officials could not hold seals in various yamen, but Shunzhi ignored this rule, and whoever had the highest official rank would hold seals.

The Tsar wanted the Manchu Qing to recognize it as a colony of Tsarist Russia, and Shunzhi asked the Tsar to pay tribute in return. The first battle between Tsarist Russia and the Manchu Qing to sign the Nerchinsk Treaty was fought during the Shunzhi period, and the treaty was not signed until the Kangxi period.

To change the way of understanding, the emperors surnamed Li in the Tang Dynasty were also Xianbei people, but they fought against the Turks together with the Han people, and they recognized Lao Tzu Li Er as their ancestors, so they became part of Chinese history.

These belong to the emperor's mind, and it is impossible for a street juggler to come into contact with them in his life, and it is also impossible for him to know without the experience of working in Xilin Jueluo's family. Youdao is the seventh-rank official in front of the prime minister's door, not only because the servant treats others arrogantly.

Concubine Dong E had a miserable life in the palace, even though she was not at fault.

She was married before, but Emperor Shunzhi had a crush on her, like a nomadic leader, he asked for it from a Manchu military officer, and soon became an imperial concubine.

Not to mention the queen who was abolished as Concubine Jing, ordinary concubines are also jealous of her, the fourth son she gave birth to, died after only a few months, women may not dare to hold weapons like men, white knives Go in, the red knife comes out, but it is still daring to deal with a baby, such as poisoning or covering the child's face with a pillow to suffocate it.

Some people scoff at this invisible and invisible method, while others firmly believe it. Regarding the method of Concubine Dong E's death, there are different opinions in the palace. Although the Xilinjueluo family was already a bit of a "yesterday" when they entered their home, they are the leaders of the Hubei Party in the "Zhang-E Controversy" and Ertai's family members, and Zhang is Zhang Tingyu.

Heshen's first residence was not a mansion near Shichahai. In ancient times, there was a kind of punishment called "abandoned market", that is, the corpse was not buried after execution, but was thrown there for public display. The execution ground in Ming Dynasty was called Xishi, and there were A famous snack that sells donkey meat from Baoding, both raw and cooked. Gradually, that place became known as Donkey Meat Alley, where Liu Yong’s family lived.

Heshen belongs to Zhenghongqi, and Donkey Meat Hutong happens to be the territory of Zhenghongqi, where Heshen was born.

Before the Yuan Dynasty, it belonged to the suburbs. When Kublai Khan built the Yuan Dynasty, that area was only enclosed in the city. In the Ming Dynasty, it became the execution ground for criminals. Yuan Chonghuan was in Xishi Lingchi.

Not all of them brought so much trouble on the road like Juren. He lived in a temple in Shichahai during a "contemporaneous period".

How could he know so much as a foreigner? It would be nice to have a place to stay. One night he lit a lamp to read at night, and before he knew it, it was late at night, and then the oil lamp he lit turned green.

The summer of Qianlong's 33rd year was unbearably hot, but the hut he lived in was extremely cool, but no matter how cool it was, it was not so cold that he had to light a stove to keep warm in summer.

He knew that he couldn't stay there for long, so he ran to the Zhenwu Temple next door overnight. It was a Taoist temple, and the Taoist priests there told him about the past. At dawn the next day, I heard that someone died in the temple.

The room not far from Juren's friend had been sealed in the thirty-first year of Qianlong's reign. For some unknown reason, no one was allowed to enter it anyway.

When the man was carried out, another seal was pasted in the temple, and the abbot of the temple looked solemn like an "old monk entering meditation", as if he already knew what was going to happen.

This is clearly a "Lanruo Temple". Juren's friends would rather rent a dilapidated house in Donkey Meat Alley next to the stinking barn than live there anymore.

Later, he got malaria and lost half of his life. Although he was recuperated in the end, he never took the imperial examination after taking part in the thirty-fourth year of Qianlong's imperial examination.

After the establishment of the capital in BJ in Shunzhi, the Qing court immigrated to the northeast and opened up wasteland in eastern Liaodong. In the fifth year of Qianlong's reign, due to excessive immigration, the imperial court announced a ban, but it was completely useless.

There are only four ports along the coast, and no one cares about how to get there on land. After the silk fabrics from the south of the Yangtze River and the tea from central and southern China are transported here, they are transported to Liaoyang, Shengjing, Fushun and other places. They then sent ginseng, fur and other materials to big cities in the interior, and quickly made a fortune.

Juren's friend later went to the east of the Guandong and became a grocery store owner. Although he couldn't afford bird's nest, abalone, and sea cucumber, he could still afford pork stewed with vermicelli and chicken stewed with mushrooms.

There is also the "Dancing God" over there, which belongs to the shaman, with a terrible wooden mask on his face and jingling bells and ribbons on his body, but it is different from the things in the Shang and Zhou dynasties.

Although missionaries had brought heliocentric theory and celestial motion instruments, the emperors during the Kangxi and Qianlong periods were more interested in those high-yielding American crops. With these crops, even if you can't eat rice noodles, you can still use potatoes and sweet potatoes to satisfy your hunger. This led to a continuous birth of the population, and an increase in the number of abandoned babies and beggars.

Gu, confusion also.

"Zuo Zhuan" has a cloud, women deceive men, the wind falls from the mountains, it is called the mountain wind gu, and the chaos is extreme.

Su Dongpo said: "Warriors grow from being out of use for a long time, people get sick from feasting and drowning for a long time, and the world lives without doing anything for a long time. These are all called Gu."

To cure Gu, corruption must be cured. When dealing with corruption, one must be "noble" and maintain one's noble integrity.

Wang Yangming compared the human heart to a mirror. As long as it is covered with dust, everything will be dirty. Therefore, it needs to be polished frequently to restore the radiant and original appearance.

This is very much like what Shenxiu said:

The body is a bodhi tree, and the heart is a mirror stand.

Wipe it frequently so as not to cause dust.

As for the state mentioned by Huineng, it is easy to say, but too difficult to cultivate. Not to mention Huineng, it is difficult to achieve the "mirror grinding" mentioned by Wang Yangming. After all, not everyone has the perseverance to stick to their will without wavering of. Even after Wang Yangming went to BJ, he happened to meet Zhang Juzheng's reforms, and he was helplessly involved in party struggles.

Besides living in seclusion in the mountains and forests, who can be alone?

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